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Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Soft Totalitarianism Grasps the States of America


       George Sontag

      When I first began hearing that emigres from Communist countries see America inching towards totalitarianism, I took it seriously. Many of the older generation had their definition of totalitarianism formed during the Cold War. That definition is too narrow. Totalitarianism was the basis for Orwell's version in which the state controlled everyone through the infliction of pain and terror. That is one model. Another is one where the totalitarian state controlled the masses not through pain and terror, but by manipulating their pleasure and comfort.

      Today’s Leftist totalitarianism is not the result of the power-hungry who actively want to abridge freedom and dominate others arbitrarily. It is, instead, the result of zealous moral idealists who actively want to protect people and to create a better, more morally righteous world. They dream of a moral utopia totally controlled through technology. A society where people are happy to surrender their political liberties in exchange for guarantees of sex, drugs, and entertainment, and thus convincing people to love their slavery. This is the form of totalitarianism coming to the United States.

      To make the transition less violent, the legalization of drugs loosening of sexual taboos is necessary. Drugs to keep them blissed out, and all the sex and bodily comforts they desire. Who would refuse to live in a society that offers "Christianity without tears" -- life in heaven without having to die.

      The idea of a perfect utopia practically free from all pain and worry is firmly embedded in the Democrat party. As our society has become more affluent and pacifist, our tolerance of pain has declined. We have medicine to eliminate our aches and pains. Pills to alleviate our mental anguish. We find intolerable things our ancestors would have taken for granted. The societies decreased tolerance for pain can lead, paradoxically, to a kind of soft-totalitarianism.

       As our tolerance of discomfort has declined, our concept of threat has expanded. Ideas that cause mental distress are now seen not only as a challenge to be debated, but as a threat. Enter the “cancel culture.” They have created a bureaucracy, Facebook, Twitter, etc, a neighborhood "Big Brother," whose function is to seek out “wrong-think” and to remove it from the public sphere, and, if possible, to extirpate it from society altogether. People on the Left have come to love Big Brother, not primarily for fear of its power to punish, but because they identify with its goals or think it indecent publicly to contradict them or themselves be canceled.

      When we imagine a totalitarian society we imagine cowering citizens who are intimidated into submission by a small cabal of callous and ruthless Leftist elites. That's not how most forms of totalitarianism work. Instead, imagine a society mixed equally of true believers, cautious conformists, and uninterested spectators led by the fervid and righteous elites. Totalitarianism also monopolizes political power, but regards everything as political. And, as Orwell wrote, totalitarians not only want you to obey Big Brother, but to love him as well.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

The White House Killer Was Not Done.


       M. Richard Maxson

       In our previously articles about the killer (AC 12/23/20 and 1/1/21) we discussed the deaths of President William Henry Harrison, President James K. Polk, and President Zachery Taylor. Three Presidents poisoned by water being pumped into the White House. That fact was still not realized at the time and little progress was made on the sourcing and sanitization of running water.

      In 1860, President James Buchanan ordered running river water to be pumped to the second floor of the White House for bathing. Luckily for Buchanan, that work was not completed until his successor and his family moved into the White House.


      Young Willie Lincoln was strong, exuberant, and full of life. Unfortunately, he, like three presidents before him, was likely not strong enough to overcome decades of mismanagement with the White House plumbing system. At the time he and his brother Tad fell ill, water from the tainted spring in Franklin Square was still being used in the White House. The open and festering city canal was still running just one block south of his home. Willie and his younger brother would often climb to the roof of the White House and look out on Union soldiers who were camped along the Potomac River, just a few blocks away. Little did Willie know that those soldiers were often relieving themselves and dumping discarded animal carcasses in that river. That very same water was being piped upstairs to the second floor of the White House, and young Willie and Tad were likely bathing in it frequently. No one was aware of the microscopic bacteria that was entering his body. Tad recovered, but with the death of his brother, was never the same. As with the deaths of Presidents William Henry Harrison, James K. Polk, and Zachary Taylor, this was Willie Lincoln’s silent killer.

