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Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Democratic Socialism - What Democrat Progressive Party Is


           M. Richard Maxson

           Socialism is and always has been an economic failure. International Socialism didn’t work in the Soviet Union. National Socialism didn’t work in Germany. Democratic Socialism, while avoiding the horrors of its communist and Nazi cousins, has driven the United States into the situation we are in now. Socialism fails because it attempts to replacemarket determined prices with various forms of central planning based on government-dictated prices, because the government knows what is best for you and their elitist pockets. This may come as a shock to some as they believe the mis-guided notion that there are no rich under Socialism. Quite the contrary, the masses are equally impoverished by but a small elite escape this fate. The government elites have very comfortable lives. They enjoy undeserved and unearned wealth while ordinary people live wretched lives of deprivation. There’s a famous Winston Churchill quote that basically says that the ostensible problem with capitalism is that people aren’t equally rich, whereas the supposed attractiveness of socialism is that people get to be equally poor.
           Another mis-conception about Socialism were the NAZI party. The acronym translates to National Socialist German Workers Party. It has been mis-labeled, by the powers that be, to mean of the far right when nothing could be further from the truth. let us just listen to history:

    • "We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions." -- Adolf Hitler
    • "What distinguished Nazism from other brands of socialism and communism was not so much that it included more aspects from the political right (though there were some). What distinguished Nazism was that it forthrightly included a worldview we now associate almost completely with the political left: identity politics. This was what distinguished Nazism from doctrinaire Communism. How can the marriage of one leftist vision to another can somehow produce right-wing progeny." -- Jonah Goldberg

          The subjects of the Left continually harp that Democratic values, that are intertwined with Socialism, will be the true form of equality for all. What they forget is that we are all human beings with certain tendencies to our species that are inherent. In other words -Reality.

    • In practice, socialism didn’t work. But socialism could never have worked because it is based on false premises about human psychology and society, and gross ignorance of human economy.”
                                                                                                 -- David Horowitz
    • The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries."
                                                                                                  -- Winston Churchill
    • "I believe that all forms of socialism have been proven over time to result in a loss of both economic and civil liberties, with increasing poverty." 
                                                                                            -- John Mackey
      • Socialism provides safety in numbers. And that’s OK, if you don’t mind trading your name—your identity and individualism — for a number.”                                                                                                                                                     -- Jarod Kintz
      • When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.” 
                                                                                                    -- Frédéric Bastiat

            Sound familiar? The quote from  Frédéric Bastiat was written almost two hundred years ago around the time of the "middle class revolution, in France as the country threw off the reins of the monarchy and struggled for an identity.

      Today's champions of Democratic Socialism call themselves progressives, but they recommend a system which is characterized by rigid observance of routine and by a resistance to every kind of improvement. 
      • They call themselves liberals, but they are intent upon abolishing liberty. 
      • They call themselves Democrats, but they yearn for Fascist dictatorship.
      • "Socialists cry 'Power to the people', and raise the clenched fist as they say it.

             All patriots of this once great country should all
      understand the truth, the reality of what Democratic Socialism is:
      • We all know what they really mean--power over people, power to the State."                                                         -- Margaret Thatcher
      • "The goal of Socialism is Communism."         
                                       -- Vladimir   Lenin

      Saturday, January 23, 2016

      Infiltrating the Bilderbergs


             George Sontag

            Each spring, when Bilderberg meets behind closed doors at a remote luxury resort sealed off by armed guards, police and, frequently, the host nation's military, luminaries from the world's major newspapers and broadcast outlets attend on vows of secrecy. Mainstream news organizations boastful about their no-holds barred investigative exploits, have been strangely reluctant to lift the blackout curtain hiding a major event: the Bilderberg group's secret annual meeting for the world's most powerful financiers, industrialists, and political figures. Thus, Bilderberg makes the mainstream press part of the conspiracy of silence, causing them to ignore this major story of the true rulers of the western world. A courageous man was able to piece through the veil of secrecy and enter into this world of the elites. This is his story:

            Never has security been so extensive and yet had so many holes. As a result, I was able to penetrate Bilderberg every night. I also received oral reports from the "committee" daily. Sometimes they spoke from notes as I made notes, which is why I am able to use so many direct quotes.

