M. Richard Maxson
was a time when I watched The Daily Show with anticipation. It was a funny satire on American politics and life in
the United States. Then something changed. The show began to be a
one-sided Lefist view of the world. It wasn't funny anymore because it smelled
like propaganda and now we know why. Jon Stewart , the man who
claimed to be nonpartisan, a person who follows the truth wherever
it leads, has been secretly taking trips to the White House to
receive intense one-on-one lobbying from President Obama. Moreover,
it has been reported that Daily' Show” staffers routinely call up
the White House to get the administration’s suggestions on how a
topic was to be presented.
Goolsbee, a former top economic adviser to the president, frequently
emailed with his college classmate Scott Bodow, a “Daily Show”
executive producer, to offer spin. Mr
Obama's associate, David Axelrod,
often reached out directly to Stewart. Mr.
Obama himself would summon
Stewart to Washington for meetings.
Did the White House effect what was broadcast? Last year, under fire
for the horrifying conditions at Veterans Administration hospitals
that led to the deaths of hundreds of vets, Obama tried to reroute
the nation’s attention with the release of POW Bowe Bergdahl in Afghanistan. This was to be another "smoke and mirror" event expected to warm the hearts of America except it
immediately became obvious that Bergdahl, for whom Obama had traded
five Taliban
prisoners, was a likely deserter. A charge that Bergdahl is currently awaiting
trial on. Stewart’s response was to blast away at Mr Obama's favorite
target, Fox News, for suggesting Bergdahl was a deserter. Jon
Stewart’s pose as an honest observer helped cement the
impression with liberals that there was nothing wrong with the
Bergdahl decision.
show host Ben Shapiro recently interviewed several major Hollywood prime time
television producers and one
after another they saluted -- even cheered -- their hostility toward
conservatives. Some openly bragged about injecting liberal messages in
media business, for those who now own and run it, is more than
just a money-making operation. The owners promote their
political agenda through selecting and
disseminating news like presenting propaganda like “the
recession is over” or “drones almost always hit their
targets.” The media moguls and celebrities push the public to support
the Leftist agenda, from their political candidates to their endless wars.
It's a sad time in America when even entertainment, used by many as an escape from everyday problems, becomes a clandestine propaganda effort for one political party. On a level playing field it the duty of all comedians
to be the loyal opposition, to speak truth to the party in power. Under the Republican president, Jon Stewart did just that, but today, Stewart does the
opposite. Mild
sarcasm is about the worst Stewart can hurl at the Left, but when it
comes to Mr. Obama's opponents his mood is never ending assault, whether it be against
conservatives, Fox News, or whoever he is advised to attack.
Daily Show” isn’t no longer enduring political satire. Jon
Stewart has gone to the dark side while still pretending to be one of us. His show today is more of a rah-rah talk radio for liberals. Yes, there was a time that I eagerly awaited to hear Jon's show but now I can only say "Good Riddance."