      Willie's death left deep marks on the Lincoln family. Both parents and young Tad were deeply affected. Lincoln said, "My poor boy. He was too good for this earth. God has called him home. I know that he is much better off in heaven, but then we loved him so much. It is hard, hard to have him die!"; after the burial, he shut himself in a room and wept alone. Mary Lincoln remained in bed for three weeks and was unable to attend Willie's funeral or look after Tad. Elizabeth Keckly said Mary "was an altered woman .... she never crossed the threshold of the Guest's Room in which he died, or the Green Room in which he was embalmed." Abraham Lincoln took solace in caring for and comforting Tad, who remained very ill and was grieving himself for his brother's death. Tad also lost the companionship of his siblings, Bud and Holly, whom Mary refused to allow in the White House anymore.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

American Ideals Are Being Destroyed


       George Sontag

      How do you destroy a country with a powerful economy, a strong military, and a moral and decent people? It has to be a long, slow process that moves subtly on many simultaneous fronts. If you become too bold, too fast, people will catch onto what you’re doing and even many of your biggest supporters will be forced to distance themselves from you.

      If you want to change a people for the worse, you have to start by undermining their values. This happens by slowly, yet surely taking over their institutions. The first thing you would do is take control of the education system and teach children that they are living in an evil country. Don’t teach them the nuances of the Constitution; teach them the flaws of the men who made it. An expert on this was a Soviet defector, the late Yuri Bezmenov. He stated that it takes only 15-20 years to educate one generation of children. Through infiltration and propaganda, the "outlook, ideology, and personality" of these children is shaped. Mind control also involves what we now would call the "dumbing down" of our children. The belief is that students be taught anything but serious skills like reading, writing, mathematics, or science. In colleges, particularly liberal arts schools, the trend has been to offer increasing numbers of non-essential elective courses that have little to do with "higher education." Bezmenov joked about the proverbial basket weaving major...again, teach them anything, but don't teach them how to think and reason. Mediocrity is necessary for destruction.

      Next you would turn the media into a propaganda arm of the progressive mindset, where objective truth no longer matters. Bezmenov explained that when people are programmed by repetition, they are unable to assess true information. Because their "perception of reality" has been altered, and their minds confused, they wouldn't believe facts even if presented with them.

      After that, control Hollywood and the music industry and you can portray duty, honor and character as old concepts that no longer matter. You can also paint the most successful Americans as bad guys, the police as mind-numbed robots and decent Christians as hypocrites who want to ruin everyone’s good time. More importantly, once you have actors and musicians on your side, there is practically no limit to the number of ways you can shape the culture. You can promote drug use and promiscuous sex. You can encourage men to feminize and women to be more masculine. Most importantly, you can portray your opponents who want to save what’s great about America as desperately racist.

         This reinforces the messages young Americans, who care desperately about being popular, are getting from their schools. Once you control Hollywood, music and the schools, you have a direct pipeline to the brains of the young Americans who will one day run the country. So, what do you teach them? It would be best if you could entirely get away from teaching them reading, writing, arithmetic and history.

      Once this is accomplished on the populace, then you can start making moves in the political sector. The first is to promote judges who believe in a “living Constitution,” which is functionally no different than not having a Constitution at all. This allows arrogant judges to override the people in order to put historically failed policies into action, but more importantly, it allows the unlimited expansion of government. The bigger government becomes, the less capable it seems of doing anything well despite its swelling cost. Once you have a government that’s almost universally considered to be incompetent despite spending so much money that it jeopardizes your nation’s future, your nation is on the road to ruin.

      The key to keeping it on that road is capturing a political party that consistently appeals to people’s worst natures. You need a party committed to turning black Americans against white, women against men, gays against straights. You need a party committed to rewarding poverty, bringing in unlimited numbers of poor, uneducated immigrants and defending the unions that make America’s public school system mediocre.

      The thing that ties all of this together is a corrupt media that can largely control what news the population sees and focuses on. A media that is willing to lie in order to defame those trying to save a nation is useful, but not even necessary. All that really needs to be done is to focus the people on trivia, celebrities and the flaws of those who mean well while the great crimes of the most corrupt are ignored or treated as trivial. When the people are obsessed with minutiae while the country is coming apart at the seams, the media has done their job well.

