About Us

Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Random Thoughts - Neglected Truths


M. Richard Maxson

Thomas Sowell wrote the column Random Thoughts. With his retirement we have combined his title with our version. Here are some more random observations and truths for your collective consciousness. 


  • We have a large disconnect in our society in helping people with mental, emotional, and physical challenges and we are obsessed with isolating issues into black and white when most of the time they are not.

  • Liberals care much more about policies that make them feel good about themselves than they do about policies that actually make life better for people.

  • When the reality is unacceptable, fiction is a refuge.” This is where the blame game and propaganda machine are necessary. All the economic destruction is someone else’s fault.
  • Slavery is an undeniable fact of our history. The costly war fought to end it is also a part of the nation's history. Neither will go away through cultural cleansing.
  • We live in a society where the normal people who make America work put up with disrespect on a daily basis while we’re told that common sense is “triggering” college students who are going to $40,000 a year schools.
  • It continues to defy explanation why liberals who theoretically love liberty, equality, tolerance and moderation, should find so much to despise in their own country, which represents the fullest expression of those virtues anywhere on the globe.
  • It’s too bad that we live in a society where basic respect for other human beings has been tossed in the garbage.
  • If you want to understand why something is happening in politics, try to figure out who's making money off of it.
  • Democrats have become less inclusive. The traditional Democrat Party was a party of diversity, Now? - they don’t really walk the walk.
  • Trespasses by Progressives go unaccounted and unpunished while (many) silly stupidities of those right of center are magnified beyond all reason
  • We do not live in a democracy, we live in a “corporatocracy,” where corporations are above the government, and the banks are above them.
  • The federal government has become an octopus that has inserted its tentacles into every minute crevice of American life, it creates discontent on a wide scale.
  • 51% of those polled do not support capitalism which is proof that when we allow honest-to goodness Communists to teach them in college and liberals are publicly extolling the virtues of Socialist hellholes like Cuba and Venezuela, what do we expect?
  • Our moral obligation to do good and help people does not extend to making them American citizens and handing them a welfare check.
  • Federalism is a safety valve on the American pressure cooker. As long as people in San Francisco can, for the most part, live the way they want to live while the people in rural North Carolina can, for the most part, live the way they want to live, it’s much easier for everyone to get along.  


Sunday, May 24, 2020

New White House Press Secretary Destroys the Media with Their Own Words and Actions


       Zeno Potas

     The White House has a new press secretary and she’s like no one the press has seen before. Instead of being on the defensive when fielding questions, she asks the tough questions about their stories and motivations. She questions their integrity and most days leaves them speechless about their so-called journalism. Like a short circuit the news conferences usually end with the reporters stumbling for answers to very real questions about their integrity.

     Kayleigh McEnany is an American political commentator and author who is currently serving as the 31st White House press secretary. McEnany although not initially a supporter of Donald Trump, worked as a political analyst for CNN. McEnany was highly critical of him, declaring on CNN and Fox that "Donald Trump has shown himself to be a showman" and it was "unfortunate" and "inauthentic" to call him a Republican. 

     Disillusioned with the slanted, opinionated so-called news, and outright lies on August 5, 2017, McEnany left her position at CNN. The following day, she hosted a 90-second webcast, Real News Update on Trump's personal Facebook page. She praised the president throughout the segment, saying she had brought the "real news" to the American people.

     Later in 2017, she was appointed national spokesperson for the Republican National Committee and on April 7, 2020, was appointed as White House press secretary. Former employer Mike Huckabee has called her a "meticulous researcher" and "extraordinarily prepared."

      Van Jones, CNN commentator and liberal activist who worked with her at CNN, "I'm not trying to defend the messaging, but what I hope people can acknowledge is there's very few people in either party who can accomplish what Kayleigh has accomplished in such a short time... People keep taking her lightly, and they keep regretting it." Perhaps that is why Wikipedia has allowed CNN to put false claims in her biography. Claims they made earlier about her honesty but have since been proven to be the opposite.

Enough talk, let her show you what she is made of below.

Kaylee Mc Enany Asks Media "Why no covereage on this?


