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Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

The Next Election Could Get Dangerous


        M. Richard Maxson 

      With each passing day, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the two biggest blemishes recently on America as a great and free nation are the stolen presidential election of 2020, and the subsequent incarceration of those patriots who exercised their guaranteed First Amendment right to free speech to contest it. The release of more video and cell phone tapes from January 6 by new House Speaker Mike Johnson shows further evidence of a setup by the Feds and that their so-called insurrection was staged. It was staged to force certification of the vote and to stop ANY conversation of illegitimacy. 

      All of the J6 Committee interview tapes are suddenly missing giving further credence that there WAS a conspiracy, by the Democrat party aligned with Deep state officials, to stop the President from contesting the obviously fraudulent election. Now that we have the tapes proving January 6th was not the violent insurrection we were told it was, let me enlighten you on what ACTUALLY happened that day.  

     Flashback to January 4th, 2021. Pence promised that he was going to “hear the objections and evidence”, in reference to the massive irregularities and voter fraud in the 2020 election. House leader, Nancy Pelosi, knew that a halt in the proceedings would lead to an investigation. And an investigation would lead to those questions being covered, albeit reluctantly, by the entire mainstream media. What actually transpired over the three additional days of counting in the 2020 Election would be exposed. And the narrative of the most secure election in American history would crumble in front of the                                              eyes of everybody in this country and across the globe.

       Pence never got to hear those electors air their objections or evidence. The January 6th event at the Capitol was the means Pence used to justify NOT giving electors their day in Congress. Pence claimed the acts by Trump and his supporters were so heinous, that he was just going to certify the election the next day.  

      Well, now that we have the January 6th tapes of the capitol, it is clear this event was facilitated and coordinated by elements within our own government, and the evidence of this was intentionally withheld from the American People in order to continue perpetuating this massive lie.  

      The fact that all of the J6 Committee interview tapes are suddenly missing* giving further credence that there WAS a conspiracy, by the Democrat party aligned with Deep state officials, to stop the President from contesting the obviously fraudulent election. The election tampering advanced the Left’s directive of “fundamental transformation” of the country, which included imprisonment without bail or trial of those with whom the tyrannical administration disagreed. You witnessed an insurrection on January 6th 2021, but it wasn’t by Trump supporters. It was by establishment politicians, elements within the intelligence community, and State-controlled MSM outlets, who coordinated to generate, escalate, and exaggerate the situation in order to avoid electors airing their objections, in order to certify a stolen election. You witnessed treason and war waged on the American People. You witnessed a second coup in the United States. The first being the murder of JFK. 

       That’s what happened on January 6th. Our nation was stolen from us by corrupt elements within our own government. And all the hatred, discrimination, censorship, and vitriol towards Trump supporters, ALL of it was based on a lie. They created a web of lies leaving innocent people to rot in jail for standing up for America.


*All J6 Witness Video Depositions Have Mysteriously Vanished 

Saturday, November 11, 2023

The Alien and Sedition Acts


       Zeno Potas*

  • Whensoever the general government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force."                                                -Thomas Jefferson

      Today in history, on Nov. 10. 1798, the Kentucky legislature took a bold stand against federal overreach with the passage of resolutions penned by Thomas Jefferson.

      It’s one thing to claim the Constitution limits the federal government to its specific list of powers. It’s another thing to hold the federal government to that list. So, what do we do when the federal government oversteps its constitutional limits? Opponents of the clearly unconstitutional Alien and Sedition Acts had to grapple with this question way back in 1798.

       During the summer of that year, Congress passed, and President John Adams signed into law, four acts together known as the Alien and Sedition Acts. With winds of war blowing across the Atlantic, the Federalist Party majority wrote the laws to prevent “seditious” acts from weakening the U.S. government. Federalists utilized fear of the French to stir up support for these draconian laws, expanding federal power, concentrating authority in the executive branch and severely restricting freedom of speech.

