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Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Are Indications that the U.S. Is Planning a Nuclear Attack Against Russia?


       Zeno Potas

      Could US policy result in a mushroom cloud going up over an American city? The Elitists have been pushing hard East in Europe to get right up to Russia's borders for what? America’s aristocracy very much does need to start a war with Russia, and why? It has to do with maintaining the dollar as the world’s reserve currency, something that benefits America’s aristocrats enormously. They cannot allow BRICS to be successful as the Western Elitists would loose their grip on power over the civilized world.  “The buildup of NATO air and ground forces along the borders of Russia in eastern Europe and President Barack Obama’s American power-influencing trip to Asia have a single purpose,” Wayne Madsen wrote earlier this month. “The seen and unseen forces who dictate policy to their political puppets in Washington, London, Paris, Brussels, Berlin, and other vassal capital cities have decided to smash BRICS – the emergent financial power bloc encompassing Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.”

       The propaganda machine is starting to turn red hot with it's constant barrage of anti-Russian, anti-Putin messages that are now being seen daily in the media.  The film industry can't produce these anti-Russian films fast enough. We are starting to hear every nonsensical thing under the sun including Putin's mental state. The Left's Wolf Blitzer (CNN) used the cover of a news program to broadcast a propaganda performance straight out of the Third Reich or perhaps from George Orwell’s 1984. The orchestration presented Russia as a massive, aggressive military threat. Blitzer’s program is part of the orchestrated propaganda campaign whose purpose is to prepare Americans for conflict with Russia.

     It is easy for Americas' puppet masters as the Republicans have traditionally hated Russians (not only communism), and congressional Democrats have recently been bought-off by aristocrats such as Soros (who, perhaps, has hated Russians all his life; though, until the fall of communism there, he had veiled this hatred by criticizing communism instead — and, now that the ideological veil is finally off, the nazi shows; and, consequently, on a popular Ukrainian TV station, which was financed by the U.S. Government, the Dutch Government, and Soros’s International Renaissance Foundation, confirmed that the people whom Obama(the US) represents are standing firm with the nazis. Obama’s chief political donor, George Soros, is, in fact, frantically campaigning throughout the world for taxpayers in both the U.S. and EU to finance at least a $20 billion step-up in aid to Ukraine so that they can complete the job that he has personally invested very heavily in - invading Russia.

    Let us look at what has been going on over the last few months.

  •  U.S. Sends B-2 Stealth Bombers to Europe. “The B-2 is the only aircraft that can carry large air-to-surface standoff weapons in a stealth configuration.” In other words, the primary advantage of the newer, “Stealth,” version of B-2, is its first-strike capabilities.
  •   75 Stryker combat vehicles arrived in Eastern Europe. They have been deployed at the Russian border in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland.

    US armored vehicles in Latvia
  • NATO tanks arrive for military exercise in Estonia.  “For the Russians NATO is seen as a hostile military threat.”-RT 
  •  U.S., Poland to Conduct Patriot Missile Exercise. The exercise will involve some 100 U.S. soldiers and 30 vehicles at a location on Polish territory.
  •  The Air Force has deployed 12 A-10 Thunderbolt II to Germany These aircraft will forward-deploy to locations in Eastern European NATO nations.
  •  The US sent 600 troops to Poland.
  •  The US deployed six American F-15 aircraft inside Lithuania.
    US Military in Estonia
  • The US stated that it wanted to send more troops to Romania.  
  • U.S., Poland to Conduct Patriot Missile Exercise. The exercise will involve some 100 U.S. soldiers and 30 vehicles at a location on Polish territory.
  • NATO has scheduled massive war games late this spring and early this summer in Ukraine, Poland, Bulgaria and Moldova. The coincidence of these war games represents a clear intention on the part of NATO to consolidate military forces inside Russia’s neighbors.

  • NATO launches war games near Russian border. Despite being quick to condemn Russian military manoeuvers, NATO is conducting wide-scale war games in the Baltic states and creating a “line of troops” across Eastern Europe. The US denies a double standard, but records and transcripts suggest otherwise. In February, 140 NATO vehicles and 1400 troops swept through Narva, a mere 300 meters from the Russian border.
      To counter NATO aggressiveness, Russia announced a massive surprise military drill earlier this week, putting forces all over the country on high alert and conducting exercises in the Baltic Sea, Black Sea, the Arctic and the Far East. The ongoing snap check of the military involves about 76,000 troops, over 10,000 vehicles, 65 warships, 16 support vessels, 15 submarines, 200 warplanes and helicopters. In a shocking level of hypocrisy, double standards, and doublespeak, State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Russia’s aviation exercises are “provocative and only serve to escalate tensions.”