Kaylee takes media to task on not reporting lying.


 Kaylee uses visual aids to help dim-witted reporters.


       Watching her press briefings we can see a ray of hope in America's defense against the corporate-controlled media. Of course many outlets are not showing these clips just as they did not show the full press briefing from Attorney General Barr earlier in the week.(See AC 5/20/2020) One of the characteristics of "fake news" is reporting by means of omission. The media only reported that the Justice Department was not going to have a criminal investigation on Mr.Obama or Joe Biden. They failed to add President Trump or anyone who is involved in the upcoming election - until the election is over.(See that interview below) Kaylee will not be bullied by the corporate overlords and their minions. Patriots, there is finally a intelligent and articulate ray of hope for America.  

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The Attorney General Condemns the Obama Administration


       George Sontag

      In a press conference on Monday, the Attorney General William Barr exposed and condemned the weaponizing of the intelligence and justice department by the Obama administration and his party to attempt to overthrow the duly-elected President of the United States.

Excerpts from his statement: (See his full statement below)

Over the past few decades there have been increasing attempts to use the criminal justice system as a political weapon. The legal tactics have been to gin up allegations of criminality by one's political opponents on the flimsiest of legal theories.”

What happened to the president, and I've said this many times, during the 2016 election, and throughout the first two years of his administration is abhorrent!!”

He continued,It was a grave injustice and it was unprecedented in American history. The law enforcement and intelligence apparatus of this country were involved in advancing a false and utterly baseless Russian collusion narrative against the president. The proper investigative and prosicutorial standard of the Department of Justice were abused in my view and in order to reach a particular results.”

We saw two different standards of justice a merge one that applied to the president had and his associates and the other that applied to everybody else we can't allow this to ever happen again,” he stated.

      How did we get to the point where Democrats would send spies into their opponents political campaign, fabricate a scandal to prevent him from winning, and spend his entire first term trying to remove him from office? How could President Trump have known any of this when he first arrived in Washington? He was surrounded by vipers from his FBI Director to the ranks of the Department of Justice and they were all seeking his destruction and the media were their enablers, if not worse. As Attorney General Barr stated, “This is not a good development. This is not good for our political life and it's not good for the criminal justice system.”

      It was during the Obama Administration that civility between the two parties truly became a vestige of the past. Obama’s eight years in office fundamentally changed the order of business in Washington. Obama and his Leftist minions objective was to fill the government and its agencies with as many liberals as they possibly could, politicizing those agencies in violation of federal law which prohibited the administration from basing hiring decisions on political affiliation. Ignoring the law they worked toward their goal deliberately and methodically throughout Obama’s presidency. It had all begun with an agreement between Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder and it continued under his successor, Loretta Lynch.

      That was exposed earlier. After a court battle, the records were finally released and they revealed that the “Civil Rights Division at the Department of Justice was engaging in politicized hiring in the career civil service ranks” and that “it had been unprecedented in scope.” At the time of Holder’s resignation in September 2014, Holder was responsible for spearheading an unprecedented politicization of the Justice Department. In clear violation of civil service rules, Mr. Holder filled the career ranks of the Justice Department with political allies, cronies and Democratic Party donors. He treated Congress with contempt and did everything he could to evade its oversight responsibilities by misleading, misinforming and ignoring members of Congress and its committees. Holder corrupted the law enforcement duties of the Justice Department to carry out the political objectives of President Obama. Many began to refer to Holder’s department as “The Department of INJustice.” By the time President Trump took office, most, if not all, of the DOJ’s employees were Democrats. Judging from their resumes, most were far-left Democrats.(Socialists)
      This is a big mess to clean up. The previous administration has left a huge feces stain on the United State of America of which the smell still emanates from the Democratic controlled House of Representatives as they continue, regardless of the facts and the law, with their exposed charade against the president and his associates.

      Whatever the outcome all Americans can be thankful for an attorney general who is a patriot and champion of the rule of law. In his own words, “As long as I'm Attorney General, the criminal justice system will not be used for partisan political ends This is especially true for the upcoming elections in November.” It is abundantly clear the THIS election is CRUCIAL for the survival of the Republic.


