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Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

The Communist Progressives Are Running American Society


       George Sontag


A clear majority of Democrats believe socialism has a “positive impact on society.” 

According to a poll by the American Action Network (AAN).

       In the 1950s, the nation was almost paranoid about losing its culture of liberty. Most Americans held a healthy fear of socialism creeping into acceptability. We worried aloud about this communism infiltrating into society and elected leadership. Even the Democratic Party stood firmly against communism well into the 1960s. But that sentiment died with President Kennedy in Dallas. Today, the Democratic Party no longer recoils at being described as socialists. Some in Congress wear pins naming themselves Democrat Socialist while supposedly defending a constitution that they feel is obsolete. Also, in our government financed schools, the revulsion of communism has not been passed on to America’s under-forty set.

      With its polished propaganda machine, the Democratic Party has demonstrated its propensity to smile in the face of the American people – while swindling them all out of their inheritance and future. Progressives claim everyone needs to love them because of their morally advanced love of the poor, but the fact is, the reason they love wealth redistribution to achieve income equality is because other people’s wealth is being redistributed to them. It’s not morality. It’s stealing from the workers to give to the non-workers. Just smile along and obey.

       Some may think that communism is dead, but it is in fact alive and well, dressed up in feel good/look good policies designed to help desperate politicians centralize power in bureaucratic institutions. We know who the progressive socialists are and what they stand for. Their ideals are wealth redistribution, nationalization of production, expansion of the welfare state, social egalitarianism, and secular humanism. What does the Democratic Party stand for? The answer is: Progressivism. So what does it mean to be a progressive?


1) Progressivism is college professors and documentary filmmakers accumulating vast fortunes in a capitalistic system by decrying the evils of capitalism.

2) Progressivism is claiming that the "border is secure" while saying we shouldn't deport anyone who illegally crosses the border.

3) Progressivism is "environmental activists" flying across the world to ride together in SUVs to posh environmental conferences where they call for everyone else to live like cavemen in order to save the planet.

4) Progressivism is spewing hatred and profanity at conservative women, calling for gun control that leaves women defenseless against rapists and murderers, and celebrating misogynistic pigs like Bill Clinton while accusing OTHER PEOPLE of being engaged in a "war on women."

5) Progressivism is people who say that asking for voter ID is racist while claiming that black Americans are too uniquely stupid and lazy to get an ID.

6) Progressivism is forcibly taking money you don't deserve from the people who earned it and calling THEM greedy for not wanting to give you even more.

7) Progressivism is saying that the government should confiscate guns from NRA members and kill them if they resist and then claiming that you have no idea why they think that they need guns to defend themselves.
8) Progressivism is people who sneer at displays of the American flag, tell the world America isn't exceptional, and criticize the country non-stop while getting offended if their patriotism is questioned.

9) Progressivism is calling for higher taxes while you cheat on your own taxes.

10) Progressivism is bitter, race-obsessed people who see EVERYTHING in racial terms, accusing OTHER PEOPLE of being racists.

11) Progressivism is saying you're for "choice" because you support abortion while opposing giving Americans choices about their health care, schools, whether they want to bake cakes for gay weddings, or even the light bulbs they have in their house.

12) Progressivism is calling everyone who disagrees with you a racist, bigoted, homophobic Nazi and then calling OTHER PEOPLE hateful.

13) Progressivism is considering yourself compassionate for wanting to forcibly confiscate other people's money to give away to constituent groups you hope will vote for you in exchange for the loot.

14) Progressivism is if anyone criticizes Obama.

15) Progressivism is pretending that Christians are dangerous while radical Islamists chanting "Death to America" and advocating Sharia law are harmless little lambs.

16) Progressivism is calling for guns to be taken away from Americans while you're protected by armed guards.

17) Progressivism is millionaires who have more money than they could spend in a lifetime railing against the horrors of "income inequality."

18) Progressivism is "animal rights activists" who eat meat and wear leather shoes screaming profanity at women who hunt.

