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Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

The Founding Fathers on Immigration


      George Sontag

     Here are just a couple of facts about immigration and immigrants in this country:

  • Most of the crimes in Texas, California, and Arizona are federal crimes, connected to illegal aliens.
  • 27 percent of all Californians were not born in the United States. More than 40 million foreign-born immigrants currently reside in the U.S. -- the highest number in the nation's history.
  • The Social Security Administration has told Congress that more than half a million illegal immigrants have received new Social Security numbers, under President Barack Obama’s 2012 executive action allowing younger immigrants to stay in the United States and work. Low-income immigrants with no net tax liability could gain as much as $3 in Social Security benefits for every $1 they pay into the system, which means Americans will now be subsidizing these immigrants.

      Our founders, asserted their concerns publicly and routinely about the effects of indiscriminate mass immigration. They made it clear that the purpose of allowing foreigners into our fledgling nation was not, as it is today, to recruit millions of new voters or to secure permanent ruling majorities for their political parties. It was to preserve, protect and enhance the republic they put their lives on the line to establish.

      In a 1790 House debate on naturalization, James Madison opined: "It is no doubt very desirable that we should hold out as many inducements as possible for the worthy part of mankind to come and settle amongst us, and throw their fortunes into a common lot with ours. But why is this desirable? It is to increase the wealth and strength of the community; and those who acquire the rights of citizenship, without adding to the strength or
wealth of the community are not the people we are in want of."

      This is a far cry from the rhetoric heard today from the left. Madison argued plainly that America should welcome the immigrant who could assimilate, but exclude the immigrant who could not readily "incorporate himself into our society." It was not because "diversity" is our greatest value, not because big business needed cheap labor, as Madison asserted, "Not merely to swell the catalogue of people."
      George Washington concurred in a letter to John Adams, similarly emphasized that immigrants should be absorbed into American life so that "by an intermixture
with our people, they, or their descendants, get assimilated to our customs, measures, laws: in a word soon become one people." That is as relevant as ever today because that is not happening. We are allowing cultures and groups to keep their own beliefs and customs, some which are repugnant and contrary to what is American. This is causing civil unrest within the country.

      Alexander Hamilton, wrote in 1802: "The safety of a republic depends essentially on the energy of a common national sentiment; on a uniformity of principles and habits; on the exemption of the citizens from foreign bias and prejudice; and on that love of country which will almost invariably be found to be closely connected with birth, education and family." Hamilton further warned that "The United States have already felt the evils of incorporating a large number of foreigners into their national mass; by promoting in different classes different predilections in favor of particular foreign nations, and antipathies against others, it has served very much to divide the community and to distract our councils. It has been often likely to compromise the interests of our own country in favor of another." These words clearly were very much against what is now called 'globalism."
      He predicted, correctly, that "The permanent effect of such a policy will be, that in times of great public danger there will be always a numerous body of men, of whom there may be just grounds of distrust; the suspicion alone will weaken the strength of the nation, but their force may be actually employed in assisting an invader."

      The survival of the American Republic, Hamilton maintained, depends upon "the preservation of a national spirit and a national character." He asserted, "To admit foreigners indiscriminately to the rights of citizens the moment they put foot in our country would be nothing less than to admit the Trojan horse into the citadel of our liberty and sovereignty. While billions of immigrants may benefit by moving to this country, this nation state has only one responsibility. We must decide if such an admission complies with our law and serves our national interest."


Sunday, November 18, 2018

The Courts - The Constitution - The Threat


       M. Richard Maxson
         with comments from Christopher Scalia

      To complete the “fundamental changing of America” the plan was set. After years of ignoring the Constitution (because it is an obsolete document) the end game was to put Hillary Clinton in the White House and begin replacing Supreme Court justices that were originalists with left-leaning activist judges. The lower courts were already teaming with these appointees. Their campaigns financed by money from those who do not like the current United States and it's laws. Changing, restricting, and replacing the Constitution is the end game.
      That all came to a crashing halt with the election of 2016. The rage that came out of the Left was and still is deafening. President Trump has now appointed two Justices and the Left is doing their best to keep Justice Ginsberg healthy until they can regain power and get the ball rolling again. They pulled every dirty trick they could think of and showed true Americans just how disgusting their political leadership could be. Justice Kavanaugh was confirmed yet the Left, soon to take control of the House, has stated they will continue to go after him via impeachment. They will go to any means to get the Supreme Court stacked with anti-constitutionalists.