       Two of the Alien Acts gave the president the power to declare foreign U.S. residents an enemy, lock them up and deport them. These acts vested judicial authority in the executive branch and obliterated due process. The Sedition Act essentially outlawed criticizing the federal government – a clear violation of the First Amendment.

Recognizing the grave danger these acts posed to the basic constitutional structure, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison drafted resolutions that were passed by the Kentucky and Virginia legislatures on Nov. 10 and Dec. 21, 1798, respectively. The “Principles of ’98” formalized the principles of nullification as the rightful remedy when the federal government oversteps its authority.

      The Alien and Sedition Acts outraged many Kentuckians. Several counties in the Commonwealth adopted resolutions condemning the acts, including Fayette, Clark, Bourbon, Madison and Woodford.

      A Madison County Kentucky militia regiment issued an ominous resolution of its own, stating, “The Alien and Sedition Bills are an infringement of the Constitution and of natural rights, and that we cannot approve or submit to them.” Several thousand people gathered at an outdoor meeting protesting the acts in Lexington on August 13. The push to nullify the Alien and Sedition Acts was not simply the act of opportunistic politicians. It rose out of the passionate demands of the citizenry in Kentucky, as well as Virginia.

       Jefferson penned the original draft of the Kentucky Resolutions within a month of Congress passing the Sedition Act.

That the several States composing, the United States of America, are not united on the principle of unlimited submission to their general government; but that, by a compact under the style and title of a Constitution for the United States, and of amendments thereto, they constituted a general government for special purposes — delegated to that government certain definite powers, reserving, each State to itself, the residuary mass of right to their own self-government; and that whensoever the general government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force.”

After outlining each constitutional violation and overreach of federal power, Jefferson called for action – nullify now!

Therefore this commonwealth is determined, as it doubts not its co-States are, to submit to undelegated, and consequently unlimited powers in no man, or body of men on earth: that in cases of an abuse of the delegated powers, the members of the general government, being chosen by the people, a change by the people would be the constitutional remedy; but, where powers are assumed which have not been delegated, a nullification of the act is the rightful remedy: that every State has a natural right in cases not within the compact, (casus non fÅ“deris) to nullify of their own authority all assumptions of power by others within their limits: that without this right, they would be under the dominion, absolute and unlimited, of whosoever might exercise this right of judgment for them.” [Emphasis added]

       Jefferson sent former Virginia ratifying convention delegate Wilson Cary Nicholas a draft of the resolution, likely hoping the state legislator could get them introduced in Virginia. In October 1798, Wilson indicated that state representative John Breckinridge was willing to introduce the resolutions in Kentucky. Breckinridge suffered from tuberculosis and made a recuperative trip to Sweet Springs, Va. late in August of that year. Nicholas likely gave the Kentucky lawmaker a copy of Jefferson’s draft during that trip.

       On Nov. 7, 1798, Gov. James Garrard addressed the Kentucky state legislature, noting the vehement opposition to the Alien and Sedition Acts. He said Kentucky was, “if not in a state of insurrection, yet utterly disaffected to the federal government.” And noted that the state “being deeply interested in the conduct of the national government, must have a right to applaud or to censure that government, when applause or censure becomes its due,” urging the legislature to reaffirm its support of the U.S. Constitution while “entering your protest against all unconstitutional laws and impolitic proceedings.”

       That same day, Breckinridge announced to the House he intended to submit resolutions addressing Garrard’s message. The following day, the Fayette County lawmaker followed through, introducing an amended version of Jefferson’s draft.

       Most notably, Breckinridge omitted the word nullification from the final version considered by the Kentucky legislature, seeking to moderate the tone of the resolution. Removal of the nullification reference apparently didn’t bother Jefferson, and in fact, did little to change the fundamental thrust of the resolution. By declaring the Alien and Sedition Acts unconstitutional, null and void, the Kentucky legislature voted on a nullification resolution, even with the actual word omitted.