19) Progressivism is black pundits who got their jobs solely because they're black and willing to call other people racists going on TV and claiming that white gas station attendants and fast food workers are benefiting from "privilege" because of their race.

20) Progressivism is thinking of yourself as an independent, open-minded free thinker for mindlessly parroting whatever the Democrat Socialist Party line is on every issue.

      Do as you are told and all this is yours. The Democrats’ Socialism will ensure women’s right to choose to have an abortion – but deny them the right to choose where to send their children to school, or how they will acquire health care, or whether they can protect themselves with a weapon, and whether their 15 year old daughter receives prescription contraceptives, an abortion, or gender reassignment surgery without their knowledge. The Progressives do not intend to abolish democracy, to be sure. That is their rallying cry to “save our democracy.” They wanted their people's will to be more efficiently translated into government policy. But what democracy meant for the Progressives is that the people would take power out of the hands of locally elected officials and political parties and place it instead into the hands of the central government. This is the goal of the Democratic Party. It’s not about their democracy, it’s about power and control. They have hit their socialist stride and are now racing toward their ultimate conquest over liberty and you. Let that sink in.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

He Spoke the Truth - They Murdered the President


       M. Richard Maxson

      What people don’t understand is that terrorism can be used as a tool to steer people in certain directions. It is happening today as the Shadow Government of the U.S. put forth the faux premise of a white supremacy terrorism to get the citizenry to give up some of their constitutional freedoms and move towards Socialism. It is also also happening in Eastern Europe, this so-called terrorism from Russia. In Ukraine where the US is at war with Russia, although undeclared and fought by proxies, for the enhancement of western elite. The so-called terrorism is Russia, seeing it’s citizens in Ukraine being systematically discriminated and eliminated from their eastern provinces, have moved in to rescue and remove it’s peoples facing the wrath of the U.S. which is pulling the rest of Europe down into it by the pocketbook.

      In the early sixties, a new president bumped heads with that emerging un-elected menace. The government and it’s decision making was not in control of those

elected to serve. The President saw this as a great threat and consulted with former President Eisenhower. The Generals farewell speech spoke of this as an evil within the country that needed to be eradicated. Less than a week later the President attempted to inform the public via the media however he did not realize that the Deep State already had their agents in place in most of the major media outlets. (See: Operation Mockingbird.) For this reason stories of the speech were not widely spoken of. A few years after this speech, the President  saw that the situation was worsening. He put his foot down and started firing those at the top who were involved in an attempt to take back the country from those who would subvert it. Within a number of days they arranged his assassination and blew his head off in Dallas, and making it very clear to his predecessor who was in command.

      Let us on this fifty-ninth anniversary of his murder re-live that speech he gave to the American Newspaper Publishers Association on April 27, 1961. He knew then what we know now. In his address, John F. Kennedy talked about 'a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy' that rules our country and the western world. That speech was apparently the one that sealed his fate. Here is the Selected Transcript of John F. Kennedy's Address before the American Newspaper Publishers Association, April 27, 1961:

      "The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it.

      Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control.

      And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know.

      For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.

      It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.

      Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.

       Without debate, without criticism, no Administration and no country can succeed-- and no republic can survive. That is why the Athenian lawmaker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy.

      And that is why our press was protected by the First (emphasized) Amendment-- the only business in America specifically protected by the Constitution-- not primarily to amuse and entertain, not to emphasize the trivial and sentimental, not to simply "give the public what it wants"--but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crises and our choices, to lead, mold educate and sometimes even anger public opinion.

      This means greater coverage and analysis of international news-- for it is no longer far away and foreign but close at hand and local. It means greater attention to improved understanding of the news as well as improved transmission. And it means, finally, that government at all levels, must meet its obligation to provide you with the fullest possible information outside the narrowest limits of national security...

      And so it is to the printing press--to the recorder of mans deeds, the keeper of his conscience, the courier of his news-- that we look for strength and assistance, confident that with your help man will be what he was born to be: free and independent.”

