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Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Forgotten Truths - Citizenship in a Republic.


       M. Richard Maxson

      Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th President of the United States, serving from 1901 to 1909. While serving as Vice President, he became the youngest person to assume the U.S. presidency at the age of 42 following the assassination of President McKinley.

      In April 1910, as he was spending his first year after leaving office on a trip across Africa and Europe, Roosevelt stopped in Paris at the Sorbonne a building in the Latin Quarter of Paris which from 1253 onwards housed the College of Sorbonne, part of one of the first universities in the Western world, later renamed to University of Paris. Unbeknownst to him, he gave what would become quite possibly his most famous speech: The Man in the Arena: Citizenship in a Republic.

"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."
                                                                      — Theodore Roosevelet

       Most famous for its criticism of those that cast stones at the few attempting to make progress or achieve something great, Roosevelt also touches on a plethora of wide-ranging topics around politics and personal responsibility of being a citizen in a Democratic Republic as excerpted below.

                                            The Man in the Arena: Citizenship in a Republic.

      "Today I shall speak to you on the subject of individual citizenship, the one subject of vital importance to you, my hearers, and to me and my countrymen, because you and we are citizens of great democratic republics. A democratic republic such as each of ours—an effort to realize in its full sense government by, of, and for the people—represents the most gigantic of all possible social experiments, the one fraught with greatest possibilities alike for good and for evil. The success of republics like yours and like ours means the glory, and our failure the despair, of mankind; and for you and for us the question of the quality of the individual citizen is supreme. Under other forms of government, under the rule of one man or of a very few men, the quality of the rulers is all-important. If, under such governments, the quality of the rulers is high enough, then the nation may for generations lead a brilliant career, and add substantially to the sum of world achievement, no matter how low the quality of the average citizen; because the average citizen is an almost negligible quantity in working out the final results of that type of national greatness.”

      "But with you and with us the case is different. With you here, and with us in my own home, in the long run, success or failure will be conditioned upon the way in which the average man, the average woman, does his or her duty, first in the ordinary, every-day affairs of life, and next in those great occasional crises which call for the heroic virtues. The average citizen must be a good citizen if our republics are to succeed. The stream will not permanently rise higher than the main source; and the main source of national power and national greatness is found in the average citizenship of the nation. Therefore it behooves us to do our best to see that the standard of the average citizen is kept high; and the average can not be kept high unless the standard of the leaders is very much higher.”

      "Self-restraint, self-mastery, common sense, the power of accepting individual responsibility and yet of acting in conjunction with others, courage and resolution—these are the qualities which mark a masterful people. Without them no people can control itself, or save itself from being controlled from the outside. I speak to a brilliant assemblage; I speak in a great university which represents the flower of the highest intellectual development; I pay all homage to intellect, and to elaborate and specialized training of the intellect; and yet I know I shall have the assent of all of you present when I add that more important still are the commonplace, every-day qualities and virtues.”

      "Character must show itself in the man’s performance both of the duty he owes himself and of the duty he owes the state. The man’s foremost duty is owed to himself and his family; and he can do this duty only by earning money, by providing what is essential to material well-being; it is only after this has been done that he can hope to build a higher superstructure on the solid material foundation; it is only after this has been done that he can help in movements for the general well-being. He must pull his own weight first, and only after this can his surplus strength be of use to the general public.”

      "Nevertheless, while laying all stress on this point, while not merely acknowledging but insisting upon the fact that there must be a basis of material well-being for the individual as for the nation, let us with equal emphasis insist that this material well-being represents nothing but the foundation, and that the foundation, though indispensable, is worthless unless upon it is raised the superstructure of a higher life. That is why I decline to recognize the mere multimillionaire, the man of mere wealth, as an asset of value to any country; and especially as not an asset to my own country. It is a bad thing for a nation to raise and to admire a false standard of success.”

      "In short, the good citizen in a republic must realize that he ought to possess two sets of qualities, and that neither avails without the other. He must have those qualities which make for efficiency; and he must also have those qualities which direct the efficiency into channels for the public good. He is useless if he is inefficient. There is nothing to be done with that type of citizen of whom all that can be said is that he is harmless. Virtue which is dependent upon a sluggish circulation is not impressive. There is little place in active life for the timid good man. The man who is saved by weakness from robust wickedness is likewise rendered immune from the robuster virtues. The good citizen in a republic must first of all be able to hold his own. He is no good citizen unless he has the ability which will make him work hard and which at need will make him fight hard. The good citizen is not a good citizen unless he is an efficient citizen.”

