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Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

A False Flag in Salisbury?

 *Note to readers – The series on the deep state and shadow government will continue soon.


        Phillip Todd

       It now seems only a matter of time before the bombs start falling The constant attacks across the board against Russia for even existing is causing the public in the west to panic but is it enough to justify a world-wide nuclear exchange? The western elite are tired of waiting for the country's collapse so they can rush in and take control of it's resources. Now they have ratchet up their propaganda against Russia with the ultimate false flag operation this month in Great Britain. Why would Russia would make such an obvious attempt on a figure that they pardoned years ago using of all things gas in an open area with a questionable chance of success? This does not fit the so-called pattern of past so-called Russia assassinations. They were precise and all successfully deadly. This was not. This is more amateur night or was it to make an obvious link to the gas attacks in the Syrian war that Russian allies have been accused of? To make people believe the narrative is a huge undertaking but the elite believe the general populace are ignorant and will believe anything their controlled media says.

      The proof is right out there just past the official indignation. Paramount to due process is the presumption of innocence, which is the bedrock of international law and the United Nations’ Charter of Human Rights but the elite won't have it. Canadian-based war crimes defense attorney Christopher Black says: “The presumption of innocence is the foundation stone of modern criminal justice. It is the pre-eminent factor in every trial. The accused is deemed to be innocent unless and until evidence that cannot be doubted establishes that the crime took place as claimed, and the accused is the person who committed it and had the intent to commit it.” Black goes further. He says that Britain and its NATO allies are not just derelict in their duty to abide by law. “As in the latest reckless statements concerning Russia and the alleged poisoning in Britain, the case can be made that the British and their allies, not Russia, are in fact guilty of war crimes by inciting the conditions for war.

      So, let's examine the proof – Oh wait, we can't do that. As Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov revealed, all requests from Moscow for access to the alleged poison as evidence have been refused by London. Such a refusal is a violation of the Convention on Chemical Weapons treaty, which mandates joint inspection of alleged incidents but the elite have moved past laws and treaties.

       Russia says it wants the rest of the world to know the truth but the UK has blocked a UN Security Council statement drafted by Russia, which called for an "urgent and civilized" investigation into the poisoning of former double agent Sergei Skripal in Salisbury. So no investigation, just take their word for it that it is the truth.

          Is this something that benefits Russia on the eve of Russian elections and the World Cup? UN Security Council representative Vasily Nebenzya stated that multiple NATO-member countries had previously initiated programs to develop VX-type nerve agents themselves and that developmental work on Soviet-era nerve agents stopped in 1992. After the collapse of the Soviet Union there was chaos in the country and security at the installations where this nerve agent was stored was extremely lax. The US and the western states poured into Russia to "assist them" in their conversion to democracy. When the Russian government realized their country was being compromised and raped, the western elitists were ejected and the "new cold war" began. In 2017, the Russian Federation completed the destruction of all existing stockpiles in accordance with OPCW guidelines. To date, the US has not destroyed its chemical stockpile.Abiding on presumption of innocence, I can think of a great number of countries that would benefit from such accusations,” stated Nebenzya

        The Washington Post cited the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab, which has been pushing much of the hysteria about alleged Russian activities. The Atlantic Council essentially is NATO’s think tank and is financed with money from the U.S. government, Gulf oil states, military contractors, global financial institutions and many other elitist sources which stand to gain directly or indirectly from the expanding U.S. military budget and NATO interventions.

       The western elite want Putin gone – and they have used questionable allegations about this incident and “Russian meddling” in the U.S. and other elections as the new propaganda theme to justify destabilizing Russia with economic sanctions and, if possible, engineering another “regime change” project in Moscow.

        Finally, there is one very obvious question that nobody seems to be asking, and that relates to the timing of Skripal’s alleged poisoning. Why would Russia do it just a week before the presidential election and three months before the World Cup? What was the purpose? There is a stench all over this incident. It is the stench of war being perused by the western elite.

*Phillip Todd is the overseas correspondent for The American Constitutionalist.

** Update

Nearly 160 countries outside 'Western bloc' want to see proof in Skripal case

  Russian Ambassador in the UK Alexander Yakovenko conducted a briefing for foreign ambassadors on Tuesday, during which he confirmed that Russia is fully ready to cooperate with UK investigators. The representatives of the countries that were present at the meeting told Yakovenko that they have been kept in the dark by the UK with regards to the ongoing investigation, the embassy said. " Questions and statements of the participants of the briefing have confirmed that the British side has not provided its international partners with any facts over what happened in Salisbury,” it noted, adding that "such conduct is puzzling not only to the diplomatic corps but to the international community as a whole."

