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Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Biden Shows His Preference for Fantasy Narratives


       Phillip Todd*

       President(?) Joe Biden’s understanding of the world appears to be based on the same sort of self-deceiving narratives as his concept of the US, if his solo press conference following the Geneva summit is anything to go by. “As usual, folks, they gave me a list of the people I'm going to call on,” Biden admitted at the start, “they” being the White House staff, presumably. Parsing Biden’s words is a thankless task, because whatever he actually says, his White House handlers and the compliant media will quickly ‘clarify’ if it clashes with their narrative.  

      Biden’s preference for media-manufactured narratives – even when they clash with observable, proven facts – has been pretty conclusively established by now. He actually repeated one of them on Wednesday, claiming – falsely – that “literal criminals” at the US Capitol “killed” a police officer. The 'Capitol insurrection' narrative is what the ruling Democrats are currently leveraging to turn the power of the US security state against their political opponents.

      There was a particularly surreal moment when Biden tried to argue that Putin is driven by desire to gain approval and standing in the eyes of the “world,” presumably referring to the US and its allies (or vassals). Reporters may not think it matters, Biden said, but he was “confident that it matters to him,” meaning Putin.

      “How would it be if the United States were viewed by the rest of the world as interfering with the elections directly of other countries and everybody knew it? What would it be like if we engaged in activities that he engaged in? It diminishes the standing of a country,” he asked rhetorically.

      Many people justifiably saw this as totally lacking in self-awareness. What does he mean, “if”? The US has literally been interfering in elections and toppling governments for decades, through military coups and color revolutions, some of which – such as Serbia and Ukraine, twice! – Biden was involved in himself. Yet few noticed Biden’s curious phrasing: it’s not about whether the US is actually doing these things or not, but whether it was “regarded around the world” as such. In other words, narratives over facts.

      Another typical tactic of U.S. Left propaganda narratives is to accuse the other of things that are true of oneself. Whatever he may have said to Putin, Biden sent a very clear message to Russians during his press conference. In the early 1990s, he said, “Russia had an opportunity, that brief shining moment… to actually generate a democratic government” and “it failed.” Needless to say, actual Russians have a different recollection of that “shining moment” as one of rampant crime, oligarchy, pillaging, poverty, and humiliation at the hands of US ‘advisers’ propping up President Boris Yeltsin’s government – to the point of helping him, shall we say, “fortify” the 1996 election. “It’s hard to imagine having more direct control over a foreign country’s political system — short of a straight-up military occupation,” as Russian expat journalist Yasha Levine argued in his description of the U.S. involvment in the 1990s.

      The element of Joe Biden that I have always found interesting is that it often feels like he says the quiet part of the progressive agenda out loud. He’s made several racially insensitive comments, each one more embarrassing than the last. Although I’m not convinced he’ll ever top asking black broadcaster Errol Barnett about taking a cocaine test after he asked then candidate Biden if he’d taken a cognitive test.

But when you think back to those comments, it shows what many progressives think about minorities, but dare not say. His sentiment of, "if you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black" seems to be pretty common on the Left. That somehow if you don’t vote for Democrats, you’re some sort of a race traitor. The same sentiment comes across with acting as if deportation is a major factor in Hispanic vaccine hesitancy. Why on Earth would a law-abiding Latino citizen be worried about deportation? Personally, I don’t have such a low opinion of the Latino community to think that they’re all cowering in fear of the INS.

      This patrician soft bigotry is often grating for minorities in the United States, and these opinions are regularly cited by minority Americans who end up becoming Republican. The fact of the matter is that many Americans are sick and tired of having their intelligence insulted. Whether it’s speeches like these or attempting to shove critical race theory down people’s throats, ultimately there will be a backlash. Once it does happen, let’s hope it will be sudden, swift, and not something anyone predicted on the Left because for some reason they are convinced that they can pander to people forever.

*European views were observations from - Nebojsa Mali, a Serbian-American journalist, blogger and translator, who wrote a regular column for Antiwar.com from 2000 to 2015 and Norman Lewis, a writer, speaker and consultant on innovation and technology, was most recently a Director at PriceWaterhouseCoopers

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Australian Media Tears American Media Apart


        Phillip Todd and Brandon Morse

      American media "appalling to watch." It is so infected with leftism that it’s ideologically slanted to the point of tipping over and it’s highly possible that the media doesn’t even know it. It doesn’t have the ability to look at itself critically, and we get very real moments where the media asks Democrats what it can do to better help them along while on air.

      The media in other countries can see it, though, and Australia’s, in particular, can’t help but dedicate a segment to it.

