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Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

The Deep State Emerges


       M. Richard Maxson

      The Office of Strategic Services was fore-runner to the current CIA and was established by a Presidential military order issued by President Roosevelt on June 13, 1942, to collect and analyze strategic information - including collecting intelligence by spying, performing acts of sabotage, waging propaganda war, organizing and coordinating anti-Nazi resistance groups in Europe, and providing military training for anti-Japanese guerrilla movements in Asia, among other things. The task was to achieve the objective by any means possible and those “other things” were often criminal.

      It began in the spring of 1942, $5 million in gold coins was sent to North Africa to finance secret operations. After the North African invasion, certain bankers who had been holding francs worth 100 million were suddenly worth 500 million. Large scale currency transactions were handled for the OSS by an underworld figure named Lemaigre Dubreuil, who was shot by unknown gunmen at his Casablanca home.

      At the beginning of 1943, the OSS had a $35 million budget, with 1651 employees, which increased tenfold the following year to 16,000. By the end of the war, there had assembled a force of more than 30,000 agents,spies, saboteurs, commandos, propagandists, research analysts, and support personnel operating in stations all over the world and sub-agents, many of whom were involved in looting, blackmail, and other money-making schemes with the blessings of the Western elite. Airplanes were often commandeered for mysterious flights to haul huge sums in gold, diamonds, paintings and other treasure. From the outset, the OSS had been dealing in large sums in gold. When Germany surrendered, the London office of OSS had ten million dollars on hand, deposited in Hambro's and Schroder's Banks. This money could not be "returned" to the U.S. Government without stating where it had come from. As proceeds from dealings in gold and jewels, an inquiry could provoke a Congressional investigation. The principals decided to hold it in abeyance for future operations in the new corporation.

      Soviet sympathizers and spies also worked in OSS offices in Washington and the field. Some were hired precisely because they were Communists. Having Communists in a sensitive area of the government did not sit well with the President so after the war ended, on September 20, 1945, President Truman signed Executive Order 9621, terminating the OSS. His Order became effective October 1, 1945. In the days following, the functions of the OSS were split between the Department of State and the Department of War.

      For the majority of their work the OSS was successful - very successful so why end it? After much lobbying and discussion in January 1946, President Truman created the Central Intelligence Group (CIG), which was the direct precursor to the CIA. The National Security Act of 1947 established the first permanent peacetime intelligence agency in the United States, the Central Intelligence Agency, which then took up OSS functions. The direct descendant of the paramilitary component of the OSS is the CIA Special Activities Division.

      The first Director of Central Intelligence, Rear Admiral Sidney W. Souers, USNR, who was sworn in on the following day. He served in that capacity for less than six months from January 23, 1946 – June 10, 1946. He was followed by U.S. Air Force general Hoyt Vandenberg who served less than a year from June 10, 1946 – May 1, 1947. Upon Vandenberg's return to the Air Force, President Truman persuaded a reluctant rear Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter to become Director of Central Intelligence (DCI), and run the Central Intelligence Group (September 1947). Under the National Security Act of 1947 he was nominated and confirmed by the U.S. Senate as DCI, now in charge of the newly established Central Intelligence Agency in December of 1947.

      Hillenkoetter expressed doubt that the same agency could be effective at both covert action and intelligence analysis and as it was legally set up – he was right. He presided over the CIA’s first major intelligence failure, the failure to predict the Soviet atomic bomb test on August 29, 1949. In the weeks following the test, but prior to the CIA’s detection of it, Hillenkoetter released the erronious September 20, 1949 National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) stating, “the earliest possible date by which the USSR might be expected to produce an atomic bomb is mid-1950 and the most probable date is mid-1953.”

      Hillenkoetter was called before the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy (JCAE) to explain how the CIA not only failed to predict the test, but also how they did not even detect it after it occurred. JCAE members were steaming that the CIA could be taken by such surprise. Hillenkoetter imprecisely replied that the CIA knew it would take the Soviets approximately five years to build the bomb, but the CIA misjudged when they started. The JCAE was not satisfied with Hillenkoetter’s answer, and his and the CIA’s reputation suffered among government heads in Washington, even though the press did not write about the CIA’s first Soviet intelligence failure.

      The second huge failure came a few months later when the U.S. government had no intelligence warning of North Korea's invasion on June 25, 1950 of South Korea. Two days prior to North Korea’s invasion of South Korea, Hillenkoetter went before Congress and testified that the CIA had good sources in Korea, implying that the CIA would be able to provide warning before any invasion. Following the invasion, the press suspected the administration was surprised by it, and wondered whether Hillenkoetter would be removed.

