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Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.
Sunday, June 29, 2014
The Supreme Court
M. Richard Maxson
What Constitutionalists understand is that upholding the integrity of the Constitution and its designed system of limited government is essential to preserving our liberties, and abuses of power by any one branch of government. In our system, the power to resolve the dilemma is reposed into the hands of the judiciary, and those who have that power are to resolve it without regard to popularity or politics. Their oath is to the Constitution. They have the final say on what the laws mean. If they follow the Rule of Law, they will invalidate that which the government has done and which is properly challenged before them and which is not authorized by the Constitution.
James Madison played an important role in the writing of our Constitution. He noted that since men are
not angels, government is necessary. Since government is run by men, we also need protection from the government (Federalist #51). Mankind tends toward evil. Therefore, power must be separated. Belief in the sinfulness of man can be seen in the Constitution with its strict separation of powers. Thomas Jefferson said that power should be divided for everybody’s sake: “The way to have good and safe government is not to trust it all to one, but to divide it among the many…”
In our times President Obama has demonstrated, time and again, that he has no respect for the Constitution's limitations on his power. Despite his oath of office, to see that the laws are faithfully executed, Barack Obama has unilaterally changed welfare reform laws. He has repeatedly and unilaterally changed or waived provisions of the ObamaCare. He has ordered Border Patrol agents not to carry out provisions of the immigration laws that he does not like and the list goes on and on. Why do we have a Constitution of the United States if a president can ignore it without any consequences?
This week the Supreme Court has handed down decisions that have put a stop to some of these Constitutional violations. It is a victory for all who believe in the constitutional constraints on executive power.
In the case of National Labor Relations Board v. Noel Canning the Supreme Court ruled unanimously that the President violated the Constitution in a dictatorial fashion by attempting to go around Congress in making government appointments. All these appointments are now illegal and any decisions made these appointees to the board are not binding.
Earlier in the week, in the case of Riley v. California and U.S. v. Wurie, the Court ruled, unanimously again, against the administrations continuing war on privacy. It stated that the police must have a legitimate warrant to search a persons' cell phone. These rulings means that the Supreme Court has issued a severe rebuke to the “constitutional scholar” President and his abuse of power. It is the 12th time since January 2012 that the Supreme Court has unanimously rejected the Obama administration's calls for greater federal executive power."
Far from seeing his power diminish in his last years, President Obama has tried to extend his power even beyond the end of his administration by appointing federal judges who share his disregard of the Constitution and can enact his far-left agenda into law from the bench, when it cannot be enacted into law by the Congress. He is attempting to change the laws of the land by putting in power a leftist coalition of "living constitution" theorists on the benches of our nations courtrooms. These unanimous rulings show that there is still a flicker of light for freedom and rule of law in America.
Friday, June 20, 2014
Traitor or Patriot?
M. Richard Maxson
Edward Snowden, a secret spy for the CIA, a secret spy for the NSA, and other government agencies, never graduated high school. He didn't have to because he was far ahead of the average student. Persons like him, with high IQ's, are a usually tremendously patriotic. They can see the "big picture" and the big picture Edward Snowden saw was that of a government that had made a left turn towards an Orwellian society. An unconstitutional society the scope of which has yet to be completely revealed.
His exit from the United States was of fear for his life. He had asked questions, the wrong questions. He saw Constitutional violations,(since upheld by the courts) reported them to his superiors, and was told to "not look in that direction." As he stated in the interview for NBC, "Being a patriot means knowing when to protect your country.......your Constitution.......your countrymen from the violations and encroachments from adversaries not necessarily foreign." He believes that he is "...still serving the country" by the fact that " all three branches of government have made reforms as a result of it." Even the President has said that "...this has made us stronger."
So what was the result?
1. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper had to admit he lied to Congress.