            It was about 7 pm by the time I had checked into the hotel, but it was 2 am in Washington according to my body clock, so I took a loving look at my bed, then headed outside. There was still daylight, and there were no signs of security yet. I knew that in two days armed military guards would surround the meeting place, barely 100 yards away. But tonight and tomorrow, I would have free run of the place. It was time to "case the joint." 

             About 30 yards to my right, as I faced the entrance, I observed a playground for children. I judged this to be my most likely penetration point so I rehearsed. There was an entrance and I was able to walk among the trees until I reached the far side of the building. By emerging at that point, I was obviously a hotel guest enjoying a pleasant walk. 

            Inside the lobby, the first signs of the approaching Bilderberg meeting greeted me: an L-shaped table holding computers manned by several young women. Noticing that there were no documents to acquire, I feigned indifference. Down about eight steps was a second lobby, lushly furnished with chairs. There was not a soul in sight, so I took some photos. Down a few more steps, which put me one full floor down, in a lounge, I found a solitary hotel employee. I observed an open door across the room where more Bilderberg staffers were bustling about. The employee spoke fluent English, and we talked about the important "economic conference" that was to take place. I told him it was a group called Bilderberg and something of its history. He was fascinated to learn exactly who these people were. He asked if I needed any help.
      "Don't take any chances for me; you will be fired if we are caught collaborating," I continued. "Don't answer yet; you must think it over. But I hope you will be my eyes and ears and, if safe opportunity arises, grab any documents for me."

      Heavy silence.

            "Meet me for lunch or dinner tomorrow, at some safe place away from here, and we can talk more freely," I said. "You will be my guest, of course." He remained silent, expressionless. Was I losing him? Would he be a good company man and report my presence? He wrote something on a piece of paper and handed it to me. It was the name and address of a restaurant. Would I meet him there at noon tomorrow? Of course I would. "Sir, my name is..." "Don't tell me; I don't want to know. That way, I couldn't give your name even if they catch me and put me on the rack. I will call you 'Charlie.' If you need to contact me  just identify yourself as 'Charlie from New York.'" 
            At noon the next day, we closed the deal. Charlie told me he would form a "committee" of employees and report daily.  "My boss is all for the staff helping you as long as we are discreet and the Bilderberg people never know," Charlie said. "My boss was glad to get the [Bilderberg] contract because it is a lot of money, but he was suspicious of their demands for clearing any other guests out of the hotel and sealing it off with police. He said he thought it may be the Mafia. I told him that you said they never meet at the same place twice, so future business is not at risk." "I'm very glad and grateful to hear that," I said, "But we must be careful anyway." 
            It was agreed to hold meetings at a bar in my hotel, less than 100 yards from the scene of the crime.
      "Isn't that terribly risky?" I asked. "No, there is no commingling of the two staffs. When I walk into the hotel in my business suit, I am another customer. As you know there are two other groups meeting there now now, and in the evening we will be just two of many sitting around a table talking and taking notes." Of course, this arrangement was convenient, and the idea of talking to sources right under Bilderberg noses amused me. 
           My nightly penetrations were uneventful. I would stroll the beach behind the hotel, in shirtsleeves, to a point where I could observe the children's playground without being seen by police. They heavily manned the main entrance, of course, and posted one officer at the outside footpath entrance to the playground. But, utterly bored by so many uneventful hours, the cop would stroll over to the main gate to chat a bit. As he headed that way, I would slip in and begin my circuitous route to the opposite end of the building. 

           Once inside,  I nursed a beer at the downstairs bar across from the Bilderberg office. The room was empty, except for the bartender and one Bilderberg staffer at a desk just outside their office. I kept the Bilderberg staffer in my peripheral vision so she would not feel that she was being observed. She seemed somewhat agitated and made two phone calls. Moments later she darted into the ladies' room. Once the door was closed behind her, I grabbed the only two papers on her desk. Bilderberg men would never let their documents leave their hands, never carelessly leave a paper on a table. slipped them into my briefcase and began my journey back to my hotel. It turned out to be the first page of an alphabetical listing of Bilderberg participants and a separate page listing Bilderberg staff. The participants listing began with Giovanni Agnelli, Fiat's mogul, and ended with Kenneth Dam. Such regulars as George Ball, Dwayne Andreas, Bill Clinton and Lord Carrington were also listed. 

