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Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Ukraine Not Safe For Journalists


       Phillip Todd

      You won't hear about much of this in the western press as it goes against the Bilderburger's plan.Eastern Ukraine has been dubbed a “trap for journalists” by Human Rights Watch’s representatives as the deepening crisis has already taken the lives of six journalists since the beginning of the year. Many more journalists have been abducted, interrogated and even tortured while caught in the crossfire in the fighting between the Ukraine Army and the militia forces of southeastern Ukraine.

These are the Journalists killed and abducted in Eastern Ukraine:
    • Igor Kornelyuk, Anton Voloshin (Russia) – killed

    • Anatoly Klyan (Russia) – killed

    • Andrea Rocchelli (Italy) with interpreter Andrey Mironov (Russia) – killed

    • Andrey Stenin (Russia) - missing 

    • Graham Phillips (UK) – abducted, interrogated

    •  Evgeny Davydov, Nikita Konashenkov (Russia) – abducted, tortured

    •  Oleg Sidyakin, Marat Saichenko (Russia) – abducted, tortured

    •  Andrey Sushenkov, Anton Malyshev (Russia) - abducted, interrogated

    • Simon Ostrovsky (US) – abducted, interrogated 

    • Anton Skiba (Ukraine) – abducted, interrogated 

          Many more journalists from a range of media outlets have come under fire
      during the conflict in eastern Ukraine. Ukrainian troops have also fired at people with cameras, as well as people wearing protective press vests.The
      Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), a US-based organization promoting the freedom of the press and protection of journalists from persecution, on Wednesday slammed the conditions of press freedom in Ukraine, especially in the eastern regions engulfed by warfare, calling them volatile and deteriorating.

             Follow the money in the Ukraine and you will know why the US Incorporated is killing thousands there using mis-information to achieve their ends.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

To Defend and Protect?


       M. Richard Maxson

      "Zombie Apocalypse" was supposedly, according to the government, a tongue-in-cheek take off on the popular movies and TV shows of the time. We saw the CDC, law enforcement, and government agencies running drills to combat the "undead" just in case a virus or some other unforeseen event would make this a reality. Cute, but why waste taxpayer money on such a thing? The true reality of these exercises is that they were training to control massive amounts of anti-government protesters in the event that the population would rise up against the Socialization of America. They want to be able to put down patriots who would rebel as is their right under the Declaration of Independence which states: "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." This line runs chills down the backs of Democratic Socialists.

      Consider recent developments that are quickly becoming the new "normal" in Amerika. President Obama has dispensed with Congress, making laws out of thin air - surpassing the greatest violations of presidential power in recent years. Obama changes existing laws that have been on the books for years, e.g. the Welfare Reform Act, without Congress.  He writes laws, e.g. the Dream Act, without Congress.  He passes treaties that have never been ratified, e.g. Law of the Sea Treaty, without Congress.  And he even eliminates entire sections of his own healthcare reform law - all without seeking Congress to make amendments or pass revisions.  These actions make Obama a virtual king, potentate, dictator, ruler - and not the elected and accountable president of a sovereign people. Obama describes this new approach to government as, "We can't wait."  The U.S. Constitution was designed to curb unscrupulous politicians like Obama who believed their agenda mattered more than freedom and would if the Department of Justice wasn't corrupted.

       During the Obama administration, according to Pentagon data, police departments have received tens of
thousands of machine guns; nearly 200,000 ammunition magazines; thousands of pieces of camouflage and night-vision equipment; and hundreds of silencers, armored cars and aircraft. From California to Connecticut and several states in between, local police departments have been steadily arming themselves over the years with billions of dollars' worth of military-grade equipment. Last year, it gave away close to a half-billion dollars' worth of equipment to local law enforcement, according to a June report from the American Civil Liberties Union.

       The Pentagon and Department of Homeland Security equip even the tiniest rural police departments with massive military vehicles, body armor and grenade launchers. In the town of Neenah, Wisconsin, "a city of about 25,000 people," with a low violent crime rate that "has not had a homicide in more than five years,"just acquired a 9-foot-tall, 30-ton armored vehicle built to withstand land mines. In 2013, the campus police at The Ohio State University procured a Mine-Resistant Ambush-Protected vehicle (MRAP), according to the Daily Caller. The vehicle, which school officials noted was “acquired at no cost from military surplus,” has a gun turret on the roof and is designed to stave off ambushes and roll over improvised explosive devices. OSU was also the first agency in the state to acquire an MRAP at the time. The small enclave of Bossier Parish, Louisiana, has a .50 caliber gun mounted on an armored vehicle. Today, federal agencies of all stripes, as well as local police departments in towns with small populations, come equipped with SWAT teams and heavy artillery. This equipment is surplus from the long wars we fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. According to Radley Balko at The Huffington Post, the number of SWAT teams in U.S. towns with populations between 25,000 to 50,000 rose 300 percent between 1984 and 1995, and by 2000, 75 percent of them had acquired their own special weapons squads.  