      Once the system becomes self-sustaining as young Americans are no longer taught what made their nation successful, become obsessed with their feelings, come to believe that character doesn’t matter and buy into the destructive notions they see and hear every day on the big screen, on radio and in the papers, the disease that afflicts America will become so far advanced that it may never be cured.

      So, has our country been lost? Recent news would suggest that many people believe it has. A recent study found that 83% of Americans are very stressed over the future of the country, and 72% believe this is the lowest point in the country’s history that they’ve witnessed. A survey found that people are the unhappiest we’ve been in 50 years. Just 14% of people say they are “very happy.” The survey further found that just 4 in 10 expect their children to have a better standard of living than they have, the lowest percentage since the question was first asked in 1994.

       What’s happening now is a full-scale Progressive attack on all the principles underlying the freedoms so many have enjoyed. The demands of relatively small minority interests trample the rights of wide majorities, frustrating millions whose forebears built this nation and made it work with broadly accepted rules of moral and ethical conduct. According to the Pew Research Center, 21% of Americans believe other countries are “better than the United States.” But here's the truly disturbing part: Among those between the ages of 18 and 29, the figure jumps to 36%. Most ominously, a third of voters think a civil war is “likely” sometime in the next five years.


Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Troops are being moved towards the Middle-East.


        M. Richard Maxson

       Troops are being moved towards the Middle-East. The Biden administration is sending approximately 10,000 more U.S. troops to the Middle East. Literally one day after Biden was inaugurated, a massive U.S. military convoy rolled into Syria.    U.S. airstrikes may come sooner rather than later.  In fact, it is being reported that the U.S. has just sent six B-52 bombers to Diego Garcia. Citing a U.S. official, CNN on Monday reported that the Cold War-era bomber will be “available for operations against Iran if ordered.”

The Constitution is quite clear on who has the authority to make war. It is not Joe Biden. He is getting ready to plunge the country into another undeclared conflict. We turn to a Constitutional expert for the law - that continued to be ignored.

The Power to Make War


       Judge Andrew P. Napolitano

      Two weeks ago, while the House of Representatives was finalizing its 700-page legislation authorizing the Treasury to borrow and spend $1.9 trillion in the next six months, and the Senate was attempting to confirm more of President Joseph R. Biden's cabinet nominees, Biden secretly ordered the Pentagon to bomb militias in Syria.

      The United States is not at war with Syria. It is not at war with the militias that were bombed, and it didn't seek or have the permission of the Syrian government to enter its air space and engage in deadly military activities. Biden later claimed that the bombing was conducted as "a lesson to Iran," another country with which the U.S. is not war.

      His campaign promises to the contrary notwithstanding, Biden has followed in the footsteps of his immediate predecessors. They bombed civilians in an aspirin factory in Kosovo (Clinton), bombed civilians in Iraq (G.W. Bush), bombed military targets and government buildings in Libya and bombed a cafe in the Yemen desert targeting an American who was having tea (Obama), bombed the same location as Biden in Syria, and bombed a convoy of trucks in Iraq targeting an Iranian general who was on his way to lunch with an Iraqi counterpart (Trump).

      All of these bombings and targeted killings violated the U.S. Constitution, the U.N. Charter — which is a treaty largely written by the U.S., and to which the U.S. is a signatory — and international law.

                       What is going on with American presidents and war?

      The Constitution specifically separates the power to make war from the power to wage war. The delegates to the Constitutional Convention in 1787 spent more time debating this than any other topic — beside the makeup of Congress. In the end, they were adamant and unanimous that only Congress can declare war and only the president can wage war.

       Congress cannot tell the president how to deploy the
military, and the president cannot use the military against foreign targets without a congressional declaration of war.

      James Madison — the scrivener at the Convention — famously offered that if a president could declare war and wage war, or even use the military to target any foreign entity he wished, then he would be a king, not a president. He argued that war exacerbates the president's "strongest passions and most dangerous weaknesses." And when he drafted the Bill of Rights, Madison had the presidency in mind when he wrote in the Fifth Amendment that the government may not take life, liberty or property without due process of law.

      Taken together, the exclusive constitutional delegation of war-making to Congress and the Due Process Clause absolutely restrain the legal ability of the president to use violence in another country without a declaration of war from Congress; and in the case of violence against an American, without a conviction by a jury and all the constitutional protections attendant upon that. And, against civilians — never.

