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Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
A Constitutional Report
M. Richard Maxson
Not everybody can call themselves a “Constitutionalist.”. The term “Constitutionalist” brings with it an objective moral standard that compels them to raise their standard up to the Founding Fathers. Every official swears an oath of office before God to uphold and defend it. It is the governing document of these United States. It’s also readily available and accepted by many across the country as the standard. All we have to do now is enforce it. Either what you’re for or what you’re doing is in the Constitution or it is not.
It is quite clear that the role of Congress to make all laws, the Judiciary to interpret the laws, and the President to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” This system was wisely set into place by our country’s framers because they saw the effects of executive overreach by the crown in England and designed the Constitution to avoid concentrating power in one leader or one branch of government. That is Fascism, Socialism, or Communism. The framers knew first hand that the concentration of power in the same hands was a threat to individual liberty and the rule of law.
Unfortunately, we've moved so far away from the plain reading of the Constitution that we could fairly be called a post-constitutional society and that has a lot to do with why our government functions so poorly, why politics has become so contentious, and why our nation is slipping into decline. A nation where the law has more to do with the whims of the people in power than constitutional principles is a nation that will become increasingly embittered and unstable over time. As prominent law professor Jonathan Turley stated in his testimony before a recent House Judiciary Committee hearing, there has been “a massive gravitational shift of authority to the Executive Branch that threatens the stability and functionality of our tripartite system.”
The Constitution does not confer upon the president the executive power to circumvent Congress and write, or rewrite, laws through executive fiat. The disaster of this lawless administration in Washington that unilaterally changes laws passed by Congress. This trend has accelerated at an alarming rate under President Obama. In President Obama’s State of the Union address in front of Congress and the American people, this evolving dictator vowed to act alone. He also boldly asserts that he has a “pen and a phone” to change our laws through his executive decrees.
Throughout the past five years, President Obama has routinely failed to enforce laws that he disagrees with for policy reasons and has stretched his authority to put policies in place that the American people, through their elected representatives, have rejected. We cannot allow any president, to ignore the constitutional limits on executive power. The framers did not expect America’s elected representatives in Congress and the federal judiciary to sit on the sidelines and watch as one branch aggrandized its own powers and exceeded the authority granted it Without Congress and the courts stepping in, the constitutional requirement that the President “take care that the laws be faithfully executed” will become an unenforceable and meaningless check on presidential ambition.by the Constitution.
With an unrestrained Executive Branch that knows no limits, it is ultimately up to the Congress and the courts to check the President’s overreach and restore balance to our system of government. Why is not happening? It is because our country's problem is that we have one party that has been taken over by anti-Constitutional ideology while denying that fact and attempting to hide behind the document. We have a second party that is partially afflicted by the same anti-Constitutional disease.
The delegates to the Constitutional Convention and the delegates to each state’s ratification convention foresaw a time when the Federal government might breach the Constitution’s limits and begin oppressing the people. Agencies such as the IRS and EPA and programs such as Obamacare demonstrate that the Framers’ fear was correct. We are at a crucial point in the history of America, and perhaps approaching a point of no return. What true Constituional patriots do now will decide the fate and the future of the nation.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Who are These New Americans?
Guest Column
By John Fleming
Just who are these "new Americans"? They call themselves Progressives. We know that term means Socialist here in Europe, but just who are they? Look at them. Look at the unhappy, self-seeking uncompassionate Americans! Amidst a sick society of moral chaos and social disintegration, they drift aimlessly and recklessly from one sensation to the next in vain pursuit of peace of mind that lifelong proves elusive. Their folie รก millions resembles the problem of the Internet medium Twitter: Everyone wants to amass the reward from a large following but no one wishes to waste time as a mere follower. Americans adulate celebrities (the "democracy's aristocracy") only due to the false consciousness and delusion that they thereby gain power themselves, as though it rubs off from one onto the others. If it is not about themselves, they are not interested; thus the ability of American television to launch one short-lived craze after another. As Lasch observed, they seek not so much fame as national television celebrity, a lucrative state of admiration and envy devoid of demonstrated achievement, a moral vacuum where people are famous for being famous.
The result is monstrous-parades for imperialism, they derive pleasure from the misfortunes of others. , unmitigated violence, the world's highest imprisonment rate, a divorce rate of every other-indicating that the people plainly cannot get along with each other-random for the fun of it homicide, and so forth. In many ways what the world sees of brutality and complacence in the U.S. on television is an understatement of the actual misery, unhappiness, violence, injustice, chaos, moral disintegration and cultural collapse that occur.
