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Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Soros Grip on America


        M. Richard Maxson

       George Soros is on a crusade to destroy the freest nation on earth and transform it into a hard-left, socialist state. With a deep-seated hatred for the Constitution and America's founding principles, Soros has given billions of dollars to fund his progressive war on America.

       Books, newspapers, radio stations, TV stations, websites and cutting edge videos. The pieces of the George Soros media empire are as diverse as the nations of the world and just as widespread. From nakedly partisan left-wing media like Think Progress, the blog for the Center for American Progress, and a TV show on MSNBC, to the supposedly impartial National Public Radio, Soros has impact on the flow of information worldwide. There is nothing that can match the depth and intricacies of the George Soros media web.

       Shockingly editors and producers at liberal/progressive media outlets have seen nothing worth reporting in these revelations about how a man of enormous wealth and power uses such methods to shape public opinion and government policy.

       This week an anonymous hacker organization released thousands of documents from Open Society Foundations, which was founded by the Hungarian-born magnate in 1984. The revelations confirmed what The American Constitutionalist has been telling you for years – The Truth:

  • Open Society Foundations is a network of more than 30 international foundations, mostly funded by Soros, who has contributed more than $8 billion to those efforts to influence public attitudes and politics. he Washington Post, Salon, CNN and ABC News.
  • The Center for Investigative Reporting received close to $1 million from Open Society from 2003 to 2008.
  • The White House website noted that the Democratic partys 2016 campaign is done in “partnership” with the far-left Center for American Progress (CAP), a group funded by liberal donors George Soros, Jonathan Soros, and Tom Steyer.
  • New documents reveal George Soros' foundation aimed to influence members of the Supreme Court to
    get a favorable decision in a key immigration case. 'Grantees are seeking to influence the Justices (primarily via a sophisticated amicus briefs and media strategy) in hopes of securing a favorable ruling in U.S. v Texas,' the memo notes. The case dealt with an Obama executive order that would have give the illegal immigrant parents of U.S. citizens the right to stay in the country - an order that would have applied to millions of illegal immigrants.The memo is perhaps shocking considering that the Open Society Foundation's officials were directly asking members of the media to write favorably in an attempt to sway the justices to defend the Obama order. 

  • He has top journalists from more than 30 major news organizations, including The New York Times, Washington Post, the Associated Press, NBC and ABC, serving on the boards of groups he funds. Prominent journalists like ABC’s Christiane Amanpour and former Washington Post editor and now Vice President Len Downie serve on boards of operations that take Soros cash. This despite the Society of Professional Journalists' ethical code stating: “avoid all conflicts real or perceived.”
  • When liberal investor George Soros gave $1.8 million to National Public Radio , it became part of the firestorm of controversy that jeopardized NPR’s federal funding. But that gift only hints at the widespread influence the controversial billionaire has on the mainstream media.
  • For the last several years a company called The Freedom Group has been buying up gun and ammunition  manufacturers.Some of the companies are Bushmaster, Marlin, Remington, DPMS, Dakota Arms and H&R. Some people worry that this Freedom Group is  going to control most of the firearms companies in the United States. If you control the manufacturers you can decide to stop selling to civilians.What a perfect way to control guns. Now if you do some digging you will see that The Freedom Group is owned by a company called Cerberus Capital Management. Guess who controls Cerberus??? GEORGE SOROS !!!!!!!!! Five U.S. gun control groups have received almost $7 million combined from liberal billionaire George Soros.
  • Soros has spent several million dollars in the past decade in an attempt to get more states to scrap elections and adopt the merit method. Replacing elections for judges with selection-by-committee -- now has critics accusing him of trying to stack the courts. “The left can’t get their agenda through the legislatures anymore … so they think they can get their agenda through by taking over the courts,” attorney Colleen Pero, author of a new report titled "Hijacking Justice." Pero’s report found that Soros, through his Open Society Institute fund, has given $45 million over the last decade to “a campaign to reshape the judiciary.”
  • The Democracy Alliance, a George Soros organization funded by wealthy progressives, has been steering money to dark-money groups that reveal very little about their funding sources. Its website is a shell, containing barely any information.