      When President George W. Bush decided to invade Afghanistan in retaliation for what he argued was providing haven and resources for those who planned, paid for and carried out the attacks on 9/11, he first went to Congress. Congress did not declare war on Afghanistan. Instead, it enacted a resolution called the Authorization to Use Military Force of 2001. That authorized Bush and his successors to use the military to target the perpetrators of 9/11 wherever and whenever they found them.

Unlike traditional declarations of war, the AUMF of 2001 did not have an endpoint, and that is its fatal flaw. Presidents Barack Obama, Donald Trump and Biden disingenuously cited it as their legal authority to bomb Middle Eastern targets that had no conceivable relationship to the perpetrators of 9/11.

      When Bush sought to invade Iraq to locate and destroy what he claimed were weapons of mass destruction, Congress enacted another AUMF in 2002. It, too, has no endpoint.

      Last week, a bipartisan group of senators offered legislation to repeal both AUMFs and Biden has indicated that he will sign the repeal. That is a good start toward taming the executive appetite for military violence, but it is not enough.

      Under international law and the natural law, the U.S. may only use force defensively. That means it may attack the military of a foreign country or group that has attacked the U.S. or an ally, and it may attack the military of a foreign country or group that is imminently about to attack the U.S. or an ally. Those are the only instances in which the president may deploy U.S. forces for violent purposes without a congressional declaration of war.

      Congress must do more than just repeal the two AUMFs if it believes that the Constitution means what it says. Congress needs to repeal the War Powers Resolution of 1973 — which purports to permit presidents, upon notification to Congress, to wage 90-day offensive wars, in violation of the Constitution and international law.

      Congress needs to prohibit absolutely the unauthorized presidential expenditure of money and deployment of armed personnel on any nondefensive violent actions. I say "personnel" rather than "military" because modern presidents have often used the CIA to fight wars and argued that because those wars did not involve the military, no congressional approval or notification was needed.

      Congress should criminalize such presidential violence and the expenditures of resources to support it, as it is a crime to kill without lawful authority. And Congress should call nondefensive killings — by the government or anyone — by their legal name: Murder.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Weekend at the White House with Biden


       Zeno Potas

      Who is really in charge at the White House? It certainly doesn’t look like it’s Joe Biden. His handlers prop him up and keep him from destroying the myth that he is president and in the meantime their anointed one faces growing criticism for not holding a formal press conference in over six weeks since taking office. The reason is – they are scared of what will happen.

      They can fix him up, as they usually do, with an earpiece and a monitor to tell him what to say but he wanders off topic. The White House raised eyebrows last week when after a short speech it suddenly cut the feed of a virtual event after Mr. Biden said he was "happy to take questions" from Democratic lawmakers. They claimed a technical problem but the, a few days later, as he then appeared ready to take questions and for the second time in a week, Joe Biden’s live feed was again cut off by an unknown person or persons at the White House. This does not look good at all.

      To answer the critics, his handlers had him give a virtual address to the nation, since they abandoned any idea for a state of the union address. Judging by his last address, we can see why. Joe Biden’s prime time address was just flat out bad. If his team thought that was going to quell questions about his cognitive decline, the speech only added to it. Biden looked terrible and barely alive, struggling just to read the teleprompter. The speech was awful and authoritarian, with him talking about issuing further guidance about “what you can or cannot do after being vaccinated,” and suggesting that he might reimpose the un-constitutional restrictions, if we were bad and didn’t do as we were told. Then, he just straight up lied about the Trump Administration, claiming the Wuhan coronavirus was met with “silence” and “denial.” Once again, he took complete credit for the vaccine response, acting as though President Donald Trump had done nothing. Reactions from Patriots were exact and precise:

From Bonchie:

The man is not well, and that was once again obvious tonight. If one ever needed a visual for what being half-dead looks like, you got that in spades from this speech. Biden stood behind his podium, often slumped over, squinting to read his teleprompter’s massive font. He’s getting worse, and it’s a sad scene.

From Ben Domenech, Meghan McCain’s husband at the Federalist:

This is another garbage speech full of lies from a senile person who thinks they’re in charge of America but actually isn’t running anything.