Sunday, May 17, 2020

A Clear Violation of the Constitution by the Progressive Socialists That Rule the House of Representatives


       M. Richard Maxson

     The House of Representatives, under the direction of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. on Friday passed a bill which is a clear violation of Article 1 of the Constitution . Backed ONLY by the majority of Democrats in a 217-189 vote they passed a rule allowing for proxy voting and remote committee meetings to guard against the spread of the coronavirus. Under this new House rule House members now no longer have to travel to Washington to cast votes. We can vote from the comfort of their air-conditioned living rooms and avoid any questions from reporters or constituents. House rules have never permitted proxy voting on legislation taken up by the entire body. Proxy voting on House committee action was once allowed, but lawmakers banned it in 1995.

     The vote Friday night was unprecedented in our nation’s history and a mockery and a disgrace for members who voted to affirm Pelosi’s remote and proxy voting system. Article 1, Section Five of the Constitution states that a majority of each House constitutes a quorum to do business; a smaller number may adjourn the House or compel the attendance of absent members. This is a clear violation of Article 1 and is therefore, according to our Founding Fathers – illegal!

      Thomas Jefferson stated, “When the federal government “assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force.”

      James Madison, known as the “Father of the Constitution.” asserted that the states were “duty bound, to interpose” whenever the federal government assumed “a deliberate, palpable and dangerous exercise” of powers not granted by the Constitution. He also warned against the transformation of “the republican system of the United States into a monarchy.”

      Republicans panned the move as an "unconstitutional power grab" to undo more than 230 years of House tradition.

     "Our Founders would be ashamed that we aren’t assembling,"House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy said.
        House Minority Whip Steve Scalise explained. "It's unconstitutional, first of all, because a quorum under this resolution they just passed – 20 people on the floor – 20 Democrats can constitute a quorum of the House of Representatives, 435 people. That goes against Article 1 of the Constitution.”

      "House Democrats are risking damage to our constitutional republic by adopting a proxy voting scheme along partisan lines. Our founders intended that Congress convene and deliberate. The Constitution requires a majority of members be present to constitute a quorum to conduct business.” - Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney

      Clause 1, Section 5, states that a majority of each House constitutes a quorum to do business; a smaller number may adjourn the House or compel the attendance of absent members. Under the new legislation that was passed they can vote by proxy. Only a small number of House members are required to be in the chamber for future votes, and each member can be armed with proxies from other members who decided against traveling to our nation’s capital to cast their own votes. The plan would allow any House member who was physically present to cast a proxy vote for up to 10 others. It would also allow House members and witnesses to join committee proceedings from home for 45 days. Those provisions are set to expire at the end of the term in January, but can be modified until then as necessary.

      Article I, Section 5, Clause 4 - Neither House, during the Session of Congress, shall, without the Consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other Place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting. Neither House may meet in any place other than that designated for both Houses (the Capitol), without the consent of the other. The Senate has NOT given consent.

      Americans should be outraged and frightened by this unprecedented rule change. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has given herself more control over the House than any previous speaker in American history. It has become abundantly clear that she and her minions have set her up to be a twenty-first century monarch. Queen Nancy and her subjects are doing everything in their power to disrupt the business of the United States using any means at their disposal to undermine the country in a political power grab. Wrapping themselves up in red, white, and blue and titling their legislation with so-called patriotic slogans such as this one, the “Hero Act,” they are systematically destroying the United States, its’ Constitution, and its’ citizens. The question is, are we witnessing the beginning of the end of the United States of America?

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Did the Coup Involve Obama?


       George Sontag

      Even though the Justice Department has released the FBI damning transcripts proving an attempted silent coup to overthrow the new President and his administration, the main stream media has said very little about it. This should be no surprise as the Joe Biden sexual assault charges were ignored for over three weeks until they could hold the outrage back no longer. To cover this true Constitutional crisis would mean they would have to admit that they ALL were wrong on their reporting for the last three plus years. It will take criminal charges to “wake up” the media and hopefully that will happen before the next election. As you read this, U.S. Attorney John Durham’s investigation into the Crossfire Hurricane fiasco is grinding ahead. Even amid the virus outbreak, investigator John Durham this month expanded his investigatory team as he nears completion.

