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Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

American's Misconceptions of America


      George Sontag

      In a country where information is right at our fingertips,no one has more misconceptions about America than Americans. Most people think they know what is going on around them but most of us don't have time to do a lot of actual thinking.  Quietly, the Left has so warped our public education system that no child, taking American history, ever gets past the Battle of Gettysburg. For-generations, American children wondered what happened in that gap between Gettysburg and their birth, but after a while, since no one they knew ever knew either, they stopped being curious.

 We are saddled with a media who believe their primary function is entertainment. The media believe that the few real news stories should be in an entertaining format. So consequently, Americans are full of wrong ideas about their country that they believe are truths.

      For example, most young Americans think that we are a democracy when in fact our Constitution was designed to create a republic. The authors of our Constitution were dead set against democracy, figuring that democracies self destruct as soon as people learn to loot the public treasury with their votes. The Democratic party has used the idea of "free" money to expand their base for decades.

       Many people think the American government is against communism, another misconception. We need an enemy to keep our war machine factories rolling and Communism, being the opposite of our system of government, is the "perfect" enemy. Every time communism has gotten itself into a real trouble, the American government has stepped in to save it (until Ronald Reagan). We fed it after the Revolution' sold it machinery during Lenin's New Economic Policy, gave it diplomatic recognition and credit during the economic hard times of 1933, helped Stalin industrialize, helped it defeat the Nazis.

      Communism served to justify a global foreign policy
that our forefathers warned us against. Whenever the powers-that-be wish to meddle in the internal affairs of another country, the intervention - which is for economic reasons - is justified on the basis of our being against Communism. Today, our government doesn't use the word communism, it has replaced that word with "Russia", which serves it just as well.

       Another misconception is that we have a strong two-party system in the United States when in fact we have two parties, but they are not the ones people think. The two parties consist of them and us. Democrats and Republicans. are merely two sides of the same coin. Both are funded by the very rich elites whose goal is profit at the expense of the rest of us.

       There's not much difference between Republicans and Democrats. Both support the Federal Reserve. Both support a tax system with variations based mainly on having different constituencies to reward. Both support a Global foreign policy of continued warfare. N They have impressed war into our psyche. Everything in this country is a "war", the "war" on drugs, the "war" on crime, the "war" on poverty. We have been set up to accept perpetual war. The only differences in the two parties are on details and in the degree of competence of their leaders in carrying out the same policy.

      We no longer have the Republic that our Founders envisioned for us, nor do we have a democracy that they warned us about. What we have is for a form of corporate capitalism, run by elites, with a welfare state - paid for by the working class - the purpose of which is to keep the masses relatively content, as long as the money holds out.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Bilderberger Conference 2016 - The Rulers of the World Meet


       M. Richard Maxson

    “Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will,” he wrote. “If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”                                                                                                                                       - David Rockefeller

This weekend 150 of the world's most powerful people are meeting in the Kempinski Hotel Taschenbergpalais in Dresden, Germany. They are known as the Bilderbergs. Their secret meetings will be protected by hundreds of police officers and soldiers. Security for the meetings exceed 35 million dollars. 

But who are they and what are they doing?

      It is known as the annual Bilderberg
Conference.  Ever since its formation in 1954 - at the Hotel Bilderberg in the Netherlands - the talks have been shrouded in mystery because no minutes are kept of what was discussed and many people believe those attending are part of a network of wealth who secretly run the world from the shadows. This has led to suspicions among some that they are deciding on everything from the outcome of the EU referendum, as to where the next war will be fought, and even who will be the next US President.

    That secrecy is ensured by the so-called Chatham House Rule, which allows those attending the conference to make use of the information they have received but not reveal the identity or affiliation of the person who gave it to them.  The Bilderberg Group with a
membership representing a who’s who of world power elites, mostly from America, Canada, and Western Europe with familiar names like Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton, David Petraeus, Robert Dudley, Reid Hoffman, King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands. Angela Merkel, Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, Larry Summers, Tim Geithner, Lloyd Blankfein, George Soros, Donald Rumsfeld, Rupert Murdoch, other heads of state, influential senators, congressmen and parliamentarians, Pentagon and NATO brass, members of European royalty, selected media figures, and invited others – some quietly by some accounts like Barack Obama and many of his top officials.

       Always well represented are top figures from the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), IMF, World Bank, Trilateral Commission, EU, and powerful central bankers from the Federal Reserve, the ECB’s Jean-Claude Trichet, and Bank of England’s Mervyn King.
      Early in its history, Bilderbergers decided “to create an ‘Aristocracy of purpose’ between Europe and the United States (to reach consensus to rule the world on matters of) policy, economics, and (overall) strategy.” NATO was essential for their plans – to ensure “perpetual war (and) nuclear blackmail” to be used as necessary. Then proceed to loot the planet, achieve fabulous wealth and power, and crush all challengers to keep it.
The Group is now a large part of “a shadow world government which threatens to take away our right to direct our own destinies (by creating) a disturbing reality” very much harming the public’s welfare. In short, Bilderbergers want to supplant individual nation-state sovereignty with an all-powerful global government, corporate controlled, and check-mated by militarized enforcement.
       On the agenda this year is the problem of Russia. NATO meets in early July to discuss whether a ground war against Russia is plausible at this time.  With their back door attempt in Ukraine in shambles their attention has been turned to the Baltics. The end game is the overthrow of the Russian government and replacing it with one of their own as to the exployt the country of it's massive natural resources. War for profit continues in the world and the men in the shadows are meeting this week to discuss exactly how they will continue their attempt in the coming year.