       The resolution passed the House on Nov. 10 with only three dissenting votes. The Senate unanimously concurred three days later, and Gov. Garrard signed the resolution on Nov. 16.

       The resolutions didn’t end the Alien and Sedition Acts, but they laid a philosophical foundation to resist them through further state action.

       The following day, Jefferson sent a draft of his resolution to James Madison, writing:

“I inclose you a copy of the draught of the Kentuckey resolves. I think we should distinctly affirm all the important principles they contain, so as to hold to that ground in future, and leave the matter in such a train as that we may not be committed absolutely to push the matter to extremities, & yet may be free to push as far as events will render prudent.” [Emphasis added]

       Kentucky followed up with a second resolution affirming its position in 1799, notably including the word “nullification,” omitted in the final version of the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798 passed by the state legislature.

The several states who formed that instrument (the Constitution), being sovereign and independent, have the unquestionable right to judge of its infraction; and, That a nullification, by those sovereignties, of all unauthorized acts done under color of that instrument, is the rightful remedy.”

       Jefferson’s principles have endured for over 220 years despite relentless attacks and demagoguery. Americans have appealed to the ideas brilliantly articulated in the Kentucky Resolutions to protect free speech, to promote economic justice, to stop military conscription and to protect the rights of blacks during the fugitive slave era.

       Jefferson’s words leave no doubt – nullification was the rightful remedy, and it remains so today.

* Via: Tenth Amendment Center

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Another Prominent Journalist Walks Away from the Democrat Party


       M. Richard Maxson

      Journalist Bari Weiss, a Jewish liberal who was hired to supposedly broaden their views 
after they miscalculated the election of 2016. She was told that centrist and conservative 
views would now be part of the publication. They lied. She was constantly berated for her
 opinions from colleagues who deemed many of her ideas “wrongthink.” 

      She stated that her forays into this supposed “wrongthink” have made her the subject of 
constant bullying by colleagues who disagree with my views. “They have called me a Nazi 
and a racist; I have learned to brush off comments about how I’m ‘writing about the 
Jews again,” she said. In 2020. she quit the New York Times over its far left radical 
agenda and it’s anti-Antisemitism.

        This week, she posted a her walkaway statement about the Democrat party. Another
 former left-of-center in media personality has the revaluation of truth and reality. 
Her statement:As a Democrat who has been left homeless, who is now definitely in the center but 
probably leaning increasingly right, I am left yet again with an appreciation, despite 
the messenger, of the message of the Trump administration because what those guys 
did was pretty incredible in hindsight”So much of the work that happened in that [Trump] administration turns out to have
 been right. And that’s what is so frustrating for me. The work on the border wall?
 We didn't like the messenger, so we killed the message. Turned out it was right. 
Issuing long-term debt to refinance when rates were at zero? We didn’t like the messenger,
so we killed the message. A structural peace in the Middle East? We didn't like the 
messenger, so we killed the message.”When are we gonna stop shooting ourselves in the foot? And when are we going to 
actually see and take the time to look past who is saying things and actually listen to
 them word for word?”If it's clear that the last two weeks have been a wake-up call, the next question is: 
                                                                   Why?”Part of the answer is the sheer depravity of Hamas’s terrorism. That depravity 
has made the justification and celebration of their acts by those who police pronouns
 that much starker. The contradictions and moral bankruptcy of a worldview that spends 
years worrying about microaggressions and tone policing, but can’t decide what side 
it is on after the beheading of babies, aren't exactly difficult to spot”To put it another way: when Black Lives Matter organizations are lionizing 
Islamist terrorists by posting a paraglider logo, you'd be a fool not to reassess things.”The events of the last week have shattered the illusion that wokeness is about 
protecting victims and standing up for persecuted minorities. This ideology is and has
 always been about the one thing many of us have told you it is about for years: power.And after the last two weeks, there can be no doubt about how these people 
will use any power they seize: they will seek to destroy, in any way they can, those 
who disagree.”


