Thomas Sowell wrote the column Random Thoughts. Some years ago with his retirement we combined his title with our version. Here are some more random observations and truths for your collective consciousness.
- When I was growing up, we were taught the stories of people whose inventions and scientific discoveries had expanded the lives of millions of other people. Today, students are being taught to admire those who complain, denounce and demand.
- If the media seriously wanted to report the news — instead of spinning it — they could stop calling rioters "protesters" and stop calling terrorists "militants."
- We're a nation where heroes have died so our flag could fly over a free nation, but then we give the title “heroes” to wealthy athletes who kneel in disrespect.
- A new Rasmussen poll finds 54% of likely voters think Biden is a "puppet of the left."
- America was no accident. A very gifted and inspired group of Founders came together to forge a country in the image of God -- of, by, and for the people. It has lasted for 245 years but now, it’s in grave danger.
- A coup occurred on election night planned by corporate interests who now control the nation via it's information monopoly.
- Was Joe McCarthy wrong?
- Being constantly offended does not mean you are right. It means that you are too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than your own.
- We are a nation that doesn't believe in gender but fights for women's rights.
- We're a nation that pledges we're "one” yet we're a nation of aggressive division.
- Have we reached the ultimate stage of absurdity where some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, while other people are not held responsible for what they themselves are doing today?
- Conspiracy theorist is a term coined by the CIA to describe those who doubted the Warren Commission report of the assassination of President Kennedy.
- Politics has turned the lofty ideal of equality into the ugly reality of resentments of other people's achievements — and a feeling that the world owes you something, while you owe nobody anything, not even common decency.
- I am so old that I can remember when liberals were liberal, and when common decency was actually common.
- If you believe that the U.S. government just went through a regime change coordinated by something called “the deep state”, then you run the risk of being labeled a delusional threat to “the general welfare” deserving of the sort of treatment dolled out to any typical terrorist.
- The only difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth is usually a couple of months.