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Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Rise of Bolshevik America?

By M. Richard Maxson

    Tell me where have you heard this in America's press? In his recent presidential directives President Obama has ordered that  doctors, and other health care providers be forced to ask questions regarding gun ownership of patients. What could possibly be the motive behind such an order? It reeks of the same system of informants the KGB used. If health care providers are required to ask invasive questions, other federal employees in different spheres certainly will be asked to.
    The KGB employed informants and quotas to counter anti-revolutionary measures. The American government is already preparing itself for revolution, with CDC concentration camps and the ability to create martial law, and removing constitutional laws enabling the American people to change their form of government if they so choose. This new network of required informants is yet another step in the direction of repressive regimes reminiscent of the former Soviet Union. How far is America from asking students about their parents activities at home?
   The news media in America has been almost completely taken over by people who share Communist/Socialist ideals. Everything in my lifetime has turned 180 degrees. First you  have to understand propaganda comes in two forms- political and cultural. There are those in the news media that have an agenda - they want to see a certain world-view. The entertainment media are more powerful than the political media today.  The political propaganda comes from the news media. 

 Look at some of the comments from Americans in Russian newspapers:

  •    "I must confess, the irony of history. I was born in 1958. I remember the Soviet Union, I remember reading the Gulag Archipelago. Oh how things have changed. Here we have people leaving the west for Russia. Just 30 years ago Russians fled to the US for freedom.  I used to read Pravda for laughs. I used to listen to Radio Moscow for kicks. Now I turn to Pravda for a voice of freedom. Well done Russia, well done, you have proven that freedom will never die." - Philip Rauschert · Wheaton College
  •  USA television networks are all owned by 6 liberal  families who have Bolshevik sympathies so clueless uninformed USA voters voted in a Bolshevik who is wrecking USA. Even President Putin recently warned Obama he is following a failed Soviet strategy that led to an economic collapse. - John Richard Walsh
  • I often wondered the same thing: who really owns America? That's right the media must be owned by someone who directs the thoughts and beliefs of clueless Americans who just eat it up thats how Obama got re-elected, by adoring sheeple who love their free stuff that he promises them! Where are they going with this?? They already are taking our guns away, freedom of religion is going next. I am afraid of what is coming next. The constituion is being ripped to shreds. Remember that a lot of Americans did not vote for BHO and are not buying his bull. - Joanne Albrecht
  •   What is happening in America today is the beginning of what liberal democrats have planned since the 60's and earlier. They are much more patient in "transforming" america than we conseravtives are at restoring it. The republican establishment is on board with this transformation...only they are stealthier today about it. Our nation is being purposefully destroyed by a small group of people but they are supported by a large group or people. They will remake america into a socialist, marxist, communist state the likes of which has no been seen in human history. The answer to this problem does not lie in emailing, writing calling elected representatives or protesting and marching. The answer has been given to us by the founders. The answer has been shown to us by history. The answer...the ONLY answer is all out armed civil war. Like it or not! - Mark Greene
     There is also the cultural propaganda that comes from the entertainment media. The entertainment media ultimately are more powerful than the political media because so many more people watch it. You have those in the entertainment media who have an agenda- they want to see a certain world-view. Ask Michael Moore. He’s just the most blatant of them all, but just about everyone in Hollywood these days has an leftist agenda- they have a mission. If you expose' Constitutionalism, you may be out of work.

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