     Let’s remember how this all started: The principal evidence that prompted the FBI to open the overall investigation into Trump has been definitively determined to be the Steele dossier which the Democrat party, via The Clinton Foundation, paid for. We now know, based on recently disclosed footnotes in the Horowitz report, that the dossier was discredited by its own sources and was likely deliberate Russian disinformation. After receiving this information, the FBI’s top brass — even knowing that the dossier was paid for by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign and that it was mostly false — opened a broad investigation into Trump and his campaign – WHY? Who ordered this? Was it the White House or was it operatives within the Deep State or was it both?

      Meanwhile, as more facts come out we have learned that this treasonous outrage goes much deeper and is much dirtier than was ever imagined. As Attorney General Barr stated, “My own view is that the evidence shows that we’re not dealing with just mistakes or sloppiness. There is something far more troubling here, and we’re going to get to the bottom of it. And if people broke the law, and we can establish that with the evidence, they will be prosecuted,” If this starts to point to the Obama White House, as it looks that it might, they push-back by the Leftist elite and their media will be mountainous.

      Durham’s probe comes on the heels of a report on the FBI’s Russia investigation last December by Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz, an Obama appointee. It found at least 17 “significant errors and omissions” in the bureau’s FISA application to spy on Trump and for relying on the tainted Steele dossier. Newly public information from the watchdog report showed the bureau had been aware of warnings that Russian intelligence efforts may have compromised British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s dossier, which was relied upon to obtain FISA warrants. The FBI and other members of the Deep State knew that the dossier had been distorted by Russian disinformation, yet they continued.

      When two or more individuals are running for the highest office in the land, they are brought up to speed on world affairs by the intelligence community but what the Deep State did is far more than troubling. Officials used two standards, two different set of facts when providing intelligence and law enforcement briefs to then-GOP nominee Trump and then-Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. Let me say that again. They gave the true briefing to Hillary Clinton and a FALSIFIED briefing to Donald Trump!!! The FBI and intelligence community were providing the two campaigns with completely different assessments — meaning Clinton was getting the real deal and they were feeding the Trump campaign a lot of BS. Has anyone asked the FBI to explain why they took entirely different tracks to those two debriefings?

      The Durham investigation is scrutinizing former CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, with a special focus on the 2017 intelligence community assessment of the Kremlin meddling in 2016’s presidential election. Durham is reportedly looking into numerous highly sensitive issues, including whether Brennan took politicized actions to pressure the rest of the intelligence community to match his conclusions. 
      The Deep State immediately jumped on the defensive as former Obama-era Deputy CIA Director Michael Morrell criticized U.S. Attorney John Durham’s probes into the intelligence machinations of Spygate, claiming such probes are “inappropriate.” Really? According to new bipartisan report released by the Senate Intelligence Committee, former top FBI officials confirmed that this was done because of an order from then-President Barack Obama!!!
      Barr has become a polarizing figure while overseeing this investigation, for which Trump gave him full declassification authority, and Democrats have accused him of going to extreme lengths to protect Trump. Barr and Durham have reached out to foreign governments, including Australia, Italy, and the United Kingdom, taking multiple overseas trips to review evidence. "I made clear during my confirmation hearing that I was gonna look into what happened in 2016 and '17," Barr said. "I made that crystal clear. I was very concerned about what happened. I was gonna get to the bottom of it.”

      As we wait to get to the bottom of this, enormous storm clouds are forming. Those who are involved, those who are complacent, those “men in the shadows” that are pulling the strings and their paid for media henchmen are ready to strike back with a vengeance like we have never seen. The fate of this Republic rests on truth and the rule of law. I believe our very survival as a nation is hanging in the balance. Will we be triumphant or will the nation just become a lie wrapped in red, white, and blue with it’s citizens following blindly as mindless drones?

