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Thursday, April 17, 2014
Ukraine- Another CIA Coup
Phillip Todd
The President of the Russian Federation has been trying to stop an all out war for the Ukraine but the United States seem to have other ideas. What straw started this is when the now-deposed Ukrainian leader having no desire to sell his proud nation down the river to the Western Corporate/Socialists. He understood that the harsh austerity measures demanded by the EU-IMF-NATO triumvirate would have served as a final death blow to the Ukrainian people, already suffering from many years of high unemployment and a withering economy. Yanukovich decided instead to accept a no-strings-attached loan of $15 billion from neighboring
Russia - interest-free! When Ukraine rejected a treaty with the West in favor of one with Russia is when the Corporate/Socialists had enough. The riots in Kiev and other cities were instigated by no one other than our own CIA. Since the fall of the elected government the head of the CIA has been stationed in the capital city to oversee this coup. Why else is he there?
What other conclusion should Russian strategists draw from these events, especially as NATO continues its mechanized march toward Russia’s border, and despite pledges made to Moscow following the collapse of the Soviet Union that the military bloc would not “move an inch” beyond Germany? It is no secret that the United States has been angling for a strategic advantage in Eastern Europe since the end of World War II, with special attention focused on strategically important Ukraine, which could serve as a future bridgehead into Central Asia and beyond. The industrialist elite, that have profited immensely under Democratic rule in the US, want Ukraine and it's resources now. It is essential for their world-wide agenda. The Russians feel threatened, and they ought to be. Disregarding the outright threats that the US issues daily, this is a big prize for the Socialist elite. That is why they have sent in John McCain, John Kerry, Joe Biden, and others(the CIA chief) to rally support for this unelected government.
Vladimir Putin has continuously called for meetings at the UN to try to put an end to this situation only to be met by opposition from the US. Putin suggested that Ukraine begin focusing on a new constitution that “involves all political forces in the country, creating a federalized state and guaranteeing Ukraine's non-aligned status.” His idea of a democratically elected government has been met with "Nyet" from the United States who continues to spew it's "my way or the highway" demogogery.
After all, one nation’s crisis is another corporation’s windfall. Indeed, developments in Ukraine certainly spell big bucks for America’s bloated defense industry, which has used the Ukraine crisis in general, and the Crimean “annexation” in particular, to warn Capitol Hill of Russia’s “return to imperialism.” Never mind that Russia has not violated the territorial integrity of a single foreign country - without being attacked first, as was the case with Georgia - since the collapse of the Soviet Union. “Everybody in the Pentagon and in the defense industry is using the Ukraine crisis as a warning for why the department needs to spend more on military technology,” Loren Thompson, chief operating officer for the Lexington Institute, told AP. To understand the full picture, it is only necessary to consider the corporate circus that US Congress has become, in which the “people’s representatives” now take their marching orders from boardrooms across corporate America. Money, money, money, just follow the money and the truth shall be clearly seen.
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