    “This militarization that we are witnessing — police officers dressed as soldiers, using military vehicles and
military weapons to engage largely unarmed protesters — is outrageous,” said Tom Nolan, chairman of the department of criminal justice at the State University of New York at Plattsburgh. Lesley J. Wood, in her book, Crisis and Control - The Militarization of Protest Policing, explains how neoliberal shifts in political and economic systems are militarizing the policing of protest. The book offers a way to understand the influence of political processes on police practices and provides an empirical study of militarized protest policing from 1995 until the present. “We can see in the streets that things are changing,” Wood says, referring to several incidents from the past few years—from the use of stun grenades on protesters, to armored trucks rolling through quiet suburban neighborhoods, to police officers’ use of Tasers while responding to a noise complaint. In the mid-’90s a lot of this militarization took place in police forces to deal with the drug war, and that was converted into dealing with public order after the year 2000.

    The passage of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) in 2011 which authorizes the U.S. Military to indefinitely detain American citizens without due process and kill them without trial is a direct and egregious violation of the U.S. Bill of Rights. Despite federal courts ruling these new powers unconstitutional, the Democratic Socialist administration claims the power to use the CIA and drones to kill U.S. citizens and civilians deemed "threats" using the broad and ill-defined label of "terrorist" as their rationale. With the IRS scandal revealing that Republicans and Christians are now labeled as potential "terrorists," the question is, "will America continue to allow the trend to silence and control political opposition or is revolution inevitable?"

Sunday, August 10, 2014

What's the Point


       M. Richard Maxson

      “That's the good thing about being president. I can do whatever I want.” – Barack Obama.
      Fascism: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control. (Webster)

      What is the point of having our Constitution?  With the president ignoring existing laws, rewriting his own laws and preparing to make new laws on his own, what’s the point of Congress? What’s the point of laws at all? The Constitution was to be the law of the land but what happens if the majority in power reinterpret this guiding force to suit their own wants?  It states "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal," but it does not state that there should be special privileges for certain groups. Nor is there a clause for “good ideas” or “good intentions.”Yet, today, everywhere is evident that this is what is happening.

     The US has abandoned the rule of law, betraying its own constitution, whistle blower Thomas Andrews Drake, recently stated in an interview. “The irony is that the US has abandoned the rule of law,” Drake, who also revealed NSA secrets in the past, said of Snowden’s leaks. “They’ve unchained itself from their own constitution – the mechanism by which we govern ourselves. And when you ban the real law and use a secret law and secret interpretations of law, we’re in a whole new ball game. It’s a Pandora’s Box.”

      The Socialization of the United States began years ago and it has come to fruition with this administration.  There was a time that presidents would be restricted by Congress but no more. With Harry Reid and Democrats controlling the Senate, President Obama knows he’ll face no consequences for his lawlessness. If this president wants it, then the president and his enabling Democratic congressional fold won’t wait for such inconveniences as Congress passing a bill. He is poised to simply impose his de facto ideals on the country without a vote. He and Attorney General Eric Holder are moving to unilaterally subvert the law as it currently exists, changing it by decree, not “democracy.” With the President setting the example, subordinates and bureaucrats are emboldened to do the same.  If the government can use the muscle of the Internal Revenue Service to keep groups opposed to the Democratic administration tied up in red tape or litigation in an election year, then enough games like that can make our elections meaningless too. None of this is allowed under the law, but it all goes unchallenged by the media.

       The media has fawned over his every move. A recent poll released last week reported that 7 percent of American journalists say they are Republicans. Recently, even top journalists from The New York Times and NBC News acknowledged at a journalist forum that “that there is absolutely a left-wing bias” in the media. It is this bias that President Obama has come to depend on to advance his radical agenda. With the help of a very eager and compliant press willing to do their bidding such as MSNBC’s Chris Hayes recent diatribe "The Problem is the Constitution."  This and other oratories like that, shows that we are heading downhill away from the ideals of the Founding Fathers at an alarming speed. The White House controls talking points, advances their left wing agenda, and molds public opinion through propaganda disguised as news. This seedy alliance between the White House and the liberal media poses a clear and present ideological danger to our Republic. Thomas Jefferson’s fears have been realized: We have mega-government without properly functioning newspapers(media).