Sunday, May 3, 2020

The Coup begins to Unravel


       George Sontag

      Once again The American Constituionalist was right as the criminal conspiracy to overthrow the President of the United States has been proven. In our first article of February 17, 2019* The Attempted Coup D’etat citing “unprecedented damage to our democracy and our political system” and our follow up on April 14th** The Conspiracy Continues demands that these traitors to our system of government be prosecuted.

      Multiple investigative reports issued by the DOJ Office of Inspector General revealed myriad instances of corruption by FBI officials throughout the multi-year investigation of Trump and his campaign. Former FBI director James Comey was even referred for criminal investigation by the inspector general. Attorney General William Barr appointed a seasoned federal prosecutor John Durham to investigate and determine whether other DOJ or FBI officials broke the law in attempt to oust Trump from office.

      Let’s remember how this all started: The principal evidence that prompted the FBI to open the overall investigation into Trump has been definitively determined to be the Steele dossier which the Democrat party, via The Clinton Foundation, paid for. We now know, based on recently disclosed footnotes in the Horowitz report, that the dossier was discredited by its own sources and was likely deliberate Russian disinformation. After receiving this information, the FBI’s top brass — even knowing that the dossier was paid for by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign and was mostly false — opened a broad investigation into Trump and his campaign.

      Why did they do this? According to K.T. McFarland, Deputy National Security Advisor under Michael Flynn, "They decided they didn’t like to president of the United States they're gonna get rid of they were quite open about it and talk to each other about it and even kept notes. My guess is goes much higher than this. These were not a few rolled mid-level intelligence agents and decide to take down the present United States. This goes much higher.” Earlier emails released in the investigation of the FBI’s misconduct show that Strzok and Page loathed Trump and desperately wanted Hillary Clinton elected president.
Operation Crossfire Hurricane was launched. The attack was launched immediately going after the Presidents right -hand man, his National Security Advisor. In pursuit of information on Flynn, the "Crossfire Hurricane" team investigating the Trump team “conducted a check of logical databases for any derogatory information” on Flynn. The January 4th FBI report states that “no derogatory information was identified in FBI holdings.” The memo also discusses additional FBI efforts to check information on Flynn, apparently through other US agencies. Just like the FBI, they also found “no derogatory information” on Flynn.

Internal FBI documents unsealed Thursday indicate that Peter Strzok, the now-disgraced anti-Trump former head of FBI counterintelligence, ordered the investigation of former national security adviser Michael Flynn to remain open even after it was slated to be closed due to a lack of so-called "derogatory" information.
       The January 4th memo concluded with this paragraph: “The FBI is closing this investigation. If new information is identified or reported to the FBI regarding the activities of CROSSFIRE RAZOR,(the Flynn investigation) the FBI will consider reopening the investigation if warranted.” Later that day Strzok instructed the FBI case manager handling CROSSFIRE RAZOR to keep the investigation open. “Hey don’t close RAZOR," Strzok texted an unidentified individual. Strzok informed the FBI case manager that the FBI’s 7th floor was involved, referring to FBI leadership -- and that they still “need to decide what to do with him [with respect to] the [REDACTED].” The very next day, January 5th, James Comey goes to the White House for a meeting with President Obama and Vice-President Biden.

       On Flynn’s first day on the job at the White House he was informed that two FBI agents would like to speak with him even though they were not on his schedule. Of course the new National Security Advisor would speak with the FBI. Later Comey would joked about violating FBI protocols by not clearing it with the White House counsel before the interview. In 2018 he told a laughing audience that it was “something I probably wouldn’t have done or maybe gotten away with in a more organized administration.” He has no idea to set up. Not knowing what it was about Flynn takes them down to the situation room thinking that he's just can have this meeting with two agents.