Friday, June 10, 2016

The Democrats Have Become the Party of Big Money

           Zeno Potas
      Another prominent figure has announced that he is leaving the Democratic party but for a different reason than most - they aren't liberal enough! Shawn King, The controversial racial justice activist and New York Daily News contributor, who supported President Obama in the 2008 election and wrote critically of both Democratic candidates before ultimately endorsing Bernie Sanders, announced in column last Friday that 2016 would be his last election as a Democrat. After that, "I’m moving on," he says, "and hope you do, too."

       King is unequivocal. "It has never been more clear to me that millions and millions of us do not belong in the Democratic Party," he writes. "Their values are not our values. Their priorities are not our priorities." He writes "Right now, the Democratic Party, which I have called home my entire life, is deeply in love with money," King writes. "Consequently, its leaders have supported and advanced all kinds of evil, big and small, in devotion to this love affair."

       He is convinced that the Democratic Party is corrupt, perhaps irredeemably so.

 He cites only a few specific examples:

  • "I don't believe the Democratic Party on issues of racial injustice. What has happened since the abolition of slavery is that you've [made] a little tinker here, a little tinker there. And if we go back, we will find [with the] Democratic Party, its roots and foundations are not always this beautiful thing."
  • "There is no situation or circumstance where I would campaign for Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton and the DNC each wants us to believe that lobbyists and SuperPACs don’t expect anything from them in return for their money. This is the most basic, foolish, offensive lie they could ever tell. Further: that it is has been seduced by the root of all evil."
  • .“the Democratic Party is dishonest. I don't believe the Democratic Party when it comes to issues of racial justice, of prison reform We see police departments and others all throughout this country are still basically a part of what they believe is basically the Democratic Party.”

  • He is very concerned about Hillary Clinton’s refusal to release transcripts of her Goldman Sachs speeches.
  • He also spoke out against the distribution of funds raised by Clinton/Democratic National Committee joint fundraising events and the reversal of lobbyist donation rules. (Debbie Wasserman Schultz repealed a rules change that has allowed lobbyists to make huge donations and PACs to make huge donations to the DNC.)

      Yes, Shaun King says he is leaving the Democratic Party. He says he thinks the Democratic Party can’t be saved. He is less sure of what comes after. He sees possibilities in the Green Party, in a Socialist party, in an entirely new Progressive party. 

      When one of the Democrats own comes out to speak out against the Progressive wing of the party for being too "in bed" with big Leftist money it can only be the truth. That, Patriots, is a commodity sorely lacking in this country today - THE TRUTH.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Invasion of Privacy - Social Sites Lead the Way.


       M. Richard Maxson

      The historical roots of privacy are the now well-known numerous instances of colonial antipathy toward the British practice of general warrants. General warrants were issued by British judges to British agents in London in secret, and they permitted and authorized British agents in America to search wherever they wished for whatever they sought. Sound familiar? The textual roots of privacy have been identified by the Supreme Court in numerous places in the Constitution, not the least of which is the Fourth Amendment prohibition of searches and seizures without warrants that identify the target and that are based on the probable cause of criminal behavior of the target.

      If the government truly derives its powers from the consent of the governed, it must recognize that in areas of natural rights -- speech, press, worship, self-defense, travel, bodily integrity, privacy, etc. -- no one, not even a well-intended majority, can consent to their surrender for us. James Madison knew this when he argued that experiments with our liberties would be the beginning of the end of personal freedom.

     Most citizens today think of their social sites like Facebook, Twitter, and others as expressions of their freedoms. That couldn't be further from the truth. It is now common knowledge that Facebook is listening to everything you say and recording it. Facebook has admitted to this. Now, we're finding out that there's another spy listening to everything you say. Worse, they've been recording you for at least a year and storing it on their servers.

     Some of the world’s most popular online services have been enlisted as partners in the NSA’s mass surveillance programs, and technology companies are being pressured by governments around the world to work against their customers rather than for them,” - Edward Snowden

      You probably didn't realize that Google keeps a record of everything you do, including using your voice to search online. Not only that, the company is working hand in hand with the government to install a spy system in every home in America! Google’s engineering director announced last year that the company hoped to convince people to put microphones in their ceilings to allow easier access to the Google search engine. Similar to the Chrome browser, the microphones would undoubtedly record on a continual basis, allowing the data to be handed over to different intelligence agencies who have a classified relationship with the company. More on that next week.

     "Senior officials have sometimes suggested that government agencies do not deliberately read Americans' emails, monitor their online activity or listen to their phone calls without a warrant," "However, the facts show that those suggestions were misleading, and that intelligence agencies have indeed conducted warrantless searches for Americans' communications." -  Democratic Sens. Ron Wyden of Oregon and Mark Udall of Colorado 

      If this government ever became a tyranny, if a dictator ever took charge in this country, the technological capacity that the intelligence community has given the government could enable it to impose total tyranny, and there would be no way to fight back because the most careful effort to combine together in resistance to the government, no matter how privately it was done, is within the reach of the government to know. Will Americans ever lift their heads from their phones in time to see their liberties dissolving around them before it's too late?