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Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Constituitonal Crisis


       M. Richard Maxson

      Fellow Patriots, events are unfolding at such a rapid pace that will effect this country in the near future and beyond as to whether this country will survive in it's present state. The once rediculous threat of a break-up of the United States and/or a civil war is no longer out of the realm of possiblities. Here is some of the latest information that we are tracking along with the links in blue:

   ”I fear a long term criminal investigation against a sitting president” - Doug Schoen

The atmosphere at the FBI has been toxic ever since Jim announced last July that he wouldn’t recommend an indictment against Hillary. He’s been ignoring the many resignation letters of agents in the hope that he could find a way of remedying the situation,’ said the source.


The fate of our nation hangs in the balance. How much longer will the rule of law and the Constituion be ignored?

Sunday, October 23, 2016

What Drives Vladamir Putin?


       Phillip Todd

      Most Russians look back on the 1990s and they see this as a time of humiliation and chaos, where the U.S. was able to — quote, unquote — “dictate to Russia” what it should do. Putin’s claim to fame, his appeal to his population is that he has brought Russia back from a humiliating political system and despite the West’s best efforts to portray Russia as the perennial villain on the global stage, it actually remains one of the last bastions of family-oriented values in a world that is being swept away by a tidal wave of godless liberalism. Russia really offers a different model to the world.

      Putin has now claimed a turf for Russia, saying that Russia is sort of the leader of a new conservative international system. He blames the United States and the Europeans for having lost their way, that Russia is now the harbinger of traditional family values. He also appeals to the Christian world for that, and that in fact Russia is now the harbinger of true Christian values, and that it respects the absolute sovereignty of other countries. It doesn’t go around the world telling other countries how they should live or what kind of political system they should have. He, rightfully so, blames the United States and the Europeans for behaving like the Soviet Union and trying to impose their value system and their political system on other countries.

      That is the problem or a very big part of it, that in the ’90s we really thought that
Russia wanted to become like the West, wanted to adopt our values, our political system. It became increasingly clear that it didn’t. With the death of its Marxist-Leninist ideology, Russia was moving back toward its religious and Orthodox roots. Secretly baptized at birth by  his mother, Putin has embraced this. Increasingly, religious Russians look on America, with our Hollywood values and celebrations of homosexuality, as a sick society, a focus of cultural and moral evil in the world. They cite as proof the U.S. medias demand that our governments stand with "the persecuted rock band" of young women who desecrated with obscene acts the high altar of Moscow's most sacred cathedral. It is clear to them that the U.S. motivation was the defense of homosexuality and the destruction of religion and family. It is the direct opposite of Russian values.

      How can it be that Russia dumped the Bolsheviks and later dumped Communism, and by 1980 (under Andropov), they and their leaders had embraced Christianity; and all the while we in the West have no knowledge of these facts? Putin is openly Orthodox Christian, and lives his religion through the integrity he practices. He has gained worldwide respect for his diplomacy and peacemaking; yet to read comments from the U.S. media one would think you are speaking of the USSR of 1970.  Meanwhile, while we slept, our leaders have abandoned  the Constitution that America once cherished, and have outdone one another in trashing freedom, our flag, our national anthem, not to mention, world peace constantly fighting multiple wars and ironically making USA the foremost terrorist nation on the planet.

      Russia isn't the Soviet Union, and Vladimir Putin isn't Vladimir Lenin. He represents the
aspirations of most of the Russian population, who support a strong state, a strong leader and who want to see Russia back on the world scene, and not necessarily accepting, embracing Western values or even interests. He doesn’t represent the aspirations of the educated urban elites who would like to live in a more modern western-type society with better governance. But even those people want to see Russia as a strong international player. They have national pride.

      Putin is largely a pragmatist. Is there corruption in Russia? No doubt. And the country is still in a post-communism transition state that may last for decades. France, for example, still hasn't emerged from the old monarchy mentality. The same class system still exists, with average citizens still expecting the state to provide for them. There is, however, a shift consisting mostly of independent businesspeople and entrepreneurs seeking freedom from the status quo, but it's a slow, painstaking process. This represents the Russia of the future. There will be slow evolution in Russia, that Russia will eventually become a more modern and probably a more democratic society but on Russian terms, not the horror they see when they look west. 