2. The House passed a bill (ostensibly) meant to stop bulk collection of phone metadata.
3. A federal judge said the NSA phone surveillance program is unconstitutional.
4. President Barack Obama admitted there would be no surveillance debate without Snowden.
So far the only thing that has happened from these revelations is that an illegal, unconstitutional, and dangerous surveillance system has been exposed. The people have found out

The six part interview can be seen at the link below. Some call him a treasonous traitor, others call him a patriotic hero as we have not seen in this country in a long time. I believe him to be a scalpel cutting out the cancer that has attacked our Constitution. The cancer is still there and spreading. As Thomas Jefferson said, "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."
The Interview:
Friday, June 13, 2014
The Bilderberger Meeting 2014 - Conclusion
M. Richard Maxson
Bilderberg, the annual gathering of the world’s most powerful politicians and business magnates, is clearly shaping global policies by positioning its favored politicians as world leaders, determining the timetables of military conflicts and influencing the economic policies of nearly every nation on the planet, impacting the lives of billions around the globe. They influence key decisions that affect all aspects of our lives including the price of gasoline, how the prices of stock and commodity markets will be manipulated, and even which countries will be attacked or invaded.The Bilderberg Group is pushing ahead with its anti-free market, state-corporate takeover designed to destroy independent nations as well as the individual in order to make the population dependent on a system controlled by the tiny elite well-represented at the conference.
Besides modern-day king making, the Bilderberg Group also has tremendous influence in economics and geopolitical events.Politicians need corporate backing to win elections and corporations need politicians to write favorable laws. There is this “collaboration” between business and politics has been in the open for a very long time. This is why it's critical to follow the most powerful group in the world
The list of topics to be discussed fat the Bilderberg conference:
• Is the economic recovery sustainable?More bailouts to prop up the Euro.
• Who will pay for the demographics?
Organizing more aggressive powers of tax collection
• Does privacy exist?
The Bilderbergers are also worried about the blowback from Edward Snowden's revelations about NSA spying. They are worried that American and especially European citizens will demand privacy protections that will impede the NSA's "total information awareness." The Bilderbergers discussed strategies for defeating the privacy-rights advocates and continuing their progress towards a world in which everyone and everything is under total, permanent surveillance. They are currently undergoing a major transformation that will see it and other high profile networks merge under the banner of Google as the elite accelerates its plan to consolidate its technocratic agenda. Bilderberg is merging with Google under the stewardship of Google CEO Eric Schmidt, a regular Bilderberg attendee. Behind the scenes Google is using such forums as proving grounds on which to form the consensus that shapes the globe. Google’s growing influence within both the British and American governments is also well documented. Google is clearly positioning itself to become a force more powerful than governments in controlling and monitoring people’s behavior across the globe through all manner of different means, from cars that drive themselves (and are constantly tracked by a centralized Google database), to Google Glass which is akin to having a Google microchip in your forehead.
• How special is the relationship in intelligence sharing?
Keith Alexander, head of the NSA, the agency which also began using new collection methods in secret for months until the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court ruled them unconstitutional was in attendance at the Bilderberg Conference.
• Big shifts in technology and jobs
The manufacturing revolution of 3D printing and ways to control it and prevent the democratization of production.
• The future of democracy and the middle class trap
No more middle class, no more democracy just Socialism. There might be manufactured crises and wars, centralized control over education (indoctrination) to train those chosen for specific roles, and possibly even a tax on all ‘world citizens.’
China’s political and economic outlook
The gas deal between Russia and China have raised grave questions about whether the Bilderberg-led West can continue its world-domination scheme.
• The new architecture of the Middle East
The neoconservative architects of 9/11 and the 9/11 wars are disappointed that Obama refused to bomb Syria, attack Iran, and go to war with Russia over Crimea. They also believe that the US may have to attack China to prevent that nation's rise to world's leading superpower status.
• Ukraine
There are military chiefs briefing arms companies bosses - in private - about their hopes and dreams for Ukraine. But you've also got billionaire speculators and the heads of gigantic private equity funds listening in. These are the people who stand to make a killing out of knowing where and when the bombs are going to fall, how many and on whom.
• What next for Europe?