From AC reader Robin S:

Early Sign Of Dementia – One of the most common symptoms GPs report is problems with communication and language. This may include struggling to follow or join a conversation; it can also include stopping in mid-sentence with no idea how to continue.

From AC reader billjones:

One of my pet peeves is, I don’t listen to idiots. And I don’t call biden president, I call him king biden because he wasn’t elected, he was installed.


       America is not taking to their so-called “leader” in any great numbers. YouTube has been caught removing the massive dislike ratio on the Biden administration’s videos. Official Joe Biden White House YouTube channel Turns Off Comments as every video receives more dislikes than likes – many, many more. Imagine, the most popular president in U.S. history has to censor hisown social media channel to protect himself from massive amounts of hate. From what we can see, all but one video has a negative like to dislike ratio, meaning, the people have spoken. By YouTube standards, Joe Biden is the most hated president in U.S. history. The real reason they are doing this is to maintain the manufactured perception of Joe Biden being the most popular president in U.S. history. The lie continues.



Saturday, March 13, 2021

Communist Riots Continue in Americas' Leftist Cities


       George Sontag

      Riots exploded once again in downtown Portland on Thursday, resulting in clashes with police who deployed tear gas and smoke bombs to fight back against Antifa protesters outside a boarded-up federal courthouse. Dozens of demonstrators set fires, smashed windows, and burned American flags outside the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse until police forced them to flee. The crowd would later return to break more windows and set another fire, The Oregonian reported. Any windows in the courthouse that weren’t already broken, were taken out in the riot. Courthouse walls were spray-painted with graffiti as well. Law and order ceased to exist in Joe Bidens’ American dystopia.

      While Democratic politicians obsess about a three hour disturbance that happened months ago, leftist riots attacking the government continue. A large number of federal officers responded to the riot in the evening by deploying impact munitions, smoke bombs, tear gas, and flash-bang grenades. At least one person was arrested and the police made three attempts to push back the mob. Police were seen storming a park and taking up positions to protect the courthouse. Portland police tweeted last night that they were bracing for more unrest over the weekend. The protest happened just days after the federal government removed the metal anti-personnel fence that had surrounded the building for more than eight months. At the time, a spokesperson for the Federal Protective Service called the dismantling a “return to normalcy.” 

      Meanwhile, FBI Director Chris Wray refuses to name ANTIFA as a national terrorist organization or simply acknowledge its existence. You know those Antifa folks that Joe Biden says are “just an idea” well they attacked the federal courthouse in Portland during the day. It was almost as if they heard Merrick Garland during his confirmation hearing that if they attacked at night he wouldn’t consider it domestic terrorism but if it interrupted processes during the day that would qualify...does this qualify yet?

      Socialists and Communists are fueling the so-called Democratic Party’s campaign to transform America, and the threat is dangerously real, a true existential ultimatum to our form of government, especially our freedoms. Trump supporters are being hunted down, dismantled, rostered, and viciously attacked and murdered because of their views. ANTIFA burns, loots and destroys without repercussions. Military personnel and police officers are subject to investigation and security details simply because they have different political views. America is experiencing a real insurgency, but it is orchestrated by elected officials and national far-left terrorists to hire.

      We all know the left wing lurch the Democratic Party has taken over the past for years. You saw that with the energized progressive cohorts that flocked to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in the 2016 Democratic primaries. David Horowitz had already raised similar points in a book he wrote in 2006, “The Shadow Party,” with co-author Richard Poe, also a New York Times-bestselling author. The book detailed how billionaire George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and other radicals of the 1960s took over the Democratic Party and warped it into its current Socialist state. "Schumer, Pelosi, and the whole Democratic Party are guilty and they are destroying the fabric of our democracy,” he said. “We are now two nations, we can’t even talk to each other.” Now the question is, will we start shooting each other?

Friday, March 12, 2021

President Trump Rebukes Biden Administration for Growing Issue at Southern Border

 Guest Column


           Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America.

      Our border is now totally out of control thanks to the disastrous leadership of Joe Biden. Our great Border Patrol and ICE agents have been disrespected, demeaned, and mocked by the Biden Administration.