Saturday, October 21, 2023

Declaration of Colonial Rights


        M. Richard Maxson


      Today in history on October 20, 1774, my birthday, the First Continental Congress adopted the Continental Association. This agreement put teeth into the Declaration of Colonial Rights the Congress adopted a week earlier by formalizing a coordinated economic embargo on British goods.

       The Association was the third significant step taken by the Continental Congress in response to the “Coercive Acts,” and represented one of the first formal shows of unity among the colonies. Today, it’s considered by many historians to be one of the four major founding documents, along with the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution for the United States.

       The Coercive Acts were a series of laws passed by Parliament in early 1774 to punish the colonies — particularly Massachusetts — after the Boston Tea Party. These acts included the Boston Port Act closing the Boston Port, the Massachusetts Government act stripping virtually all authority from the colonial government, the Administration of Justice Act stripping authority from local courts and authorizing trials to be held in Great Britain instead of Massachusetts, and the Quartering Act allowing British troops to take over private buildings.

       Local Committees of Correspondence kicked off resistance by passing resolutions opposing the Coercive Acts. The best-known was the Suffolk Resolves, adopted on Sept. 9 by delegates at the  Suffolk County (Massachusetts) Convention of the Committees of Correspondence. This local protest against the “Coercive Acts” called for non-cooperation with British authorities and for direct action to oppose what it condemned as illegitimate and unconstitutional acts by Parliament.

      In one of its first actions, the First Continental Congress endorsed the Suffolk Resolves on Sept. 17 as a show of solidarity with the people of Boston. This laid the groundwork for the Continental Congress’ own Declaration and Resolves just one month later.

      The Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress laid out colonial objections to the Coercive Acts, listed their grievances, and outlined a list of colonial rights. The document set the stage for further colonial action resisting the British by expressing the colonists’ resolve “to enter into a non-importation, non-consumption, and non-exportation agreement or association.”

       The Continental Association put the boycott resolution into effect, establishing a formal agreement between the 12 colonies represented in the Congress. (Georgia did not send delegates.)

       Richard Henry Lee of Virginia suggested the document, which was based on the Virginia Association adopted in 1769 in response to the Townshend Acts.

       The Virginians agreed that they would “not at any Time hereafter, directly or indirectly import, or cause to be imported, any Manner of Goods, Merchandize, or Manufactures, which are, or shall hereafter be taxed by Act of Parliament, for the Purpose of raising a Revenue in America.”

       The Continental Association started with an affirmation of loyalty to the king, but quickly pivoted to reasserting the colonies’ grievances previously stated in the Resolves, declaring that the “unhappy Situation of our Affairs is occasioned by a ruinous System of Colony Administration, adopted by the British Ministry about the Year 1763.”

       The document went on to establish a series of economic sanctions against the British, including an immediate ban on the importation of British tea. Beginning on December 1, the colonies agreed to stop importing or consuming any goods from Great Britain, Ireland, or the British West Indies.

We will not import into British America, from Great Britain or Ireland, any Goods, Wares, or Merchandise whatsoever, or from any other Place, any such Goods, Wares, or Merchandise, as shall have been exported from Great Britain or Ireland; nor will we, after that Day, import any East India Tea from any Part of the World, nor any Molosses, Syrups, Paneles, Coffee, or Pimenta, from the British Plantations, or from Dominica, nor Wines from Madeira, or the Western Islands, nor foreign Indigo.”

       The Association also threatened an export ban if Parliament didn’t repeal the Coercive Acts by Sept. 10, 1775.

       The agreement included a commitment by the colonists to not raise prices.

That all Manufactures of [this country be sold at reason]able Prices, so that no undue Advantage [be taken of a future scarcity of] Goods.”

       The adoption of the Continental Association was a significant step in colonial resistance to Parliament. It demonstrated the colonies’ willingness and ability to work together in a coordinated way.

       It also drew a concrete line in the sand letting the British know that the colonies were not just going to protest – they were willing to take concrete actions to resist unconstitutional and tyrannical actions.

