much longer will the Free Republic states continue in a government
that is mirroring NAZI Germany of the 1930’s? The similarities are
extremely concerning and if you weren’t fearful of government
before this week, you should be now. If you are not, then the western
propaganda machine has done it’s job and the reality is that you
don’t really know what is going on in the world and in this
are now a fake democracy. World opinion has now labeled this country
as an autocracy. An autocracy is a form of government where one
person or one group gets to use government power to punish its
opponents. Some are now calling us a “Banana Republic.” A
consortium of think tanks from almost 90 countries released their
Freedom of the World Report. The United States is no longer among the
top ten countries when it comes to size of government, rule of law
and property rights, soundness of the money supply, regulation, and
free trade. We now rank twelfth, down from second as recently as
2000. For the record, we now trail Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand,
Switzerland, Mauritius, the United Arab Emirates, Canada, Australia,
Jordan, Chile, and Finland. U.S.
legal system and our respect for property rights we have fallen to
36th, trailing countries like Malaysia, Namibia, and Cyprus. The
report concludes that the United States “experienced a significant
move away from rule of law and toward a highly regulated,
politicized, and heavily policed state.”
- From a member of the European Parliament:
“The U.S. is getting more
UN-recognizable each day.”
in our history have we gone after a former president the way the
Leftists running the Biden administration’s FBI and Department of
Justice just went after Donald Trump. Since 2015 he has been
continually hated, defied, subverted and under bogus legal attacks by
the permanent Washington establishment, their owned media, and the
Democrats (Progressive Socialists) controlling Congress.
- This
from the BBC
“The American security services have a bad habit of
lying. They better have a big disclosure or the world must consider
this as an attempt to overthrow a constitutional government.”
raid was not just another despicable act of highly publicized cheap
political theater, like the FBI’s early-morning arrest of Trump pal
Roger Stone, or when Trump advisor Peter Navarro was put in leg irons
at the airport for ignoring a congressional subpoena. It was so
NAZI-like that even a few Democrats felt they had to decry it. Note:
Democrats charged with the same offenses are not arrested and are
free to do as they please.
Leftist coup has been conducted, with apparent impunity, in the
country that leads the free world. Democracy is dead in the United
States of America. It’s difficult to imagine – short of a second
revolution – how this is ever going to be resolved in liberty’s
Delingpole, English writer, journalist, and columnist
are several states
that have
begin to pull away from this repulsive
federal government.
The state of Wisconsin has recalled it’s electoral collage votes as
they have found the election of 2020 extremely corrupted within their
state. Many areas of other states want to secede from that section
of a Progressive state to join with another more American one.
League Politics has reported on how Texas is leading the way in the
fight against the Orwellian tyranny that is sweeping over the U.S.
The state of Texas has in it’s Republican platform a plank to
secede from the United States. “Pursuant to Article 1, Section 1,
of the Texas Constitution, the federal government has impaired our
right of local self-government. Therefore, federally mandated
legislation that infringes upon the 10th Amendment rights of Texas
should be ignored, opposed, refused, and nullified,” the platform
states in its 65th plank.
retains the right to secede from the United States should a future
president and congress change our political system from a
constitutional republic to any other system,” the document states. For
reference: Article 1, Section 1 of the Texas state constitution
reads: “Texas is a free and independent State, subject only to the
Constitution of the United States, and the maintenance of our free
institutions and the perpetuity of the Union depend upon the
preservation of the right of local self-government, unimpaired to all
the States. All political power is inherent in the people, and all
free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for
their benefit. The faith of the people of Texas stands pledged to the
preservation of a republican form of government, and, subject to this
limitation only, they have at all times the inalienable right to
alter, reform or abolish their government in such manner as they may
think expedient.”
a very scary time in the U.S. for
it’s citizens, and
the unprecedented
“Raid on Mar-a-Lago” proved it. Demonizing
one political party in hopes of eradicating it is a tactic we have
only in recent decades from a NAZI, or Communist governments. But
our country’s future is even scarier. We,
the people, have lost all control over our government. What began
after WWII as the “ugly American” in our foreign policy, now our
entire country is being controlled by the “men in the shadows”
that The American Constitutionalist has been warning about publicly
for over a decade. Continuing on this course, and there is no reason
to think they won’t, will eventually lead to the end of ballots and
the beginning of bullets. We ARE in perilous times.