      A mass incursion into the country by people who should not be here is happening on an hourly basis, getting worse by the minute. Many have criminal records, and many others have and are spreading covid.

      Interior enforcement has been shut down—criminals that were once promptly removed by our Administration are now being released back onto the street to commit heinous and violent crimes. ICE officers are desperate to remove these convicted criminals, but Biden won’t let them.

      The spiraling tsunami at the border is overwhelming local communities, depleting budgets, crowding hospitals, and taking jobs from legal American workers. When I left office, we had achieved the most secure border in our country’s history.

      Under Biden, it will soon be worse, more dangerous, and more out of control than ever before. He has violated his oath of office to uphold our Constitution and enforce our laws.

      There has never been a time on our southern border like what is happening now but more importantly, what is about to happen. Now that Biden has implemented nationwide Catch-and-Release, illegal immigrants from every corner of the Earth will descend upon our border and never be returned. You can never have a secure border unless people who cross illegally are promptly removed.

      I had a great relationship with Mexico, and its wonderful president, but all of that has been dissipated by the gross incompetence and radicalism of the people currently in charge.

      The Remain in Mexico Policy was incredible, but immediately abandoned by Biden, probably because it worked so well. Likewise, our Safe Third Agreements in Central America were extraordinarily successful, so Biden foolishly ditched them too.

      We stopped payment of the hundreds of millions of dollars paid to them and then developed an excellent relationship that made our country and their countries more secure.

      We put in place powerful rules and procedures to stop the smuggling and trafficking, but the Biden Administration has abandoned these proven strategies and instead given the smugglers and traffickers effective control of our border.

      Despite being delayed by years of litigation and politics by the democrats, the wall is almost finished and can be quickly completed. Doing so will save thousands of lives.

      The Biden Administration must act immediately to end the border nightmare that they have unleashed onto our Nation. Keep illegal immigration, crime, and the China Virus out of our country!

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Journalists Continue To Resign Refusing To Submit To Propaganda


       M. Richard Maxson

      Most people believe what they’re told. It’s the reason advertising is so scarily effective. It’s why fake news is so pervasive in our society. When one is told something, especially kids and young people, it’s likely to be believed. Propaganda provides the leadership with a mechanism “to mold the mind of the masses” so that “they will throw their newly gained strength in the desired direction. This is known as consent without consent. This process of “engineering consent” of the masses is an important element in totalitarian society.

      The media business, for those who now own and run it, is more than just a money-making operation. The owners also promote their political agenda. To carry out this essential task, “the intelligentsia must make use of propaganda continuously and systematically to pull the wires which control the public mind. Through selecting and disseminating news—or presenting propaganda like “the pandemic will be over” or “drones almost always hit their targets”—the media moguls push the public to support that agenda, from their political candidates to their undeclared wars.

      Journalism, in it’s true form, has all but disappeared in the States that were united. Journalists, disgusted with spewing the lies of the party machine are continuing to leave the industry. A few months ago Bari Weiss, a left-of-center reporter for the New York Times apparently wasn’t left enough. In her resignation letter Bari Weiss calls out the US paper of record for being more committed to the political narrative than the truth. Any piece that “does not explicitly promote progressive causes” gets published “only after every line is carefully massaged, negotiated and caveated,” she writes. Language itself is “degraded in service to an ever-shifting laundry list of right causes,” while some of her colleagues nod along, hoping that would protect them. Let’s face it, the Times stopped being a serious newspaper a long time ago


      The list of disgusted journalists is getting longer with the latest being Kari Lake. The Emmy Award-winning Lake announced she is stepping away from broadcasting in the country’s 11th largest television market. Lake, 51, also shared several thoughts about the state of journalism, her career, her accomplishments, and why she says that the profession of journalism is in many ways “unrecognizable to what journalism was” when she walked into her first newsroom in 1992. “They just take gossip from blog posts, write articles about it, then other reporters pick up the lies from one article and re-write those lies as if they are facts, where there was never truth to it in the beginning.”

