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Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

The United States Moves Another Step Forward Towards World War


       Phillip Todd

      The shooting down of a Syrian fighter by the U. S. is a clear “act of war.” In doing so a state of war now exists between Syria and it's allies vs the United States. The U.S. has been informed by Russia that our fighters are now clear targets when flying over airspace controlled by them. The elite can't seem to wait any longer to start the conquest of Russia. The only thing stopping them are Russia's nuclear arsenal and Putin's unpredictability. The powers that be don't want to be around when the bombs start to drop so they just continue to poke the bear harder and harder.

      Most of the western world's population are still being lied to and kept in the dark as to the nature of the mid-east crisis. Western press continues to defend “our terrorists” vs the “evil Assad” and the “Russian devils.” The amount of information that’s now available in the public domain that completely counters the Western mainstream media’s narrative on a variety of topics is abundant, the evidence is clearly out there. The only problem is, we’re never presented with it, we never see it, and therefore many people consider several truths as mere ‘conspiracy theories,’ which is a big problem. Constantly relying solely on our televisions or the “intel” from mainstream media networks leaves our minds and perception of global events vulnerable to manipulation. The best way to get truthful information is from a third party from someone who is honest and has no agenda.

      Father DaniĆ«l Maes, a 78-year-old man who lives in
Syria approximately 90 kilometers north of the capital, Damascus. He’s been a witness to the ongoing war that’s plagued the region for years, and claims that Western reports on the conflict in Syria are very misleading. “The idea that a popular uprising took place against President Assad is completely false. I’ve been in Qara since 2010 and I have seen with my own eyes how agitators from outside Syria organized protests against the government and recruited young people. The Americans and their allies want to completely ruin the country,” says Father Daniel.

      When thousands of terrorists settled in Qara, we became afraid for our lives. They came from the Gulf States, Saudi Arabia, Europe, Turkey, Libya, there were many Chechens. They formed a foreign occupation force, all allied to al-Qaeda and other terrorists. Armed to the teeth by the West and their allies with the intention to act against us in Syria. We had to hide in the crypts of the monastery for a long time. When the Syrian army chased them away, everybody was happy: the Syrian citizens because they hate the foreign rebels, and we because peace had returned.”

      Father Daniel continued, “Do you not know that the media coverage on Syria is the biggest media lie of our time? They have sold pure nonsense about Assad. It was actually the rebels who plundered and killed. Do you think that the Syrian people are stupid? Do you think those people were forced to cheer for Assad and Putin? It is the Americans who have a hand in all of this, for pipelines and natural resources in this region and to thwart Putin. It is miraculous that we are still alive. We owe that to the army of Assad’s government and to Vladimir Putin, because he decided to intervene when the rebels threatened to take power.”

      George Orwell once said that “in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” Since he offered those words decades ago, we have seen deceit become a pervasive and global problem, where the general public really has no clue what is happening around the world. Most of all – Americans.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Bilderberg's Meet to Discuss Trump Problem


       M. Richard Maxson

      The annual Bilderberg meeting has just taken place in Virginia. The Bilderberg Meetings have 131 participants from 21 countries in Europe and North
America. The secretive three-day summit of political, economic, and financial elite, which gathers the heads of various industries, private military contractors, members of military and intelligence agencies, IMF, pharmaceutical, World Bank, big companies, and intelligence agencies. The meeting is synonymous with names like Rockefeller and Rothschild, along with various royal families from around the world, and appears to be time again for them to discuss and decide in what direction they want to take the world. Mainstream media outlets heads also have a strong presence at Bilderberg.

      At the top of the group's 13-point agenda is "The Trump administration: A progress report" The President has been a “wild card” for the global elite. While he has fallen in line with massive international sales of war materials, he has backed off from the push for Corporate Socialism in the United States instead opting for a populist nationalistic approach. Trump has and continues to go against the will of these very powerful people. Obama, Clinton, and Bush all seem to be easy and willing puppets for the corporations, but Trump is not. This is exactly why you’ll always see Donald Trump bashed by the controlled corporate media.

