Guest Column
Anthony Cosenza
I worked 42 years for the department of defense and held a top secret clearance supporting military operations and contingency planning world wide. But now, I find myself being called an enemy of the state, of threat to democracy, a fascist, and an insurrection just because I am following the oath I took to the Constitution. That oath was not to an individual politician or political party. It transcends politics and pledges allegiance to the fundamental tenants of the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and the republican form of government it established. That oath has no expiration date, it is a lifelong commitment.
It is a mystery to me why the occupier of the oval office calls me a fascist because I wholeheartedly disagree with what he is doing to the Constitution to which I took that oath. I'm not a barbarian are a troglodyte as liberals label people who disagree with them. I hold a master's degree in business administration, a master's degree in National Security and strategy from the military war college, and a PHD in public policy, but apparently my informed opinions and believes are based on experience and training disagrees with the democratic totalitarian orthodoxy of the Obama/Biden regime makes me an enemy of the state and a fascist.
I would argue that most of my democratic liberal progressive neo-communist detractors lack the level of experience and education has allowed me to form rational cognitive positions not political doublespeak spotted off by TV talking heads and gaslight thing lying democrat politicians.
The first amendment does not apply in Mr. Biden's America. When critical of democrat totalitarian policies, opposition to kneel communist democrat theology becomes a crime to be stamped out by the coercive power of the state using the DOJ, SBI, IRS, and numerous other alphabet Federal agencies to arrest and persecute political up opponents using a complicit media as a cover for this behavior. Obama started this weaponization of government by using the IRS and Lois Lerner to stifle and destroyed the conservative tea party moment. And now Mr. Biden has hired an additional 87,000 armed IRS agents to come after Americans who disagree with democrats and hired yes lawless Warner to hire and train and deploy them.
Totalitarians use these techniques of projection transference, gas-lighting and scapegoating to dehumanize their political targets and condition their weak-minded psychopaths us to accept any form of atrocity against the enemy. What is frightening is the uniformity and vitriolic tone of these cries of fascist from all Democrats to demonize 71 million Americans who voted for President Trump, questioned the 2020 election, turned us for energy independence to energy department or barring trillions of dollars for an effective green new deal handouts to crony democrats supporting capitalists and corporations.
This is exactly the tactics Hitler, Lennon, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, and every dictator used to justify horrendous atrocities against those they labeled enemies of the state.
I'm an enemy because I want to follow in defend the Constitution, the rule of law including voting and border security and making America the greatest country on earth, not that tarnished example of crime, violence, and decay that decades of democratic rule and policies have developed our cities into.
I'm not a fascist enemy the state or other terms used to discredit descent and opposition to democrat totalitarians. I'm an American who took an oath of office to uphold the Constitution and the advocate of making and keeping America great and Joe Biden and as warped ideologues can kiss my patriotic butt.