Friday, August 25, 2023

They Did Not Foresee


       M. Richard Maxson

      Given the nature of humans, factions are inevitable. As long as men hold different opinions, have different amounts of wealth, and own different amounts of property, they will continue to fraternize with those people who are most similar to them. Men of greater ability and education tend to possess more property than those of lesser ability. Humanity is not equal. And never will be. Property is divided unequally due to many circumstances and, in addition, there are many different kinds of property. People have different interests depending upon the kind of property they own. For example, the interests of landowners differ from those of business owners. Governments must not only protect the conflicting interests of property owners but also must successfully regulate the conflicts between those with and without property.

      There are only two ways to control a faction: to remove its causes and to control its effects. There are only two ways to remove the causes of a faction: destroy liberty or give every citizen the same opinions, passions, and interests. That, unless you agree with Progressives, is impossible and destroying liberty is, as President Madison stated, "a cure worse then the disease itself." The causes of factions are thus part of the nature of man, so we must accept their existence and deal with their effects. The government created by the Constitution controls the damage caused by such factions.

      It was historical that the Founders established a constitutional republic because pure or direct democracies cannot possibly control factious conflicts. This is because the strongest and largest faction dominates and there is no way to protect weak factions against the actions of an obnoxious individual or a strong majority. Tyranny of the majority, under the banner of democracy, is something the Founding Fathers DID NOT WANT. Direct democracies cannot effectively protect personal and property rights as the constitution does and have always been characterized by conflict.

      We, the people, should be involved in our government for it is the people that hold the power. This ideal plan of government, when it was adopted, was done with the hope that the men elected to office will be wise and good men,­ the best of America. Theoretically, those who govern should be the least likely to sacrifice the public good for temporary conditions, but the opposite could happen and has. Men who are members of particular factions or who have prejudices or evil motives, might by intrigue or corruption, win elections and then betray the interests of the people. 

      This is why a well informed active citizenry is essential to maintain liberty. This the Founding Fathers knew. This is not the case today. They did not foresee the many factions being united for a temporary fix to their grievances. They did not foresee men with great wealth funding factions, whose agenda is placed above their country, to unite under the political theory of Socialist Communism. They did not foresee others with great wealth take over and control all information in the nation allowing only “their truth” to be seen. They warned, but did not foresee, a political party that subverts and distorts the original meaning of the constitution to fit their personal wants and only respects our past by waving it in the air as a prop while screaming YOU are a threat to THEIR democracy. If allowed to continue, this will be a sad end to our constitutional republic.



Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Turn In Your Fellow Citizen - U.N.



        Zeno Potas

       Last year the United Nations declared war on conspiracy

theories, describing the rise of conspiracy thinking as “worrying and dangerous”, and to report anybody who dares to suggest that world governments are anything but completely honest, upstanding and transparent. They also stated that George Soros, the Rothschilds and others must not be linked to any “alleged conspiracies.” It’s to be noted who they called by name and found it necessary or mandatory that hey do so.

      The UN wants you to know that events are NOT “secretly manipulated behind the scenes by powerful forces with negative intent” and if you encounter anybody who thinks the global elite are conspiring to consolidate power and dictate global events, you must take action!

      According to UNESCO, “if you are certain you have encountered a conspiracy theory” on the internet then you must “react” immediately post a relevant link to a “fact-checking website.” Perhaps the ones funded by the Soros Foundation or the other untrained and unqualified hacks performing “fact checks” from the comfort of their bedroom in between posting far-left political content on personal blogs and getting high.


      Should a team of unqualified, avowedly liberal bloggers in California, who operate in a company with no checks and measures or standardized quality control, be given the power to decide what constitutes “real news” that will be allowed on Facebook timelines? Snopes are no more trusted than most of the sites they disagree with politically and loftily claim to debunk.