        The American people have no clue what is going on nor do most of those in Europe. This is  a conspiracy and a well designed military plan to take down Moscow. They are playing with fire. In some respects the ‘project’ is now impossible to stop. The question for the moment is how long will this attack on Russia go on and what level of conflict will result? The United States government is now preparing for a nuclear attack and its response should a nuclear attack be launched against the U.S. and its interests. Will it go nuclear? The plan is being called Global Lightning.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

They Are Deciding Our Future Again


       M. Richard Maxson

      "There are invisible rulers who control the destinies of millions. It is not generally realized to what extent the words and actions of our most influential public men are dictated by shrewd persons operating behind the scenes. As civilization has become more complex, and as the need for invisible government has been increasingly demonstrated, the technical means have been invented and developed by which opinion may be regimented."  - Edward Bernays

      George Soros, political strategists, and other high roller Democrat operatives attended a highly secretive conference recently in San Francisco. The whole thing was a veritable “who’s who” of billionaire Democrats and high-ranking strategists, many of whom endorse Hillary Clinton. The location of the conference had been kept a closely guarded secret by the members and guests of Democracy Alliance (DA), a collection of ultra-wealthy liberal donors. Flashy sports cars ferry climate crusaders to a luxury hotel, a private security company shields prying eyes from speeches on political accountability. “If there was an attack on this building, the Democratic donor base would be gone,” joked investor Joe Sanberg.

       The Democratic Alliance steers tens of millions of dollars each year to leading political and policy groups strategically vetted and endorsed by its staff of progressive operatives. Attendees attended workshops such as “Occupy the Voting Booth” and “The 1 Percent Rule.” At this meeting, Progressives were told that the  A report by the Media Consortium detailed how progressives had created an "echo chamber" of outlets "in which a message pushes the larger public or the mainstream media to acknowledge, respond, and give airtime to progressive ideas because it is repeated many times. "A lie told often enough becomes the truth" - Vladimir Lenin. "It's just one more way George Soros influences the media.
main electoral problem, was an insufficiently populist message. Once the message has been decided at this meeting then the content will be fed to Soros propaganda machine. These 180 media sites in the United States that Soros helps support can be linked, cited or reposted, falsely adding to the sense that there is strong interest in any particular "progressive idea."

       In fact, Soros funds nearly every major left-wing media source in the United States. Forty-five of those are financed through his support of the Media Consortium. That organization 'is a network of the country's leading, progressive, independent media outlets.' The list is predictable - everything from Alternet to the Young Turks. The list goes on and on. Project Syndicate calls itself "the world's pre-eminent source of original op-ed commentaries." It has wide reach. "As of May 2011, Project Syndicate membership included 462 leading newspapers in 150 countries." Its monthly circulation is 72,815,528. Naturally, "support comes from the Open Society Institute," the primary Soros foundation. Since launching his Open Society Foundations in 1984, Soros has donated more than $8 billion to universities around the world. His reach and influence far surpasses that of the Koch brothers, who have been vilified by the left and the media for their grants to universities. Soros gave more than 50 times as much as his US rivals the Koch brothers.

     The powerful Democracy Alliance recently underwent a purging of its Democrat partners recently. It eliminated  mainstream groups and added organizations with close ties to their that operating outside the Democrat Party to in favor of pressuring the party to move in a more Progressive direction, the Huffington Post’s Ryan Grim recently reported. Media Matters and the Center for American Progress were retained, while groups related to minority issues were dropped. Apparently they realize minorities are going to support the left no matter what they do or don't do for them – evidence Republicans are far behind when it comes to minority voters.

      Most conference-goers were wary of speaking with the press. One attendee who asked not to be identified said he had been instructed "to inform Alliance staff of journalists asking questions" about the week’s proceedings. It is "ironic" that the Democratic party, the party that demands more political transparency has also assured “partners”—as its donors are known—that they will remain anonymous if they choose.


Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Department of In-Justice


        M. Richard Maxson

      A federal judge angrily accused Justice Department attorneys in newly unsealed documents of "fraud upon the court" by intimidating a witness. A key witness in the trial said he was threatened by another ATF agent – and that ATF lawyers told the threatened agent not to tell the judge about it. Judge Allegra said the government attorneys have intimidated a witness and charged that seven of them may have kept illegal behavior secret from the court. “[ATF lawyers] ordered the agent in question not to communicate the threat to the court and stated that there would be repercussions if the agent did not follow counsel’s instructions,” Judge Allegra said in his ruling. The judge also noted that a tape recording indicates that multiple DOJ lawyers knew about misconduct and did not inform the judge.