       Mr. Soros is a major donor to Democrats, one of them
George Soros Democrat Organization
the presidential candidate leading in the polls.
A major backer of Democratic politics, Soros has the means to mold and shape the party's political agenda.

      George Soros funds more than 180 media outlets and leftist front groups to advance his anti-American propaganda in the United States. These organizations receive millions of dollars a year from his organizations, and like him, they hate free markets . . . hate liberty . . . hate American exceptionalism. Do left-of-center journalists really not grasp the newsworthiness of all this? Why the double standard? It's deliberate political subterfuge in service of a far-left agenda. Why have we not heard about this in the"mainstream" media? It is because they are complacent – bought and paid for. Please pass this on to all your freedom loving friends

Friday, September 16, 2016

Voter Fraud in America


       Zeno Potas

     The media backs the government in saying that fraudulent voting is so minuscule that it doesn't really exist. Take a quick look at political history and you will find that not only does it exist, but it has decided elections and thereby, changed the course of history. Since the first ballot was cast, bosses of one kind and another have been buying, selling, stealing, bribing, horse-trading for the highest advantages. A Texan needs no pinprick to recollect how Lyndon Johnson and Friends, when they needed votes in Jim Wells County, in the 1948 senatorial contest, found just the number they needed- or in 1960 when Joseph Kennedy needed to "fix" the vote in Illinois as to steal the election to get his son into the White House.

     The task of preventing ineligible and illegal ballots from being cast probably requires a combination of public warnings and education against unlawful voting, regular purging of ineligible people (deceased, felons, non-citizens, etc) from voter rolls, as well as voter ID laws.  The Leftist Progressive Socialist Party(D) opposes all of
these steps as "voter suppression."  Unless you have a very low opinion of minorities, how could you conceivably argue that it is racist to require that all voters prove their identity as a condition to voting? If anything racist is involved here, it is in the suggestion that minorities are too incompetent to furnish their IDs. How could you disrespect minorities any more that that? If people can't muster their ID --
I don't care who they are -- then they don't deserve the privilege of voting, and people who want to protect their right to do so without ID are on their face suspect. 

      If you are able to navigate through the news medias obsession with the Kardashians, BLM, and phony Russian threats, just to mention a few, you will find that behind the smoke and mirrors, election fraud not only goes on today, it is accelerating.

  • An NBC station in Fort Myers, Florida, aired a report about many non-citizens it caught voting illegally.
  • California state Sen. Roderick Wright (D) was convicted of eight felony counts of voter fraud and perjury for acts committed in five different elections.
  • A criminal investigation in Iowa turned up 80 cases of potential voter fraud. Many recent legislative races in Iowa were decided by fewer than 100 votes, including 10 decided by fewer than 50 votes.
  • A similar report by a Philadelphia city commissioner in 2012 chronicled multiple instances of voter fraud through impersonation, double voting, and voting by non-citizens.
  • Prosecutors say the 63-year-old Tennessee man voted in the 2012 presidential election, not once ... not twice ... but three times, in three different states.
  • In Wisconsin, 52-year-old Robert Monroe also was sentenced to jail earlier this year after he was charged with 13 counts of election fraud, including multiple voting and voting twice in the 2012 presidential race.
  • Wendy Rosen(D), who was running in Maryland's 1st Congressional District, had voted twice in Maryland and Florida in two separate elections.
  • In Cincinnati, veteran poll worker Melowese
    Richardson was accused of voting twice in the 2012 presidential election, after Hamilton County prosecutors charged her in 2013 with eight counts of illegal voting over several elections. She pleaded guilty to four counts, and prosecutors said she had even voted in the presidential election for her sister, who had been in a coma for almost a decade.
  • In Kansas, Lincoln Wilson also was charged with voting in both that state and in Colorado. He was accused of multiple counts stemming from the 2010, 2012, and 2014 elections.
  • In California, The East Bay Times reported that "in just three counties, Contra Costa, Alameda and Santa Clara, 194 people voted twice, suggesting the abuse statewide might run into the thousands."
  • A 2012 Pew Center on The States study said "approximately 2.75 million people have registrations in more than one state." Pew said 68,000 people were registered in three states, and 1,807 were even registered in three states.
      It is a shame on us that our country is run by partisan Progressive Socialist Democrats who are waging war against the integrity of the election process for their own gain. To do this they are chipping away at the rule of law and the sovereignty of the several states. Election fraud is a crime against the entire American public. It is a crime against the Constitution and a crime against the foundations of our nation," The TRUTH is that it exists and it is accelerating.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