            The next evening it became apparent that my secret operation had been compromised. Good evening, Mr. T*****," said the dark-haired, medium-built man of about 40, as he settled himself onto the next stool at a bar. "Good evening," I replied. "You apparently know me. May I have the privilege of knowing who you are?" "I'm sorry, I am under instructions to be discreet, but may we talk off the record for a few moments?"
      "I don't usually talk to people who have no name, and I never talk off the record," I responded. "We can talk, but nothing is off the record. Every word I say you can tell Henry, David or any of your Bilderberg cronies." 

             He sat for a moment in stony silence. "I wish we could reach an understanding, some kind of accommodation," the Bilderberg staff man finally said. "Every year, wherever in the world we meet, you are there. Why do you press so hard? Why do you write such angry stuff? It causes us a great deal of embarrassment, especially those in government who hear from your readers." 

             "First, you tell me," I said. "In the 18 years that I have been covering the Bilderberg group, has there been any time--even once--when there were any factual errors? Has the publisher ever said anything about Bilderberg that was in any way untrue?" 

            "No, I am not saying that at all," the Bilderbergers' envoy said. "But you report in an angry way that inflames your readers, and that causes problems for our members. And, as you know, it is a private meeting, and they very much prefer it to stay that way. Privacy is a right you take away." 

            The entire dialog was being conducted in a quiet, low-key way, neither of us exhibiting anger or hostility.
      "There are many answers to your claim of the privilege of privacy," I said. "I will give them to you, one at a time, and invite your response. 

       "First, American taxpayers finance, to a significant extent, these Bilderberg meetings."
       "No, you are wrong," he said. "Members pay their own costs for travel."
       "No, you are wrong," I insisted. "The American taxpayers pay the cost of congressmen, and the high officials of the White House, State, Defense, and Treasury departments gathered here."
      "Now, how could you know that?" 
       "I have held in my hand a copy of a memo signed 'DDE'--as in 'President Dwight David Eisenhower'--ordering his administrative assistant, Gabriel Hauge, to attend the Bilderberg meeting in 1955. On the margin of the typed memo, the president had written 'at gov't expense.' When Henry Kissinger was secretary of state, I examined a copy of his travel voucher--at government expense. I could go on, but you get the idea."
      "How could you possibly have come into possession of such papers?" the Bilderberg man asked.
      "I didn't, personally," I explained. "I am backed in these ventures by my editor. This is no one-man crusade; our whole institution is committed to exposing the Bilderbergers."

      A momentary silence followed.

      "So, if everybody in government paid their own costs, would you be satisfied?"
      "Of course not--I told you there are many reasons, and I have only give you one," I said.

      "Please continue," he said. 

       "Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission--and you need no lessons from me on the interlocking leadership involved--conduct public business behind closed doors. They make decisions that affect the lives of every American and have the power and influence, in most cases, to impose their policies on the United States and other nations." 

      "For example?" This came with the slightest hint of a challenge in his voice. 

      •  "In 1983, there was a the secret pledge the Bilderbergers extracted from President Reagan, to provide $50 billion to Third World and communist countries. That pledge was more than kept and became known as the Brady plan. 
      • The Bilderberg decision to throw Margaret Thatcher out as prime minister of Britain because she opposed surrendering British sovereignty to the European super state, which the Bilderberg group crafted. And we watched as her own party dumped Mrs. Thatcher in favor of one of your cronies, John Major. 
      •   We reported your order to President [George] Bush to increase taxes in 1990 and watched him sign off on the tax-hiking 'budget agreement' that lost him the election and the list goes on.
      "This is now common knowledge but at the time it was done in complete secrecy."

      "Tell me, Mr. T****, If Bilderberg should agree to meet only in a way that satisfies you, what would that be?