      The president knows his actions never will receive the context and disinfecting sunlight his predecessors faced. He has a clear road ahead to do whatever he chooses. We as a nation are at a critical decision point. Do we want to continue down the road toward Democratic/Corporate Socialism, where all of our basic needs are met from cradle to grave, the only price being total subservience to the government, or alternatively, to reverse direction and go back up the road toward personal responsibility and individual freedom? We must look back and remember the foundations and timeless principles upon which this nation was built and recommit ourselves to them before it is too late.

Friday, August 8, 2014

What Does the World Think of the US?


       George Sontag

      Many of you readers are highly intelligent but if you only read news from the US then you are getting a slanted view of the world. This is not an article on that subject rather a aggregation of comments from various free thinking people who live outside the the sphere of the US news media and their views of current events..

    gamer 08.06.2014 11:38 - December 2013, "United States Seen As Greatest Threat To World Peace In 2013": This is so true. I   think USA is the worlds most terrorist since end of the 18th century.

     Larry Coffield 08.06.2014 10:23 America has nothing but state-run media. Our media are corporate state controlled. That's a distinction without a difference.  

     John Smith 08.06.2014 01:40 - In the USA, it's never too early to get brainwashed. Most US media is owned by the corporations which own the US government. US brainwashing starts on your first day at elementary school, perhaps even earlier by the cartoons you watched on said media. Western Socialists are total tools of the powers-that-be. 

     Dave 28.07.2014 10:25 - America has become the most hated nation on the planet; even its own allies, like Germany, are turning away from it. The US is failing on the world stage; even it's constant torrent of baseless lies and accusations won't prevent it from losing everywhere it goes now. Even it's own people hate their government! LOL

     IllI 07.06.2014 20:45  -  The US is behind Ukraine overthrow. You have to be a complete idiot to not know this. They will soon set up missiles aimed at Russia. Obama won't let the us news report this. He makes them report that Russia is the aggressor. Do you know how many countries the us already has soldiers and/or missiles in and around Russia? At least 6. Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and now Ukraine. Rothschild puppet Obama lies to Americans every time he moves his lips. His plan is complete destruction of white races (Christians) before his term ends in 2016. like Clinton before him with Yugoslavia.

     Marcus 08.06.2014 09:36 - "Ukraine, which is often described as being deeply divided between pro-Russian and pro-Western camps, the U.S. did not fare well – 33 percent of respondents choose the U.S. as the greatest danger, compared to just five percent who picked Russia… Germans were more ambivalent, with the U.S. selected as the greatest threat (17 percent), just ahead of Iran (16 percent); as were British respondents, who put the U.S. and Iran in joint first place among threats to peace (15 percent each)."

  volan 17.06.2014 12:12 - You will slowly start to realize that your government is and has been lying to you all along. Your government will show it's true face soon enough. I have nothing against the American population, but you guys have got to take your country back before it's too late. You are fighting wars for no-one else but organizations interests. 

   Nicolas Bonnal 27.06.2014 - We may hope that the American elector will vote this time for his interest for once and not for the interest of the string pullers and Bilderbergs 'demolition builders' who control banks, media and Arabian springs. Of course he needs an authentic candidate. The next American election will be fundamental: whether a free candidate gets "out of the slimy mud of words", to put it like TS Eliot, whether we will have a new mask driven by the pentagon and Wall Street to prepare more wars, bubbles and misery. 

    Emmett 05.07.2014 13:00 - US has got it all wrong; criminals (US) don't sanction others; they're the ones to be sanctioned. That's what's wrong with the world today, a large part of it is under the control of the criminal element (here's looking at US/EU/NATO and Israel) and puppet master rothschilds and rockefellers.

   Sonbeams 04.07.2014 17:05 - Former Congressman Ron Paul calls sanctions an act of war. Mr. Ryabkov says that the U.S. is using them openly and covertly as a strategic weapon. In effect they have declared war on much of the world with their bullying. "

Say No To 24.07.2014 13:18 - The USA cannot challenge the rogue 10,000 men strong ISIS army, but threatens the nuclear capable Russian army?? Are they shooting Crystal Meth???

  Jacques Marlaud 08.08.2014 14:39 - Since the fall of the Soviet Union, NATO has only one purpose : to promote militarily US and petro-dollars imperialistic interests. Its rĂ´le in the division and destruction of Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq and Lybia should not be forgotten. Now it is pretending to defend Ukraine against Russia... Free Europe, NATO go home!

      Not what you hear in the United States is it? The American Consitutionalist WILL give you the truth. Recognizing and accepting the truth is up to you.