About Us

Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Political Correctness

Guest Column

By Zeno Potas

     Political Correctness, the driving force of Socialism in these United States, is putting a stake through the heart of America. Facts are unimportant when it comes to the propaganda of the left. They will decide what the facts are for a modern DSSA. Invisible rules to rein in the European races are the unwritten rule of the society put in place by the new leftist establishment. Today's subject is race.
    Racism is not extinct and never will be as long as human beings walk the Earth. However, examples of overt or institutionalized racism are hard to find in America today. Of course, this reality doesn't matter a bit to the Democratic Socialists. It still sees racism everywhere it looks -- and it looks for it everywhere. Why? Because the left knows playing the race card is guaranteed to get them votes and saturated coverage from the friendly liberal media.
    The N-word was once heard in every corner of white America. Websters dictionary, in the past, had defined the word "nigger" as "being the lowest of the low, good for nothing, thief, cheat, liar, etc." Most of the people that I knew, that I considered "niggers", were white. That definition was changed some years ago in that same dictionary to only refer to blacks. There is little or no reference to the old definition in today's book.
    In today's world the "N" word is heard everywhere in urban America. Within the black urban community the word is ingrained in their speech patterns that some use it in one of every ten words that they utter. In rap and hip-hop music (if you want to call it music) it is almost mandatory. This community is given complete freedom from scrutiny to say or offend anyone they care to. From the current racist trial using the term "creepy-ass cracker" to descirbe a non-black to the everyday terms like "white-assed-SOB, white MF, or just plain honkey" there are no consequences for this. It is their right. They have been oppressed.
    Outside this community just say the "N" word once in your lifetime and your whole existence can be destroyed. If you are Latino, Caucasian, or purple it doesn't matter you will suffer the wrath of our racist society. The shoe is just on the other foot now.

   THIS is America 2013.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy


       M. Richard Maxson

    When the term "Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy" was first coined by Hillary Clinton, the Progressive Socialists seized upon it and made it their battle cry. It was them, the little guy, who was being ganged up on had an unfair disadvantage in all things political. There were forces, powerful forces, behind everything that was decent, compassionate, and caring. This "conspiracy" was stopping every day people from achieving life and the pursuit of happiness. A simple magicians trick created the illusion of foreboding.

    Magicians use slight of hand, smoke and mirrors if you will, to fool the average person into believing something that isn't. To deny that there are not powerful monetary forces behind both political parities is to say that the earth does not revolve around the sun. Unfortunately for the "right" they are sinking fast in a stream of lies and half truths propagated upon them everyday that now are taken as gospel by the ever growing masses of the ill educated electorate.

    The cancer crept first into our universities and eventually our entire education system. Our young were re-educated to their new reality where if you stood for tradition, you were demonized. The "dumbing- down" of our schools in the type and scope of what is taught as to allow more of the under achievers to be accepted into the mainstream as they will be easier to manipulate.

   The slow take over of our once independent news media is almost complete. There was a time when it was not legal to own more than one newspaper in any one city, now men like George Soros control the majority of news outlets in the US and Europe. The news is now what they say it is. Only when their sub-ordinates get caught interfering with their news media is there a hint that something isn't right here.

    They've conquered the entertainment world especially the movie and television industry. It is filled with many rich once everyday people with nothing better to do with their time than become political "geniuses" ready to spout their "expert" opinion on everything that they know nothing or little about. The films and shows that are manufactured are filled with Socialist political messages that just seem to appear in the scripts. The documentaries are filled with these lies and half-truths that will be taken by future generations as reality.

    The Progressive Socialists pound out their message 24/7. Those on the left live this battle every minute of the day. They do it in their schools, in their homes, in their church, at work. They are constantly pushing their agenda, and they are marginalizing anybody and everybody who disagrees with them. It is relentless in all media in the country. Tell a lie long enough.....you know the rest.

    We are at a critical time in America because the transformation that the Progressive Socialists has dreamed about is actually happening. Many Americans are experiencing despair over what we believe is the destruction of this nation from within. We must look back and remember the foundations and timeless principles upon which this nation was built and recommit ourselves to them before it is too late. We fear that if we don't soon turn things around, we will lose the America we love.