      "We should not take part in acting a lie any more than in telling a lie. We should not say that men are equal where they are not equal, nor proceed upon the assumption that there is an equality where it does not exist; but we should strive to bring about a measurable equality, at least to the extent of preventing the inequality which is due to force or fraud. If a public man tries to get your vote by saying that he will do something wrong in your interest, you can be absolutely certain that if ever it becomes worth his while he will do something wrong against your interest. ”

      "I believe that a man must be a good patriot before he can be, and as the only possible way of being, a good citizen of the world. Experience teaches us that the average man who protests that his international feeling swamps his national feeling, that he does not care for his country because he cares so much for mankind, in actual practice proves himself the foe of mankind; that the man who says that he does not care to be a citizen of any one country, because he is a citizen of the world, is in very fact usually an exceedingly undesirable citizen of whatever corner of the world he happens at the moment to be in.”

      These are excerpts of a much longer speech. Many of his points are relevant today. Over 100 years later many in this country have never learned these truisms and because of that, misery and division continue to plague our crumbling nation. They believe that you defund the police and stop taking care of those that serve us. They believe that Socialism is the new way of life. And they think that you should put your lives and your healthcare in the hands of government.

      The only things THEY care about is a lust for power, for a one party system, and to dictate to all without complaint. WHY? -  because THEY know better than you how to run your lives.

Friday, December 17, 2021

Does America Still Exist?


       Zeno Potas

      America no longer exists not when it has it’s own Hanoi Hilton where it holds American political prisoners without charges, without bail, and without visitors right here in Virginia. Massive violations of the Constitution, the Rule of Law, and basic human rights is what to expect when you try to expose the world’s elite. It almost succeeded except for their backup plan in the last election which has caused this, must be kept quiet, concentration camp.

      These Patriots are being held without charges – WHY? - because there was no insurrection, which is the charge they wanted. What they have is trespassing and some property destruction. Now that it is known that many of the so-called insurrectionists were government agents even that, done publicly, is risky. The horror of this is that the prisoners are being treated worse than most POW’s. I could write fifty articles on this subject but I will just leave our readers the links to see for themselves the hypocrisy, the lies, and the violations of rights that were once given to Americans.

                                   The January 6 Insurrection Hoax

At the rally preceding the events in question, Donald Trump had suggested that people march to the Capitol “peacefully and patriotically”—these were his exact words—in order to make their voices heard. He did not incite a riot; he stirred up a crowd. Was that, given the circumstances, imprudent? Probably. Was it an effort to overthrow the government? Hardly.”


"The Truth Is Going to Come Out" - Jan 6 Attorney    Describes EXPLOSIVE Unseen Video

The “riot” was an orchestrated false flag intelligence operation closely coordinated with compliant elements of mainstream media. The only "insurrection" in Washington was the deep state coup that installed a senile puppet as our president.”



Justice Department Moves to Conceal Police Misconduct on January 6.

Law enforcement deployed explosive devices known as “flashbangs,” which emit a powerful burst of light and sound to temporarily stun the intended victim, into the crowd around 1:15 p.m. on January 6, just moments after Trump finished up his speech at the Ellipse less than two miles away. Police also used rubber bullets, tear gas, batons, and in some cases, their own fists to assault protesters.” 


                              The Truth About Detention of Capitol Hill Prisoners

Two Republican members of Congress, Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Texas Rep. Louis Gohmert are leading the way on this issue with a new report called “UNUSUALLY CRUEL: An eyewitness report from inside the DC jail.” On November 4, the two legislators, along with congressional staff members, were finally allowed to tour two jail facilities –- the Central Detention Facility (CDF) and, especially, the Central Treatment Facility (CTF), which houses the J6 detainees –-after two unsuccessful attempts by them and also by Reps. Matt Gaetz of Florida and Paul Gosar of Arizona.”


                             Jan. 6 Defendants Are Political Prisoners

Last night, I was greeted by men who never thought anyone would come see them. It was like they were prisoners of war. They had lost hope and felt forgotten. The American people must tell the federal government that we will not stand for their authoritarianism & their tyranny.”



