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Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

True Observations


       M. Richard Maxson

                          "There are none so blind as those who will not see."

  • History demonstrates that no nation can long survive if it forgets why it exists.

  • We must condemn violence and evil wherever it occurs. The racist philosophy of the alt-right is evil. The violence of the alt-right is evil. The Communist philosophy of Antifa is evil. So is the violence of Antifa. If we are to survive as a republic, we must stop providing cover to anarchists and Communists who seek to hide behind self-proclaimed righteousness and the media to participate in violence. 

  • Eighty percent of humanity lives on less than $10 a day. Meanwhile, 96% of the poor in America have televisions, 93% have microwaves and 81% have cell phones. Those who advocate for market capitalism and limited government must be able to explain that those who gain the most from this system are the poor.

  • It’s not our job to bring in the billions of people on the planet who are desperately poor, in a war torn area or just have a horrible life. In fact, if we did do that, all we’d accomplish would be to turn ourselves into another one of those horrible countries.

  • Our failure to inculcate American traditions, beliefs and history, even in the native born, not to mention immigrants, is rapidly destroying the country bequeathed to us by our forebears.

  • When I was growing up, we were taught the stories of people whose inventions and scientific discoveries had expanded the lives of millions of other people. Today, students are being taught to admire those who complain, denounce, and demand.

  • Having real freedom means you get to make real choices and when that happens, some of those choices will work out better than others.

  • Already many people are complaining that the America they grew up in, and loved, is being changed into something they can barely recognize. Record numbers are renouncing their American citizenship.

  • Today, politics is the art of convincing the public that you can make reality disappear if it votes for you. Reality is unpleasant. That's why so few politicians seem willing to face up to it.

  • China began its experiment with capitalism in 1978 and within 25 years, more than 600 million people have been moved out of poverty. The same is happening in India today. So why are we pursuing Progressive Socialism?

  • Our future looks decidedly Orwellian, with Big Brother government in charge and the Progressive's concept of American liberty a quaint notion from yesteryear.

  • In the American creed, the rights of man far outweigh the importance of the will of men.

  • When you give the government unlimited power to create “equality,” you also give it the power to tilt the playing field towards corrupt businesses that have every incentive to try to take advantage of it.

  • The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Media Defends America's Brown Shirts - Antifa


       George Sontag

       Once Hitler took power and established his ultra Socialistic society, he abolished the conservativism and it's leaders, tearing a page right out of Lenin and Stalin's books of Leftist mayhem. Like a good Leftist, he then called things by an opposite name to confuse the masses. The Left redefined Fascism without regard to facts. That is just typical "rebranding" by the Left to hide who they really are. Just like now. Antifa aren't here to fight Fascists. THEY ARE the Fascists.

       ANTIFA are classic Fascists so just because the Left has attempted to redefine the meaning of Fascism, doesn't make it so. The ANTIFA crowd is acting exactly like the fascists in Spain, Italy, & Germany in the 1930s right down to the Socialist policies and violent oppression of all opposition. The parallels are frightening, yet they are the darling of the media. They have been giving this group positive coverage for nearly two years now. 
       How can they try to spin ANTIFA into a positive movement? They are radical anarcho-Communists, and have been using violence against anyone who doesn't agree with them. They are endorsing the left wing equivalent of the Nazi movement and half of Americans are buying into it. (A lie told often enough becomes truth.- Lenin)

       Articles like this: "As neo-Nazis grow bolder, the 'Antifa' has emerged to fight them." published by

Caitlin Dickson

Caitlin Dickson this week are a glaring example of either out-right propaganda, complete ignorance, or willful compliance. This is just the latest piece of trash from the Leftist media. Thankfully, there are still those Americans who use critical thinking and analsysis to see though the massive propaganda machine that is the western press. These are their thoughts and comments on that article which ran over 90% against the author.

  • Articles like this: "As neo-Nazis grow bolder, the 'Antifa' has emerged to fight them." published by Yahoo's Caitlin Dickson this week are a glaring example of either out-right propaganda, complete ignorance, or willful compliance. Thankfully there are still those Americans who use critical thinking and analsysis to see though the massive propaganda machine that is the western press. These are their thoughts on that article which ran over 90% against the author.