      On a segment during Sky News’s Kenny on Media, Australian anchors and commentators took aim at the American media for its simpering and fawning over Joe Biden during the G7 summit while the same media bashed President Donald Trump in 2018 against all reason.

      Taking aim at CNN, in particular, the anchor compared the network reporting on Biden in 2021 vs. Trump in 2018. The difference was absolutely striking, with CNN saying that Trump was in opposition to every world leader around him, while everything about Biden seemed perfect and without trouble.

      "They drive to give the illusion that he doesn’t have any disputes with any of these international leaders,” said the lead anchor.

      The Australian writer Sophie Elsworth said that Biden was extremely lucky to have such loyal media on his side, and it would definitely result in higher popularity thanks to his fans in the journalist sector.

        " It’s really quite appalling to watch,” said Elsworth. “And what happened to straight news reporting which doesn’t seem to be existent there?

     "Trump can do no right,” added Nick Cater of the Menzies Research Center.

       "There are considerable question marks over Biden’s foreign affairs policies, they’re not proven yet,” continued Cater. He mentioned Trump’s strength in foreign affairs in comparison, including his show of strength against China and the Abraham accords in the Middle East. Meanwhile, Cater adds, Biden has yet to demonstrate whether or not he’ll be able to utilize America’s strength in order to make the country a leader on the global stage. “I would be much happier to see Donald Trump at the G7, I think,” he concluded.

      Sadly, this kind of obedience to Democrats is seen throughout the media in varying ways with few exceptions. The problem of bias is so obvious and loud that across the sea, people are taking notice and laughing about it. The anti-Trump narrative was born from a hardcore adherence to leftist politics, and the U.S. media continued to cling to Democrats, more or less becoming a propaganda arm instead of news networks.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

A Brit's Opinion on Leftist America

 Guest Column


       Zoe Strimpel

      At 16, I arrived in Britain, where I was born, from America, where I grew up, to undertake A-levels at a bohemian-ish independent boarding school. Two years later, in 2000, I vowed to leave Britain again – never to return. I was done, and very much felt: America, here I come; I was a fool to leave you.

      The reason for my haste to get back to the Land of the Free was that I had been mocked snootily and constantly by my peers for being American (in reality it was only an American accent). I was fed up of having to defend both myself and the country that I still believed was the greatest in the world, despite its significant drawbacks. I had grown up under Clinton, a time of optimism and faith in government. I was proud of America as the world policeman.

      How it’s all soured since. I no longer waste much breath on defending the US. Since the Obama era and the erosion of all vestiges of moral clarity or courage, together with any appreciation of the market capitalism that made America great in the first place, the US has gone right off the boil.

      Trump was a disaster. But my true disappointment lies with Biden, who was meant to turn it all around. But it’s become clear that Biden isn’t going to reverse America’s decline: he’s hastening it. Sure, there’s the enormous spending and the tax hikes, with businesses as well as individuals being clobbered.

      But I am more concerned about a different aspect of America’s decline, stemming from the Biden administration’s love affair with the deeply damaging, deranged ideology of the social justice movement and the diversity agenda. Instead of ignoring or rejecting it, as is desperately needed, the White House is helping disseminate woke ideology to all remaining nooks and crannies of American life.

      Since George Floyd’s death and the rise of Black Lives Matter, America’s already overzealous adherence to seeing everything through the lens of race and skin-colour-based victimhood has gone into overdrive. An unexpected masterstroke of Trump was his 2020 ban on federal agencies and federal contractors forcing critical race theory training on employees. Critical race theory argues that established institutions are inherently racist and that prejudice against non-whites is built into society.

      On his first day in office, Biden rescinded this order. The results are hideous and damaging. It puts America on a deeply anti-liberal, dangerous track, one in which the very ideas of hard work, timekeeping, objectivity, deferred gratification, the written word, and even essays are increasingly seen, especially in higher education and charities, as intrinsically racist.

      The results, on a personal level, are grim. I wrote recently about the struggles of a good friend of mine who works for a state agency in New York. On being told to turn up for mandatory unconscious bias training – which is rooted in the critical race theory idea that all white people are racist, no matter what – my friend wrote an email explaining why she took issue with such training being mandatory. She didn’t think that what she thought privately, or her “levels of enthusiasm” for rewiring her thinking, fell within the scope of her workplace. As a result she was hauled before the top dogs, mocked, threatened and accused of being racist. Trembling, she gave up the fight, as she can’t afford to lose her job. It was naked ideological bullying. Another American workplace email I’ve seen recently announcing the start of mandatory unconscious bias training concluded with the line that unconscious race bias can “lead to a society where everyone is operating from their own viewpoint” – as if this is a bad thing. All this Biden could have made illegal, but instead, he has chosen to enshrine it.