       The Justice Department is making a mockery of our criminal justice system. It’s not independent. It is the muscle behind the Democratic Socialists and their backers to bring about, by lies, misdirection and inaction of enforcing the country's laws, a change to a  Leftist government and society.

      RACISM -  Missouri Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder stated after the Ferguson riots that the DOJ "fanned the flames" and did more damage than if they had done nothing. He said AG Holder appeared to pick sides soon after Brown's shooting when he met with Brown's family but not Wilson. "There is more racism in the Justice Department than there is in any, yes, than anywhere I see in the St. Louis area,"  Kinder told The Associated Press. He  asserted that the department was "staffed with Marxists and black radicals" and defended statements he had made earlier accusing agency officials of racism. "The Justice Department has had an interest in fanning the flames of racial divisions since the first day Eric Holder took office. So has this president," Kinder said. "It is the Eric Holder and Obama left and their minions who are obsessed with race while the rest of us are moving on beyond it," Kinder added.

      LIES -  It was fully involved in the IRS targeting scheme.Lerner and the DOJ teamed up to attempt to fabricate criminal prosecutions of conservatives -- prosecutions that could have ended in jail time. In a May 8, 2013 email, Lerner admits that she’s been in contact with a DOJ official, who was working to “piece together false statement cases about applicants. “Piece together” means “make up.”  Documents obtained by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee last year revealed that a Justice Department attorney defending the IRS actually worked at the IRS and was involved in the IRS’ illegal scheme.

      COVER-UP -  Civil Rights Division attorney Barbara Bosserman heads up the DOJ’s ongoing criminal investigation into itself and the IRS. How can the DOJ conduct any investigation when it is at the center of the scandal? Ms. Bosserman is a top donor to President Obama’s election campaigns and the Democratic National Committee. She authored a statement on March 2014, the Justice Department declining to appoint a special prosecutor, concluding the case doesn’t present a conflict of interest or “other extraordinary circumstances.” Yet, the inspector general for the IRS has concluded just the opposite, saying that it is investigating “potential criminal activity” in the supposed disappearance of Lerner’s emails – investigating a cover-up.

      BIG PICTURE -  It is clear that many of the Democratic Socialists, including their media minions, have no problem with using government power to push for things they want. In other words, the catch is that the majority of Democrats have no problem with a president violating the rule of law as long as they agree with him. A report by  Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. showed that 43% of Democrats believe the president should have the right to ignore the courts. Only 35% of voters in President Obama’s party disagree. The fact that almost half in this party have agendas that contradict the Constitution of these United States is a fact that all  "real Americans"should fear.

                                           RULE OF LAW by COUNTRY - WE ARE DROPPING RAPIDLY

Friday, April 17, 2015

Why Ukraine? - Why Now?

What the Elite Don't Want You to Know - Part 3



       Phillip Todd

      The civil war now raging inside Ukraine is a turning-point in world history, regarding many different respects because this one can very possibly lead to a nuclear war, one with Russia that’s totally unnecessary for America but serves the purpose of the western aristocrats (“elites”) in both the U.S. and Europe. The
aristocrats’ chief motive is dominance over America,
Europe, east to the Russian border, and then Russia itself, for all the riches of its' natural resources that have been yet to be developed. It has been a dream of theirs for decades and now, they think the time is right to set into motion a series of events that will ultimately lead to the break up of the Russian Federation even if it means limited nuclear war.


       In Ukraine there are currently two different "armies." There are
the Ukrainian regulars, who are inept at best and then
there are the "special units." These divisions operate as
they see fit with one goal in mind and that is to eliminate all Russian speaking peoples from eastern Ukraine by any means. These "divisions" are composed of Ukraine’s two Nazi parties, both of which were created as local copies of Hitler’s Nazi Party, and one of which even called itself the Social Nationalist Party of Ukraine. The other, the Azov Battalion, was founded on 13 April 2014 and its members were selected by Andrei Biletsky, an avowed Ukrainian Nazi. Biletsky founded the Azov Battalion soon after the US February 2014 coup in Kiev, which was led by Andriy Parubiy, who had co-founded the Social Nationalist Party of Ukraine.