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Ukranians Speak About the War, the Media, and America


       Philip Todd

      The the United States is moving towards deeper confrontation with the Russia in the geopolitical hotspot of Ukraine. This decidedly volatile situation in which was the result of another in a long line of U.S.-inspired regime changes that have destabilized the geopolitical landscape over the past few decades is back in the news. The United States has upped the ante in its support for a military solution to the conflict. With military trainers now on the ground, and the U.S. budgeting $350m for security assistance to Ukraine, Washington has also recently started delivering lethal weapons, including the Javelin anti-tank missile system.

      Let us first review the facts – A US sanctioned coup overthrew the elected government of Ukraine whose leader did not want to break a ties with Russia as the country had Russian speaking citizens among it’s population. The goal of the western elite is and always has been, the conquest of the Russian federation for profit either by invasion or destabilization and breakup of the country. The coup in Ukraine was of the former. It was an escalation by the US which broke promises to Russia not to expand NATO to it’s borders. The coup unleashed neo-nazi brigades which form the majority of the Ukrainian military. They were not shy about wanting all ethnic Russian in the eastern provinces removed from their soil either by deportation or extermination. The eastern provinces wanted to remain in Ukraine as a type of federation and as soon as that was stated, the neo-nazis brigades moved in and the killing began.

      With the fourth anniversary of the coup just passed and America’s worsening relationship with Russia we have gone back to interview some of the residents who have remained in the eastern provinces to see what their situation is and why they have stayed. First we spoke with 17-year-old Svetlana who once lived on what is now the front lines in the Kuibyshev neighborhood of Donetskwas and had just finished her schooling.

How has the war affected you?
      "I lived in the Kuibyshev region of Donetsk near the airport, in September of 2014 a UA [Ukrainain Army] shell hit my parents’ house, the fire left only walls. In October, a shell hit my own house too, causing a fire. The bombs came from the side where Ukrainian troops were.”

How much has Russia aided your breakaway republic?
      "I don’t know. Our defense force is the DNR, they are the simplest husbands, sons, grandfathers, are fighting in order that future generations were not victims of the Nazis in Ukraine, who came to our land to kill us. A lot of subversive groups in Ukraine are now in Donetsk. Their goal is to kill more civilians. For example Volnovaha, Bosse, Mariupol. Ukraine needs Donbass because we have a lot of coal. We bring a lot of budget to the treasury of Ukraine.”

Why do you think they do this?
       "The policy of Ukraine is of the moral monsters who need money and power! They do not consider the opinions of the people! They do not care how many people die in the Donbass, they need our territory and our resources. ”

You must have had friends and relatives that are now on the other side, do you see them?
      "The relationship changed. Now we almost do not communicate with people from western Ukraine, because they think that we are traitors. They watch Ukrainian television that is constantly lying. They do not realize what is actually taking place."

Do you agree with U.S. policy makers who say it is necessary to send “defensive weapons” or “lethal weapons” to help the Ukrainian government defend from attacking Russian rebels in Eastern Ukraine?
      "I believe that for anyone it is no secret that the United States plays a significant role in this war. It manages Ukraine! “Defensive” weapons? We did not attack Ukraine, but she attacked us! America is well aware of what it does. U.S. does not need Ukraine without the Donbass."

      Since February 2015, millions of peaceful people are living in hell in eastern Ukraine while the national government starves, freezes and murders them because it benefits the New World Order. There is a co-ordinated effort in western media to suppress the truth of what is going on there. A source from German intelligence, however, told a leading newspaper that “Germany’s special services estimate the probable number of deceased Ukrainian servicemen and civilians is about 10 times higher than official data. Official figures are clearly too low and not credible.”

      Many of those who continue to live in this war zone would talk but did not want their names used as they were fearfull of execution if the provinces ever fell. 
A 34-year-old mother stated: 
      “I badly want everyone to know that the Ukrainian government wants to wipe us off the face of the Earth. They are demolishing our homes and killing our children and old folks at bus stops, in buses, in hospitals, in homes. Our children sit at home and in shelters. And they don’t show this on TV. You can only see this on the Internet. And if now America gives Ukraine lethal weapons, we will cease to exist. Ukraine is killing us with America’s help.”