      Biden’s domestic policy council has also been hot off the mark with talk about America’s “systemic racism”. It is simply not true that all inequality in America today is down to “systemic” racism. Insisting that this is so creates a vast demographic of victims, many of whom would be, or are, thriving perfectly well outside the prison of critical race theory.

      As Candace Owens, the black American conservative, put it: “Stop selling us our own oppression. Stop taking away our self-confidence by telling us that we can’t because of racism, because of slavery. I’ve never been a slave in this country.” If only Biden and his party could listen to voices like Owens’s. But alas: while she may be a person of colour, she’s got the wrong views, and so is merely pilloried by the hegemonic, hypocritical Left. I want the old America back. But as long as the Biden era insists that everything must be seen through the sickly hue of woke ideology, there is only one way it can go: and that is down.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Living in America Today Under Corporate Socialism


       M. Richard Maxson

      Living in America today under Corporate Socialism as
defined by the Democrat party has become the nightmare our grandparents feared. A world that, at times, makes no sense to a sane individual. One of our Patriots sent in their take on a what is quickly becoming a totalitarian United States. A one-party country where you must conform. The observations are spot on.

  • I used to think I was pretty much a regular person; being born white into a two parent household now labels me as "privileged", racist and responsible for slavery.

  • I'm a fiscal and moral conservative, which by today's standards makes me a fascist because I plan & budget. I now learn that I am not here because I earned it, but because I'm "advantaged”.

  • I am heterosexual, which according to some folks now makes me a homophobe. I believe the Lord did not give me a heart to judge others.

  • I am not a Muslim, which now labels me as an infidel.

  • I believe in the 2nd Amendment, which makes me a threat to the liberals and I get labeled as being part of a militia.

  • I'm older than 40, making me a useless person with outdated ideas and values.

  • I think, I reason, and I doubt much of what the "mainstream" media tells me, making me a "Right-wing conspiracy nut”.

  • I am proud of my heritage and our inclusive American culture, making me a xenophobe.

  • I believe in hard work, fair play and fair compensation according to each individual's merits, now making me a target of socialists and Antifa.

  • I believe our system guarantees freedom of effort - not freedom of outcome or subsidies which must make me a borderline sociopath.

  • I believe in a strong defense and protection of America for and by all citizens, now making me a militant.

  • I'm proud of our flag, what it stands for and the many who died to let it fly, so I stand and salute during our National Anthem, which makes me a racist. I kneel only for The Cross, which makes me racist.

  • I feel the Confederate monuments around our country symbolizes history, so I'm labeled as having hate in my heart when some suddenly are offended by their presence.

  • I'm labeled racist when thinking the erasing of history will potentially cause us to repeat the problems.

  • I feel all lives matter, which labels me as a racist.

  • I support President Trump, which labels me as a racist.

  • I think the riots and destruction of property around our country is wrong and just an excuse to push a political agenda, so I'm labeled a racist.

  • I support our police, which labels me as a racist.

  • I question how fear is being used to control us during this COVID-19 pandemic, and think the crisis is being used for political gain, so I'm labeled careless and non-sympathetic.

      Liberals try to make me feel bad about who I am! Based on everything above, some want me to believe I am a bad person; I'm not, I'm a good person who loves God, my family and my country.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Getting Around the Fourth Amendment


       George Sontag

      The Biden administration is using private firms to track the online activity of American citizens in order to get around the Fourth Amendment and other laws that protect Americans from unreasonable searches and seizures and surveillance.

      It's illegal for government agencies to directly surveil Americans under the Fourth Amendment without a warrant. Furthermore, the US Supreme Court asserted in 2018 that it was also illegal for law enforcement to access cellphone location data without a court order. The DoD's spy agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), has adopted the position that those rules don't apply to commercial data "that the government buys." That is quite a "legal theory." 

      Thislegal theory” being discussed inside DHS, according to multiple sources, would, in effect, allow the them to circumvent” restrictions the U.S. government has to surveil American citizens. “A source familiar with the effort said it is not about decrypting data but rather using outside entities who can legally access these private groups to gather large amounts of information that could help DHS identify key narratives as they emerge. However, it's still a legal grey area as to where data purchases would fall in such rules and if getting around the Constitution is even legal. We do not believe it is.

      Whenever you are on-line or on your mobile phone entities such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, Amazon, and even the apps we install on our phones, they copy and record everything you say and do. All of these companies are tracking us constantly, collecting much more data than most people realize, and then selling it through “data brokers” to the federal government or to any entity that wants it, without a warrant being obtained Then they sell this information to any entity that wants it. This is why you should at least use a VPN and encrypt when using communications.