Inside a DC jail's 'Patriot Wing,' where Capitol riot defendants sing the national anthem and act like prisoners of war

Every night at 9 p.m, they stop what they're doing to sing The Star-Spangled Banner. Some of them are in their cells and some of them are out in the common area, but whatever it is that they're doing, they stop and they sing,"




Inmates Sing Nat’l Anthem as MTG Visits Jan. 6 Gulag Dubbed ‘Patriot Wing’

'They came out cheering and crying as soon as they saw me. They were so thankful; it's like they were prisoners of war...”


US Marshals Were Stopped from Investigating the Alleged Deplorable Jail Conditions of January 6 Defendants

Authorities at the D.C. jail ordered members of the U.S. Marshals Service to leave the facility after a team of deputy marshals spent several days last month conducting a surprise inspection of the jail and cataloguing “egregious” conditions, including the mistreatment of prisoners, a federal judge said.”


What Caused a Judge to Order an Investigation into the Jail Conditions for January 6 Defendants

A federal judge found the warden of the D.C. jail and director of the D.C. Department of Corrections in contempt of court Wednesday and called on the Justice Department to investigate whether the jail is violating the civil rights of dozens of detained Jan. 6 defendants.”


Judge asks prosecutors why Jan 6 protesters are being treated worse than BLM rioters

U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden noted that prosecutors have been treating the Jan. 6th rioters who’d rioted for a single day significantly harsher than the Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioters who’d rioted for an entire summer and longer. The judge specifically “questioned why federal prosecutors had not brought more cases against those accused in 2020 summertime protests, reading out statistics on riot cases in the nation’s capital that were not prosecuted,” according to the Associated Press.



Judge orders Jan. 6 defendant with cancer freed after 'deplorable' conditions found at DC jail

"I don’t know if it’s because he’s a January 6th defendant or not, but I find this matter should be referred to the attorney general of the United States for a civil rights investigation into whether the D.C. Department of Corrections is violating the civil rights of January 6th defendants ... in this and maybe other cases," Judge Lamberth said at the time. 


Jan. 6 Defendant Released After Investigation Finds Mistreatment of Prisoners

"Some 400 prisoners are being moved out of the jail after the “deplorable” conditions were uncovered. According to CNN, the Marshals’ report found that water was being shutoff in many cells “for punitive reasons” for days at a time, toilets were clogged, and an inmate who had been pepper-sprayed was “unable to wash the spray off for days, leading to an infection.” The D.C. Department of Corrections staff were “antagonizing detainees” and “directing detainees to not cooperate with” U.S. Marshals during the inspection, the agency said, and “[o]ne DOC staffer was observed telling a detainee to ‘stop snitching.”


Jan. 6 Defendants Taken Out of Cells on Stretchers: Court Filing

"Multiple Jan. 6 defendants were taken out of their cells on stretchers on Thursday, according to a court filing. The situation started when one of the defendants refused to wear a mask, family members of Kelly Meggs, who is being held in the D.C. Jail, told Meggs lawyer."

Prison guards began spraying a chemical substance described as “some kind of mace or pepper spray, according to a filing in federal court.

They sprayed mace or some type of gas at an inmate and kept missing so it went into an intake that fed into other cells and the lady with the key left because she didn’t like the gas, so the inmates in the cells who were being fed the gas from that intake were locked in for like 15 minutes while it was going into their rooms and they couldn’t see/breathe,” the family told Jonathon Moseley, the lawyer.


      THIS IS NOT AMERICA. Citizens being held without bail on misdemeanor charges for almost one year!!! TORTURE – because of their beliefs, yet we have avowed Communists as Representatives and Senators. THIS IS NOT AMERICA. Will it belong in the dustbin of history? That, my fellow Patriots, is up to you.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

The Federal Reserve and War


       George Sontag

      Let us briefly review our last article: The Federal Reserve has united most banks to accept universal lending practices. This effectively prevents individual banks from defaulting on their obligations, but creates a situation where a nationwide or global banking crisis can occur. When (not if) that occurs, the Fed has an understanding with the government that it will infuse the system with money by “buying” government debt (in the form of government bonds) that will be used to “salvage” the system. The public will eventually pay for this in two ways. First, through the obligation to repay the debt and interest and second, through inflation as money floods the system. It should be clear then that this maneuver is designed to keep lending institutions in perpetual business aggrandizing their wealth.

      The Fed makes the most when we are at War. We can see that the banking system reaps the greatest benefit when needs exceed resources. The Federal Reserve (and any central bank) has the sole authority to create money when the need for debt arises. The kind of event creates the greatest and most urgent need for resources is war. War requires a nation to redirect their youth away from the creation of goods and services and into military service. There is the cost of munitions, fuel, care for the wounded and ultimately reparations. The bigger and the longer the war the better …if you were a central banker.