      For more than a year, we have been told that Trump is a racist, sexist, xenophobe, liar, cheat, and narcissist. The attack bears all the marks of a coordinated effort among the major news outlets: CNN, NYT, WaPo, HuffPo, USA,Today, and the rest. Pretexts were created and hammered home by an insistent media that whipped up public opinion.Trump is a disruptor, and his disruption falls squarely against the two key pillars of the American ruling elite’s ideology: neoliberalism and neoconservatism. He has surrounded himself by military leaders for his own protection from any attempt by the elite to assassinate him.The elite media has chosen the other tactic of impeachment to remove this obstructonist to the new world order.

      Trump is not a New World Order global empire builder. He does not bother trying to hide his flaws or look good for the public but he is not in the pockets of these elite, and they are responding to his defiance by bashing him every chance they get. This includes releasing false information and staging events.

      If you told somebody 10 years ago that there existed some sort of secret group or “secret government” pulling the strings behind the scenes of government policy, international law, various global rules/regulations, and more, they would have called you a “conspiracy theorist.” Today things have changed, largely as a result of information leaked by Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, and various other whistleblowers and activists in recent years.

      The last President that tried to go against the elite was assassinated. Here is what he had to say before he was silenced.
      "The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. …
For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on
guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.” - JFK

      Many American Patriots are “waking up” to the reality of the world but the question is, can we do anything about it?

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Leftist Philosophy and Fake News


        M. Richard Maxson

      The progressive philosophy is based on the idea of the supremacy of a few, a “better class.” It’s history is rooted in racism, eugenics and genocide. Members of the “better class” are self-declared intellectuals who know your needs better than you. Everyone judges, and it’s normal to feel this way when offering advice to friends. But friends are free to take or reject the advice. That’s not good enough for progressives. They legislate their advice; you have no choice but to take it.

      The Democrat-Socialists believe that some very wise people -- like themselves -- need to take decisions out of the hands of lesser people, like the rest of us, and impose those decisions by government fiat.They have a vision of themselves, as superior beings pursuing superior ends. The left has for more than a century been trying to get the Constitution's limitations on government loosened or evaded by judges' new interpretations, based on notions of "a living Constitution" that will take decisions out of the hands of "We the People," and transfer those decisions to our betters.

        Since Wilson, most all Democrats have displayed varying degrees of the progressive addiction to power. But until recently, there was always a check within the party to counter it. President Clinton had some progressive tendencies, staff and wife. But he was, at heart, a traditional Democrat. He was a proud member of the now-defunct Democratic Leadership Council, which was so hated by progressives for its unwillingness to embrace the progressive philosophy that it was shut down a few years ago. Now we find ourselves dealing with the aftermath of a major political party’s inability to deal with the extreme elements in its midst. These extremists now run the Democratic party and the last semblance of a moderate faction in the party gone. Some extremist Leftist racists have even announced that there is no room for whites to run the party anymore.

  • Def: Fake news is reporting in which the journalist selectively chooses and ignores facts, and interprets or paraphrases those facts to reach an unwarranted conclusion and states an opinion that conveniently validates his own views.

         Their Leftist followers in media use “fake news” to rally their members with the usual fear and hate routine that continues to work for them.  All of this and more is personified in the progressive “news” networks such as MSNBC. With hosts masquerading as journalists, the once-great NBC News has done more damage to discourse and civil society than anything our greatest enemies could’ve dreamed of. MSNBC is a megaphone of the progressive movement, the modern Democratic Party. But it’s not the only one. CNN is a disgusting propagandist outfit. It has repeatedly had to retract it's "news" stories as inaccurate. (See the latest : https://heatst.com/politics/cnn-forced-to-correct-report-from-anonymous-sources-after-comey-proves-them-wrong/ )They are not inaccurate, they are propaganda and they admit it as Dylan Byers, CNN's senior political reporter stated, "We Report from Progressive 'Arc of History' As Defined by Obama, Hillary.” They also "create" news (See: CNN’s Becky Anderson Set Up And Direct “Muslim Protest” Of London Terror Attack. http://www.weaselzippers.us/342210-video-cnns-becky-anderson-sets-up-and-directs-muslim-protest-the-london-terror-attack/ . Are not journalists are supposed to be observing the news, not creating it or staging it?