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Election Integrity, Free Speech, and Election Fraud


       George Sontag

      As has been widely reported, the DOJ is currently issuing subpoenas to individuals who have dared to question the 2020 election results, NOT the many who questioned the 2016 election, no, this is weaponized attack by the shadow government on a political party. It was Democrats who challenged the presidential election results in 2000, 2004, and 2016 and nothing happened..

      There is a history of Democratic Socialist questioning and interfering with elections. In 2000, 15 House Democrats objected to counting Florida’s electoral votes. Several members of Congress called the 2000 election “fraudulent,” and Texas Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson vowed that there would be “no peace” because of the allegedly stolen election. (Violence and Election denial.)

      In 2004, Democrats in Congress forced a vote to recess the joint session of Congress counting electoral votes in order to debate perceived election irregularities in Ohio. Thirty-one House Democrats voted to reject Ohio’s electoral votes and were applauded for doing so by Illinois Senator Dick Durbin, among others. (Throwing out Electoral College votes)

      In 2016, several Democrats objected to the certification of Trump electors based on “overwhelming evidence of Russian interference” in the election. The FACTS NOW ARE INDISPUTABLE that the Democratic National Committee, along with their candidate, Hillary Clinton, paid for false documents in order to tip the election in their favor. Fines have been issued and paid by the Clinton organization, yet…...no DOJ action was taken.

      This is occurring against the backdrop of President Biden’s vendetta against what he calls “ultra MAGA Republicans,” a term completely made up by the left. This is the type of behavior you’d expect in a third-world dictatorship.

      What has changed now, is the politicization of the Justice Department. The 2020 election was rampant with reports of irregularities and fraud. States had the right to take appropriate steps to increase the security of their elections in the wake of these proven reports. Constitution’s elections clause—Article I, Section 4, Clause 1—gives states the primary duty of regulating the time, places, and manner of elections for federal office, and yet, from its first days, the Biden administration has been bent on waging an intimidation campaign against states attempting to bolster election integrity.

      President Biden denounced these reforms as “Jim Crow 2.0.” The DOJ sued Georgia to block the new law and issued two new guidance documents intended to put states including Georgia on notice of potential violations of federal election laws. It has used similar tactics in Arizona and Texas. Included in the DOJ’s crosshairs are those who participated in the political process as alternate electors; those in Congress who voted against certifying the election results and those who have raised funds from donors with a promise to investigate and challenge election fraud.

      We now have had the 2022 vote. So-called “breakdown” in the electronic voting system, which is ripe with fraud, and again, massive, late, unreliable mail-in ballots. Double digit leads for the other party evaporated into single digit losses - overnight. How? Thousands Democrat operatives  execute the DNC's ballot harvesting program, by collecting millions of the absentee ballots from non-voting immigrants and criminals, and illegally submitting them as being votes cast legitimate voters. Why do you think they are so against voter ID? We are one of the only countries in the world that don't demand voter ID.





      But here, in the states that were united, the Left’s massive flow of media propaganda, which even reached European countries, has made fools of the voters. Their slogan “We must save our democracy” was shouted from every media outlet. Problem is –



      A vote towards that end was a vote against, America, against the Constitution, and a step towards Democratic Corporate Socialism. One day after the vote and the states that were united, nothing has really changed. Comrades that voted Democrat, enjoy the hand-basket ride.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

The End of the Republic


        M. Richard Maxson

      The events of 9/11 will most likely be remembered by future historians as the end of the Republic. First the terrorists attacked us—and then, in the name of national security, we began to attack ourselves. We enacted The Patriot Act, a dagger to the heart of the Constitution in a country where it was already struggling for breath. Ever since Congress, on a fully bipartisan basis, enacted the Patriot Act six weeks after the attacks on 9/11, we have lived in a surveillance state where the Constitutional guarantees are over-ridden in the name of national security. This special, unconstitutional law designed for an apparent emergency, has become a permanent addition. The government’s technology now monitor all of our electronic devices, listen to our phone calls, and read our emails and text messages. Secret courts that do the bidding of those who have agendas that would not be legal in a proper court. Once-rare applications for surveillance warrants to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court have multiplied many times in relative peacetime and have almost nothing to do with combating terrorism. It does have to do with Deep State politics.

