George Sontag
The United States was formed as a Republic, not a democracy. Article IV, Section 4, declares: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government.” The Founders have given us ample warning that democracies have historically led to tyranny and that, in their wisdom, they never intended our nation to devolve into a democracy. They feared the destructiveness that a majority might have in trying to make everyone equal, and in the process taking away property, rights of property, and with it our basic freedoms which they considered "God given Freedoms." They very much feared the development of the Robin Hood mentality we are seeing today – soak the rich and give to the poor. It is a democratic drift toward Socialism.
- “Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself.”- John Adams.
- "Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.” - James Madison
The planned ignorance of our own history has made it easier for statists in America to blur distinctions that have traditionally defined our Republic. If people are oblivious of America`s history and the changes that are slowly being made, they would naturally have little interest in defending it or the Founders` original intent. So, what is the transformation for which progressives seek? It is the "total rejection in theory of the principles and policies on which America has been founded. By using the word "democracy," progressives (in both political parties) have effectively begun to convert our Republican system that preserves unalienable and individual rights to an increasingly Socialist system that replaces the individual`s rights with government distributed entitlements.
Instead of considering the good of the country as a whole, candidates promise the people to take care of their every need, including their medical care and the people, relying on their promises, vote for those candidates. They have forgotten about the long term good of the country, the rights and responsibilities of individuals to run their own lives, and they are fast making our country a socialized welfare state.
Our founders gave us a republic, with a representative form of government, and I believe that, under our Constitution, we have the best form of government that there has ever been. But an irresponsible people, electing irresponsible representatives, can ruin any government. We are today experiencing that very danger. We have had so much prosperity and so much ease of living, that we have lost our belief in personal responsibility. With it we have grown to believe in the ability of the government to take care of us, and we have lost our individualism.
Today, all of the leading Democratic candidates are preying on the desires of the people for healthcare and other benefits. The idea of President John F. Kennedy, "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country," has now been completely reversed making his ideals sound like a Republican Constitutionalist. Apparently the Democratic candidates of today think that the person who can get elected is the person who can promise the most government benefits to the people. This is the exact thing that our Founders feared. It leads to a socialized welfare state, the loss of individual freedom and of individual initiative. It will lead to the demise of America as the great bastion of freedom. It will eventually destroy our form of government and our country as we know it, as it has in all past democratic experiments.
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