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Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

The Communist Progressives Are Running American Society


       George Sontag


A clear majority of Democrats believe socialism has a “positive impact on society.” 

According to a poll by the American Action Network (AAN).

       In the 1950s, the nation was almost paranoid about losing its culture of liberty. Most Americans held a healthy fear of socialism creeping into acceptability. We worried aloud about this communism infiltrating into society and elected leadership. Even the Democratic Party stood firmly against communism well into the 1960s. But that sentiment died with President Kennedy in Dallas. Today, the Democratic Party no longer recoils at being described as socialists. Some in Congress wear pins naming themselves Democrat Socialist while supposedly defending a constitution that they feel is obsolete. Also, in our government financed schools, the revulsion of communism has not been passed on to America’s under-forty set.

      With its polished propaganda machine, the Democratic Party has demonstrated its propensity to smile in the face of the American people – while swindling them all out of their inheritance and future. Progressives claim everyone needs to love them because of their morally advanced love of the poor, but the fact is, the reason they love wealth redistribution to achieve income equality is because other people’s wealth is being redistributed to them. It’s not morality. It’s stealing from the workers to give to the non-workers. Just smile along and obey.

       Some may think that communism is dead, but it is in fact alive and well, dressed up in feel good/look good policies designed to help desperate politicians centralize power in bureaucratic institutions. We know who the progressive socialists are and what they stand for. Their ideals are wealth redistribution, nationalization of production, expansion of the welfare state, social egalitarianism, and secular humanism. What does the Democratic Party stand for? The answer is: Progressivism. So what does it mean to be a progressive?


1) Progressivism is college professors and documentary filmmakers accumulating vast fortunes in a capitalistic system by decrying the evils of capitalism.

2) Progressivism is claiming that the "border is secure" while saying we shouldn't deport anyone who illegally crosses the border.

3) Progressivism is "environmental activists" flying across the world to ride together in SUVs to posh environmental conferences where they call for everyone else to live like cavemen in order to save the planet.

4) Progressivism is spewing hatred and profanity at conservative women, calling for gun control that leaves women defenseless against rapists and murderers, and celebrating misogynistic pigs like Bill Clinton while accusing OTHER PEOPLE of being engaged in a "war on women."

5) Progressivism is people who say that asking for voter ID is racist while claiming that black Americans are too uniquely stupid and lazy to get an ID.

6) Progressivism is forcibly taking money you don't deserve from the people who earned it and calling THEM greedy for not wanting to give you even more.

7) Progressivism is saying that the government should confiscate guns from NRA members and kill them if they resist and then claiming that you have no idea why they think that they need guns to defend themselves.
8) Progressivism is people who sneer at displays of the American flag, tell the world America isn't exceptional, and criticize the country non-stop while getting offended if their patriotism is questioned.

9) Progressivism is calling for higher taxes while you cheat on your own taxes.

10) Progressivism is bitter, race-obsessed people who see EVERYTHING in racial terms, accusing OTHER PEOPLE of being racists.

11) Progressivism is saying you're for "choice" because you support abortion while opposing giving Americans choices about their health care, schools, whether they want to bake cakes for gay weddings, or even the light bulbs they have in their house.

12) Progressivism is calling everyone who disagrees with you a racist, bigoted, homophobic Nazi and then calling OTHER PEOPLE hateful.

13) Progressivism is considering yourself compassionate for wanting to forcibly confiscate other people's money to give away to constituent groups you hope will vote for you in exchange for the loot.

14) Progressivism is if anyone criticizes Obama.

15) Progressivism is pretending that Christians are dangerous while radical Islamists chanting "Death to America" and advocating Sharia law are harmless little lambs.

16) Progressivism is calling for guns to be taken away from Americans while you're protected by armed guards.

17) Progressivism is millionaires who have more money than they could spend in a lifetime railing against the horrors of "income inequality."

18) Progressivism is "animal rights activists" who eat meat and wear leather shoes screaming profanity at women who hunt.

19) Progressivism is black pundits who got their jobs solely because they're black and willing to call other people racists going on TV and claiming that white gas station attendants and fast food workers are benefiting from "privilege" because of their race.

20) Progressivism is thinking of yourself as an independent, open-minded free thinker for mindlessly parroting whatever the Democrat Socialist Party line is on every issue.

      Do as you are told and all this is yours. The Democrats’ Socialism will ensure women’s right to choose to have an abortion – but deny them the right to choose where to send their children to school, or how they will acquire health care, or whether they can protect themselves with a weapon, and whether their 15 year old daughter receives prescription contraceptives, an abortion, or gender reassignment surgery without their knowledge. The Progressives do not intend to abolish democracy, to be sure. That is their rallying cry to “save our democracy.” They wanted their people's will to be more efficiently translated into government policy. But what democracy meant for the Progressives is that the people would take power out of the hands of locally elected officials and political parties and place it instead into the hands of the central government. This is the goal of the Democratic Party. It’s not about their democracy, it’s about power and control. They have hit their socialist stride and are now racing toward their ultimate conquest over liberty and you. Let that sink in.