A 21-year-old with a baby born in October 2014 told us:
      "If America sends weapons, we will be exterminated—not rebel ‘separatists’ as they consider us, but peaceful and ordinary residents of the city of Donetsk. What are we guilty of? I want to live, to raise my child and to celebrate every new quiet and peaceful day, not to cry every day and pray for survival.”

      If Washington’s new puppet government in Ukraine doesn’t want to wipe out the Russian Donbass people in eastern Ukraine, then why did they make the controversial decision to starve millions by cutting off access to personal money with which to buy food and essentials? If the Ukrainian government doesn’t want to murder as many civilians as possible, then why deny entry to charitable organizations, which can bring aid to hundreds of thousands who are at risk of starvation or injuries? Why would the U.S. send Ukraine $1 billion in weapons when Ukraine’s top general said that there are no Russian troops in Ukraine?

We spoke with a married, pregnant 26-year-old college graduate.

How have you and others here been doing?
      "Since the war had started, we had to leave, as constant bombing is not good for my psychological state as a mother-to-be. We had stayed in Donetsk till August, 2014, but in the end of August I started to suffer from major depression and panic attacks because of constant bombing. I was afraid to go out; windows vibrated because of bombing. Cluster bombs were used in these attacks, dropped on the city. I do not understand why is this information is absent in western media resources. Those who stayed in Donetsk are in a terrible situation. There is not only an economic blockade (we are not allowed to bring any humanitarian aid through the border of conflict zone, banks do not work), but also bombing does not stop even for a second. Civilians, children, women, elderly people, suffer. Many families do not have money even for groceries, because Ukrainian government stopped all the payments to citizens. Many factories do not work because of bombings, so people do not have any money. Every day in Donbass a lot of people are killed and injured only because they live there. This is genocide. There are problems with electricity, water, Internet, mobile networks due to the bombings. Sometimes it is a week without water, sometimes it is three days without electricity.”

Why do you stay?
      "Our parents lived all their life there. Our grandmothers and grandfathers live there. They have worked all there life to have their own home. Why should they leave everything and run away? Elderly people cannot leave for sure: firstly, they are too old for this, secondly, to whom and where would they go? Our parents cannot leave their parents. Friends stayed there for same reasons: nobody wants them anywhere else, not a lot of people help them. Ukraine donates 400 hryvnyas per month for those who will leave conflict zone (that is about $25), while monthly rent in the big city is about 2500 hryvnyas (from $154 and up). Another problem is that it is very diffcult to find a good job while being from the conflict zone as Ukrainian media influenced the opinion of Ukrainians about people from Donetsk. If you are a Donetsk resident, then you are a terrorist and separatist. We have been divided into humans and sub-humans. Premier-minister Jacenjuk even called people from Donbass like this. And that is only because people of Donbass did not want to be a part of EU and did not support the closure of factories that export their products to Russian markets.”

But you left?
      "Somebody stays in Ukraine, somebody goes to Crimea or to Russia. We left to Russia. It was very hard for us. We had to move to a foreign country. We are not citizens. I am pregnant and about to deliver: I cannot work, and I would have to stay with the baby after delivery. My husband works, but he cannot make a lot of money without citizenship. We are able to rent a flat and to buy food now. Psychologically it is very hard. We are alone here: we do not have friends, family or even acquaintances. Also we are very worried about people who stayed in Donetsk. In the city where we live now in Russia there is a family that left from Luhansk, a married couple and mother of one of the spouses. They had to leave granny in Luhansk, as she refused to leave her house. One month after her house was bombed, she died. Nowadays Donetsk schools, kindergartens, hospitals are bombed in Donetsk. They kill civilians. You have to open your eyes! How did people deserve all this?"

The western media and American press paint a different picture.
      "They really misinterpret all the facts. This is all lies. They say that pro-Russian terrorists are those who are killed, but in reality they kill civilians. They also say that terrorists bomb Donbass, but this is Ukrainian army who does it. After the war has started, we despise all the rest of Ukraine. We despise them because they do not want to see that civilians are killed here, they tell that we deserved it, that is how it should be, that we are non-humans because we did not want to enter to EU. How about our right to decide ourselves what we want and what we do not want? We wanted to be a federal republic as a part if Ukraine, now we do not want to be Ukrainian anymore. People are killed only because they do not want to be a part of EU. This is nonsense. And USA finances those murders."