      The Democratic party's main supporter does not sit still. He went to plan B. The logic is that the district attorneys are the ones who decide which cases to prosecute and bring before the courts – or not. Since they cannot yet control the courts, they can control what the courts decide. Buried in the MSM are headlines like these:
  • Soros put nearly $1.7 million in Philly DA’s race

  • Billionaire Soros Pumps $400K Into San Diego DA’s Race

  • Billionaire George Soros Pours Money Into Alameda County District Attorney's Race

  • Soros buys another district attorney race, this time in Texas

      This should terrify every American patriot. Chief Justice Antonin Scalia was a champion of the Constitution. He has gone and can no longer defend his country but his son has something to say about the state of our nation. Here are his thoughts:

      “Although I don’t think my father (or anyone) could have predicted the twists and turns of the past several weeks, I don’t think he would have been shocked by the no-holds-barred fight over a Supreme Court vacancy, either. He long ago warned Americans about the excessive intrusion of politics into the judicial appointment process. And he explained that a large share of the blame belongs to the justices themselves.”

      “My father believed that a major reason the judicial confirmation process has become so heated is that federal judges too often exceed the role envisioned by our nation’s founders and usurp the power of elected representatives. Alexander Hamilton famously argued “that the judiciary is beyond comparison the weakest of the three departments of power” and that “the general liberty of the people can never be endangered from” the judicial branch. But Hamilton qualified that claim. He said it would only be true as long as “the judiciary remains truly distinct from both the legislature and the Executive.” Hamilton agreed with the French political philosopher Montesquieu, who warned that “there is no liberty, if the power of judging be not separated from the legislative and executive powers.”

      “Maintaining that separation means limiting the role of judges. My father explained that for most of American history, Supreme Court justices recognized that the meaning of legal texts – including the Constitution – did not change. Judges understood that their job was to interpret that original meaning – referring to tradition, history and precedent when necessary. When dealing with laws and statutes, this approach is known as textualism; in reference to the Constitution, it is called originalism.”

      “But over the course of 20th century, judges began to think of the Constitution as a “living document” whose meaning changed with the times. That may seem like a reasonable idea at first; after all, the Constitution was written in 1787 and a nation’s interests and priorities can change dramatically over generations. Shouldn’t the Constitution keep up with the times? In fact, the Constitution establishes democratic processes, both in the states and in Congress, with the flexibility necessary to adapt to changing circumstances. This can happen through new laws and through constitutional amendments. That is, for example, how women earned the right to vote: not by judicial decree, but through the 19th Amendment.”

      “On the other hand, if the Constitution is a living document, consider who ends up determining its new meaning: unelected judges with lifetime appointments – men and women who are intentionally protected from the will of voters at the ballot box. As a result, many debates and compromises that should have occurred in the political realm have been short-circuited by the judicial branch for decades.”

      “A freedom-loving people respectful of the rule of law may be expected to let lawyers decide what a constitutional text means; but they cannot be expected to let lawyers decide what a Constitution ought to say,” my father said. Or as he put it in another speech, “no court can expect to remain immune from severe political pressure ... if it assumes the role of inventing solutions for social problems instead of merely applying those solutions prescribed in democratically adopted statutory or constitutional text.”

      “One way to help make our judicial confirmation battles less polarizing, then, would be for judges to return to the more limited role they had held for most of our nation’s history: applying laws and statutes according to their text and interpreting the Constitution according to its original public meaning, using history, tradition and precedent as guides.”

      “This change in perspective is long overdue, but it will not happen overnight. Right now, it is primarily only Republicans who see the value in originalist judges like Justice Kavanaugh – and we saw the lengths to which Democrats fought his confirmation.”