      "First, you would announce your meetings, the time and location, and provide the press with a copy of the agenda and a complete list of participants. "Then you would set up a press table where reporters could observe your meetings and listen to the proceedings, taking notes and using recorders if they desired.
      "Finally, instead of sealing off an entire hotel, there would be no guards at all. Reporters would interview participants between sessions and during the evenings."
      The Bilderberg man shook his head, a resigned look on his face. "You know we can't do that," he said.
      "Then you may as well become accustomed to my annual visits," I replied.
      "Good night," he said.
      "Good night."
            Some Bilderberg participants are suggesting it would be better strategy, in view of the blizzard of publicity in recent years, to be less secretive and operate more like their Trilateral Commission brothers.
      For years now, they complain, they have been assured of "privacy" only to be blinded by TV lights, have microphones stuck under their chins and questions peppered at them by newspaper reporters as they get off airplanes and move toward limousines or helicopters. They are also uncomfortable, they complain, with "mobs storming the gates," referring to a mix of media and patriots being kept outside by an armada of armed military guards. "For the last seven years or so, we have been assured that there have been no leaks, that we will not be harassed, yet here they are, every year," said one. "Why don't we just admit that the [expletives] will find out and act accordingly?"

            The Trilateral Commission, which has interlocking leadership and a common agenda with Bilderberg, is less "bullied" because it is less secretive, they said. True, the TC's meetings are held behind locked and guarded doors. But the TC will say when and where it is meeting and provide a written agenda and list of participants. Sometimes, the TC will even hold a post-meeting press conference and provide reporters with an "executive summary" of their reports. The thin reports are laundered, however, while the thick documents handed members have called for an end to nation-states in favor of world government, a standing army for the United Nations and a global tax by the UN, among other Bilderberg-backed plans which includes the end of the United States of America.

      Monday, January 18, 2016

      Alarming Truths on the Coming Election


             M. Richard Maxson

            Unless you live off the grid in a cave you can't escape the election follies that are going on in this country. The "show" is running at full speed to the opinionated confusion of the citizens and the amusement of those who reside outside the United States. The question has been posed - Should I vote, will it count, does it matter?  Unfortunately, the answers to those questions in today's warped version of the Founding Fathers ideal, may not be what you want to hear. You are here for the truth, so let's begin.

      • The Clinton Foundation said that it will continue to accept donations from foreign governments during Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, despite concerns that such gifts will create a conflict of interest for the Democratic front-runner.
      The Truth - Bill Clinton's campaign was heavily finance by Communist China. When the news broke his campaign was forced to return(supposedly) hundreds of thousands of dollars. In the time since then entities such as the Clinton Foundation have found ways to keep the pipeline open, but on a much larger scale via the Clinton Global Initiative. 
      (See: The Next President Has Already Been Chosen- American Constitutionalist 2/1/14)

      • The United States propaganda machine is running red hot with mis-information.
      The Truth - It's an election year. The politicians lies(exagereations) have been part of this country since it's inception. It's human nature not to tell the whole truth but in today's version of America the lies are coming from all around us. Not only is the government offering mis-truths, we are also getting it from the lap dog controlled media, (See: The Media Speaks Out on the Liberal Press - American Constitutionalist 6/24/15) but also from the left-coast history maker - Hollywood. 

      • Voter Fraud is rampant and institutionalized as millions of non-citizens can now vote.
      The TruthObamacare may be the biggest voter registration fraud scheme in the history of the world. This is the bombshell assessment of a pair of conservative activists: Gregg Phillips, founder of Voters Trust, and Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote. Both groups are conservative nonprofits focused on election integrity. Left-wing groups and media have for some time been openly discussing Obamacare as a vehicle for so-called Motor Voter registration. Motor Voter is the law that makes voter registration a part of driver’s license applications. In fact, 68 million voters, registered with the help of Obamacare “navigators.”  Civil Rights Commissioner Peter Kirsanow warned Congress on Wednesday that President Obama’s deportation amnesty program, which will allow illegal immigrants to get Social Security numbers and driver’s licenses, will make it much easier for them to register and vote in U.S. elections — despite being ineligible to do so.

      • It is important that we get the Republicans in the White House.
      The Truth - The difference in the two parties is philosophical. They both want the same things for their backers - more money in their pockets. The two predominant parties in the US are really one party; they are merely two branches of the big business corporate party with different handlers. There will be no significant change in the US Congress after the elections as the two predominant parties both serve the interests of big corporations.  The war cabal is dominant in Washington and the Wall Street cabal is also dominant in Washington and they work together for profit and against the interests of the America and Americans. 