The story is that they are trying to protect you from the Russian invaders.
      "Which pro-Russian rebels are you talking about? Is it the case that your politicians call all Ukrainians who live in Donbass pro-Russian and think that this fact gives them right to kill everybody here? Hypocrites! Please stay away from us together with your financial and political interests. I would like all American people to wake up and see that your government intervenes in the other countries politics and starts war conflicts there. We do not want to be bombed."

Do you have a message for Americans?
      "To USA and all those who depend from them. Please do not give weapons to Ukrainian government! Stop financing this war! Who gave you a right to intervene in life of another nation? We are not native Americans! Stop financing fascism in Ukraine! I would recommend people to advise their government to leave other countries alone. We experience all this now because USA has some issues against Russia. I had to leave my home because USA wants to keep its superpower status. You can go out and protest to support us and ask for a peace in Ukraine."

*Phillip Todd is the overseas correspondent for The American Constitutionalist.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

The Deep State - Control of the Press, Control of the Truth


    M. Richard Maxson 

    This series of articles continues to examine what the shadow government and the deep state are and how they have gained so much control over the U.S. government and society in general.

      In 1948 the CIA created a covert action wing, the Office of Policy Coordination. Allen Dulles along with his brother and James Forrestal helped form the office. During 1949 he co-authored the Dulles–Jackson–Correa Report, which was sharply critical of the Central Intelligence Agency, which had been established by the National Security Act of 1947. As a result of the report, President Truman replaced the Director of Central Intelligence with Lieutenant General Walter Bedell Smith who reorganized the CIA, redefined its structure and its mission, and he gave it a new sense of purpose. He recruited Allen Dulles, who had authored the critical report, to oversee the agency's covert operations as Deputy Director for Plans.

      Dulles had his own vision of the agency. Spying during the war and afterwards was a gentleman’s pursuit, he believed, practiced in the shadows by and among “men of affairs” like him, who were comfortable bending ethics or cutting legal corners for a higher cause. His reorganization of the intelligence services done in the previous years, began to shape and implement his the policy that the agency that would take control of the American's perception of events, in order to stifle opposition through carefully placed triggers in the media. The justification was that it was of the most importance to halt the spread of Communism. His plan would change America forever.

      He greatly expanded Operation Mockingbird a large-scale program of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) which began in the early 1950's that recruited American news organizations and journalists to become spies and collaborators in an attempt to manipulate the news media for propaganda purposes. Operation Mockingbird recruited leading American journalists into a propaganda network and oversaw the operations of front groups. It was spearheaded by Philip Graham, publisher of The Washington Post, which becomes a major CIA player. Eventually, the CIA’s media assets will include ABC, NBC, CBS, Time, Newsweek, Associated Press, United Press International, Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, Scripps-Howard, Copley News Service and more. By the CIA’s own admission, at least 25 organizations and 400 journalists will become CIA assets during the 1950's. In many cases, the CIA’s involvement and collaboration with major American media outlets was done with the full knowledge, consent and complicity of the management of these corporations.

      The CIA’s primary purpose in infiltrating and collaborating with the major mass media outlets in America was twofold: to gather and assess information
gleaned from its many contacts, operatives and sources in the mass media and to spread information (or misinformation) that ostensibly advanced American national interests, at least those interests as perceived by the forces of the Deep State.

      "The Deep State’s “special relationship” with the major media outlets in America “enabled the CIA to post some of its most valuable operatives abroad without exposure for more than two decades.” according to Bernstein. “In most instances, agency files show, officials at the highest levels of the CIA (usually director or deputy director) dealt personally with a single designated individual in the top management of the cooperating news organization. The aid furnished often took two forms: providing jobs and credentials (‘journalistic cover’ in agency parlance) for CIA operatives about to be posted in foreign capitals; and lending the agency the undercover services of reporters already on staff, including some of the best known correspondents in the business.” - Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein

      According to Bernstein and other investigators, over 400 mainstream media journalists were employed by the CIA to parrot their disinformation. The CIA worked closely with CBS, Time magazine, The New York Times, ABC, NBC, the Associated Press, United Press International, Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, Newsweek magazine, The Miami Herald, and many other media outlets in America and abroad. The CIA's tentacles are long and deep and world-wide

                    "The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media” 
                            - William Colby, director of the CIA from 1973 to 1976

      Suffice it to say, the CIA and other Deep State associates have successfully infiltrated the major American media outlets, establishing a base of
operations in newspapers, magazines, and film which information and mis-information is gathered and spread to advance the agency’s clandestine agenda of a “New World Order” as expounded by their ex-CIA chief George H. W. Bush.