      The good news is that more and more people across the globe are starting to wake up to all of the misinformation being spread on a daily basis, and that includes the agenda of those behind it. Even a decade ago, the mass populace was not as aware that all is not as it seems, and as a result of this mass awakening, our perception, our thoughts, our collective consciousness is beginning to shift. We no longer see the world the way it has been presented to us, and we are starting to realize that simply waking up to all of the propaganda that surrounds us is creating big problems for the global elite. The very first step to changing a problem is to first recognize that problem. The more people recognize what’s really happening in our world, the more people will take a stand and do whatever they can to change it. This is happening now and it starts with you and me. The more we try, and the more we ‘wake up,’ the closer we get to actions that will reveal the truths that will change our world.


Friday, June 2, 2017

Disillusioned Democrats Revolt


       M. Richard Maxson

      The Day when Rep. John Olumba of Detroit, defected from the Democrat party he expressed utter dismay that his former party actual prevents the poor and blacks "from standing on their own two feet" by sending government-funded social workers to "coddle" and keep down "poor little black kids" rather than allowing them to rise above their circumstances. He said it is nearly impossible to rise when "someone else's well being is tied to your misery," vis-a-vis social worker jobs and Democrat votes. He said the Democrat Party's "paternal attitude" toward those in need is "conjured up" and noted that all the government-funded social workers "under the guise of the name Democrat" reaped "no positive change in all the years" he'd been alive." Those are strong words from an Urban, African-American Democrat.

      He asked his fellow African-Americans to throw off the shackles of the Democratic party and look elsewhere. He then praised the not-so-perfect Republican Party, which has identity struggles of its own but at least represents the goodness that once made America great -- holding fast to the now-dwindling freedoms we cherish. His message to the Grand Old Party, "you freed the slaves once and you'll do it again."

      Democrats have long since realized that people who
are poor and dependent on the government will vote for them, even if it is their liberal policies that created the poverty and dependency. That's why every ghetto in America is controlled lock, stock, and barrel by liberal Democrats and unfortunately, so many of them are destitute.

      Democrats talk about "change," but they're the party of stagnation. The two terms of Barrack Obama have more than proven that. African-Americans, who expected great things from one of their own, were left worse off than before. It's because Democratic welfare policies keep the poor mired in poverty, crush the middle class and keep them from becoming wealthy, while doing little to impact the richest Americans unless you are a Socialist Billionaire like Warren Buffet or George Soros.

Here are comments from other defectors of the Democratic (now Socialist) party.

  • I was raised as a Democrat. A lifelong FDR (Franklin Delano Roosevelt) Democrat and therefore am anything other than prejudiced against the Democratic Party. I was taught to stand up for the little guy, for working families and the middle class and that bigger government was the best way to do that. As I got older, I no longer believed in their ideas. Even worse, I had concluded that liberals aren’t just wrong. All too often they are world-class liars. They talk a great game about helping the most vulnerable, with ideas that feel good and fashionable. The problem is their ideas don’t work, and often hurt the exact people they claim to help.

  • I was raised in Missouri as a Democrat. I was taught that Harry Truman was the greatest president ever because he was strong, stood up to the Communists. I believe that the government should work with the working class to better it's citizens and the country. I am committed to that principle today more than ever. And if I thought the Democratic Party had the right ideas to do that, I’d still be one of them. But they don’t.

  • I was a Democrat but, that Party died when Bill Clinton became President and undid FDR’s regulations on the megabanks and FDR’s AFDC income program for children in poor families, and when Clinton replaced that with restoration of Wall Street’s control over America. He set us up for the big recession with his policies.

  • I became a conservative because I believe that caring for people means more than just spending taxpayer money; it means delivering results. It means respecting and challenging our citizens, telling them what they need to hear, not simply what they want to hear. They say everyone is born a Democrat, until they grow up. I grew up.