      “I became a journalist to be helpful, not harmful, I believe that journalists should report the truth no matter how much flak they take for doing so, but some of the stories I was reading likely contributing to the fear and division—and I couldn’t do that anymore,” she said. “Nearly 30 years of reading news, a lot of it bad or negative news,” she says. “I didn’t realize how abnormal that is.” Here is her complete statement:

      True journalists like Kari, are being forced out by having their reputations smeared by untruths and innuendo. This is how the Leftists in the shadows destroy someone they want out. In early 2020, Lake was criticized by a small but loud group in what appeared to be a coordinated social media attack following a one-on-one interview with President Donald Trump. She also experienced negative pushback for having a social media presence on Parler and Gab, even though she also has a strong following on more liberal platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. “I think in a way, the nastiness toward me is meant to scare other journalists who are open-minded and considerate of all points-of-view to snap back into line or they, too, will be ‘cancelled’ and their reputation attacked,” Lake says. “If you abhor censorship, if you believe ‘cancelling’ people who hold different points of view goes against the grain of the basic rights this country was built upon, if you believe journalists should report the truth no matter how much flak they take for doing so….” That statement is an American ideal, something that is being ridiculed nationally and behind closed doors.

      Fortunately, says Lake, the public is starting to recognize the bias and lies put forth by some news outlets. “They are tuning it all out and you see it in dropping subscriptions for some of these publications,” she said. “Once you’ve lost the news consumer’s attention, it is hard to get it back. I hold no anger toward them. I truly feel sorry for some of these reporters who have a preoccupation tearing people down.” They are not reporters, Kari, they are enemies of this nation.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

States Refusing to Cooperate with Illegitimate Un-Constitutional Government


       M. Richard Maxson

      Multiple states in America are refusing to enforce the

UN-constitutional edicts coming out of the illegitimate government in Washington D.C. One state, Texas, is proposing secession from U.S. This was expected in a country that has a government that half the citizens don’t recognize and that dictates orders from a presidential prop that, on most days, can’t even finish a clear thought and when he does try to speak, the news feed is mysterious cut.

In Utah:

      The Utah House passes a bill that would create a process to review and shut down federal surveillance programs. The proposed law would create an important layer of transparency and oversight for surveillance programs in the state and push back against the growing federal surveillance state. This represents a major blow to the surveillance state and a win for privacy.

      Utah also passes a bill to create and a process to review and reject Presidential Executive Orders. They gave final approval for a bill that would create a mechanism to end cooperation with enforcement of certain orders determined to violate the U.S. Constitution. This process would set the stage to nullify some executive orders in effect in Uthah

In North Dakota:

      The state is considering Bill 1282, which is very similar. If it goes through, this would create a “committee on nullification.” In making its recommendation, the committee shall consider whether the legislation, regulation, or executive order is outside the scope of the powers delegated to the federal government in the Constitution of the United States.

In Oklahoma:

      The Oklahoma House of Representatives passed a bill Thursday that would allow the state to put the brakes on the power of President Joe Biden’s executive orders there. HB 1236 would allow the Oklahoma state legislature to review each executive order and determine if the order should be given to the Oklahoma attorney general, who would determine if it is allowed under the U.S. Constitution.

In Montana:

      The Senate passes bill to create a process to review and/or reject presidential executive orders. The Montana Senate passed a bill that would create a mechanism to review presidential executive orders and end state cooperation with enforcement of certain orders determined to violate the U.S. Constitution. The legislative council would have the authority to review any executive order issued by the President of the United States, if the order “has not been affirmed by a vote of the Congress of the United States and signed into law, as prescribed by the Constitution of the United States.”This process would set the stage to nullify some executive orders in effect in Montana.

In South Dakota:

      Legislation introduced in the South Dakota House of Representatives seeks to give the state’s attorney general the authority to review executive orders from President Joe Biden and potentially nullify any order deemed unconstitutional.

      In addition, the South Dakota House passed a bill to Prohibit State Enforcement of Federal “Red Flag” Laws. That would prohibit state and local officials from enforcing federal “extreme risk” protective orders – sometimes referred to as red flag laws – that require gun confiscation. Passage of the bill would not only protect liberty in South Dakota; it would also hinder federal efforts to restrict the right to keep and bear arms.