       Many at the CIA were embarrassed by the news reports, and by mid-August the rumors of Hillenkoetter’s removal were confirmed when President Truman announced that General Walter "Beetle" Smith would replace him as director. Smith served from October 7, 1950 to February 9, 1953 When Smith became the Director of Central Intelligence, the head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and other intelligence agencies in the United States he made a series of decisions that changed the direction of the agency. Smith reorganized the CIA, redefined its structure and its mission, and he gave it a new sense of purpose. He made the CIA the arm of government primarily responsible for covert operations. This was the jolt that woke the monster that runs our government today. In his autobiograhy Truman stated how later he came to be deeply suspicious of the CIA. He told Merle Miller, in the book - "Now, as nearly as I can make out, those fellows in the CIA don't just report on wars and the like, they go out and make their own.” He was so right.

Next Week: The Deep State takes over. 

Sunday, February 18, 2018


*Note to readers – The series on the deep state and shadow government will continue soon.


       Zeno Potas

                                WE ARE RESPONSIBLE!!!!
       After every tragic shooting, liberals and progressives call for more gun laws. They exploit American ignorance. People just don’t get it, or don't want to, but the truth that no one wants to admit is the we live in a war mentality country. War, War, War, for profit. War defines the United States. That’s what the US is about. We accept the notion that this unprecedented state of perpetual war is somehow protecting our safety, yet we find it ironic that this constant state of war is emerging as significantly correlated with, if not a cause of, America’s dramatic increase in mass shootings and other domestic terror-type killings.

      Soldiers sit in Virginia murdering innocents around the world with joystick controlled drones. So impersonal that Americans tend not to concern ourselves with our government’s harming of distant innocent civilians when we do not see it. We treat the world’s citizens as non-important lives – collateral damage - and when those harmed are effectively demonized by our compliant consent-manufacturing mass media so as to make us believe “they deserve it,” our sympathy tends to disappear altogether.

      In the 13 wars we’ve started over the last 30 years and the 14 billion dollars we’ve spent, and the hundreds of thousands of lives that have perished from this Earth,
remember that it wasn’t one leader, but a system both Republican and Democrat. Call it what you will, the military, industrial, security, money, media complex. It’s a system that has been perpetuated under the guise that these are just wars justifiable.

     A super-hero style militaristic culture promoted by the Pentagon and CIA-backed entertainment industry helps sustain public momentum for war but does not generate peace at home. With the assistance and encouragement of the Deep State, Hollywood constantly cranks out pro-war films and shows that life is cheap and that the US can do anything it wants, even in violation of international law, as long as it is in our interest. Shame on Hollywood - Shame on all of us for allowing our government to continue it’s endless illegal wars.

     A socio-cultural-political structure is in place wherein the individual is bombarded, to the point of psychical saturation, with self-serving, elitist manufactured pro-war media content. This propaganda that whatever we do is justifiable is being injected into every American's psyche. The US government insists that its laws and dictates take precedence over the sovereignty of nations. Try to imagine a world in which every country asserted the extra-territoriality of its law. The planet would be in permanent chaos.

      It’s no secret that the CIA, the U.S. government, and the cabal have some serious ties in Hollywood. Much of what we watch for ‘fun’ is actually propaganda that’s fed to us in order to shape our thoughts and values. We’re told what to wear, how to act, what our goals should be, and who we should love and hate, all through the media. The CIA has an entire department dedicated to the entertainment industry. It’s run through the CIA’s Entertainment Industry Liaison Office, which collaborates in an advisory capacity with filmmakers. The CIA doesn’t just offer guidance to filmmakers, it even offers money. In fact, many of the movies and TV shows you watch aren’t just written and directed by Hollywood big shots, but rather designed strategically by higher ups within the government and the elite in order to manipulate the general population.

  Just look at a few TV shows such as:
  • Seal Team – killing innocent civilians because they were in the wrong place. Illegally sending troops within a sovereign nations borders.
  • The Brave – Ditto
  • Valor – Ditto
  • Madam Secretary – Russia, Russia, Russia.

                        THIS IS WHAT WE TEACH OUR YOUTH.

      The number of feature films being released nowadays are overwhelmingly nothing more than thinly veiled propaganda to get our citizens ”mind straight.” for perpetual war and killing. We see things over and over and over, to a point where we can no longer clearly rationalize. You name it, they’ve propagandized it. Unsuspecting people, just looking to pass some time and learn something, are being indoctrinated hourly.
The calls for gun control are a sham, a cop-out to the real problem. It is an excuse by the Socialist/Communist voices in our society that hide behind the label – Progressive. Until Americans take their country back, take their government back, mindless killing without remorse will continue.

                       THIS IS WHAT WE TEACH OUR YOUTH.

                                                               WE are all responsible. 