      The Patriot Act was supposedly designed to fight the unique problem of terrorism. It quickly morphed into a mechanism by which the state keeps constant tabs on law-abiding Americans with different political views other than their own and those who ask the wrong kinds of questions about what is actually happening in public.

      What we have is a surveillance state controlled by the national security crowd pandering to the wishes of the un-elected elite and when you couple that with an executive branch willing to weaponize its mountains of information against its perceived political enemies, and the country has got a frightening problem it’s our hands. Act contrary to those in power and have your life disrupted forever...or worse. If you are passionate about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, I believe there is no higher priority than addressing this danger.

      Throughout human history, the deterioration of freedom has been accompanied by oppression, corruption and enslavement. The suggestion to curtail some freedoms in the name of “saving our democracy”, is reminiscent of tyrants such as Stalin, Hitler and Mao. It doesn't matter what rights you have under the Constitution of the United States, if the government can punish you for exercising those rights such as having an opposing view. And it doesn't matter what limits the Constitution puts on government officials' power, if they can exceed those limits without any adverse consequences.

       The Constitution cannot protect you, if you don't protect the Constitution with your votes against anyone who violates it. Those government officials who want more power are not going to stop unless they get stopped. As long as millions of Americans vote on the basis of who gives them free stuff, look for their freedom -- and all our freedom -- to be eroded away, bit by bit. Our children and grandchildren may yet come to see the Constitution as just some quaint words from the past that people once took seriously. Some of yours already do.

Sunday, September 18, 2022



       M. Richard Maxson

      The word republic is from the Latin res,which means thing affair, or interest, and publica which means of everybody.  It literally means everybody's  thing or interest.  The Declaration of Independence contains the principle of republican government: that all men are created with equal, unalienable rights, that governments are formed by men to secure these rights, and that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed. Upon these principles, our forefathers established a body of law called the Constitution of  the United States to which they added a Bill of Rights as the first ten amendments to further restrict majority rule. 

       The essence of a republic is the rule of law, by which is meant the common or scientific
 law, which is certain and unchangeable. This law is discovered, not made,in that the
 tendency is to find the freedoms and restraints imposed by natural law, and base decisions 
upon them ("Man cannot make principles, he can only discover them," wrote Tom Paine)
 Since human nature doesn't change, what was right yesterday should be so today and 
tomorrow. Courts seek out and enforce a higher law as opposed to political or man-made
 law. As a result, the law seeks truth, transcends politics, is reasonable, consistent,
 predictable, and reflects or approximates natural justice. Government acts like a shield 
punishing the abuses of freedoms - assaults against the life, liberty, and property of 
innocent people - not the freedoms themselves. For example, the misuse of a firearm which 
 results in injury to an innocent party would be punished rather than the mere possession 
of such a weapon. Officers of the law are appropriately called peace officers, for they do 
not enforce political law, but protect everyone equally from force and fraud The military is 
used as a last resort to protect the nation.  

        Moral authority rests outside the political class who are held to a high moral standard through public pressure. Government's purpose is to protect rights and defend freedom. Taxes are voluntary assessments used to fund legitimate government functions serving the common good (in obedience to John Adams’ dictum that "No man may be taxed against his will...").

      Under this form of government, individual freedom and responsibility are maximized. The individual is sovereign and his rights are sacrosanct. Individuals are free to act without permission, but must never impose without consent. Everyone has an equal right to compete in the marketplace, succeed or fail on their own, and pursue their own happiness restrained only by the rights of others to do the same. Republics reject as a danger to liberty the public interest doctrine espoused in democracies. In a republic, the government has just enough power to carry out its proper functions, but is otherwise limited, inhibited and restricted. 