      • Our electoral process and laws make sure that there is little or no corruption. 
      The Truth - To a degree, and the elite have been trying to get around the law in any way possible. A plan, now stealthily making its way through state legislatures with astonishing speed, would junk the Electoral College and award the presidency to the winner of the popular vote. The plan involves an Interstate Compact where states would commit to select electors pledged to vote for the national popular vote winner regardless of how their own state voted. When enough states pass this law -- sufficient to cast the Electoral College's majority 270 votes --  it will take effect. The Electoral College will become a discredited anachronism. 

      • Who is behind this and why are they pushing for this drastic attempt to change the election laws?
      The Truth - The Movement is funded, in part, by the Center for Voting and Democracy, a George Soros-funded election group. Essentially, it is an end run around the regular constitutional amending process. Rather than get a two-thirds majority of each house of Congress and three-quarters of the states, this proposal would take effect when a simple majority approve it. Under the electoral vote system, they figure why spend campaign funds to get a high turnout in New York City when the state will go Democrat anyway? But, if its the popular vote that matters, the big city machines can do their thing -- with devastating impact.

           The ultimate danger to our Republic lies in the voting public themselves. We have a mostly passive electorate who have been pre-programmed on important issues to flow in a certain direction. Many people who are grossly uninformed or, worse yet, misinformed by the controlled media. If you want to fulfill your duty as a citizen, then you need to become an informed voter. And if you are not informed, then the most patriotic thing you can do on election day is stay home. Otherwise your vote, based on whims or emotions and incited by sound bites, is playing Russian roulette with the fate of this nation.

      Friday, January 8, 2016

      Can a Billion People be Wrong? - Let's Examine the Truth


             M. Richard Maxson

           The best way to get people to comply with the wishes of a leader is to inject religion as a basis for their loyalty. Man does not fear man but man will fear what they don't know and the most important thing that mankind does not know is what happens to the individule at the end of their life. Fear of the unknown is wired into human beings for self protection and survival and it is this fear that allows us to be duped by false ideas. The two major groups to take advantage of that fear are cults and organized religions. The two are similar but quite different and that's where men like Jim Jones, Sun Myung Moon, L. Ron Hubbard, and others take advantage. Today, we will examine what is a cult and what claims to be a religion - Islam. Islam is known as the second largest religion. The very fact that 1.2 billion people call themselves Muslims vests Islam with the mantel of legitimacy and confirms the claim that it is a religion. But is it? Let's examine the truth.

