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Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Who are These New Americans?


      Guest Column

             By John Fleming


      Just who are these "new Americans"? They call themselves Progressives. We know that term means Socialist here in Europe, but just who are they? Look at them. Look at the unhappy, self-seeking uncompassionate Americans! Amidst a sick society of moral chaos and social disintegration, they drift aimlessly and recklessly from one sensation to the next in vain pursuit of peace of mind that lifelong proves elusive. Their folie á millions resembles the problem of the Internet medium Twitter: Everyone wants to amass the reward from a large following but no one wishes to waste time as a mere follower. Americans adulate celebrities (the "democracy's aristocracy") only due to the false consciousness and delusion that they thereby gain power themselves, as though it rubs off from one onto the others. If it is not about themselves, they are not interested; thus the ability of American television to launch one short-lived craze after another. As Lasch observed, they seek not so much fame as national television celebrity, a lucrative state of admiration and envy devoid of demonstrated achievement, a moral vacuum where people are famous for being famous.

       The result is monstrous-parades for imperialism, they derive pleasure from the misfortunes of others. , unmitigated violence, the world's highest imprisonment rate, a divorce rate of every other-indicating that the people plainly cannot get along with each other-random for the fun of it homicide, and so forth. In many ways what the world sees of brutality and complacence in the U.S. on television is an understatement of the actual misery, unhappiness, violence, injustice, chaos, moral disintegration and cultural collapse that occur. 

      History shows that as a state falls apart it begins more and more to terrorize its own people. As the end comes nearer and the ruling elite fears for its power, it lashes out blindly, unpredictably, viciously. Hence, the "national security" establishment plays out in the lack of compassion; the NSA-CIA terrorist apparatus is one weapon whereby the powerful are terrorizing, harassing and murdering Americans in the U.S. and abroad. Some of the unacknowledged victims are known as TI's-targeted individuals, about whom there is a large underground literature on the Internet. The Patriot Act was a huge victory for the powerful Leftist rich in domestic class warfare.They learned from the Soviet Communists how to keep the population ignorant of the truth and they are doing a spectacular job at it. They have assisted a fall of the middle class everywhere, the increase of the global debt, a fall of safety, education, hygiene and culture. Their system has never been so hard or efficient.

      The fact is that, today, there is no America. There is no democracy. There is only IBM and ITT and A T and T and Dupont, Dow, Union Carbide and Exxon. These are the nations of the world today that control the US. The world is a college of corporations, inexorably determined by the immutable by-laws of business. The Ukraine situation is nothing more than these entities attempting to take over to make more profit. These people, this government in the USA are terrorism.



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