Saturday, February 10, 2018

______________ Did Ukraine Arm North Korea? --TIME* _______________ Did the US Try to Cover It Up?


        Phillip Todd

      Over the past eight months, North Korea has tested launched three rockets capable of striking the U.S. mainland. According to missile experts in the U.S. and Europe the key components of these rockets are based on Soviet designs, much like those displayed in the museum in Ukraine. Michael Elleman is a former U.N. Weapons inspector and consultant to the Pentagon. At his think tank in London, the International Institute for Strategic Studies, Elleman compared footage of North Korean launches with photos of Soviet missile engines from the 1960's and they appeared to match the RD-250, an outdated but highly reliable machine. Roughly 200 of these engines still exist, according to Yuzhmash, the missile factory in Dnipro, Ukraine that made them. Elleman concluded that if one had been stolen, it would more likely not have been from Russia, but from the smaller stockpile in Ukraine.

      Founded during WWII to help the Red Army defeat the Nazis, it went on to develop many of the Soviet Union's most powerful ballistic missiles. Yuzhmash operated initially as "plant 586" and was capable of producing of up to 120 ICBM's a year. After the breakup of the Soviet Union the plant was an obvious target for espionage. Under pressure from the U.S. and Russia, Ukraine agreed in 1994 to give up the arsenal of nuclear warheads it had inherited from the Soviet Union. It also pledged to disarm the ballistic missiles meant to carry those warheads.

    For the cause of global disarmament, this was a break through. Four Yuzhmash, it was a disaster. Thousands of its engineers lost their jobs as the state's demand for missiles dried up. By U.S. estimates, tens of thousands of them were left jobless after the Soviet union fell apart. “There were huge temptations for scientists to take some of their knowledge and potentially sell it elsewhere,” says former U. S. ambassador to Ukraine, Carlos Pasqual.

     Yuri Simvolokov, a union organizer who has helped Yuzhmash workers staged strikes over unpaid wages, says many of them have gone abroad to find work over the years-not just to North Korea, but also to Iran and Pakistan. “They pay big money over there,” he says of these countries, over dinner with a few of his fellow teamsters. “And if they want to build a rocket, they bring our specialists over. It's nothing new.”

      Starting in the early 1990's, the North Korean military methodically sought to assemble its weapons program from the ruins of the Soviet missile industry. In April 1991, as the Soviet Union was dissolving, a specialist in solid state physics named Anatoly Rubstov was approached by a group of North Koreans at an academic conference in Beijing. The North Korean offer, compared with his prospects back home, most of seemed like saving grace. As he later explained it interviews with Russian and western reporters, he was invited to set up a research institute in North Korea and staff it with Russian engineers. Their aim would be to establish the regime's missile program, according to his own published accounts. But it didn't stay secret for long. On October 15, 1992, about 60 of his recruits were detained at a Moscow Airport, and news of their plans caused an international scandal. Under the pressure from the U.S. and South Korea, the Kremlin agreed to prevent Russian scientists from working on the North Korean missile program.

      How do you stop starving rocket scientists and engineers from selling their knowledge to others? The U.S. and Europe in 1993, set up two organizations, one based in Moscow and the other in Kiev (The Science and Technology Center – Ukraine) with the aim of giving tax free grants to scientists in Russia, Ukraine, and other formerly Communist nations. It was a handout to keep the scientists from selling their knowledge abroad. It still functions today but on a shoe string budget as Western funds have dried up. It has been estimated between 15,000 and 20,000 experts in weapons of mass destruction were left jobless in Ukraine alone after the fall of the Soviet Union.

      As early as 1991, and as recently as 2011, North Koreans were caught trying to acquire Soviet-era missile technology, which has not always been kept under lock and key. As an example as recent as the winter of 2011, two bloggers found a way to sneak into one of Moscow's most secretive missile factories, ENERGOMASH, and spent several nights photographing its technology. They did not encounter a single security guard. Although highly embarrassing for Russia's missile industry, the incident did not make many headlines in the West, where terrorism and wars in the Middle East and eclipsed other security concerns.

      A small team of disgruntled employees are underpaid guards could be enticed to steal a few dozen engines like RD-250, Elleman wrote in a report that was published in August. These machines, he added, could have been flown or, more likely, transported by train through Russia to North Korea without discovery. 'Russia at that time was a total mess, he says nobody had any money.” The borders were open. How lax was security? In 2002, six tons of components for a Soviet ballistic missile turned up in a Ukrainian scrap yard!

       In the early 2000's, well before North Korea would test its first new nuclear bomb in 2006, Viktor Moisa, a retired rocket scientist, welcomed the North Koreans to his institute in Eastern Ukraine just as you would with any other guests. The visitors interest in missile technology did not arouse his suspicion. “They came as tourists at least that's how they presented themselves.” He took them upstairs to the showroom of Soviet satellites and rocket engines, the pride of the institute's collection. They then went out to the yard to view an array of parts for ballistic missiles were on display.

