About Us

Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Western Media Continue with Cold War Mentality

TRUTH - The Cold War is over.


Guest Column


             Phillip Todd

       I detest Communist Socialism. It is a failed form of government that only a moron, they're called Progressives now, could embrace. When I look at what is happening in the US, Europe, and else where, I get chills when I witness the ignorance of supposedly intelligent people. The left in America and Europe have gained political power by appealing to voters' emotions, but when they achieve power their ideology harms the very people who voted for them.

      Some of us have escaped the western propaganda machine via the internet. We are able to read news and views that are not part of the Democratic Socialists agenda. Some of us have turned towards Russia. WHAT! Yes, Russia. Vladimir Putin is the head of the Russian Federation. An ex-KGB officer, yes EX, he has molded the country into a place that many in the US see, given the direction our country is headed, as a possible haven for the future.

      How can this be? Isn't he a hard line Communist? It's what we are told repeatedly in the US media.........and it is a LIE. Make no mistake he is a man who is in control but he has a moral compass. I'm not going to go into Mr. Putin here. I will just say two things. One, his political party will never allow the Communist party to take control again. Two, he is a staunch defender of Christianity and morality. As an extra bonus - he sings.

      Let me introduce you to the Russian Times. Many Americans read it to get much more truth than they can get from the Western propaganda machine. Here are some comments that your fellow American citizens have made in this Russian newspaper about the Western press and where they fear their country is going:

  • "One of my fantasies is to kidnap Vladimir Putin and make him the leader of the US." - Jim.
  •  "The fact that Putin allows Christianity is an AMAZING thing, while Christians, true ones, are          persecuted in anti christ America." - Robert.
  •  "Putin has encouraged the nation of Russia to return to spiritual values, whereas the US. is going in the opposite direction. " - Glen .
  • "It is a shame that it takes someone from Russia to speak the truth that our media refuses to do. The reason they don't is because they are communists themselves. "  - Steve.
  •  The western media is SO censored and whitewashed -it will NEVER tell the truth, or expose what is going on in detail.  CNN??  It is the Communist News Network these days.  Every media in the U.S. is now just propaganda that has been blessed by the idiot dictator Obama.  I'd love to move to a free country.  If I could find one. - Laura Key 
  • "We are witnessing the slow decline and eventual destruction of the United States, as was the case for the Roman and Greek Empires. When history is recorded of the deeds, actions, and accomplishments of great leaders, President Putin will stand tall because he dared to uphold the virtues of the Christian faith and civilization itself. " - Richard Dixon
  • "In the land of the "free" and the "brave," we are not permitted to voice our true opinion publicly (Political correctness) We are simply the invisible, pathetic tax-payers or tributaries of the present regime." - F. Johnson
  • One more disappoint upon another. There isn't any credibility left in our government. I wish we had President Kennedy back. He like Putin was a man to admire. - Carol
       As the Olympics approaches and the anti-Russian, anti-Putin rhetoric heats up there is truth out there but you have to search for it. Knowledgeable persons can sense something isn't right. They can see the Cold War mentality that spews from our media is nonsensical from a country whose military bases out number Russia's 500 to 4. This is NOT the old Soviet Union. There are traces of it left that will take a few generations to get rid of just as it took a few to ingrain, but it is time..........for a new beginning. As our country moves to Fascism and slides toward a Democratic Socialist form of government, Russia may be our refuge.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

A Look at Lies

          M. Richard Maxson                                                     

      A old friend of mine came over the other day. He is a Cuban patriot. He fought against Castro and the Communists. He helped smuggle people off the island by boat making the trip many times. He is a wanted man by the Cuban government for his activities. Today he still lives in constant fear of assassination. I admire his courage and love of freedom.

      I hadn't spoke to him much in the last year so we sat and, over coffee, had a conversation about the state of our Union. We both read many news sources from outside of this country and our conversation turned to the media. He spoke up and stated, "You know, I find that the news media in this country is, I won't call them lies, but mis-truths about almost everything that is being reported. I am an American citizen but if I want the truth on anything I can't depend on US reporting. I must go outside of the US for the truth, where there still are serious journalists."

      I told him that we put out a blog and that is one of our main themes, the propaganda that fills our everyday lives. He went on to say that "important news is being ignored here." I tried to explain to him that many Americans are not interested in anything much more than what Kim Kardashian is wearing today. He was not amused. "The government is lying to the public every day and there are very few in the press that speak up about it. Important world events are happening and there is nothing," he said.

       Our conversation led me to reflect on the purpose of our writings here. As it says in our mission statement, we are here to print the truth, in a country that has less and less of it each day. So, before we disappear again from the internet, (We have had attacks recently) We will take a subject each month and reveal it's half truths and outright lies that the shadow government and it's proponents have repeated over and over again until most of the citizenry believe it as gospel. We will be direct and to the point. Whether you agree or not, it will be the truth, a commodity that is rare in 21st century America.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Origins of Three Kings Day and other Celebrated Holidays


       M. Richard Maxson and
       Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey

      St. Nicholas is the patron of Russia, of sailors and children, the benevolent figure who brings gifts on December 6th, December 25th or on January 6th, depending on the country and the religion / culture. 
Saint Nicholas existed in the flesh. He was born in Mira, Asia Minor, the city of which he became Bishop, in the fourth century AD. He became tied to gift-giving due to the many stories of his generosity, as he distributed his considerable wealth among the poor and in favor of social causes.

      Originally, gifts were given on the 6th of December (Saint Nicholas' Day) but this was changed when in the fourth century, Pope Julius (337-352) set the 25th of December as the day of the birth of Jesus, because it was a day that coincided with the Roman festival of Saturnalia, and the Germanic and Celtic pagan festivities of the winter Solstice (December 21). It was in the thirteenth century that the habit of building cribs to celebrate Christ's birth began.

     The Orthodox Church then changed this festival to the Day of Epiphany (day of the adoration, the 6th of January), when the Three Kings/Wise Men/Zoroastrian astrologists brought presents for the baby Jesus in the stable. It is on this day that Christmas is celebrated in Russia, but who brings the gifts are Ded Moroz (Grandfather Frost), and Snegoroshka (The Snow Girl). Ded Moroz is perhaps the original Santa Claus, with his white long beard and his long clothes. Traditionally, he was clad in different colored robes but in the west, the Coca-Cola campaign of the 1920s saw him become accepted and customized in red and white.

      New Year was originally celebrated on April 1, not January 1. In 1582 Pope Gregory XIII ordered the Gregorian Calendar to replace the Julian one and this new calendar called for New Year to be celebrated in January. April 1 was near the time of the Vernal Equinox (March 21) and is the time of the rebirth of agriculture, celebrated by fertility festivals from February (Carnival) onwards, until Easter (which takes its name from the Pagan Fertility Goddess Eostre, depicted on rock engravings holding the symbol of fertility, a rabbit and the symbol of eternity, an egg). The beginning of April coinciding with the fertility festivals, it is likely that in popular cultural expressions, dances, songs and games were performed, along with dressing up in costumes to represent good (fertility) spirits. Some say that the newly enlightened, more educated people accepted this date and the traditionalists in the countryside did not, and as they retained April 1, they were called fools or liars.