       The Greatest Conspiracy in our history is still in play today. There is a connection between central banking and governmental war machines especially in the U.S. It’s economy depends heavily on war munitions and material. The largest arms manufacturing companies in the world are in the U.S. This may be obvious to some, but to many this approaches absurdity. A government for and by the people seems too powerful to be influenced by financiers and monetary policy makers. If banking insiders had any influence over our elected officials, the media would bring immediate public attention to it, right? In order for this kind of treachery to take place it would require the hidden collaboration of a very small group of extremely influential persons in government, central banking and the media. This would be a conspiracy, which many believe would be impossible today….and that is why it succeeds.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Inflation - The Silent Tax Put On Us by the Elite


       George Sontag

       Centralized banking has been devised for a purpose unseen and much different than what the public and most of our elected leaders/legislators believe. The purpose is not to stabilize, but to destabilize economies for ulterior motives. The elite have the weapon to retain control over societies. This weapon is called the Central Banking system. No country owns this weapon. It is wielded by a tiny circle of people. The identities of these people are largely hidden. They owe allegiance to no country, despot or political ideology only themselves. They deploy this weapon at their own discretion. They are the rulers of the western world. They are the “men in the shadows.”

       Some basics, in the 2019 fiscal year the United States Government spent 1.1 trillion dollars more than it will collect in taxes. This number is called the “budget deficit.” Operating with a budget deficit is nothing new in our government’s history. This has been going on for decades, independent of which party has controlled the White House or Congress. If you were to add together all the deficits over the years you would arrive at a sum of approximately 22 trillion dollars. This number is called the “national debt.”

      The ability to “pay off” this debt seems impossible, yet we continue to operate more or less the same way, borrowing more and more to meet our country’s obligation to social services, defense, infrastructure, and obligations to our debt holders. Most people are aware of these staggering numbers, yet few of us seem to consider basic questions about the system, like “Where does the money come from?” or “Who would continue lending us these sums given our poor track record of even balancing our budget?” The answers to these questions are astounding and can lead to an understanding of our nation’s history and monetary system that is absolutely necessary to put nearly every aspect of geopolitics into perspective.

      The Federal Reserve, covertly conceived by the wealthiest few and brought into existence by Congress in 1913, is part of a global system of centralized banking that has been devised for a purpose unseen and much different than what the public and most of our elected leaders and legislators believe. The result of this system, as evidenced by repeated examples, has not been to stabilize economies but to destabilize them. This has been the intention of the founders of the modern banking system all along.

      To accept his bold assertion it is useful to first consider how this is accomplished before understanding why it is done in the first place. As stated above, the total national debt is on the order of 22 trillion dollars as of 2019. However, according to The Federal Reserve there is only about 1.7 trillion dollars of currency in circulation. Where are the other 20 trillion dollars? Clearly, it exists only as numbers attached to accounts existing in computer memory. Monetary transactions are no longer dominated by the exchange of currency backed by a commodity (like gold or silver), they are instead represented by the increase of a receiver’s account balance that corresponds to the equivalent decrement in the account of the payer. This, of course, seems like a reasonable system that is equitable to both parties. However, if you examine it more closely, certain fundamental questions arise, primarily, where did the money come from in the first place?

      The total amount of money in circulation in 1950 was approximately 27 billion dollars. How do we now have 60 times more money? The answer is that it was created by our banks and the Federal Reserve, an institution uniquely endowed by our government to “print” money at its own discretion. The expansion of the supply of money is less accomplished by the actual printing of legal tender than it is by the “creation” of debt. To illustrate this, let us consider a simplistic model of how a bank works. First, a bank serves as a secure place to store depositor’s money. The bank issues the depositor a receipt of deposit. Long ago these receipts were recognized as being more convenient than actually using coins to facilitate transactions. The “money” was in a vault, but the receipts of deposit, when they began to be accepted as payment by a third party, began functioning as money itself. Griffin explains that this form of money is termed “receipt money.” The modern representation of this convenience has taken the form of checking accounts.