      UNESCO also provide advice for anyone who encounters a real live conspiracy theorist in the flesh. According to the UN agency, you must not under any circumstances be lured into an argument with the conspiracy theorist. “Any argument may be taken as proof that you are part of the conspiracy and reinforce that belief.” Instead you must show “empathy“, avoid “ridiculing them“, and if you are a journalist you must “report” them to social media and “contact your local/national press council or press ombudsman.” In other words? TURN IN YOUR FELLOW CITIZEN.

      Remarkably, hidden in the fine print, UNESCO admit that conspiracy theories do exist. Under the heading “What is a real conspiracy?” the United Nations bureaucrats explain that “real conspiracies large and small DO exist.” There is just one problem with the UN’s definition of a “real” conspiracy theory. The media has been fully bought and paid for by the elite. And it’s the elite who are conspiring against the masses. And they will decide, through their ‘fact-checkers,” what your truth will be.


Note: Within days of this being published,Google joined the U.N. 


Saturday, August 5, 2023

The Deep State is in Control


        M. Richard Maxson


  • This is the final in a series of articles continues to examine what the shadow government and the Deep State are and how they have gained so much control over the U.S. government and society in general.

      President Donald Trump spearheaded the release of thousands of documents surrounding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The contents of these papers have ignited flames of speculation, revealing a tangled web of intrigue that reaches deep into the core of the U.S. government. This article unravels the complex narrative, investigating the links between the JFK files, Trump, and the ominous shadow of the Deep state.

      The timing of the release of more JFK assassination documents was no coincidence, as Trump found himself under relentless attack at that time from the Deep State, a term that has gained currency in recent years to refer to the clandestine network of power brokers within the government. For Trump, the release of the JFK files was a strategic counteroffensive, a bold gambit to expose the Deep State’s influence and manipulation over decades of American history.





 JFK’s assassination was the Deep State’s first overt manifestation, a brutal assertion of its existence. The look on LBJ’s face when being sworn in shows concern, not as much as the assassination but, for himself as he was told that the same fate awaited him if he did not do as he was told, the very thing President Kennedy did not want, send  troops to Vietnam.


   Things You May Not Know About the Warren Commission



       An anti-Communist and wanting to survive, he began the entry into Vietnam. At the height, the CIA via Air America, had the largest drug running operation in the world. Running drugs from Southeast Asia to be sold to cartels to raise funds, outside of Congress, to finance their world-wide clandestine activities. The drugs made their way into a country that could afford a lot of them, the United States. A totally broken man with a conscious, refused to run again. He died soon after.


       Nixon won on an anti-war platform. He would end the Vietnam war. Four years later, it was still going on. Why? He was an anti-Communist and fit right in with what the Deep State was doing. It was only after the next election and massive pressure that he began to withdraw. Curiously, he had no knowledge of the Watergate break-in until after the fact. Two other facts: half of the “plumbers” were CIA and when they were caught it was the forth time they had entered without doing anything. Did they WANT to be caught to get rid of Nixon and get another stooge in?


      Senior member of the Warren Commission and was all in on fighting Communism and keeping America upright, he did dastardly things that kept Americans in the dark. While serving as a leading member of the Warren Commission, future U.S. President Gerald Ford also acted as an inside informant for J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI. Among Ford’s many leaks was the revelation that two unnamed members of the Commission—most likely Richard Russell and Hale Boggs—remained unconvinced by FBI evidence that the kill shot had been fired from the Texas School Book Depository.


       A perfect choice as an obscure governor with a Christian demeanor meant he would do as told. He was a cream-puff. His presidency was one of the worst in history. America held hostage – remember?


      Ronald Reagan was as anti-communist as they came. He was more than happy to help the Deep State. They got sloppy and got caught. Iran/Contra – Deep State officials secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran, which was the subject of an arms embargo. they were willing to pay a much higher price for them from whoever. The CIA was taking the profits and buying small arms and munitions to give to the Nicaraguan Contras. Congress had forbidden this. The is the first realization by some that there was a government within the government who would NOT heed Congress.