History shows that as a state falls apart it begins more and more to terrorize its own people. As the end comes nearer and the ruling elite fears for its power, it lashes out blindly, unpredictably, viciously. Hence, the "national security" establishment plays out in the lack of compassion; the NSA-CIA terrorist apparatus is one weapon whereby the powerful are terrorizing, harassing and murdering Americans in the U.S. and abroad. Some of the unacknowledged victims are known as TI's-targeted individuals, about whom there is a large underground literature on the Internet. The Patriot Act was a huge victory for the powerful Leftist rich in domestic class warfare.They learned from the Soviet Communists how to keep the population ignorant of the truth and they are doing a spectacular job at it. They have assisted a fall of the middle class everywhere, the increase of the global debt, a fall of safety, education, hygiene and culture. Their system has never been so hard or efficient.
The fact is that, today, there is no America. There is no democracy. There is only IBM and ITT and A T and T and Dupont, Dow, Union Carbide and Exxon. These are the nations of the world today that control the US. The world is a college of corporations, inexorably determined by the immutable by-laws of business. The Ukraine situation is nothing more than these entities attempting to take over to make more profit. These people, this government in the USA are terrorism.
Friday, March 14, 2014
A Bad Week for George
Phillip Todd
George Soros is not having a good week. His dream of a Socialized Europe was on shaky ground even before the"crisis" in the Ukraine. His latest book, published this week, is entitled The Tragedy of the European Union. A loud supporter at the launch of the Euro currency and a cheerleader for a united Socialist Europe, Soros has been confounded by what he calls the “nightmare” reality 15 years after its introduction. Now, with the partition of Ukraine, his dream of surrounding anti-Communist Russia has been dealt a serious blow. Speaking in London, he said it was heart-breaking to see European governments shrug their shoulders at the precise moment the continent was finally witnessing an unprecedented popular uprising in the name of world Socialism.
Everything was in place for a merge of Ukraine into the union with a trade deal that would take the country out of the sphere of influence of Russia, but then something unexpected happened to derail that plan, Russia offered it a better deal than the European Union. Our Fascist diplomats and lawless intelligence gurus were embarrassed. So, the U.S. fomented another revolution in the streets of Kiev. One of our diplomats, Victoria Nuland, acknowledged as much in a tapped and taped and eventually viral cellphone conversation. Then, Viktor Yanukovich, the popularly and lawfully elected Ukraine president, was toppled and fled to Moscow. The new unelected Ukraine president has received American recognition and help.
Enter Vladimir Putin. He is the popularly elected president of Russia. After Yanukovich showed up at Putin's doorstep in Moscow, Putin flexed his muscles by sending 16,000 Russian troops, over the border to occupy Crimea, a province of Ukraine, which had been part of Russia and the Soviet Union until 1954. Most residents of Crimea are Russian speaking and actually welcomed their "invaders" and wanting to help them. They did not want to be pawns in Mr.Soros and his puppet, the United States, dreams.
Soros argued that it was more important for Europe to offer positive assistance to the struggling Ukrainian government. “It’s very important to respond and respond the right way, which is not necessarily to impose sanctions on Russia, but to actually help Ukraine financially, and also with technical assistance—something like a European Marshall Plan for Ukraine—that would be the right response,” he said. The US stepped right up as he commanded offering them $1 billion in immediate cash. The vote of Crimea to join Russia is a forgone conclusion so the question is now, what's next for the plans to spread Soros Socialism across Europe?
Another problem this week was an election in Florida. The loss by the Democratic Socialist candidate was setback to the man who is poised to spend up to $20 million in the 2014 midterm elections to defeat those who oppose him and his legalization of illegal aliens, The Washington Post reported. It is essential that illegals become citizens with voting rights as to accelerate the spread of Democratic Socialism in the US. The Latino Victory Project, which has the backing of labor unions and groups associated with billionaire George Soros, says it is prepared to campaign against 10 lawmakers, whose districts include significant Latino populations, and who oppose overhauling laws that could offer a path toward citizenship for individuals who arrived in the country illegally. Up to $2 million would be spent in each targeted district, first with the aim of persuading the lawmakers to back immigration reform; and if that doesn't work, the goal would switch to defeating them.
It was a good week for the dwindling number of Constitutional-loving Americans as Soros and his minions were tripped up by their rush toward a new world order. The occurrences gave sustained life to the withering body that was once a proud shinning Republic, what was once known as the United States of America.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Ukrainian Fascists and Outright Lies.