      Clearly, the amount of goods and services generated by the country has grown with our population and its concomitant increase in our labor force. Also, innovation in manufacturing and the development of technologies have given rise to less expensive ways to make stuff. We have also engineered methods for extracting our natural resources, making the required raw materials more abundantly available for industry. These changes continually influence the supply and demand for goods and services that ultimately will dictate what things cost. These are the “market” forces that capitalism relies upon to self-regulate and ostensibly create an environment for innovation. If the amount of money in circulation is left untouched, prices will continually readjust to represent the total value of the total amount of goods and services generated by an economy. There should never be a need to put more money into circulation.

      When the bank acts as a lending institution, it can also provide depositors with an added incentive to keep their holdings there in the form of interest. The bank can pay this interest on its deposits by lending this money out to other customers in the form of mortgages, business and personal loans, etc. and charging a higher interest on these sums. The ability of private citizens and industry to have access to money to purchase homes or invest in their businesses or education allows for economic growth and a higher standard of living and is generally considered a good thing and something we all depend upon.

      When we receive a loan to purchase something that we cannot “afford” we understand that it has not been given to us for free. We will pay for it over time. In the case of a home mortgage paid over thirty years the borrower ends up paying several times the amount they borrowed. This is all spelled out to the borrower when they sign the promissory note and agree to the terms. The money that gets lent is not possessed by the bank, it is owned by the depositors of the money. The depositors are free to continue to withdraw from their accounts, meanwhile the borrowers also have access to the very same pool of money. When your bank loans a sum of money to another party the amount in your account there does not get reduced. So, where does the money come from? The bank is essentially creating money out of debt and subsequently collecting interest on it. This money is added to circulation and when this happens, the value of every single dollar in the system gets depleted. Prices go up. This is inflation, and it can exact a devastating toll on the system depending on how much debt is created.

     The Fed is a Monetary Cartel that has been setting us up for bigger failures... The Federal Reserve, with the power Congress has endowed it with, sets standards for the portion of money banks within its system are allowed to loan. Because the profitability of the bank is directly related to the amount of money they loan out, banks are motivated to maximize the amount they lend. In 2008, when it became recognized that a massive number of irresponsible home loans were made over the course of a decade and a number of banks could fail, the government stepped in by infusing the banking system with large sums of money. This money does not exist anywhere. It is created on the fly by the issuance of government bonds, essentially IOUs. But who would be willing to accept government IOUs in such a crisis? Nobody. Nobody, except the Federal Reserve. Through the purchase of government debt the Federal Reserve floods the system with essentially a limitless amount of “money.” This money did not come from the sale of goods and services or gold bars from the treasury. This money is ink on paper called Federal Reserve Checks which are used to fund government debt and ultimately result in greater balances in commercial bank accounts when the government spends it. The crisis gets averted. Or does it?

      In the short run, the economy does not grind to a halt, and we laud the intervention as a success. However, there has been no increase in the amount of goods, commodities or services that the nation possesses. There is just more money out there. When that happens, the value of every single piece of currency, including the money in your wallet, drops. We grumble at the necessity of more taxes and less governmental services but few taxpayers realize the extent that their own wealth has been decremented by an unseen cost inflation, the direct cause of poor lending practices of our banks. We are told that we are in a crisis for a number of vague and complex reasons having to do with rarely agreed upon economic theories and a failure of our leaders to appreciate them. In fact, the reasons are simple. We have a system where banks can and will make the most profit if they make more loans. When they fail, the Federal Reserve ultimately steps in by creating more debt, which we shoulder by allowing our earnings and savings to be devalued. The cost to the average American rises as his net worth shrinks via inflation. Inflation IS the silent tax on us all.



Thursday, November 18, 2021

The January 6th Commission is Illegal, Illegitimate, and Violates the Constitution


       George Sontag

      When House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that she would be forming a committee in the House to investigate the events at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, she told us it was necessary because “it is imperative that we seek the truth of what happened.” So, it became unmistakably clear from her words immediately afterwards and from the composition of the committee she selected, that this was never intended to be the committee’s agenda. Rather, the “truth” Pelosi had in mind is a committee conclusion that supports her political agenda, rather than the product of an actual “investigation.” And to guarantee the committee’s conclusion, she ensured that it would be packed with House members who share her political agenda and who had publicly announced their conclusions before being appointed.