      1. A cult is a religious group with extreme beliefs and practices - beliefs that are often contrary to science and logic but they are believed as "obvious" truth by the cult members.
      • Islam claims to be a religion with strong devotion to Muhammad and a set of unsubstantiated doctrines presented by him. Monotheism is used as a pretext to exert absolute control over the believers, leaving them no chance to question or investigate alternative paths.
       2. The members of cults often isolate themselves from friends, family and society and use deceptive and unethical recruiting techniques.
      • Muhammad forced his followers to leave their families (8:72) and gathered them in Yathrib. He said: “And those who believed but did not leave their homes, ye have no duty to protect them till they leave their homes”. He warned those who did not follow him, leaving behind their families, will be cursed by
        Allah and “their habitation will be hell”(4:97). Muhammad went as far as to order his followers to murder those Muslims who defected his barricade.(4:89) In Yathrib he banished and killed the Jews who did not believe in him, thus eliminating the chance of his followers coming in contact with outsiders and being influenced by anyone. In this way he exerted absolute control over the lives and the minds of his followers. Jim Jones did the same. He called his town "Jonestown". Muhammad changed the name of Yathirb to Madinatul Nabi (Prophet’s Town)
       3. Use manipulative methods to control the minds of followers.
      • He used manipulative methods to control the minds of his followers. These methods ranged from threat of hellfire, and promises of paradise, to exhaustive rituals of prayers and fasts, devised to numb the thought, and threat of physical punishment including execution and constant warfare, keeping his followers in perpetual state of agitation.
       4. Venerate a human leader or leaders.
      • He established himself as the sole authority among his followers and the only source of guidance to the extent that they looked up to him for every detail of their lives, including how to dress, how
        to shave, how to pray and even how to urinate and how to clean after bowl movement. Ostensibly the worship was to God but effectively he was the only object of veneration of his followers and the only authority. Nominally God was to be obeyed but he was God's proxy, thus assuming the authority of God.
       5. Recruiting work is performed by all of the members.
      • All believers were asked to promote his cause through Jihad, propaganda or by giving generously from their wealth. 4:95, 9:20, 49:15, 61:11.
       6. People are not allowed to criticize the leader, the doctrine, or the organization, or read information that is critical of the cult.
      • The criticism of Muhammad and Islam was totally prohibited and if anyone dared to question him or his decisions, Omar swiftly unshielded his sword and threatened to slash the throat of the intrepid questioner forcing him to apologize. The message was sent in a very clear tone that no one must question Muhammad and his authority. 1400 years later, the message remains the same. If you question Islam you will be killed.
       7. Members are trained to reject and disbelieve criticism of the cult as lies from Satan.
      • Muslims are told to dismiss any criticism of Islam as coming from Satan and they often avoid reading critical views about their Faith. 
       8. Members spy on one another and report improper activities or comments to leaders.
      • Muslims are encouraged to spy on each other and report any sign of dissent. Amr bil Maroof wa Nahi anil Munkir (Commanding to follow the religion and preventing from doing what is
        prohibited) is a tenet of Islam. Every Muslim is required to poke his nose in the private lives of others, spy on them and tell them what they should do and what they should not do. Every Muslim is an enforcer of religion and the moral police for others.
       9. Members are taught to suppress anything which might reflect negatively to outsiders about the cult.
      •  Muslims suppress anything that might present Islam in negative light. Preserving the image of Islam is of utmost importance and Muslims lie with clarity of conscience to misrepresent their religion and make it look good. For example women in Islam are treated like animals and are considered as deficient in intelligence. Every Muslim knows that including the women, who blame the men for it, but not the Islam. But the lie about the "elevated" status of women in Islam is the narrative. Jihad means aggressive war to expand Islam. Every Muslim knows that. Yet all of them lie and say Jihad means "self defense". A couple of years ago we received a very angry email from a Muslim who cursed me for revealing the fact that Muhammad had slept with a 9-year old child and at the end he said “the damage is already done” and I will be certainly punished for what I had done. The fact that Muhammad slept with a child did not bother this Muslim but what bothered him was revealing this fact.
       10. The doctrine is absolutist and the ideology is internalized as "the Truth."
      • Islam is extremely absolutist and Muslims believe that it is the only true religion. This “truth” however is not self evident. It is "true" because Muhammad said so.
       11. Members are told to avoid contact with ex-members or critics, even their relatives.
      • Muslims are told to shun the apostates and the critics of Islam. New converts are often circled and are isolated from their non- Muslim family and friends. They are showered with love and receive a lot of emotional support until the brainwashing is complete.
       12. Members are instilled with a deep fear about ever leaving the organization, and anyone who does depart is of the devil and sometimes severely punished.
      • Muslims are instilled with the fear of leaving Islam. This fear comes in two forms. One is the fear of Hell and of eternal punishment and the other is the fear of being caught and put to death by fellow Muslims, including their best friends and family.
       13. Members are emotional controlled and warned of being caught and punished.
      • Those who leave Islam must live in constant threat of being discovered and killed. In Muslims’ Comments section of this site you can see that Muslims often talk about this fear and say they
        pity me for having to look over my shoulders all the time and live in fear of being assassinated. The values are so distorted that they do not pity themselves for being the assassins but pity me
        for having to live in their fear.
       14. Disciplinary action is administered by group leaders, which may involve excommunication for such things as questioning organization policy or doctrine.
      • In Islam disciplinary action includes beating, maiming, stoning, beheading, or jail. Excommunication is for minor offenses. The poet Ka’b and two others were excommunicated for fifty days and during that time no one spoke to them. Ka’b’s wife was told to leave him and wherever he went people ignored him as if he was invisible. All this, because he did not accompany Muhammad in the war of Tabutk.
       15. People are encouraged to sacrifice education, career and family interests to server the interests of the cult.
      • Muslims are told to sacrifice their comfort, their wealth and including their lives to promote Islam. Young men are encouraged to leave their studies and work, wage Jihad, and commit suicide bombing to make Islam dominant. Family and even children are regarded as "tests" of the believers. To prove
        their loyalty to Allah, they must be able to forgo all these "worldly attachments" and get ready to sacrifice their lives in the cause of Islam. It is a suicide cult.
       16. Advocate socializing only with other members in the organization and avoiding outsiders.
      • Muslims are discouraged to take friends from amongst the unbelievers even if these unbelievers are their kin. 3:28 They are told the unbelievers are najis (filthy) 9:28 and that the believers should not associate with them.
       17. The belief in apocalypse and Dooms Day.
      • The belief in the Day of Judgment and the Dooms Day is one of the pillars of the Islamic Faith. 
            Based on fact and definition, Islam is a cult. It is the biggest and the most successful cult. It practically reunites every feature of cult. Other cults may not be cultic in some of the above points. But Islam is cultic in every way and it would be a gross mistake to number it among religions just because 1.2 billion benighted people call themselves Muslims.