      Constitutionalists know that federal judges have been increasingly usurping power from the Executive branch. Too many judges believe it is their right, their duty, to act upon their sympathies and policy preferences This judicial activism is a threat to our representative government and the liberty it secures.
Activist advocates want judges who will do for them what they have been unable to achieve at the ballot box. A judge can have personal opinions on whether a government policy is or isn’t heartless but they should decide legal questions based on the law and the facts—not their policy preferences.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

The Democratic Party in Florida - Gross Incompetence or Attempted Election Fraud - Again?


      Zeno Potas

       Here we go again as the Democratic party in Florida attempts to flip a decision by the electorate that they don't want disenfranchising the voters of the state of Florida and the nation. “We think it is a sign of desperation and goes to demonstrate the tactics that the Democrats, especially the Florida Democratic Party will resort to to steal this election from the rightful winners,” stated Michael Barnett, chairman of the Palm Beach County Republican Party.

      This is not the first time these Democratic controlled counties have been accused of fraud. It is not the second time, nor the third, it has been going on for almost three decades. It has the real appearance of the Democratic National party attempting to get Florida into the “blue” column by hook or crook. They believe that by being successful at this task they would never again lose national elections via the electoral collage.

      It's not difficult to see that something isn't right here. Counties in the panhandle, devastated by a massive hurricane were still able to get their vote totals in on time, yet......these two counties, in every election in recent memory, - can't get it done? There are no hanging chads this time to blame it on. County officials blatantly disregarded the Florida law requiring that all vote-by-mail and absentee ballots be accounted for within 30 minutes of the polls closing.

       There are other campaign laws that the Democratic party seems to forget every two years. Lawyers for the Florida Democratic gubernatorial and Senate candidates objected Friday to the rejection of a provisional ballot cast by a noncitizens. They were rebuffed by their own peers. “Noncitizens cannot vote in U.S. elections," Marc Elias, recount attorney for the Nelson campaign, said in a statement. “Not a U.S. citizen, not counted.” said Supervisor of Elections Susan Bucher. “It’s shameful, there’s no excuse for objecting to the rejection of a non-U.S. citizen vote, but this is just one example of the shenanigans and corruption we’ve seen from the Democrats in Florida for so many years. We will not let them steal this election from us,” stated Michael Barnett.

     Then on Friday, the Miami Herald reported that there were invalid ballots mixed in with about 200 valid ones, but not solution was immediately found for the problem. The error was found after Brenda Snipes, a Broward County official who has a long history of controversies involving vote counting, agreed to present 205 provisional ballots to the county’s canvassing board for inspection.

      In addition Supervisor of Elections Snipes said Tuesday night that 634,000 votes had been cast in the county. But, mysteriously by Thursday night, Snipes was claiming 712,840 ballots had been cast. Though the county’s voting locations closed at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Snipes said Friday that she still didn’t know how many ballots remain to be processed. Nor could she say how many provisional, military or mismarked ballots she had in her possession. The effect of these newly discovered votes that inexplicably appeared long after they should have been counted shrunk the leads of Republicans Gov. Rick Scott in the Senate race and former U.S. Rep. Ron DeSantis in the gubernatorial contest triggering a recount. 
     Democratic controlled Broward county has a long list of violations just in the last few years. In 2012 Snipes was criticized for absentee ballots that never arrived, balky scanners that didn’t work, slow reporting and mounds of ballots that showed up long after Election Day.

      In 2014 Snipes demonstrated such incompetence that even fellow Democrats complained her office made it difficult for people to vote.

      In 2016 Snipes allowed her employees to campaign on county time, violated state law by posting election results half an hour before the polls closed and was sued for leaving amendments off the ballots.

     A judge also ruled that Snipes’ office violated state and federal laws by illegally destroying ballots. But the ruling regarding her action illegally obliterating evidence two years ago did not come down until this year.

And there’s more.
     In 2017, accusations of ballot stuffing swirled around Snipes’ office during local elections. She even admitted that ineligible voters who were on the rolls and had voted.

      This year Snipes has drawn more fire. It was revealed that her office broke Florida law earlier this election season by opening ballots in private without observers present.

      Then after people complained they didn’t get their absentee ballots, it turned out that Snipes failed to notify some voters that their right to cast an absentee ballot had expired. She blamed it on not having enough funds to mail notifications. Maybe that was because she wasted her budget by sending some voters ballots with duplicate pages.