Philip Todd in the European columnist for The American Constituionalist.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Media Beats the Elitists Drums of World War III


       Phillip Todd

       The NY Times is once again acting more like the personal propaganda arm of the US neo-con elite who have been dragging the US into one war after another to line their pockets with blood stained profits. This time the US is pushing for a war with Russia. This war cannot be sold on its own merits and so the propaganda flows daily so that it can be sold as a humanitarian mission to prevent more unconscionable acts from being carried out by that “evil Putin.” This “war for profit” crowd hide in the shadows, they never come out in the open. They use their media to hide behind anonymity. Your tip-off is the number of times you read the words “US officials” or “a highly placed source” or some other phrase that hides the individual while evoking authority.

       The New York Times‘s editorial board has supported every single US war—Persian Gulf, Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq, Libya—for the past 30 years. While its reporting and op-eds on these wars has often been critical, much of it’s coverage has also helped to sell war-weary liberals on the current military mission—the most notable example being Judith Miller and Michael Gordon’s hyping Iraq’s nonexistent nuclear program in the buildup to the March 2003 invasion. Indeed, the image of The New York Times as an objective, unbiased news outlet is precisely how it was able to sell the war in the first place.”

    "It is alarming that military intervention in internal conflicts in foreign countries has become commonplace for the United States. Is it in America’s long-term interest? I doubt it. Millions around the world increasingly see America not as a model of democracy, but as relying solely on brute force, cobbling coalitions together under the slogan “you’re either with us or against us.” - Vladimir Putin

       To most Europeans, America now looks like the most dangerous country in the world but it's own citizens seem to be clueless to this world view. Since America is unquestionably the most powerful country, the transformation of America’s image within the last 30 years is very frightening for Europeans. It is probably still more frightening for the great majority of the human race who are neither Europeans nor North Americans. Washington has openly declared its right to use military force unilaterally and anywhere - to defend its own interests. Military intervention has become a norm, even though all military operations that the United States has conducted during the recent years, ended deplorably.

       Russia is being left no options other than to prepare itself for the worst – a nuclear war with the Western elite. The U.S. Actions have forced them to recently sign military pacts with China and India. They have had to move nuclear missiless into Kaliningrad to off set NATO's newmissiless in Poland. In an attempt to help Europe with the ISIS inspired immigration, they joined the fight against Islamic terrorists only to find themselves in the U.S. cross-hairs because they were bombing ALL terrorists including the ones being trained and financed by the U.S.

      "Terrorists are terrorists," stated Vladimir Putin but apparently not when they are U.S. terrorists. This is leading toward a “no-fly zone” being discussed by NATO which would prevent Russia from any more assistance in the fight or face the fact that they will have to defend themselves against the West shooting down their planes. A Russian newspaper predicts a direct military confrontation between Russia and the United States as tensions heat up over Syria, stoking worries about World War III. “Just imagine that the U.S. does what it has wanted to do for a long time and strike against [Syrian President Bashar] Assad, not by mistake but on purpose and openly,” the newspaper said. “Should Russia defend its ally or consider striking against the Americans, but this would definitely lead to a Third World War.”

       German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier told Bild newspaper the situation now is more dangerous than during the Cold War. German politician Willy Wimmer suggested that it has demonstrated that Russia is the only major power ready to seriously fight terrorism, and to call for an end to a war which risks spreading across the region. The US and its allies, meanwhile, have only managed to throw a wrench in the peace process, and have been unable to reach any of their own goals due to the Russian intervention, the politician argues.

Germany to tell people to stockpile food and water in case of attacks

       Aug 21, 2016

         For the first time since the end of the Cold War, the German
         government plans to tell citizens to stockpile food and water
         in case of an attack or catastrophe, the Frankfurter
        Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung newspaper reported on Sunday.