      Let us stop here because investigation IS NOT the job of Congress. The Constitution allows Congress to oversee the workings of government. The committee system in Congress provides for hearings to consider factors related to legislation, take reports from government agencies, and receive information necessary to craft laws within constitutional constraints. The Constitution bars investigations that have little or no real purpose other than simply to find out “what happened.” Even if the event is dramatic and high profile, an investigative committee must have a legitimate legislative purpose other than “getting to the bottom” of things which makes the January 6 Committee illegitimate and UN-Constitutional The U.S. Supreme Court has noted that “…Congress [is not] a law enforcement or trial agency. These are functions of the executive and judicial departments of government. No inquiry is an end in itself; it must be related to, and in furtherance of, a legitimate task of the Congress. Investigations conducted solely for the personal aggrandizement of the investigators or to ‘punish’ those investigated are indefensible.”

      Oversight of the executive branch is permissible, but the January 6 events do not fall into that category because the subject of the inquiry involves private citizens. There is a line of U.S. Supreme Court cases from Kilbourn v. Thompson (1880), through Quinn v. U.S. (1955), Hutchinson v. U.S. (1962), Eastland v. Unites States Servicemen’s Fund (1975) and the recent Trump v. Mazars, LLP (2019), all tell us that if you think it is the biggest crime in American history, the proper venue for investigation, including subpoenas and hearings, is not Congress. It is the executive and judiciary.

      That stated. Pelosi’s political agenda for this committee has became even clearer from her admittedly “unprecedented” decision to violate the House’s long-standing institutional protocol by refusing to seat members of the investigative committee selected by the Republican leader in the House. Pelosi rejected spots on the committee for Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee and Rep. Jim Banks of Indiana, a man whose has a lifetime of public service. Could their rejection possibly be linked to their demands that the investigation examine what Pelosi knew in advance about the potential for violence at the Capitol on January 6th, what, if anything, she could have done about it and what she actually did or did not do?

      The New York Times reported that “records, and information from two people familiar with the matter, suggest that federal law enforcement had a far greater visibility into the assault on the Capitol, even as it was taking place, than was previously known.” This explosive report claims to show that at least two alleged Capitol riot participants were actually government informants. It’s already known that the Proud Boys leader, Enrique Tarrio, had been an FBI informant. The Times report concentrates on yet another FBI informant in the right-leaning group who reportedly warned his handler in real-time that some bad stuff was going on at the Capitol. This latest informant maintains that there was never any plan by the group to violently storm the Capitol and, indeed, there’s evidence to back that claim.

      The revelations in the Times reveal that there was noconspiracy to storm the U.S. Capitol Building on January 6, 2021, as alleged by the Department of Justice. Indeed, the paper concludes the obvious: that “the new information is likely to complicate the government’s efforts to prove the high-profile conspiracy charges it has brought against several members of the Proud Boys.” The report, based on documents seen by reporters, also raises questions about whether FBI Director Chris Wray lied to Congress about the FBI’s lack of foreknowledge of the melee. It also begs the question of why the FBI and other police agencies failed to harden the Capitol in advance.

      As it did in laying out the details of the FBI involvement in the Governor Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot, where twelve of the eighteen were government informants, the news site detailed the government connections with the Capitol Building protest and riot. At a time when Americans have discoverer that the FBI lied about the Trump-Russia hoax and tried to seed the story in all layers of political Washington, it would come to no one’s surprise to learn that the FBI’s fingerprints were all over plans for their self-styled “insurrection.”

      The Court has held that Congress has no “general power to inquire into private affairs and compel disclosures.” (Quinn) Further, a congressional subpoena is only valid if it is “related to, and in furtherance of, a legitimate task of the Congress.” It is clear that the January 6th commission is illegal, illegitimate, and UN-Constitutional but with the country falling under the minions of the Democrat Corporate Socialists, the law and the Constitution mean nothing to those of the traitorous elite.

Friday, November 12, 2021

The January 6th Commission IS Election Interference


        George Sontag

      The January 6th commission was to be the elites mop-up from their silent coup which fraudulently removed the rightful President of the United States. After the shock of the 2016 election, they agreed never to let it happen again. Within an hour of President Trump winning the election the demonetization began, but these are old facts. Much has come out since the faux “insurrection.” How many rioters were armed? And what weapons did they have? What were the arms in the "armed insurrection"? Bear spray and fire extinguishers DO NOT make an insurrection. - The first lie.

                           The Leftist Elite Knew in Advance

      Documents show that federal law enforcement was both closely monitoring the First Amendment-protected activities of Americans and had plenty of warning there

would be a huge crowd at the US Capitol on January 6. The documents also show that the Capitol Police were aware that BLM and Antifa counter-protestors intended to “wear MAGA hats backwards, wear camo, and attempt to blend in with MAGA crowd. This was reported to the person who directs the Capitol police – Nancy Pelosi. She was told they need more help because of the size of the crowd that morning. She denied it. She was concerned about the image it would portray or that’s what she said.