                                                           Bush Sr.

       Ex-head of the CIA, He serve a purpose. He allowed the state to continue unobstructed to do as they wished. He didn’t want to continue so he deliberately contradicted his campaign promise of “No new taxes” and raised them knowing what the outcome would be. He was a stepping stone president.


      Their next attempt at a puppet in the presidency. Another obscure governor from a rural state. His wife, Hillary was their real choice but maybe later. His sending the military in to eastern Europe much to the dismay of the world including many of our allies was another Deep State operation. Bill Clinton’s extra-marital affairs came back to strangle his power while in office. The Republicans had taken control of Congress so he had to move his policies more to the center. The upside for the Deep State after Iran/Contra was that no one was watching what they were doing again.


                                                        Bush II 

      Son of the head of the CIA he was all in. They need a new conflict to sell arms and Bush Jr. was their man. Blatant lies about Iraq were put into the world press by Deep State sympathizers. Many of our European allies were not buying it but, as with Clinton in eastern Europe, full war ahead. 2000 was the first year the new millennium and we saw the first look at hard election interference. Electronic voting machines that tabulated votes and then sent them outside the U.S. for tabulation. This was supposed to show that there was no fraud. The company that tabulated the votes had an ominous shareholder – George Soros. Joseph Stalin said "It's not the people who vote that count, it's the people who count the votes."


      Finally, a perfect puppet. He came out of nowhere with little experience. John McCain was a choice but the Deep State had decided to move on from his type they had been using. They wanted to make sure, in an age of surveillance, that they would never be caught again. They wanted to change America. The media, which the Deep State had controlled for decades pushed race as the factor using white guilt to turn the lightly informed left-leaning Caucasians towards Mr. Obama. Rumors to who and what he really is continue to this day.


      Hillary Clinton will win. There is no doubt. A monkey wrench, the Electoral Collage, swung the votes to Trump. The Deep State was appalled. People cried and some went into therapy. It was all planned. They never thought the Founding Fathers would come out of their graves to stop them. Within hours of the finally tally, behind closed doors assassination was being discussed. How to get Hillary Clinton in. If they assassinate Trump before he could be inaugurated….no, they still would not have the control they needed. DAMN THAT CONSTITUTION. It was decided an all front full attack on him, his associates, and his family. Impeachment was being readied within twenty-four hours of the final tally.

       An honestly elected president would not be tolerated anymore. The media’s idol had lost. The commentary from government officials, especially Hillary Clinton and most of the top Democrats was he was illegitimate. The election was a fraud. THE SAME THING THEY ARE CHARGING PRESIDENT TRUMP WITH. We see, even now seven years later, continuing attacks on the Electoral Collage which is a pillar of the Constitution.


      A Fascist mouthpiece for the Deep State. The Deep State made sure this time “their man” would be in the White House. The voting in the 2020 election was massively fraud. There is huge amounts of proof from almost every state but with fingers in ears and a la,la,la….. In office it didn’t take long for the war machine to spring into action. President Trump, along with President Kennedy were the only two presidents in recent history that hated war. Look what the Deep State did to them.




      The assassination of President Kennedy was the coup that changed everything. War for profit, above and below the table has been the rule of thumb since. We have had a string of willing and unwilling lackeys in the executive branch bought and paid for by the Deep State. The second coup was in 2020 with the massive vote fraud, which is clearly documented, has left us adrift. Patriotism is falling. We are dividing into two camps. The people who search for truth and those who get it from their fantasy box each evening. Two sets of facts, two divided people. You need go no further to find the facts that this could only have happen through the Deep State.


       Do the people still control the government as the Constitution states? Recent history says not. They can’t make rational decisions based on lies and slanted facts coming at them from all their media. Which is why every citizen should read outside the western sphere of propaganda to find truth because there is very little here in this country. There are those who say the U.S. no longer exists as the Founders gave us. It exists only as an illusion wrapped in red, white, and blue. Technically, they are correct!