Russia tells citizens to ‘prepare for nuclear war with West’
Oct 4, 2016
Russia has warned citizens that a nuclear war with the West could be imminent – sparked by clashes in the Middle East.Zvezda, a nationwide TV service run by the country’s Ministry of Defence, said last week, ‘Schizophrenics from America are sharpening nuclear weapons for Moscow.’ Officials said on Friday that underground shelters had been built which could house 12 milion people – enough for the entire population of Moscow.

       With the coronation of Hillary the First just months away and her statements that are clearly backed by the military-industrial elite, this could get very serious.
This situation hast he potential to literally end the US as we know it because this time it will be nuclear and, as in Vietnam, the only ones to win will be the elites.

* Philip Todd in the European columnist for The American Constituionalist.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

The Best is Gone and I'm Sorry - A Letter to my Daughter


        George Sontag

Dear Daughter,

  • I’m sorry you have liberal friends that you believe.
  • I’m sorry they have lied to you.
  • I’m sorry you are growing up believing stuff that sounds good but simply isn’t true.
  • I’m sorry your school was no better than the liberal indoctrination camps people like your self-righteous Democrats call public schools.
  • I’m sorry you will probably miss the meaningful education of committing to defend our country and our Constitution with your life would provide for you.
  • I’m sorry that more people like myself don’t confront the lies people like your friends and liberal teachers tell you.
  • I'm sorry that you don't understand that Socialism has never succeeded throughout history and that it's pursuit has cause the deaths of millions of people in the last century.
  • I’m sorry that you are nothing like the “one percent.”
  • I’m sorry you don’t know that I’m talking about that percent who has the courage to swear that oath to defend freedom and opportunity for all Americans not just those you pretend to pity.
  • I’m talking about that one percent standing guard around the world tonight protecting you from your liberal friends worst nightmares.
  • I’m talking about the percent prepared to die to protect your right to say repulsive nonsense.
  • I’m truly sorry that you don’t know the truth about your own country.
  • I’m sorry that you don’t know the truth about the real history of slavery in the world.
  • I’m sorry that you don’t know that Muslims brutally enslaved black Africans long before Europeans ever did.
  • I’m sorry that you don’t understand that Muslims are still brutally enslaving black Africans and other people to this very day.
  • I'm sorry you've been led to believe that Islam is a “real” religion.
  • I'm sorry that you don't recognize it as a murderous cult that enslaves women and brutalizes humanity.
  • I’m sorry people like your liberal friends find this truth so offensive.
  • I’m sorry people like your liberal friends expect me to ignore reality and to keep my mouth shut.
  • I'm sorry that one political party has been so completely corrupted and the other is destroying itself.
  • I'm sorry that this has led to a choice between a criminal and a loud-mouth as candidates.
  • I’m sorry that you and your liberal friends don’t realize just how screwed up the world you live in actually is – thanks in large part to the lies that liberals claim are true.
  • I’m sorry I never had the opportunity to offer your liberal friends a reality check.
  • I'm sorry that important news topics are hidden from you by a disgraceful controlled media.
  • I'm sorry that you don't understand that the public is being used and it is masked by celebrity gossip and opinions that have no substance.
  • I’m sorry you don’t even know what truth is.
  • I am sorry that you want to feel guilty for being born in America.
  • I’m sorry that you don’t understand the sacrifice brave Americans made for you and for the Americans you pretentiously pity.
  • I'm sorry that you can't embrace your own heritage.
  • I’m not sorry that you don’t know what it’s like to be a white boy with no money and no father like my I was when I was young.
  • I’m not sorry that you don’t know what it’s like to have parents addicted to crack or heroin -- like many kids that I knew personally.
  • I am sorry that people like President Obama and Hillary Clinton pretend dealing drugs in the ghetto is not a violent crime.
  • I am sorry that our government lies right to our face and your liberal friends believe every word.
  • I'm sorry that minority families in this country suffer every time the government passes a bill meant to “help” them just so they can continue to get their votes.
  • I am sorry that liberals like your friends deny truth, especially when doing so makes life so much harder for people liberals pretend to care about.
  • I'm sorry that there are many in our society want our Republic revoked in the name of “Progressive Change.”
  • I'm sorry you will never know how the United States once had a Constitution that everyone stood by.
  • I am very sorry that country no longer exists for you and your children.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