• Climate change.
This is high on the Bilderberg agenda is the establishment of a new, huge UN bureaucracy on the environment, so the industrialists can reap immense profits from new technology to clean the world's air and water. "Nothing has changed from when that was written," the an official said. "By establishing an ecology commission, the United Nations further intrudes into the domestic affairs of nations, reducing their sovereignty piece by piece until there is none left." People suspicious of the elites call climate change a euphemism for the artificial deindustrialization of some nations, with the goal of keeping the global economy under the control of transnational corporations and the expense of potential hubs of economic growth.
No matter how you look at the Bilderberg Group, it is eerily disturbing. Just the fact that a global power elite with representatives from politics, finance, and industry is meeting behind closed doors, in almost total secrecy on a regular basis, should be enough to cause concern and public outcry. The fact that they feel the need to control everything which occurs at these meetings, allow NO public attendance or reporting of any kind, and stay behind armed military guards seems suspicious to say the least. As more and more people become aware of their existence and possible explanations regarding their activities, the true desires and agenda of this influential group may come to light.
Thursday, June 5, 2014
The Bilderberger Meeting 2014 - Part 1
M. Richard Maxson
The Bilderberg Group is a decades-old club for some of the world’s most influential individuals, politicians, officials, businessmen, academics and European royalty, regularly gathering to discuss global policy issues. Critics accuse them of acting as a shadow unelected government, would-be rulers of the world, which take decisions affecting billions of people behind closed doors, with little regard for the needs or wishes of the general population. Where will the next war be? Who will be elected as a head of state? Where can we make moves to cause conflict to make the most profit? All this was within their power to determine. These ARE the majority of the men who actually run the world.
They are billionaire captains of industry who landed invitations include the heads of Shell, BP, Airbus, HSBC, Saab, AXA, Google, and Linkedin. They will sit alongside key global powerbrokers such as
Christine Lagarde, the head of the International Monetary Fund, and senior officials from the European Central Bank. It's a guest list that most conference organizers can only dream of, with attendees ranging from royalty to business leaders, spies to politicians. Make no mistake this isn't any conference – this is the Bilderberg conference, a top-secret annual gathering attracting the richest and most powerful people from across the globe. 120 of the world's richest and most powerful people meet behind closed doors and protected, not by the local police force, but by the military of the host country. The press, is not welcome.
MORE: Full list of Bilderberg 2014 attendees
Do we need proof that these people, not our elected officials, are the ones who decide the immediate future of mankind? They first need to control the more powerful countries. How do they do this, let's examine,
- The former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Tony Blair, came to power as the UK’s Leader of the Opposition one year after attending a Bilderberg meeting in 1993.
- In 1991, the then governor of Arkansas, who was relatively unknown at the time, was invited to attend the Bilderberg meeting in Baden-Baden, Germany. Just over one year later the governor, William Jefferson Clinton, became the President of the United States.
- Democratic mayor of Atlanta, Kasim Reed, was invited for this year’s Bilderberg conference in Copenhagen.“He’s seen as one of the few legitimate Democratic candidates for higher office in Georgia,” a Republican strategist told Roll Call in 2012, adding that he will be a formidable adversary to the GOP. It would appear that Bilderberg is grooming him for just that.
- In the early 2000s, late investigative journalist Jim Tucker correctly predicted that Operation Iraqi Freedom would commence in March 2003 and not in late 2002 as so many defense analysts were suggesting at the time. How did Tucker know? Because he wasn’t just guessing; sources inside Bilderberg told him.
- Daniel Estulin, author and public speaker on the Bilderburg group, correctly predicted the 2007 collapse of the housing bubble a year before it happened after receiving information from his own sources inside the Bilderberg Group.
- In 2009, Tucker predicted that Bilderberg would use the resulting economic slowdown to erode America’s national sovereignty. This is now coming to fruition through multiple ways, such as the Trans Pacific Partnership, which allows transnational mega-corporations to tighten their grip on individual countries such as the United States.