      Today most Americans remain blissfully unaware that their Constitutional government with its separated powers of legislative, judicial and executive departments, has been entirely superseded by the Shadow Government and the Deep State, which generates basic policy for all three branches of our lost Republic. It is a reality which President Trump has become painfully aware. The exposure of this regime and its operations must now become a primary duty of citizens who still believe in the Rule of Law and in the freedoms which this country is supposed to represent.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

The Deep State Begins to Takes Control.


       M. Richard Maxson

 This series of articles continues to examine what the shadow government and the deep state are and how they have gained so much control over the U.S. government and society in general.

      In 1949 the Intelligence Survey Group had produced the Dulles-Jackson-Correa Report, which found that the CIA had failed in its responsibilities in both the coordination and production of intelligence. The U.S. National Security Council accepted the conclusions and recommendations of the Dulles-Jackson-Correa Report. After another failure of the new agency, to predict the invasion of Korea, Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter was replaced and on October 7, 1950 President Truman announced that General Walter "Beetle" Smith would replace him as director. Truman decided that Smith was the man he needed for the CIA.

      As Smith became the head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and other intelligence agencies in the United States he made a series of decisions that changed the direction of the agency. Smith reorganized the CIA, redefined its structure and its mission, and he gave it a new sense of purpose. He made the CIA the arm of government primarily responsible for covert operations. As President Truman would lament a dozen years later “the original reason why I thought it
necessary to organize this Agency … and what I expected it to do.” It would be “charged with the collection of all intelligence reports from every available source, and to have those reports reach me as President without Department ‘treatment’ or interpretations.” He wrote “the most important thing was to guard against the chance of intelligence being used to influence or to lead the President into unwise decisions,” however that is not what had happened. Because of what he saw as the illegality and immorality of what the CIA was doing he stated, “I think it has become necessary to take another look at the purpose and operations of our Central Intelligence Agency.” Sadly, those concerns that Truman expressed — that he had inadvertently helped create a Frankenstein monster — are as valid today as they were 60 years ago, if not more so. It is that monster, known as “The Deep State,” that runs our government today.

      In 1950, General Smith recruited Allen Dulles, who had authored the critical report, to oversee the agency's covert operations as Deputy Director for Plans. The same year Dulles was promoted to Deputy Director of Central Intelligence, second in the intelligence hierarchy. Continuing the reorganization of the agency started under Smith, Dulles wasted no time in promoting the convergence of the Psychological Strategy Board with its Office of Special Operations to form the Directorate of Plans and plan he did.

      With the election of Dwight Eisenhower in 1952, General Smith shifted to the Department of State and Allen Dulles became the first civilian Director of Central Intelligence. It was here with the reorganization of the intelligence services done in the previous years that Dulles began to shape and implement the agency that would take control of America first through our news organizations and then, in 1954, through films. One of their first ventures that the propaganda mission the psywar staff carried out was the funding of the 1954 Hollywood production of George Orwell's "Animal Farm", which the producers were told that the film should portray Communist domination in an allegorical way. The control of America was just beginning.
      During these early years CIA Director Allen Dulles with the use of an operation known as “Mockingbird” oversaw a media network, which had major influence over 25 newspapers and wire agencies. Its usual modus operandi was to place reports, developed from CIA-provided intelligence, with cooperating or unwitting reporters. Those reports would be repeated or cited by the recipient reporters and would then, in turn, be cited throughout the media wire services. These networks were run by people with well-known liberal, but pro-American-big-business and anti-Soviet views, such as William S. Paley (CBS), Henry Luce (Time and Life), Arthur Hays Sulzberger (The New York Times), Alfred Friendly (managing editor of The Washington Post), and others. These organizations, sixty plus years later still spew out propaganda daily to America's citizens. With the advent of the internet that allows some truth to get through some people are waking up to this “fake news” while others continue on as controlled drones and in the 21st century, this is what is tearing our country apart.

Next Week: Control of the Press, Control of the Truth