            Can 1.2 billion people be wrong?  Truth cannot be established by the consensus of the majority. In fact throughout history many arguments have been proven to be false, even though everyone in the world once accepted them as true. For example, not until a few centuries ago everyone believed that the Earth is flat and is at the center of the universe. Despite that common belief both so-called truths were false. A false belief does not become true just because everyone thinks they are true. In conclusion, not only 1.2 billion people, but the entire mankind can be wrong by accepting that Islam is a religion - it is not.

      Saturday, January 2, 2016

      For Socialism to Replace the US Constitution, the Middle Class Must be Destroyed


             George Sontag

             In 2015 the middle class continued to deteriorate and more Americans than ever found themselves living in poverty, living paycheck to paycheck while getting further into debt. In addition, every leading indicator that you can think of is saying that the U.S. is heading into another recession. Don’t be fooled by all the happy talk coming from this administration and the mainstream media.  When you look at the cold, hard numbers, they tell a completely different story.

      THE FACTS 
      •  62 percent of all Americans have less than 1,000 dollars in their savings accounts, and 21 percent of all Americans do not have a savings account at all.  The U.S. now only ranks 19th in the world when it comes to median wealth per adult.
      •  It has been estimated that 43 percent of all American households spend more money than they make each month and the average U.S. household that has at least one credit card has approximately $15,950 in credit card debt. There are 1.5 million “ultra-poor” households in the United States that live on less than two dollars a day. That number has doubled since 1996.
      •   According to the Pew Research Center, the median income of middle class households declined by 4 percent from 2000 to 2014 and that median wealth for middle class households dropped by an astounding 28 percent between 2001 and 2013.

      •  According to a Census Bureau report, 65 percent of all children in the U.S. are living in a home that receives some form of aid from the federal government.
      • There are still 900,000 fewer middle class jobs in America than there were when the last recession began.
      • There are 7.9 million working age Americans that are “officially unemployed” right now and another 94.4 million working age Americans that are considered to be “not in the labor force”.  When you add those two numbers together, you get a grand total of 102.3 million working age Americans that do not have a job right now. If the U.S. government was actually using honest numbers the unemployment rate in this nation would be 22.9 percent.
      •   The velocity of money in the United States has dropped to the lowest level ever recorded.  Not even during the depths of the last recession was it ever this low. We are in the midst of a long-term economic collapse that is beginning to accelerate once again.
      •  This administration promised that the Healthcare Act would result in a decline in health insurance premiums by as much as $2,500 per family, but in reality average family premiums have increased by a total of $4,865 since 2008. Approximately 41 percent of all working age Americans either currently have medical bill problems or are paying off medical debt.  
            The road to Socialism, a two-class system, has been gaining momentum in recent decades. We have voted in politicians from both parties who have gutted our economic infrastructure for ideology and/or profit. Our middle class is being deliberately destroyed by the elites to usher in a new form of futurist government. By indoctrinating the youth through the education system and the entertainment industry they mean to do away with the "old, out of date" Constitution and replace it with the new Democratic Corporate Socialism. As the video here clearly shows, they are well on their way to achieving that goal.