       Let’s be candid — Flynn had been cleared of being a Russian agent on Jan. 4, 2017; there was never any evidence he should have been investigated in the first place. He, and his Deputy National Security Advisor, K.T. McFarland, and others in the incoming administration were treated in the same way. She was asked to implicate Flynn or Trump. The FBI told members of the White House telling them they did not need a lawyer for these interviews. In reality, these rouge FBI officials had cooked up a plan to try to create a crime that did not exist. Why were they desperate to get Flynn fired or prosecuted when there was no evidence whatsoever that he committed a crime? They were attempting to get Flynn to plead guilty to a crime he didn't commit or to
implicate Trump in a crime that trump did commit. The notes from the FBI agents have come out and in handwritten notes it says “we've got to get him to lie so that we can prosecute him or get him fired.”

      Former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy suggests they needed to get him out of the way of their investigation. "I think it is more likely that they simply wanted to get their targets at all costs and sustain their investigation to bring down the administration and a President THEY didn’t want." Clear prosecutorial abuses were committed against the other eventual defendants – Paul Manafort and Roger Stone none of whom were ever charged with colluding with the Russians. The newly released documents are in effect the “smoking gun” proving that a cabal at the FBI acted above the law and with extreme political bias, targeting people for prosecution rather than investigating crimes. Going back to the Flynn affair they had unmasked the private conversations of Flynn with the Russian ambassador that contained nothing illegal, so the only chance to “get” Flynn was by setting a perjury trap. This was then all picked up by special counsel Mueller’s team, who threatened Flynn. They also had a back-up plan.

      Recently released handwritten notes, written by the FBI's former head of counterintelligence Bill Priestap, suggested that agents planned in the alternative to get Flynn "to admit to breaking the Logan Act" when he spoke to then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the presidential transition period. The Logan Act has never been used in a criminal prosecution and has a questionable constitutional status; it was enacted in 1799 in an era before telephones, and was intended to prevent individuals from falsely claiming to represent the United States government abroad. The idea that they violated the Logan Act forbidding private interference in the conduct of U.S. foreign policy was always absurd. Only two people have been charged with violating the act resulting in no convictions. The last indictment under the constitutionally dubious act was in 1852, and the statute wasn’t meant to tie the hands of high-level officials of an incoming administration. If anyone recently had violated the act it was Nancy Pelosi. She likely violated the act when she met with Bashir Aswsad in Syria and came back to the United States singing his praises. John Kerry seemingly violated the act several times by meeting with top Iranian officials during the Trump administration.

      In a recent report DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz found 17 violations of policy and procedure in the initiation of the investigation. There was a claer attempt to extort to blackmail to trick General Flynn. We now know that documents were altered and interviews were altered. They said he said things he didn't say. We now have proof that the FBI’s own notes of the meeting were later re-written – that is, tampered with – by both FBI special agent Peter Strzok and his paramour FBI lawyer Lisa Page. That tampered document was used as a pretense to overturn a decision in early January to close the case against Flynn. Instead, lacking any real evidence, the FBI chose to pursue an investigation it hoped would lead to a prosecution. They used blackmail to attempt to force people to lie and threaten their families.

      After an estimated 5-6 million dollars on his defense which has forced him to sell his home and has bankrupt him and being threatened with bogus charges for possible lobbying transgressions of his son, Michael Flynn decided to plead guilty to put an end to all of this. If you look it his statement he said I'd did this for the best interests of my family. He didn't say sorry that he did something wrong he said it was in the best interest of this family.

      He has filed with the court to vacate his guilty plea and this patriot deserves that to happen. Had the Department of Justice (DOJ) released the newly disclosed documents related to Gen. Michael Flynn three years ago, instead of fired FBI Director James Comey improperly leaking his “memos” on President Trump, there definitely would have been a special counsel — only it would have been investigating the FBI for gross abuse of power, not the Trump administration. What is becoming clear is that this investigation into the President's appointees was bogus and therefore, the Mueller investigation was bogus, which means the impeachment was bogus!

      As you read this, U.S. Attorney John Durham’s
investigation into the Crossfire Hurricane fiasco is grinding ahead. Even amid then Wuhan virus outbreak, Durham this month expanded his investigatory team as he nears completion. He’s looking at possible misconduct and prosecutable offenses by public officials, including even former CIA Director John Brennan, who appears to have played a leading role in orchestrating the Trump investigation from the shadows. You see fellow Patriots, the “men in the shadows” do exist.