      The report says that the Biden administration wants to monitor “extremist chatter by Americans online” but can’t do so without a warrant, and thinks private firms can get around the legal restrictions. Federal authorities “can only browse through unprotected information on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook and other open online platforms,” by law. Yet, the Pentagon is using bought commercial data to track Americans without due legal process following reports in The Wall Street Journal and elsewhere. In addition, various US law enforcement agencies have been purchasing electronic cellphone and other location data from apps installed on Americans' phones to track alleged terrorists, illegal immigrants and other groups.

      This is UN-Constitutional, not only that, it doomed to failure, why? Because by the time narratives are appearing on Facebook, it is usually too late, one DHS official stated. “Domestic violent extremists are really adaptive and innovative. We see them not only moving to encrypted platforms, but obviously couching their language so they don’t trigger any kind of red flag on any platforms,” the official added. Therefore, not only is this Un-Constitutional, it is Un-neccessary.

      Criticism of the plan didn’t just come from the right. Former CIA officer Bryan Dean Wright, a Democrat, called the plan “monstrous.” Former Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows blasted the plan. “They spied on Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and skated by with no consequences,” he tweeted. “And now they want to spy on you too. This is a chilling, terrible idea that should be roundly rejected.”

       To put a stop to this Third Reich tactic comes The Fourth Amendment is Not for Sale Act” (S. 1265) was introduced by Senators Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Rand Paul (R-KY), and it should get support on both sides of the aisle. Rand and Wyden, along with eighteen other senators, are now trying to ban that practice completely and close the “made-up” loophole that government spies have used to thwart our right to privacy at every turn. This would mean agencies like the NSA, CIA, and FBI would actually have to present evidence before they could spy on you.

       This could not come at a better time as the Deep State and government authoritarians are attempting to further crack down and target innocent Americans on what we say and do online. They’re trying to turn us into a society where you can be targeted by domestic spies just for hurting the feelings of a major corporation online. Welcome to Democratic Corporate Socialism, the new US, unless we rise up and put a stop to it and soon.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Destroying America - The Middle Class


       M. Richard Maxson

      We’ve been warning for a while now about the return of that uniquely Democratic invention “stagflation,” in which prices keep rising even while the economy and wages are stagnant. We had it under Jimmy Carter and President Reagan ended it. Now, Biden seems to be determined to bring it back again. He is calling for yet more government spending, on top of the trillions he has already called for and gotten Congress to pass. All told, Biden has called for six trillion dollars in spending during his first 100 days in office, according to the New York Times. Much, most, of Biden’s spending is unnecessary and wildly irresponsible. It’s packed with political payoffs and giveaways to his Leftist cronies.

      Inflation is arriving just as the economy returns partially to normal. This could be expected to some extent just because demand will rise but Biden’s policies will add to the pain and amount to a tax that will rob Americans of their savings and force them to work harder and longer just to break even. He has stated that only those making over $400,000 per year will feel taxation. THAT IS A LIE. Inflation is a silent tax that hits the middle and lower class the hardest.

     While imposing a massive agenda of economy-killing leftist legislation, he’s also been doing things that will start prices rising, like killing the Keystone XL pipeline project. The effects are already starting to be seen in your wallet. For instance, gas prices are up about 40% just since he took office. Energy industry executives are sounding the alarm on President Joe Biden’s disastrous policies and warning that they will force Americans to pay higher prices for gas and other utilities. Reality is setting in. “Biden’s reckless embrace of expensive, ineffective “green-energy” initiatives will hurt all Americans financially.” stated an industry expert who chose to remain anonymous.

      “By 2022, 14.8 million jobs could be lost, gasoline prices and electricity prices could almost double, and each American family could see their cost of living increase by almost $4,000,” the Global Energy Institute warned.  Every American family could face higher prices for the energy they consume and the products and services they buy, and almost 15 million Americans could be out of work. These extreme and irresponsible proposals should not be considered.”

      Biden’s epic incompetence has dramatically set the country back and made it less competitive on the world stage. Deutsche Bank, Germany’s largest lender, says the U.S. might be headed for one of its worst inflationary periods in history, arguing that elevated government spending and loose monetary policy could combine to create conditions similar to prior episodes in the 1940s and 1970s.

      The warning comes in marked contrast to Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell’s repeated assurances that elevated inflation readings are probably “transitory,” and will settle back over time as the economy recovers from last year’s pandemic-induced recession. How much time? A year? A decade? Four score and seven? After the end of this country as we have known it?

