M. Richard Maxson
You know it, you feel it. Something is not quite right with the Russia hack our election story and as each day goes by, more and more people are realizing this in a big way. This is a story that has many ins and outs. It is complex as to hide the truth. We will focus on two areas of deceit - the hacking of our election and the discrediting of the President of the United States.
The plan was set, the fix was in as the Soros controlled Spanish online voting company SKYTL bought the largest vote processing corporation in the United States, SOE. As the largest election results reporting company in the US, SOE provides reports right down to the precinct level. But before going anywhere else, those election returns are routed to individual, company servers where the people who run them “…get ‘first look’ at results and the ability to immediately and privately examine (and change?) vote details throughout the USA.” In short, “this redirects results …to a centralized privately held server which is not just USA-based, but global.” It had acquired the means of manufacturing the outcome of the 2016 election.
In 2016 we witnessed millions begin to realize how elections are rigged and that we truly have no choice.The votes were there for the taking and the George Soros funded candidate Hillary Clinton was to be the next President and continue the push towards Corporate Socialism in the United States that was accelerated by the last administration, but they overlooked one thing - the electoral college. While the Progressive candidate won the popular vote, she lost the election. Soros was furious. He set out to destroy the reputation and the legitimacy of the President elect by using his continuing campaign to push the western powers towards war with Russia. (Soros is a criminal in Russia and has an arrest warrant out for him. He faces the death penalty if convicted.)
The narrative is that the Russians, in order to defeat the anti-Russian candidate Hillary Clinton, hacked the U.S. elections and interfered with the results if not directly then indirectly. Through the use of his media holdings, leaks, and outright falsehoods Soros organizations turned the facts upside down and that narrative which succeeded to all but immobilized the U.S. government from any meaningful accomplishments which was his goal all along.
The problem is - it never happened!!
The proof is everywhere. Leaders of both parties have stated that no votes were changed or the final outcome of the election comprimised. No, but it does have George Soros fingerprints all over the hack. The Russians aren't stupid or careless so why was the...
- Hacking was done with obsolete Russian software as to leave a "fingerprint."
- Hacking was traced to a company in Ukraine.
- Hack was obvious, not hidden.
- Hack did nothing to change votes. (Why not if that was the intent?)
Hacking U.S. voting machines is easier than the government would lead you to believe. "The exposure of those devices to the people who do bug bounties or actually look at these kind of devices has been fairly limited," said Brian Knopf, an internet of things security researcher for Neustar, a security analysis company. "A great opportunity for those of us who hack hardware and firmware to look to these kind of devices and really answer that question, 'Are they hackable?'" After just about an hour and a half, the answer was an emphatic "yes."
"It's really just a matter of plugging your USB drive in for five seconds and the thing's completely compromised at that point," security checking Synack co-founder Jay Kaplan said. "To the point where you can get remote access. It's very simple. When you're in the machine, changing votes is as simple as updating an Office document." The question arises, why didn't they do it?
Collusion? We don't even have to state the fact that numerous Democrats on panels investigating the "Trump/Russia connection" have come out to state publicly that "there is no proof of collusion," but that's not the whole truth. The mainstream media is covering up one of the largest scandals to rock this country - that Democrats WERE involved.
The New York Post has an explosive report on the infamous “dossier” that tried to smear Donald Trump in order to swing the presidential election to Hillary Clinton. The New York Times says the Fusion GPS’ effort was funded by “Democratic supporters of Hillary Clinton” whose identities are not clear. (Men in the shadows?)
- According to an insider account, the Clinton team, put together the Russia Gate narrative within 24 hours of her defeat.
- The scurrilous Trump dossier, prepared by a London opposition research firm, Orbis, was paid for by unidentified Democrat donors.
- According to the BBC, “the opposition research firm that commissioned the report had worked first for an anti-Trump Super Pac – political action committee – during the Republican primaries. Then during the general election, it was funded by an anonymous Democratic Party supporter.”
David Satter, one of our top experts on Russia and himself expelled by the Kremlin, writes, "Perhaps most important, Russian intelligence acted to sabotage Mr. Trump. The ‘Trump dossier, full of unverified sexual and political allegations. Fusion and Steele were paid by Democratic donors whose identity remains secret. The most likely explanation is that the anti-Trump-Steele dossier is the work of Russian intelligence "novelists" charged by the Kremlin with defaming Trump and adding chaos to the American political system." Writes Satter, “Perhaps the time has come to expand the investigation into Russia’s meddling to include Mrs. Clinton’s campaign as well.”
It gets worse, the FBI was involved. "The FBI received a copy of the Democrat-funded dossier in August, during the heat of the campaign, and is said to have contracted in October to pay Steele $50,000 to help corroborate the dirt on Trump — a relationship that “raises substantial questions about the independence” of the bureau in investigating Trump." - Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley.
Why was the FBI meddling in a U.S. presidential election? Partisan interference in the election by public agencies like the FBI and major news sources like NBC are far more worrisome than anything Russians allegedly might do from afar. Now, Senate investigators are demanding to see records of communications between Fusion GPS and the FBI and the Justice Department, including any contacts with former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, now under congressional investigation for possibly obstructing the Hillary Clinton email probe, and deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe, who is under investigation by the Senate and the Justice inspector general for failing to recuse himself despite financial and political connections to the Clinton campaign through his Democrat activist wife. Senate investigators have singled out McCabe as the FBI official who negotiated with Steele. Like Fusion GPS, the FBI has failed to cooperate with congressional investigators seeking documents. “When political opposition research becomes the basis for law enforcement or intelligence efforts, it raises substantial questions about the independence of law enforcement and intelligence from politics,” - Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley
Then on July 26 Senate Democrats used a parliamentary maneuver “to cut short a high-profile hearing, where a key witness was set to testify on Russia’s misdeeds” and allegations against Fusion GPS. It appears that the Democratic Party has successfully corrupted the FBI as well as the CIA.
The Fusion-Steele matter is explosive because it suggests that Russia’s most damaging intervention in the 2016 campaign may have been its creation of the Steele Dossier, remarkably paid for by the Clinton campaign! If so, the Clinton campaign (not Trump) was the prime sponsor of Russia’s intervention in the 2016 election. When will the truth come out?