      One of the more hotly debated issues surrounding the events of January 6th centers on just how deep the FBI’s involvement was. We’ve already had an admission that there were informants present. But past that, there are a series of unanswered questions that the DOJ steadfastly refuses to answer. After the incident in Michigan involving Governor Whitmer where two-thirds of the so-called kidnappers were government agents or informants, the fact is that there were many of these agents involved in the Capitol breach.


      One example, multiple surveillance videos show

masked men opening up the doors to the U.S. Capitol Building to allow protesters to enter. In fact, one video shows them entering while Capitol Police officers simply stand around. Yet, we have no idea who those men are. They appear to be dressed as ANTIFA does. 


      After they had been admitted many others were let in during this peaceful protest. There were also those who broke in. They were a small group egged on by the agents in the shadows to create their narrative to be used in the total elimination of the movement which almost brought them down.


Note: They stay within the ropes.

                        Link: Jan 6 Protesters Enter The Capitol With NO Apparent Resistance


      Another example of deep state involvement is when we saw a man instigating people to enter the Capitol Building the night before January 6th. Then that day, we see the same man directing people into the Capitol Building, as chaos began to break out. 

       Link: Obvious Fed Tries To Encourage Crowd To Enter The Capitol On Jan 5th And 6th

       The man in the video has not been arrested nor charged with a crime. Again, the FBI is holding grandmas in indefinite detention, but a man on tape telling people to enter the Capitol Building hasn’t even been touched by federal authorities? Does that sound plausible to you, if that man is just a random citizen? Or does it sound like the guy was an FBI agent or informant? The crowd was certain who it was as shown in the video.

       Some have called this another deep state false flag operation. That is for the readers to decide. We could continue in great length but will now just state that facts as they have been reported and verified by multiple reliable sources:

  • The elite knew there would be a large protest.

  • Nancy Pelosi deliberately refused additional help.

  • The plan was to further smear and de-legitimatize America First and all who supported it

  • Supporters of President Trump hearing him speak DID NOT participate in the breach. It happened well before the President was done speaking.

       Link: Congressman Troy Nehls Gives a Thorough Examination of the Jan 6 Timeline

       The problem with the "armed insurrection" talking point is that by any current American standard of civil disorder, what happened on Jan. 6 was a riot. There was fighting. There was property destruction. There were some instigators, and there were many more followers. And as the day went on, some people lost their heads and did things they should regret for a very long time. But a look at the Justice Department prosecutions simply does not make the case that it was an "armed insurrection." To continue to press this UN-Constitutional commission (we will get into that in a later article) it is clear this is an attempt to undermine the 2022 and all future elections with the goal of one-party rule.

      The elite thought they had it all under control. Hillary Clinton would be elected and their plan to upset and mold the American way of life would be easy. Easy until Donald Trump was elected. You see, they forgot about the electoral college. They made sure that didn’t happen again when they targeted those key states – in the middle of the night.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Who is Really Running the United States?


       Zeno Potas

     Joe Biden is not running America. Check out his press conferences. As soon as his mind starts to wander, or the press asks him any difficult question,someone cuts off his microphone. Who? Who makes that decision? Who gives that order? Whoever they are clearly more powerful than the president of the United States. That group or person is running our country.

    First there is Former President Barack Obama who, in the shadows, is back for his third term, to finish the job he started -- the destruction of America, especially American middle class. Along with the Clintons and their network of the elite.

    Mr. Obama isn't the big boss. That would be billionaire George Soros is giving Obama his marching orders. In the end, money talks. Soros has all the money in the world, along with a burning passion to destroy America. 


                                  OBAMA - CLINTON - SOROS
                                                    RUNNING THE US FROM THE SHADOWS.

                                       THE US MUST FALL



Hungarian government poster portraying financier George Soros and saying - Don't let George Soros have the last laugh - is seen at an underground stop in Budapest, Hungary July 11, 2017.

      America is being hit from a thousand directions by all these organizations and their media pumping propaganda 24/7. It's all right out of the Communist playbook -- a combination of the Cloward-Piven strategy  and "Rules for Radicals," written by Saul Alinsky and dedicated to Lucifer. The country has fallen and will continue going in a downward spiral until.......?