      Deutsche Bank estimates that legislated stimulus packages have totaled in excess of $5 trillion, or more than 25% of gross domestic product. The U.S. federal deficit is likely to come in at 14% to 15% of GDP in both 2020 and 2021, versus about 10% in 2009. “The Fed’s move away from preemptive action in its new policy framework is the most important factor raising the risk that it will fall well behind the curve and be too late to deal effectively with an inflation problem without a major disruption to activity,” the authors wrote.

       This country and it’s citizens are in for dark days and fading wealth. There will be plenty of smoke and mirror s to distract and create a false reality...for a time. It has been proven that many Americans are easily susceptible to the slickness of the media. It may be too late when the truth of the matter is accepted by the blinded masses. Stay strong and support the Constitution.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Government Orders Marxist Flag Along with U.S. Flag Flown at All Embassies Around the World


       George Sontag

      Earlier this week, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken charged all U.S. embassies and consulates in foreign countries to hoist the flag of the Marxist group, Black Lives Matter on their official government flagpoles around the world. This organization, under the guise of racial equality, is bent on spreading their Communist ideals (“We are trained Marxists,” BLM founders) and to bring down the United States as it has been known. The BLM flag flown at the Athens embassy was reportedly so enormous it covered the United States seal. This action sends a message to the world not “to promote policy objectives to advance racial equity and support for under served communities,” as they stated, but to firmly establish the white house as pro-Marxist.

      This comes after another directive a month ago ordering the LGBT flag flown WITH the stars and stripes. Foreign Policy magazine first reported last month that Blinken gave "blanket authorization" for embassies to fly the LGBT rainbow pride flag, reversing a move from then Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who served under President Trump. Sec. Pompeo directed that no other flags would fly on the same pole as the U.S. flag. Flying the Pride flag at U.S. embassies became a point of contention during the Trump era, when, under Pompeo, the State Department blocked embassies’ requests to fly the flag on the same flagpole as the U.S. banner. Diplomats were told they could display Pride symbols elsewhere in embassies.

      Imagine the message his race and gender-baiting sends to the world. This is the Democrat party’s RACISM DISGUISED AS CONCERN. This is a typical technique the Democrats have used many times. The nation’s top diplomat also released a video to staff in which he said the United States could only be a “credible force for human rights around the world” by confronting “the realities of racism and hatred against blacks and gays here at home.”

      How about to Hispanic-Americans, who have been the largest minority group in America for more than a decade? How about to Asian-Americans, who lead the country in educational and economic achievement, but still see on the news almost nightly video of members of their group being beaten by black suspects? Do not their lives matter?

      Republican lawmakers appalled, now seek to stop the Biden administration’s racialism. Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, a New York Republican, has filed the Stars and Stripes Act of 2021, a bill banning the display of flags featuring political organizations and movements at U.S. diplomatic posts.

      The bill would restrict flag displays to the American flag – which recall represents all Americans – as well as the flag of the host nation; the flag of a U.S. state, territory, or possession; a departmental; the flag of U.S. military forces; or the POW/MIA flag only.

      The Administration’s directive is an insult to those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our flag and our nation and it is absolutely ridiculous that legislation is needed to correct this issue,” Malliotakis said in a statement. House GOP Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik added, “Our beautiful American flag should fly over our U.S. embassies around the world – not the flag of a political organization founded by Marxists.”

      Another sponsor, Texas Congressman Pete Sessions, said in a statement, “The American flag is a physical representation of our nation’s history and intrinsic principles. It is a symbol of hope and opportunity. The only flag that should characterize the United States of America at our embassies overseas is Old Glory. Political flags have no place in exemplifying our nation abroad.”

       “The White House may think the American flag is just another banner to be displayed or replaced in foreign capitals when the mood strikes," said Congressman Issa.(R-CA) "But this is more than untrue. It’s an emphatic misunderstanding of what this nation represents in every corner of the globe. And it fails to appreciate how our country’s symbols have sustained the hopes of the world in the darkest of hours.

      Adding to the discussion, “The American flag is a physical representation of our nation's history and intrinsic principles," said Congressman Sessions(R-TX). "It is a symbol of hope and opportunity. The only flag that should characterize the United States of America at our embassies overseas is Old Glory. Political flags have no place in exemplifying our nation abroad." 

      It seems that Republicans are the only Patriots speaking out on this. It verifies that, for the most part, the entire elected Democrat party has turned towards Marxism. The only time they cite the Constitution is when it suits their needs and then it is THEIR warped version that they espouse. This drift away from the Constitution towards Communist Socialism must be stopped. We may have passed the time where the vote is where to stop it. It may have gone beyond that point now.