      This may all be rank incompetence, but perhaps these actions by two Democratic election officials are a smokescreen for something worse – a deliberate attempt to overturn the Florida election results.

      It appears that the their corruption still continues. In the election of 2016, Republican poll watchers complained that staff was opening absentee ballots in private, thereby making it impossible for groups to question whether ballots were cast, according to Politico. The GOP sued in 2017 to make sure Election Supervisor Brenda Snipes followed the law this time. Damn the law, this week Snipes refused to allow Republican officials to inspect all ballots before they are submitted to the Canvassing Board. And she refused other requests for public records that should be available under Florida’s expansive “sunshine laws,” drawing a sharp rebuke from a judge late Friday afternoon.

      In response to Republican lawsuits, Florida state Judge Carol-Lisa Phillips ruled Friday that “there has been a violation of the Florida constitution” and the state’s public records act by Broward County officials. The judge sided with Scott and ordered that Republicans should be granted “immediate access” to information they have requested about ballots Broward County.

      There are also problems in Democrat controlled Palm Beach County. On Wednesday morning, Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Susan Bucher stopped filing updates of the vote count with the Florida Department of State as required by law. The law mandates that she report every 45 minutes until all the election results are in. Instead, Bucher dropped news of the 15,000 surprise ballots she’s counted. 
      Besides ignoring state law, Bucher is also refusing to allow designated official political party representatives into the ballot counting area. She’s kept them isolated behind a glass wall where they can’t see and hear all that’s going on – yet another violation of Florida election law.

      Then, breaking from normal practice, the Palm Beach County elections supervisor banned media from filming and photographing the high-profile midterm election ballot review process. Tensions flared and Bucher threatened to have camera operators and newspaper reporters arrested for filming ballot tabulation. This prompted NBC attorney Karen Williams to interrupt the three member canvassing board Friday afternoon to object to the camera ban “This meeting is illegal,” Williams said, before a heated exchange with Bucher’s attorney, Natalie Kato. 
      Despite objections from reporters, the canvassing board insisted that the meeting not be filmed or photographed. Five Palm Beach County Sheriff’s deputies watched the meeting both from inside the room and behind the glass windows lead inside. Under threat of arrest and removal from the meeting, reporters shut down their cameras. 
      Even more troubling, Bucher has copied vote-by-mail ballots that she claims are damaged, but without allowing witnesses to observe the process as required by Florida law. In fact, she explicitly denied requests for witnesses to see her staff at work. As election supervisor, Bucher also assumed the power to determine what constitutes a “valid vote.” Under Florida law, she doesn’t have that authority. She can only refer questionable ballots to the county’s bipartisan Canvassing Board. This is not the first time these two Board of Election supervisors have shown contempt for their official responsibilities under Florida law, especially Snipes in Broward County.

     The facts are that local Democratic officials in Broward and Palm Beach counties in Florida are recklessly violating state law in what may be an attempt to overturn the results of Tuesday’s midterm elections for governor and the U.S. Senate in the Sunshine State. Republicans have questioned the handling of the votes and have pointed to past controversies in these two counties in particular as evidence that voter fraud may be underway. In addition, at least one ballot box for provisional votes was left unattended at a polling place – a school where it was discovered days after the election. The box was locked but not sealed, and could have been tampered with or stuffed. Could there be others?

      For everyone concerned about ‘election meddling,’ Broward County seems to be full of it. And for those worried about voter suppression, that’s taking place in liberal Broward County, too. The will of the people is being subverted by Snipes’ illegal practices and sadly, the fate of Florida hangs in the balance of Brenda Snipes’ circus.” - Richard DeNapoli, GOP State Committeeman from Broward County, via a piece for the Washington Examiner.

      This looks like a repeat of the actions in Florida in the 2000 presidential election, when Democratic officials ignored state election laws – and were slapped down by the U.S. Supreme Court in a 7-2 decision. There may be a basis for the U.S. Justice Department to intervene and investigate this troubling situation in Broward and Palm Beach counties to answer the obvious question:
Are Democratic elections officials deliberately breaking the law and playing games to delay everything just long enough so they can create just the number of ballots needed to overturn the election results? Let’s hope it’s not too late and that any election fraud in Broward and Palm Beach counties in Florida can be reversed.