      The US in league with Nazi's? Unfortunately true. It
has just been
announced that, on April 20th (Hitler’s birthday), U.S. troops will start training troops of Ukraine’s Nazi Azov Battalion. According to Lieut. Gen. Ben Hodges, "US soldiers are to be deployed to Western Ukraine. The exact number of American troops heading to Ukraine is still to be determined."


      So as the spring melts the snow and ice the sounds of gunfire can be heard again as the summer offensive is about to begin. The western elite need the Russian speaking peoples gone from Eastern Ukraine by any means. They want the land so that the massive amount of underlying natural resources can be harvested and to station more missles on the Russian border in order to fulfill the ultimate goal of Russia’s geopolitical weakening and Putin’s regime change under the noble banner of spreading freedom and democracy. We have all seen how well American "regime change" has done, but this time, they are toying with the fate of all humanity.


Saturday, April 11, 2015

Interview with Oliver Stone


       Philip Todd

This week, Oliver Stone stirred a political firestorm with his views on
what he believed sparked the Ukrainian crisis. Following a private interview with Viktor Yanukovich, the former Ukrainian president who was ousted in the February 2014 coup. He made these statements for us.


 AC: What do you see is happening in Ukraine?
OS: "It seems clear Ukraine is just the latest country in a long list to fall prey to America’s soft power technique called ‘Regime Change 101.”

       Stone’s comments reverberated like an earthquake on both sides of the Ukrainian divide, prompting him to elaborate on his original statement. 
OS:For those of you angry with my analysis of Ukraine yesterday, please try to understand the bigger picture I’m offering. I have no brief for Viktor Yanukovich, he may well be the most corrupt president Ukraine ever had. Ukraine has a dramatic history of corruption. That is not my point. There is ample evidence of pro-Western, third-party interference in Ukraine."

AC: What action made you come to this conclusion?
OS: "The CIA contributed to violence at February protests in Ukraine that left more than 100 dead. "It seems clear that the so-called 'shooters' who killed 14 police men, wounded some 85, and killed 45 protesting civilians, were outside third-party agitators," he wrote. "Many witnesses, including police officials, believe these foreign elements were introduced by pro-Western factions — with CIA fingerprints on it,"

AC: Who exactly are you speaking about here?
OS:  Specifically US government organizations, such as USAID, which has been operating in Ukraine since the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the National Endowment for Democracy, and there was Victoria Nuland and John McCain, two high-ranking American officials who appeared on the streets of central Kiev at the height of the Maidan showdown between police and protesters.

AC: How long has this been going on?
OS: "The US has been playing games in Ukraine for a long time. Back in 1949, then Defense Secretary James Forrestal, together with the cooperation of the CIA, created a guerrilla force codenamed ‘Nightingale’ that was comprised of ultra-nationalist (NAZI) Ukrainians. For five years the CIA was parachuting Ukrainian infiltrators into the country." Last year it was these well-armed, neo-Nazi radicals who forced Yanukovych out of the country after repeated assassination attempts."

AC: This is not what we are being told in the West, is it?
OS:  "The West has maintained the dominant narrative of "Russia in Crimea" whereas the true narrative is “USA in Ukraine." The truth is not being aired in the West. It’s a surreal perversion of history that’s going on once again, as in Bush pre-Iraq ‘WMD’ campaign. But I believe the truth will finally come out in the West, I hope, in time to stop further insanity."

AC: Thank you Mr.Stone for another revealing look at how history is being distorted to fit a narrative. America deserves better than this.
OS: "You are very welcome." 

Oliver Stone's New Movie:

 "Ukraine: The CIA Coup" 

Coming To A Theater Near You

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Constitution is the Last Barrier to One-World Rule


       George Sontag

      There is a single remaining barrier preventing implementation of world government: The United States of America and its Constitution. Once the manipulators get full control of U.S. government and, therefore, control of the greatest military force on earth, it will be a simple matter and a short time until all other nations will be forced to concede power to the elitist criminals who are the tyrannical and bloodiest group of men to have ever ruled.

       Rich and powerful men who brilliantly manipulate the political arena from behind the scenes are fully confident they will soon be able to govern the entire Earth through a single political body -- the United Nations. The only thing standing in the way of those who wish to rule the world is the Constitution. One of their own, Dr. Carroll Quigley, was so confident a one-world government was basically a done deal and the manipulations and control of heads of government no longer needed to remain hidden that in 1966 he published somewhat of an expose in his 1,348-page book, Tragedy and Hope.

