Zeno Potas
A little bit of background for this article. I am not a racial supremest. I believe that all men are born equal and what happens to them from that point on shapes who they become. If I don't like you it is because of who you are, not what you were born as. I grew up in Detroit. I worked in the "inner city" as the ghetto is called. I've been discriminated because of the color of the skin that I was born into. I've been told right to my face, "You are not going anywhere in this company because the era of the "white man" is over." Yes, discrimination is everywhere but this is the type of discrimination that the media ignores because it doesn't fit the Liberal agenda of Progressivism.
That agenda is a one-sided, color is the most important thing, agenda. In the 21st century if you are not dark skinned, you should be ashamed. You are a vanilla nothing. Suburban youth today embrace this vision of their future whole heartily. The music, the fashions, the language, is all from the ghetto. Poverty, ignorance, and violence of all kinds is glorified. Hard work, decency, and relying on our ancestors knowledge and wisdom is maligned. It doesn't matter who or what you are. These Socialist-leaning, guilt-ridden children of privilege in their desire for diversity dress the same, eat the same, and read the same and if the truisms of the world do not suit their demands, they conjure convenient new facts that may fly in the face of reality, but anyone who points that out is labeled a bigot or a racist. Let's look at some facts.
On one side we have what has been called one of the most disgusting displays of recent liberal bigotry recently when U.S. Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., called Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas an “Uncle Tom” on a radio show. His liberal Democrat reasoning is that people are their skin color first, and that should dictate their thoughts and behavior. To stray from that is somehow a betrayal. It’s the basest form of racism, even if the victim and the perpetrator share the same color. The problem is that Clarence Thomas isn’t a man, he’s a black man. He isn’t an American, he’s an African American. It’s the prefix, not the person, that matters. He takes his oath to the Constitution too seriously and should ignore it to “favor” people who share his skin color. That, at its core, is racism and anti-American.
Is ignoring or deliberately not reporting all the facts to the citizenry, racism? News stories about white on black crime litter the airwaves with Hollywood sensationalism but to find reports about black on white crime are buried in the pile of daily events. The rule of the day is that white on black crime is always racism but black on white crime - well, they got what they deserved. It is payback for them and their ancestors for being born white. So, with the circus-like events in Missouri in mind, let's look at some more facts.
In 2010, 62,593 blacks were the victims of white violence. During that same year, 320,082 whites were the victims of black violence. Since the black and white populations are not the same size what you discover is that black perpetrators violently assault white victims TWENTY-FIVE times more frequently. When it comes to a specific kind of violent crime -- aggravated assault -- the number of black on white crimes is TWO HUNDRED TIMES HIGHER than white on black crimes.
Again in 2010 -- the National Crime Victimization Survey reported approximately 13,000 black-on-white rapes and 39,000 black-on-white robberies – both violent crimes. The statistics show that the number of white on black rapes and violent robberies were so small that they had to be rounded to the nearest whole number, and that whole number was ZERO !
More of what is buried in the pile are the facts that:
- 46.2 million people, or 15% of the population, living in poverty.
- 19 million whites living in poverty, two times rate black Americans.
- 76% of whites have experienced some form of economic inequality (joblessness, welfare, poverty).
- Number of white single mother households living in poverty with children surpassed blacks in past decade.
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