America's Leftist Courts "Fix" the Election - Destroy America


      Zeno Potas

      Another week, another court ruling allowing non-citizens to effect the election by allowing them to vote as if they were Americans. This is a direct violation of the U.S. Constituion. Under Article I, Secion 2 and the Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution, states have the power to set
the “Qualification requisite for electors.” As with many issues, the Left disdains the balance the Framers adopted in the Constitution and objects to this delegation of power to the states. The Justice Department has been actively engaged in blocking an independent bipartisan federal agency from allowing a state to verify that only citizens are registering to vote.They prefer to see power over elector eligibility centralized in Washington, D.C.

      Recent court ruling have left polling stations with the instructions that proof of citizenship is somehow politically incorrect and all that is required to vote is to show up! and state that you are a citizen because nobody lies. How do you think the Internal Revenue Service would respond if we all said it would have to take our word for our income and expenses based on our "declarations" and we were not going to furnish 1099s, W2s or expense receipts? What would the NSA say if all airline passengers simply refused to show their driver's licenses at airport security checkpoints? Is the integrity of our elections so unimportant to President Obama's Progressives and the rest of the Democratic cabal that they refuse to impose the slightest checks against voter fraud? The answer is yes. His nominations to the Federal Courts over the last decade HAS fundamentally changed America.

      What you need to understand is that with the Progressive Socialists, this bunch of Democrats, everything is about politics. For
them, the end justifies any means, and their paramount end is to get Democrats elected, and so they will pursue it, even at the expense of the integrity of the system. This is undeniable given their opposition to voter-ID laws. What other conclusion can we draw from their opposition than they want to increase Democratic votes with voters who abuse the election process? Democratic political strategists Ruy Teixeira and John Judis have been gloating for 20 years about how post-1965 immigration would soon produce a country where Republicans could not win an election, anywhere. That one-party Progressives would control the country - forever. This government for the people and by the people has is turning into a joke.

      At this time there are several well-funded organizations, including the League of Women Voters and the NAACP, who are fighting efforts to prevent non-citizens from voting illegally in the upcoming presidential election. They are losing every battle in a court system that has been strewn with Socialist leaning judges that have been appointed by the Progressive Socialists in our government including the President. Who would have imagined just a decade ago that today the executive branch of the federal government and a good chunk of its legislative branch would be dominated by radical Leftist organizers wreaking havoc on the rule of law and our cherished principles of equal protection under the law and the impartial administration of justice?

      Peter Kirsanow, a Republican appointee to the U.S. Commission of Civil Rights who has warned of dangers from mass illegal immigrant voting. He said the federal government does almost nothing to help states try to weed out ineligible voters, and once they have driver’s licenses and Social Security numbers it’s nearly impossible for states to spot them on their own. “Even if an ineligible voter does not sway the outcome of an election, his vote still chips away at the legitimacy of the voting system,” Mr. Kirsanow said in a letter to congressional leaders. “Every person who votes despite being ineligible cancels out the vote of an eligible voter.”

      The problem is real. It is not a "myth." It's unacceptable and it must be dealt with. A recent Rasmussen poll of “Likely U.S. Voters” shows that 78 percent favor voter ID laws that include proof of U.S. Citizenship, with only 19 percent opposing that requirement. Other polls show broad support for voter photo ID, regardless of race or party but the powers that be will have none of it. Secretary of State Project co-founder Rebecca Bond once said, "Any serious commitment to wrestling control of the country from the Republican Party must include removing their political operatives from deciding who can vote and whose votes will count."