      At Yuzhmash the old missile components are still on display there. Guidance systems, fuel pumps and the massive cones designed to hold new nuclear warheads at the tip of the rocket are still in inventory. He pointed to a rocket that had been in the same spot for over two decades, exposed to the elements, yet it had no evidence of corrosion or other damage. “That was the quality of what we made back then,” Moisa said proudly. That seemed clear from North Korea's latest missile launches. Experts in chemical, nuclear, and biological arms, are not hard to find in Ukraine. North Korean spies posing as tourists were arrested in Ukraine in 2011 while trying to purchase copies of the factories designs, both are now serving eight years in prison for espionage.

      Pyongyang's weapons program had help from a variety of sources. In preparing its latest report to the security council, the U.N. panel sent inquiries to Russian officials, asking for the names and passport numbers of any weapons scientists who might have passed through Russia on their way to North Korea. The regime's ability to enrich uranium, a key step in building new nuclear warhead, is believed to have come from Pakistan. But launching those warheads across continents would be impossible without Russian or Ukrainian Technology, experts have concluded.

      That brings us to the question – Was the timing of the U.S. funded coup in Ukraine a direct response to North Korea's launching of missles over Japan earlier in the year? Did the intelligence community trace these missile engines and designs back the factory in Ukraine and was a major factor in pushing the elected leadership out establishing a puppet regime to cover it up?

      There were other motives to the coup as we at The American Constitutionalist have revealed in past articles but we have to be a bit suspicious as to why Time magazine would publish this story. The plans of the elite are usually not readily apparent. This is a story that is still unfolding. We will keep you informed.

*Excerpted from Time magazine

Sunday, February 4, 2018

The Evolution of the Shadow Government


        M. Richard Maxson

     This series of articles continues to examine what the shadow government is and how they have gained so much control over the U.S. government and society in general.

      Who were involved at the beginning of our Deep State Government? It started with the European elite which includes billionaire families like the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds. The Rothschilds became very wealthy in the 1700's of the banking system, and then spread out all over Europe, gaining more power through other industries. The family also has strategic marital times to big names such as Du Pont, Hilton, and Guinness. However, the Rothschilds are most well-known for their control over the American Federal Reserve Bank, and they also own countless big banks all over the world.

Part 2

       When WWI began, the U.S. economy was in recession but a 44-month economic boom ensued from 1914 to 1918 Entry into the war in 1917 unleashed massive U.S. federal spending which shifted national production from civilian to war goods. Overall, unemployment declined from 7.9 percent to 1.4 percent in this period because workers were drawn in to new manufacturing jobs exploding the new middle class in America.

       At the end of WWI U.S. industrial production was at an all time high. The production of war materials had made the powerful elite very wealthy. After the war ended, the economy began to decline. The change from war production into peacetime created a a certain amount of economic dislocation in the United States and was evident by the spring of 1920. A severe recession hit the United States in 1920 and 1921, when the global economy fell very sharply due to Germany's inability to repay it's war reparations. The US was the only country that had not been completely devastated by the effects of the war and as with all wars inovation sparked new products to be consumed. The large corporations were able to expand their reach around the world, and domestic consumption in the US had increased by 50% in the 1920's. With this a new growing middle class had emerged with resources they never had before. The powerful elite saw a new way huge profits could be made.

       It is not a stretch to say that WWI was the major factor in contributing to the "Roaring 20s" when the US economy boomed. Buying on credit was the new rage as the times were booming with no end in sight until it all came crashing down. Overproduction to maximize profits had led Americans to get to far in debt and then the boom was over. Many an elitist fortune was lost. They vowed that this would never happen again.

       The elite realized that it was war production that gave them the most profit. The government contacts were a pathway to the riches that they had enjoyed just a short time ago. Throughout the Great Recession, as Progressive Socialism began to take hold in America, different pathways to profit were explored by the elite but they began to agree that war production, “war for profit,” was where the huge profits lie.

A wide awake Patriot writes..

       WWII saw the elite's bank accounts soar as wartime production dwarfed their profits in the first war. Factories untouched again by war rolled out the government contracts 24/7. A new stronger cabal was about to transform the United States into the arms supplier of the world. The United States today, sells more arms world-wide than the next seven countries combined!!!!

      After WWII the United States turned into a full-fledged “War for Profit” economy by the elite. No war? No Problem, start one. The emergence of the deep state working together with this shadow government has controlled the foreign policy of this country ever since. The elite work for profit, the deep state works for power and control which is why, for the last sixty plus years, we have been led from one military operation to another with no end in sight. Fear is the engine of the deep state. Keep Americans afraid and the money rolls in.

Next week: The Deep State Emerges