The Staff
This is for all the patriotic Americans who follow us. When we started we
published once a month. We are now at a weekly rate but that will change. We feel that we must increase our messages due to a number of disturbing, fast-moving events that seem to be rushing toward us that threatens the very existence of the great Republic which our Founding Fathers left for us. Free thinkers, such as yourselves need the real truth as to be able to unite in spirit and conscience as we are perhaps the last link to the ideals that made America great.
We believe that our Constitution sets forth an example with it's message of
justice and morality for all. These principals can be violated outside of the US in our dealings with other countries as well as domestically. The use of our military for purposes OTHER than national defense is inexcusable and a violation of our preset values. The use of our government by individuals and corporations for profit at the expense of our sovereignty and personal freedoms must not continue.
If this regime does not vaporize this blog as it did in the past, when we reported on the governments surveillance of America, almost three years before Edward Snowden, we will continue to print what is right in front of everyone. That which is obscured by the smoke and mirrors of the controlled media. We believe that it will be THIS generation who holds the future of the vision that was put forth in the Constitution.
- The coming nuclear war in Europe that won't stop there.
- The instigation of coups around the globe for profit.
- The continuing interference in the internal affairs of other countries.
- The continuing surveillance devices now being put into home appliances and autos.
- The use of the American sub-culture to foment unrest in our cities.
- The indoctrination of our youth through the government school system
- The out right lies and half truths coming out of our "trusted" news sources.
- The accepted criminalization of the government's "Justice" Department.
- The deliberate destruction of American values, family units, and religions.
- The election of anti-American Socialists to public office
- The warping of the Constitution's intent to further an agenda.
- The move to replace the Constitution as being "outdated".
- The use of Communist play
book of dividing the public with class warfare.
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