      Power is decentralized, divided, and regulated by an elaborate system of checks and balances, with the ultimate check held by the people in the form of free and open elections (the ballot box), trial by jury(the jury box), and an armed citizenry (the cartridge box). The law is neutral. No one is exempt; everyone is equal before it. All are held fully accountable to an injured party.
       In a republic, government is an instrument solely for collective security in which the 
people are served rather than regulated, represented rather than ruled. When the
principles of republican government are followed, free markets spring up automatically
followed by a growing middle class, abundance, harmony, a high degree of liberty, and
ethical behavior. The emphasis is on the creation of wealth, not the accumulation of 
power as in a democracy.

      Thomas Paine had a premise that: Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary
evil: in its worst state. An intolerable one. How far we have come from our Republic, 
our Founders ideals. Now, labeled an autocracy by the rest of the non-western world, 
we see this regime violating the constitution daily. We see the FBI weaponized and used
as the Stasi was in Communist East Germany. Retired members of the FBI, with decades
of experience, are shocked at what they are seeing in what was a country of laws. 
It is a sad time in the history of the states that were united. The wretched road from
republic to corporate socialist state continues.

Monday, September 12, 2022



       M. Richard Maxson 

      The origin of the word democracy comes from the Greek demos, meaning people, 
and kratos, meaning government. Literally, democracy means government by or of 
the people. In a democracy, the majority rules either directly, or through elected 
representatives or appointed officials, without the restraint embodied in a fixed body 
of law. The law is whatever an official organ of government determines it is. It is rule
by whim rather than law, by emotion rather than reason. Individuals have no inherent
rights, but are considered the products of history, culture, class, gender, race, religion,
etc., and are classified and categorized accordingly. The laws are political or man-made,
and reflect not truth and justice, but power. The daily constitutional violations that are 
occurring daily from the ruling elite are examples of not truth but power.
      Rights only emanate from that power. The purpose of government is to satisfy needs 
not wants or privileges of the average citizen. It is government by bias with the result 
that members of politically powerful constituencies receive the needs, wants, and 
privileges because of their classification within certain categories rather than on merit
at the expense of everyone else. Eventually, this creates a two class society with very 
little room to advance. 
     Democracy concentrates power into the hands of the few organized and clever enough 
to manipulate the masses. It is characterized by a communistic attitude toward property
and  monopolistic enterprises. Government then becomes an instrument for the 
redistribution of wealth as well as the security of the state. It is the rule of men, the 
dictatorship of the majority without regard to the consequences upon individuals or society.
It is what is happening in this country now. 
      In a democracy the nation slowly evolves into a two class society. Taken to it’s extreme 
is Communism but there is a long road before that. These forms of government have always
failed, just slowly. To see that this form of government is eventually doomed to fail is to
look at where it has already been implemented in this country before. California now has 
the highest poverty rate in the nation, and is home to one-third of the nation’s welfare 
recipients and the greatest number of rich people of any state in the country. The state's
public schools remain among the nation's poorest. California’s coastal and political elites 
make laws and set rules for others but exempt themselves. They celebrate rampant
 lawlessness from illegal aliens, which they see as future progressive voters to continue 
their vision of utopia. 

      Citizens need to stop listening to the lies. Since 2008, the number of people who call
themselves middle class has plunged from 53% to 40%, according to survey by the  Pew
Research Center. That figure is dropping due to the massive inflation deliberately caused
by this regime. They are imposing their form of democracy – Corporate Socialism. Until
then they will continue to use the constitution as a prop waving around saying that 
anyone who disagrees is “a threat to our democracy.”
Patriots will agree that THIS democracy needs a threat.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