      The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of voter ID in a 6-3 decision in 2008. Since that time, 34 states have adopted some form of ID laws, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Almost every one of those laws have been neutered by the Leftist courts. The idea of controlling who counts the legal votes is hardly original. Remember it was Joseph Stalin who once said: “The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”

Sunday, September 4, 2016

A Newsman Confesses the Truth about the Slanted Media

As told to: 

        George Sontag
"The most effectual engines for pacifying a nation are the public papers... A despotic government always keeps a kind of standing army of news-writers who, without any regard to truth or to what should be like truth, invent and put into the papers whatever might serve the ministers. This suffices with the mass of the people who have no means of distinguishing the false from the true paragraphs of a newspaper."  Thomas Jefferson

       "I worked in television news for 10 years from 2004 to 2015. There is a growing trend of skepticism on the internet right now as people start to call out mainstream media for its honesty (or rather, lack thereof). Here’s the first thing that many people don’t truly understand about the news media. It is biased to those that fund it." Nearly every news organization in the United States is in on the game in which requiring journalists/reporters write with the sponsor/advertiser in mind, not the public and national interest.

       "The second thing that many people don’t really
A Major George Soros Organization
respect is that TV and mainstream news are almost always tied to political or religious agendas. The moral idea of non-bias reporting has been thrown out, necessarily, because TV survives off money and that money often comes from large companies who are funding certain political sides, who require their side to win. News isn’t about news anymore, it’s a marketing tool for politicians and larger corporations looking to buy votes through fear and buy customers with stupidity."  A clear and present danger to the reading, listening and seeing public is the growth of sponsored/biased journalism masking as news.

       "The third thing that plagues the news media is sensationalism, and headlines that polarize audiences. It’s important to ‘tell it like it is and report the facts,’ but often these facts are not fact checked enough and headlines get published that are later apologized for." It is deliberate to push a leftist agenda at America. Democrats are being arrested across the country. Corruption and scandal are rampant, and the media is silent. Any Republican scandal is 75-point type, above the fold of every newspaper and the lead story on the nightly news. Democrats don’t need to inform the public. They have a PR firm that puts their message on the doorstep every morning and on TV every night at 5, 6 and 11

       "The fourth thing that occurs, almost daily, in the newsrooms is that people are constantly shifting roles. Yesterday, John (as an example) is an expert on social media. Today, John is now an expert on terrorism, since 8am this morning, and yet, even though John has no expertise in this field whatsoever, he’s given the credibility of people who can’t see the truth behind the camera." The truth is that currently there are more than thirty media personnel working as reporters, editors, correspondents, anchors, producers or media executives who once toiled for President Obama or his campaign. These are some of the so-called experts.

       American major news broadcasts and newspapers all
have become hybrids of infotainment, leak-planting, suggestion-planting, disinformation, and other manipulative operations. Massive corporate media consolidation (six massive corporations supply virtually all the news Americans receive), the dropping of most foreign correspondent and investigative journalism efforts owing to high costs, the constant and ready compliance of the few remaining owners of news media to adhere to the government line no matter how far-fetched, plus America’s now non-stop interference into the affairs of other people, The owners of America’s news media have every reason to comply with government wishes. Failure to do so would immediately cut them off from access to government officials and from the kind of juicy leaks that make journalists here and there look like they are doing their jobs. It would also be costly in the advertising department where the sale of expensive ads to other huge corporations is what pays the bills.

       The control of the media is known and accepted world-wide, except in this country where our citizens live in an illusion of press freedom. The facts are that the United States dropped three places in the latest Reporters With Borders World Press Freedom Index. The United States slid from 46th to 49th, ranking it below Niger - NIGER!!! The report appears to show an overall 8 percent increase in abuses and constraints on journalistic independence since 2014.

       A lifetime ago in 'Brave New World', Aldous Huxley predicted this as the ultimate means of social control because it w as voluntary, addictive and shrouded in illusions of personal freedom. Perhaps the truth is that we live not in an information age but a media age. It was an American, A. J. Leibling, who told us with precise accuracy, “Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.”