             BREAKING NEWS 

Affidavit filed by Broward Election’s employee provides eye witness account of Elections staff filling in blank ballots. When this was reported the employee was fired and told not to come back.

These two counties have been screwing up Florida elections for 30 years. First it was the hanging chads and now,with electronic machines, they still can't give us a count on time according to law. This is either CONTINUOUS GROSS INCOMPETENCE OR OUTRIGHT FRAUD. I believe it's the later.
- M. Richard Maxson

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Important Facts in an Important Election


       George Sontag

      Socialist Billionaire George Soros has become increasingly influential in American elections and American society. His hold over the American political left is especially strong. His organizations and shell companies are the largest donors to the Democratic party. As a result, he, indirectly of course, wields enormous influence and any Democratic politicians that don’t support or express “progressive narrative” either receive cuts to their funding or are targeted by the media -his media? Soros is the man responsible for the
constant attacks on conservative constitutionalists in the media. In the recent past George Soros, along with his puppet, Mr. Obama, went a long way to “fundamentally change America” from a Constitutional Republic to a Socialist state without borders. His financing, through his organizations, of the current migrant caravans are part of a stepped-up attack on Republican ideals and to try to swing the 2018 election back to the left.

       Soros has been accused of sowing political upheaval to advance a personal agenda. Critics around the world, including in the U.S. and in Soros’ homeland of Hungary, say the liberal financier often masquerades as a humanitarian while manipulating the political landscape. He is a key member of the shadow government disguised as a philanthropic billionaire. His donations seem heartfelt and meaningful, but if you look a little closer, you’ll realize that every donation he makes has an ulterior motive behind it, helping to secure his control over the political landscape and in turn profit from it. He has donated money to a number of “left” groups such as the Tides Foundation, Center for American Progress, and the Democracy Alliance to influence campaign finance laws.

      Soros also wants America to become subservient to international bodies. He wants more power for groups such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, even while saying the U.S. role in the IMF should be “downsized.” In 1998, he wrote: “Insofar as there are collective interests that transcend state boundaries, the sovereignty of states must be subordinated to international law and international institutions.”

      His control of the U.S. media by coercion through
funding is massive. Soros' influence doesn't just include connections to top mainstream news organizations such as NBC, ABC, The New York Times and Washington Post. It's bought him connections to the underpinnings of the news business. The Columbia Journalism Review, which bills itself as "a watchdog and a friend of the press in all its forms," lists several investigative reporting projects funded by one of Soros foundations. It's a strategy that Soros has been deploying extensively in media both in the United States and abroad. Since 2003, Soros has spent more than $48 million funding media properties, including the infrastructure of news - journalism schools, investigative journalism and even industry organizations. And that number is an understatement. It is gleaned from tax forms, news stories and reporting. But Soros funds foundations that fund other foundations in turn, like the Tides Foundation, which then make their own donations. A complete accounting is almost impossible because a media component is part of so many Soros-funded operations. Just trying to follow the Soros money trail almost requires your own personal accountant.

      Don’t Ignore Soros Connections to Major News Events. It’s easy to see George Soros’s imprint on most major American left-wing organizations. His financing of Black Lives Matter, The Ferguson protest, Antifa, etc, etc, are well documented. All you have to do is look at their financial forms. George Soros aids hundreds of left-wing groups in America each year under the auspices of his Open Society Foundations. In just 10 years, Soros has given more than $550 million to liberal organizations in the United States.

      Newspaper front pages are filled with protests, complaints and supposedly grassroots initiatives that are easily tied to Soros – through the Center of American Progress and other entities he funds. But, in the main stream media, that connection is almost never made made. Journalists ignore obvious funding connections and sometimes don’t even check connections openly made on organizational websites. It’s the job of news to show when organizations are blatantly working together toward an end and to show the obvious ties these groups might share. It is the deliberate omissions of the main stream media that we have over the years called propaganda and that President Trump calls “fake news” that is bringing disharmony to the nation. This election is crucial to America. It's not Democrat vs Republican this time - it's America vs Evil.

Americans do not understand the extent to which Soros  fuels this anti-constitutional, anti-American agenda.”

- J. Christian Adams, former DOJ attorney