We Were, Not a Democracy


       M. Richard Maxson


      Although we hear the term democracy used constantly in reference to our form 
of government, the word does not appear in either the Declaration of Independence 
or the Constitution of the United States, our two fundamental documents. Indeed,
Article IV, Section 4, of the Constitution "guarantees to every State in this union a 
Republican Form of Government.’ In addition, we sing the Battle Hymn of the 
Republic, and pledge allegiance to the flag of “the Republic for which it stands.” 
      On the contrary, the founders saw great danger in democracy. Tom Paine, 
considered democracy the vilest form of government. In describing the
purpose of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, Virginia delegate Edmund Randolph 
commented: “The general object was to provide a cure for the evils under which the 
United States labored; that in tracing these evils to their origin, every man had found it
 in the turbulence and follies of democracy.” 
     Thirty-eight years after the Declaration of Independence, John Adams stated:
 “Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. 
There never was a democracy that did not commit suicide.” 
     John Marshall, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court from 1801 to I835 observed: 
“Between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between
 order and chaos.” 
      As late as 1928, the "Citizenship" chapter of U.S. War Department training manual
 TM 2000-25 expressed the opinion: Democracy . . . has been repeatedly tried without 
success. Our Constitutional fathers. . . made a very marked distinction between a
 republic and a democracy . . . and said repeatedly and emphatically that they had 
 founded a republic. 
     One of America's outstanding historians, Charles Austin Beard (1874-1948), put it 
succinctly: “At no time, at no place in solemn convention assembled through no chosen
agents, had the American people ofiicially proclaimed the United States to be a democracy.
The Constitution did not contain the word or any word lending countenance to it.” 
Why, then, are the Socialist Democrats call us a democracy? 
It is because, that is what they want. 


Friday, August 19, 2022

This Is Not America


       M. Richard Maxson

      This is not the America most of us grew up in. What it has become is eerily reminiscent of the beginning of Hitler’s Germany in the 1930s. We are in a transitory period as was Rome after the fall of it’s Republic. When that happened a dictator of sorts arose to rule the empire. Today, the dictator is not one man, but rather an entity of powerful “men in the shadows” who are controlling almost all aspects of life in the old United States. World opinion backs this up as the consensus is that we are not even a democracy, but an autocracy. Not “for the people” but for the rich elitist ruling class.

       How did this happen? Many reasons, one is that when you don’t teach history, which we don’t, we repeat all the mistakes from the past. Another is that in the name of progress we have allowed our entire education system to be infected with the cancer of wokeness destroying the basis of the society. 

       We sat by and allowed consolidation of media which ended any objectivity and after that followed the end truth. We have allowed a small number of corporate voices to pretend to be the voice of society. Many have gone along because the elite know that conformity, the desire to fit in and be liked, is a very strong human trait. The use of this and other psychological techniques have opened the door for what President Trump has labeled ‘fake news.”

      The faux Russian collusion theory, Hunter Biden laptop Russian disinformation lie, the entire “vaccination hoax, and the list goes on. The evidence that what we have been told by mainstream media is either false or lacking the full picture(half-truths) usually comes months later in the form of official declassified documentation, real world examples, and from multiple award winning mainstream media journalists who have committed the rest of their lives and risked their careers to let the public know how the media has deceived people.

      Many have come to the correct conclusion that mainstream media often does have an agenda, and will push their own version of ‘fake news,’ while at the same time, labeling other narratives, perspectives and evidence as the real ‘fake news.’ That has always been known as propaganda, a one-sided, don’t your dare question us half-truth or outright lie. What’s required in this time of smoke and mirror confusion is doing your own research, and seeking independent media sources outside the sphere of western propaganda to better understand our world.

      Lincoln said that America would not be taken down from an outside force, but it would collapse because of corruption from the inside. It is happening now yet most people don’t see it. How long will we last if we no longer are awake?

Saturday, August 13, 2022

The States of America Primed to Break Apart.


       Zeno Potas

      How much longer will the Free Republic states continue in a government that is mirroring NAZI Germany of the 1930’s? The similarities are extremely concerning and if you weren’t fearful of government before this week, you should be now. If you are not, then the western propaganda machine has done it’s job and the reality is that you don’t really know what is going on in the world and in this country.