The Mainstream Media Admits Destroying It's Credibility


       M. Richard Maxson

       What happened to the watchdog media? Sadly, in this day of Obama, they have turned into the lapdog media. When Republicans are in office, liberal journalists become quite aggressive and love to launch investigations. When Democrats are in office, these same journalists help the politicians cover up their misdeeds. The identical press that blasted George W. Bush throughout his administration is totally uninterested in examining President Obama’s failed policies, broken promises and his weak leadership or the near criminal conduct of candidate Hillary Clinton. In the past, politicians could expect rough treatment from the media if they crossed the line. In today's America, if a journalist criticizes a Democrat, the tough media critic is ostracized and eventually removed from their positions.
      Some in mainstream media now admit it may never recover from it's slanted coverage of this 2016 Election. A recent column published in the New York Post  referred to the media’s reporting as the complete collapse of American journalism as we know it."We are torching our remaining credibility in service of Clinton.” 

      Columnist and author, Michael Goodwin, who voted for Obama in 2008 and in 2012 and is a Democrat, stated, the mainstream media’s reputations will likely never recover, nor will the standards. No future producer, editor, reporter or anchor can be expected to meet a test of fairness when that standard has been trashed in such willful and blatant fashion.”

     The TV networks seem to have two tracks in covering Democratic scandals: Ignore them, or if coverage is unavoidable, ignore the party label of the unethical politician under investigation. As Politifact documented, Clinton has lied on multiple occasions, and the media’s lack of outrage and refusal to focus on her dishonesty lends credence to Goodwin’s assertions. If it were a Republican in an ethical probe are blown up into alleged national problems for the GOP, but the networks on Hillary? Nothing on CBS and NBC, or ABC. For Democrats, their politicians in handcuffs point to image problems. Solution for the media? Don't show them at all.

      Something has happened right before our eyes that is extremely important: the complete collapse of American journalism as we know it. Too many people in the media and in academia have abandoned their roles as conduits for facts and take on the role of filterers of facts to promote social and political agendas.

      The Clinton machine has effectively infiltrated corporate media. Last year, the Intercept reported MSNBC failed to disclose that multiple pundits who spoke favorably about Clinton were actually employees of a consulting firm hired by her campaign. As Politifact documented, Clinton has lied on multiple occasions, and the media’s lack of outrage and refusal to focus on her dishonesty lends credence to Goodwin’s assertions.
       There is no question the mainstream media has sided with the political establishment in its decision to craft narratives that paint Clinton as a competent leader who
is the only option in the face of a catastrophic Trump presidency. Indeed, in spite of Clinton’s lack of popularity among the general population, the media continues to suggest she is the only thing standing between America and its descent into fascism. The frenzy to bury Trump is not limited to the Clinton campaign and the Obama White House. They are working hand in hand with what was considered the cream of the nation's news organization.

                                                   So long as the information and opinions that reach
the public are selected by mainstream media people, whom polls show to be overwhelmingly on the left, the left's view of the world prevails.  I can’t count the number of times I saw story after story being put out about how bad things are in the world, only to see the supporting political party start to speak about how they are going to solve these issues. It’s easy to win an election when you’ve already primed the people to believe in what you’re saying, without ever saying it. It is fascinating to see how some people -- in both politics and the media -- can depict their own narrow self-interest as a holy crusade for the greater good of society.

      The founding fathers had a dream of an America where the people and the government worked together towards a common good, in mutual respect. Freedom of speech and of the press are not the freedom to lie!  Lying to protect their elite friends and pushing an agenda instead of representing the truth. A government and mainstream media that lies to the people does not respect them, and the America of the 21st Century is not the America dreamed of in 1776.