In Tennessee:

      In an effort to halt Socialist propaganda in schools the Tennessee Senate Committee passes a bill to ban common core textbooks. The Tennessee Senate Committee passed a bill that would prohibit the use of textbooks and instructional materials created to align with Common Core standards. Their belief is that everyone is unique and the one-size-fits-all standards simply don’t benefit children. State and local governments should remain in full control of their own educational systems.

In Montana:

The Montana House passed a bill to that would ban enforcement of any new federal gun control, a major step toward bringing such federal acts to an end within the state. The legislation would prohibit police officers, state employees, and employees of any subdivision of the state from enforcing, assisting in the enforcement of, or otherwise cooperating in the enforcement of a federal ban on firearms, magazines, or ammunition.

       The bill defines “federal ban” as “a federal law, executive order, rule, regulation that is enacted, adopted, or becomes effective on or after January 1, 2021, or a new and more restrictive interpretation of an existing law that existed on January 1, 2021, that infringes upon, calls in question, or prohibits, restricts, or requires individual licensure for or registration of the purchase, ownership, possession, transfer, or use of any firearm, any magazine or other ammunition feeding device, or other firearm accessory.” It would also bar them from participating in federal enforcement actions and prohibit the expenditure or allocation of public funds or resources for such enforcement. It particularly targets the regime in Washington as noted by the dates of enforcement.

In Texas:

      A number of moves by the state government including succession. They feel the federal government is so out-of-control that there may not be a way to hold the nation together anymore. "The federal government is out of control and does not represent the values of Texans. That is why I am committing to file legislation this session that will allow a referendum to give Texans a vote for the State of Texas to reassert its status as an independent nation," stated Texas state Rep. Kyle Biedermann.

      Biedermann said the legislation aligns with the Texas Constitution, which reads "The faith of the people of Texas stands pledged to the preservation of a republican form of government, and, subject to this limitation only, they have at all times the inalienable right to alter, reform or abolish their government in such manner as they may think expedient."

      Rep. Biedermann added, “Voters of all political persuasions in Texas can agree on one thing, Washington D.C. is and has been broken. Our federal government continuously fails our working families, seniors, taxpayers, veterans and small business owners. For decades, the promises of America and our individual liberties have been eroding. It is now time that the people of Texas are allowed the right to decide their own future. This is not a left or right political issue. Let Texans Vote!”

       The governor and legislature have made a number of moves in the last few weeks after it’s southern border was opened by Washington including deploying the Texas national guard and state troopers to counter Biden’s open border policies. “The crisis at our southern border continues to escalate because of Biden Administration policies that refuse to secure the border and invite illegal immigration,” the governor said in a written statement Saturday evening. “Texas supports legal immigration but will not be an accomplice to the open border policies that cause, rather than prevent, a humanitarian crisis in our state and endanger the lives of Texans. We will surge the resources and law enforcement personnel needed to confront this crisis.” Democrat Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX) announced that Border Patrol agents apprehended approximately 10,000 migrants in the Rio Grande Valley Sector during a seven-day period ending on Wednesday.

      Because of this tidal wave of humanity, the state of Texas is considering building its own border wall. Two members of the Texas House of Representatives are preparing a bill that would provide $2.5 billion to fund a border wall. The proposal would take the money from Texas’ “Rainy Day Fund.

       In an assault on the Leftist billionaires propaganda club, the Texas governor, Greg Abbott, Announced a bill prohibiting social media censorship. He announced on Friday that he plans to sign a bill into law that would prohibit social media companies from censoring Texans’ viewpoints online, adding that censorship is “not going to be tolerated in Texas.” He reiterated, “There is a dangerous movement spreading across the country trying to try to silence conservative ideas, religious beliefs. We see that the First Amendment is under assault by these social media companies, and that is not going to be tolerated in Texas,” said the governor at a press conference on Friday.

Oregon and Washington State:

      Multiple counties in both states have started the process of state succession. They feel that the division within the state, the Leftist cities vs the American country-side, is no longer feasible.

       The United States are no longer united. The term is becoming obsolete. States that were united is more appropriate for the transition into Socialism. States rights will be the crux of the disintegration of the country. How many states will pull away and how far? Will the federal military become involved? Will federal troops end up facing off against a state’s national guard to keep the nation together? We have a huge divide now fueled by the men in the shadows. Where will this all lead is anyone’s guess.