      We are now a fake democracy. World opinion has now labeled this country as an autocracy. An autocracy is a form of government where one person or one group gets to use government power to punish its opponents. Some are now calling us a “Banana Republic.” A consortium of think tanks from almost 90 countries released their Freedom of the World Report. The United States is no longer among the top ten countries when it comes to size of government, rule of law and property rights, soundness of the money supply, regulation, and free trade. We now rank twelfth, down from second as recently as 2000. For the record, we now trail Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand, Switzerland, Mauritius, the United Arab Emirates, Canada, Australia, Jordan, Chile, and Finland. U.S. legal system and our respect for property rights we have fallen to 36th, trailing countries like Malaysia, Namibia, and Cyprus. The report concludes that the United States “experienced a significant move away from rule of law and toward a highly regulated, politicized, and heavily policed state.”


                                      - From a member of the European Parliament:
                              The U.S. is getting more UN-recognizable each day.”

      Never in our history have we gone after a former president the way the Leftists running the Biden administration’s FBI and Department of Justice just went after Donald Trump. Since 2015 he has been continually hated, defied, subverted and under bogus legal attacks by the permanent Washington establishment, their owned media, and the Democrats (Progressive Socialists) controlling Congress.

                                                 - This from the BBC

           “The American security services have a bad habit of lying. They better have a big disclosure or the world must consider this as an attempt to overthrow a constitutional government.”                                     

      The raid was not just another despicable act of highly publicized cheap political theater, like the FBI’s early-morning arrest of Trump pal Roger Stone, or when Trump advisor Peter Navarro was put in leg irons at the airport for ignoring a congressional subpoena. It was so NAZI-like that even a few Democrats felt they had to decry it. Note: Democrats charged with the same offenses are not arrested and are free to do as they please.

      “A Leftist coup has been conducted, with apparent impunity, in the country that leads the free world. Democracy is dead in the United States of America. It’s difficult to imagine – short of a second revolution – how this is ever going to be resolved in liberty’s favour.”

                    - James Delingpole, English writer, journalist, and columnist

      There are several states that have begin to pull away from this repulsive NAZI-style of federal government. The state of Wisconsin has recalled it’s electoral collage votes as they have found the election of 2020 extremely corrupted within their state. Many areas of other states want to secede from that section of a Progressive state to join with another more American one.

      Big League Politics has reported on how Texas is leading the way in the fight against the Orwellian tyranny that is sweeping over the U.S. The state of Texas has in it’s Republican platform a plank to secede from the United States. “Pursuant to Article 1, Section 1, of the Texas Constitution, the federal government has impaired our right of local self-government. Therefore, federally mandated legislation that infringes upon the 10th Amendment rights of Texas should be ignored, opposed, refused, and nullified,” the platform states in its 65th plank.


      “Texas retains the right to secede from the United States should a future president and congress change our political system from a constitutional republic to any other system,” the document states. For reference: Article 1, Section 1 of the Texas state constitution reads: “Texas is a free and independent State, subject only to the Constitution of the United States, and the maintenance of our free institutions and the perpetuity of the Union depend upon the preservation of the right of local self-government, unimpaired to all the States. All political power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their benefit. The faith of the people of Texas stands pledged to the preservation of a republican form of government, and, subject to this limitation only, they have at all times the inalienable right to alter, reform or abolish their government in such manner as they may think expedient.”

      It’s a very scary time in the U.S. for it’s citizens, and the unprecedented “Raid on Mar-a-Lago” proved it. Demonizing one political party in hopes of eradicating it is a tactic we have only in recent decades from a NAZI, or Communist governments. But our country’s future is even scarier. We, the people, have lost all control over our government. What began after WWII as the “ugly American” in our foreign policy, now our entire country is being controlled by the “men in the shadows” that The American Constitutionalist has been warning about publicly for over a decade. Continuing on this course, and there is no reason to think they won’t, will eventually lead to the end of ballots and the beginning of bullets. We ARE in perilous times.