George Sontag
We have spoke before about who really runs the world and why they do what they do. They go by many names the Neo-Cons, Tri-lateralists, Bilderburgers, or Illuminati, but their goal is the same, control of the world for profit. What we see unfolding in Ukraine is the their latest adventure. It is the take-over of the country by, supporting the Fascist factions within and lying to the public in order to beat the drums of war. Smoke and mirrors to distract all from what is really going on. When the world is at war these are the ones who make enormous amounts of money. They don’t care which side you’re on, as long as they can work with you to create a political situation that they can grow into a war from which they will profit.
The Ukrainian “revolution” was fostered by these forces. They were instrumental in staging a destabilization campaign. Working with Ukrainian neo-Nazis, they fostered the Ukrainian uprising that has caused the elected Ukrainian president to flee from Kiev. In the early stages of the rebellion, Ukrainian President Yanukovich met with the rebels staging the uprising, and the two parties agreed to stop the violence and make an orderly transition to a new government chosen in a new set of elections. Instead, the right-wing rebels ignored the agreement and took over Kiev by force, with their armed patrols maintaining control through violence. The situation in Ukraine has been painted as a conflict between Vladimir Putin’s Russia, the so-called bad guys, and Ukrainian rebels, the so-called good guys who seek to oust Russia from a position of influence in Ukraine and install a new government that will be responsive to the Ukrainian people. I can't help but hear the slogan from "1984", If you are going to tell a lie, make it big. The bigger it is, the more people will actually believe it.
The Ukrainian nationalists are fascists. Washington’s original purpose for staging a coup in Ukraine was to move Ukraine away from Russia and bring Ukraine into the European Union. The eventual goal is the conquest of Russia. It's vast untapped natural resources will be necessary in the future and they don't want to have to ask. Now you just can't attack a nuclear nation with conventional forces, but you can surround them and tighten the noose to force some type of capitulation. As Dr. Stephen F. Cohen has pointed out, Western nations, with the U.S. leading the way, have been provoking Putin for decades. We’ve expanded NATO to include former Soviet states creeping right up to Russia's borders with excuses of keeping Iran under their watchful eye. We’ve attacked allies of Russia, including Libya and Iraq. Ukraine is the next target The U.S.- along with other Western nations – through our incursions into the politics, economics and national security of Russia and several of its allies, has effectively caused the situation that is now unfolding in Ukraine. Russia cannot afford to let the Crimean region fall into the hands of the insurgents who are trying to take over Ukraine. The majority population in Crimea is Russian, and its warm-water Black Sea ports are critical to Russian military and trade interests.
The US propaganda machine is in full swing beating the drums. John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago has been on PBS NewsHour twice this week. He stated the obvious to all but the brain-washed,...... there’s no way that they’re going to tolerate a situation where the United States installs a pro-Western regime in Ukraine and then eventually brings Ukraine into NATO. This is simply unacceptable.
I think, in addition to that, what we also have to do is, we have to stop talking about NATO expansion. I think it’s an important backdrop to this whole crisis. Since the end of the Cold War, the United States and the West Europeans have been pushing NATO further and further eastward, and this just drives the Russians crazy. It’s what precipitated, in my opinion, the 2008 war between Georgia and Russia."
Americans who have been shocked by what has happened because they have been programed by this government. "I don’t understand why they have been shocked. The fact is that Putin and the Russians more generally have made it clear that they will not tolerate on their borders a Ukraine or a Georgia that is pro-Western and is leaning towards joining NATO. They’re very clear on this. And we didn’t, by ourselves, engineer the coup in Kiev, that’s for sure, but there’s no question that the Americans — the Americans were giving encouragement to the rebellious forces, and that helped topple the government. From a Russian point of view, this is simply unacceptable. Ukraine is a core strategic interest, and the fact that most Americans don’t understand that is amazing to me."
It's not so amazing to this author who knows full well the extent of the US propaganda machine. We live in a Fascist America where reality is what the "Progressives" say it is. The puppet in the White House only knows how to spend the white establishments tax dollars on himself and his family. Obama hasn’t got a clue about what the conflict in the Ukraine means. As the "crisis" developed he didn't even bother to attend the National Security Council's meeting to discuss the situation. When everything around you is already planned and decided, why not just play golf.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/03/obamas-ukrainian-pink-line/#rjbVGZuo3bO0Zt4g.99
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/03/obamas-ukrainian-pink-line/#rjbVGZuo3bO0Zt4g.99
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/03/obamas-ukrainian-pink-line/#rjbVGZuo3bO0Zt4g.99
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/03/obamas-ukrainian-pink-line/#rjbVGZuo3bO0Zt4g.99