  • Antifa and the Neo-N*zis are two sides of the same coin of hate. Like the Communists and the Fascists who fought each other in Germany during the lead-up to WW2. They were both Socialists, they just differed in their brand of Socialism. Leftists, especially the Leftist Fascist Antifa, are the most dangerous thing in America today.

  • ANTIFA arms up with baseball bats, shields, goggles,
    et. al. THEY instigated the violence and the Liberal Media sensationalizes it with FAKE NEWS.

  • Like BLM, Antifa is another hate group sanctioned by the left and liberal press.

  • Antifa is a Communist organization that has been attacking everyone who disagrees with them for months now. They are not "anti Fascists" in any sense of the word. They are traditional left wing cowards and thugs. The complicity of the press is clear. You have been ignoring their activities and spinning it against their targets all along. I knew it was a matter of time before Yahoo started its propaganda on their behalf. We beat them silly in Berkley and will again as needed.

  • The Media: Violence from the Right = Very Bad. Violence from the Left = Very Good.

  • Wow ... what a coincidence ... I just found out through my son that my daughter has joined a left wing group in the University that she attends in another state. My son called it Antifa. I looked it up and was shocked with their ideology. I spoke with my daughter on the phone about it and all this left wing garbage started coming out of her mouth. I told my daughter that she needed to come home to pick up her things … I gave her 1 week to move out of the house. My wife says I’m overreacting. I packed my suitcase and placed it at the entranceway. I told my wife to choose.

  • Antifa have already been declared a domestic terrorist group by the DHS in New Jersey. Why are they even tolerated by the police when they are known terrorists?

  • Antifa and all Communist groups need abolished.

  • So why has the media been beating the Neo-Nazi/White Supremacist issue to death without equally condemning the Leftist/Antifa groups. The first group got a permit to march. If the second group hadn't been there to cause trouble, there would have been no violence. Trump needs to EQUALLY condemn both groups, but with greater emphasis on the 2nd group who created this mess. Of course, the blacks and liberals will try to stop him from doing that. But...millions of us out there see what's going on and understand the second group poses the much greater problem of the two.

  • Just ask good old George Soros who they are... They're on his payroll.

  • This ANTIFA has all the earmarks of a "black op", tasked with generating turmoil and divisiveness that the media and sold out political hacks then try to pin on Trump.

  • The Soros paid liberal protestors have been rioting for some time at peaceful conservative rallies and MSM covers it as the exact opposite of what happened. Hypocrisy runs deep with the liberal 

    A sampling from other sources

Sunday, August 13, 2017

The Party of Racism in America


       M. Richard Maxson

      Although racism has been gradually decreasing in the U.S., the left is attempting to portray it as rapidly expanding in order to keep minorities voting for Democrats. The question is why? For anyone who bothers to read the history of the Democratic party – this is insanity. They are the party of racism. They are the party of the Ku Klux Klan. They are the party that promises pie-in-the-sky free everything while delivering little. They are the party who continues to LIE about their past, fanning the flames of civil unrest to their under-educated zombies to this day.

      Since its founding in the late 1820s, the Democratic Party has defended slavery, started the Civil War and opposed Reconstruction. President Woodrow Wilson was a Progressive Democrat and an avowed racist who shared many views with the Ku Klux Klan. The Democratic Party imposed segregation. Wilson re- segregated the federal civil service. Its members engaged in the lynchings of blacks and opposed the civil rights acts of the 1950s and '60s. During Reconstruction, hundreds of black men were elected to Southern state legislatures as Republicans, and 22 black Republicans served in the U.S. Congress by 1900. The Democratic Party did not elect a black man to Congress until 1935. So WHO are the party of racists?

      The only serious congressional opposition to the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 came from Democrats. Eighty percent of Republicans in the House of Representatives supported the bill. Less than 70 percent of Democrats did. Democratic senators, led by ex-Klansman Robert Byrd's 14-hour filibuster, kept the bill tied up for 75 days, until Republicans mustered enough votes to break the filibuster. So WHO are the party of racists?