      As a barrier to world government, the Constitution contains one particularly high hurdle which as yet the manipulators have not been able to over come. That is the Second Amendment, which
guarantees the right of the individual Americans to own firearms. Dozens, or hundreds, some say thousands, of laws have been put in place at the federal and state levels in a futile attempt to first register and then confiscate all firearms -- handguns, then rifles, then shotguns. An important first step toward eventual confiscation came in 1968 when Congress required purchasers to give the gun dealer his name and address and state he was not a felon. Though some progress has been made since 1968, with current gun buyers being forced to submit to instant background checks, it is highly likely that the rich and powerful who dream of world government are growing impatient with the advocates of the Second Amendment.
      Once the manipulators determine the impossibility of getting America's guns through legislation and that psychological conditioning of the masses against guns is not going to work, they will attempt to confiscate the guns with brute force. In the future, a president will declare a "national emergency" and proclaim martial law. Then the federal government will come after your guns. President Obama has admitted that only the Constitution stands between him and full gun confiscation. This is deeply frightening language.
       The notion that government tyranny is impossible in an elective republic is insanity of the first order. Hitler was elected chancellor. Mussolini manipulated his way into power through constitutional means. Hamas was elected in the Gaza Strip. Mohammed Morsi and his thuggish Muslim Brotherhood were elected in Egypt. If rights are dependent on votes -- if we only have a right to bear arms because a majority of the population elects politicians who say we have a right to bear arms -- then we have no rights at all. If Americans weren't afraid of government violation of rights before Obama spoke about guns last week, they should be now. 

Friday, April 3, 2015

Who Are The Elite?


       M. Richard Maxson

      Who are the "elite" who decide who lives and who dies in the world? The decisions made by these few  impact the world and the future of mankind. They say in sports that "you can't tell the players without a program." So that there be no misunderstandings, this is your program.

What is the Bilderberg Group?

    Bilderberg: Takes its name from the hotel in Holland where the group met in 1054, during the earliest period of its inception. Meets every year at various locations in the United States and Europe, always in extreme secrecy, often at resorts controlled by either the Rockefeller or Rothschild families. The Rothschild family is the leading European force with in the Bilderberg Group, sharing its power with the American-based Rockefeller empire. The internationalist group has a revolving membership of several hundred participants composed of banking, political and media elites from the United States and Western Europe, almost exclusively from the NATO countries. The members ARE the Western Powers that have ruled for over 500 years. Bilderberg maintains an extremely low profile and never publishes reports or studies under its own official security. Meetings are always guarded by the military of the host country - not the police. Bilderberg participants and all newspaper editors in the United States denied the group's very existence.

What Is The Council On Foreign Relations?

      In his book, With No Apologies, Senior GOP statesman Barry Goldwater publicly described the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) as a group that "believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one world rule established." Based in New York and composed solely of U.S. citizens this. The CFR was created in 1921 with Rockefeller family funding and emerged as the American branch of the Bilderburgers without the Europeans.
      CFR members, beginning with the Republican Herbert Hoover administration on through the present day in administrations Democrat and Republican alike, have continuously been appointed to key policy-making posts. The Rockefeller's have served as longtime chairman of the CFR. The CFR publishes a quarterly journal, Foreign Affairs, and conducts regular public meetings and seminars. However, its key meetings are strictly confidential and off the record. Although the CFR is separate from other Rockefeller-financed internationalist groups such as the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group, the three organizations do have overlapping membership.

 What is the Trilateral Commission?

      Organized exclusively by David Rockefeller in 1973. The elitists were concerned about the institutions responsible for the indoctrination of the young (that’s their phrase), meaning schools, universities, church and so on – they’re not doing their job, [the young are] not being sufficiently indoctrinated. "They’re too free to pursue their own initiatives and concerns and you’ve got to control them better. ". The Commission holds an official annual conclave closed to the independent press, but conducts seminars and other gatherings that are less exclusive. Membership is limited to elites who are essentially liberal internationalists from Europe, Japan and the United States, the liberal wing of the intellectual elite. It issues periodic reports known as the "Triangle Papers". Their goal is to turn people back to passivity and obedience so they don’t put so many constraints on state power and so on. The Rockefeller's have continuously served, since its inception and is acknowledged as its prime mover.

       That these groups exert enormous influence on public policy is indisputable. What is disputed is whether such groups are, as adherents and members argue, just discussion forums for movers and shakers, or, as critics have long alleged, secret societies shaping a new world order from behind the scenes. On that last point at least, no one could challenge the critics: All these groups operate in considerable secrecy, away from the scrutiny of the American public.