      Yet daily, in our “so-called news media.” we continue to hear story after story stating the opposite of historical fact! The media will applaud Democrats, characterizing their racism as prescient while attacking any perceived social slight by Republicans as evidence of evil.
It’s a staggering example of overt, unabashed racism, the kind only Democrats and the Leftist media can espouse without an immediate and deafening public backlash.

      African-Americans have bought this lie and continue to insanely flock to the party that opposed every measurable civil rights initiative since the Emancipation Proclamation. It should stun historians that the party of the Ku Klux Klan and segregation, the Democrats, now have an undeniable stranglehold on black America. The lie continues to flourish, regardless of the truth.



They learned from the master.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Our Schools Are Deliberately Producing Stupid Americans


      Zeno Potas
       America’s Founders were united in their belief that our government requires engaged, well-informed and educated citizens committed to the practice of self-government. Their views were stated quite plainly:

"Promote…as an object of primary importance institutions for the general diffusion of knowledge.” - George Washington

"A well-instructed people alone can be permanently a free people.” - James Madison

"A nation that expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, expects what never was and never will be.” - Thomas Jefferson

      The founders understood that our experiment in self-government maintained by a well-educated populace. Tragically, our schools are now too often places of political correctness but not historical correctness or geographical correctness or scientific correctness. We’ve gone from the Greatest Generation to the stupidest. Today, we have millions of functional illiterates. There are graduates of high school who literally cannot read their own diplomas. In contrast, around 1800, John Adams said that "to find an uneducated man in New England was a rare as a comet. "

      Our children are deliberately are no longer taught about patriotism, morality, honor, or self-reliance. They’re not taught economics. They’re not taught about
the Constitution. Our society used to inculcate these values in schools, church and via our entertainment. For previous generations it was a different and, in many ways, better world. Students are unlikely to go through college without being assigned to read "The Communist Manifesto" -- often in more than one course -- while a classic like "The Federalist" is seldom assigned reading, even though it is a very readable and profound explanation of the principles on which the Constitution of the United States is based, written by three of the men who actually wrote the Constitution.

      A study by the group Opportunity Nation found that one in seven young adults between the ages of 16-24 is "disconnected" -- meaning neither in school, nor working. "We have too many kids who graduate from high school who are not well-educated, they're not good in reading, they're not good in their numbers and they're not prepared to learn a lot more that a company would want them to learn in order for them to work for that company," said Ron Haskins of the Brookings Institution.

      The American Council of Trustees and Alumni said their survey uncovered a “crisis in American civic education.” The ACTA describes itself as an independent organization committed to academic freedom, excellence and accountability at America’s colleges and universities. Their findings reveal “that recent college graduates are alarmingly ignorant of America’s history and heritage.”

      In it’s reporting on the study US magazine reports that students

  • Could not identify the father of the U.S. Constitution.

  • Could not name one of our First Amendment Rights. That could explain a why a frightening number of college students support curbing free speech.
  • Only 20.6% of respondents could identify James Madison as the Father of the Constitution. More than 60% thought the answer was Thomas Jefferson—despite the fact that Jefferson, as U.S. ambassador to France, was not present during the Constitutional Convention.
  • 60% of college graduates failed to identify correctly a requirement for ratifying a constitutional amendment.
  • 40% of college graduates didn’t know that Congress has the power to declare war.
  • 10% of recent college graduates say that television star Judith Sheindlin - Judge Judy, is on the Supreme Court.

      Not only are our schools turning out, in what previous generations would have called functional illiterates, what our educational system is producing is cultural amnesia. Today's students don't know what liberty costs. They can't identify between good and right.
They have no sense of what "exceptionalism" means. They don't know how history got us to where we are today, and why its bloody path was worth it.  They possess accidental knowledge, but otherwise are masters of systematic ignorance. Efforts by several generations of reformers and public policy experts have combined to produce a generation of know-nothings who think they know it all and know what is best for all. 
They are producing anti-Constitutional Progressives.