Zeno Potas
US policy result in a
mushroom cloud going up over an American city? The Elitists have been
pushing hard East in Europe to get right up to Russia's borders for
what? America’s
aristocracy very much does need to start a war with Russia, and why?
It has to do with maintaining
the dollar as the world’s reserve currency,
something that benefits America’s aristocrats enormously. They
cannot allow BRICS to be successful as the Western Elitists would
loose their grip on power over the civilized world. “The
buildup of NATO air and ground forces along the borders of Russia in
eastern Europe and President Barack Obama’s American
power-influencing trip to Asia have a single purpose,” Wayne
Madsen wrote earlier this month. “The seen and unseen forces
who dictate policy to their political puppets in Washington, London,
Paris, Brussels, Berlin, and other vassal capital cities have decided
to smash BRICS – the emergent financial power bloc encompassing
Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.”
The propaganda machine is
starting to turn red hot with it's constant barrage of anti-Russian,
anti-Putin messages that are now being seen daily in the media.
The film industry can't produce these anti-Russian films fast enough. We
are starting to hear every nonsensical thing under the sun including
Putin's mental state. The Left's Wolf Blitzer (CNN) used the cover of
a news program to broadcast a propaganda performance straight out of
the Third Reich or perhaps from George Orwell’s 1984.
The orchestration presented Russia as a massive, aggressive military
threat. Blitzer’s program is part of the orchestrated propaganda
campaign whose purpose is to prepare Americans for conflict with
It is easy for
Americas' puppet masters as the Republicans have traditionally hated
Russians (not only communism),
and congressional Democrats have recently been bought-off by
aristocrats such as Soros (who, perhaps, has hated Russians all his
life; though, until the fall of communism there, he had veiled this
hatred by criticizing communism instead — and, now that the
ideological veil is finally off, the nazi shows;
and, consequently, on a popular Ukrainian TV station, which was
financed by the U.S. Government, the Dutch Government, and Soros’s
International Renaissance Foundation, confirmed that the people whom
Obama(the US) represents are standing firm with the nazis. Obama’s
chief political donor, George Soros, is, in fact, frantically
campaigning throughout the world for taxpayers in both the U.S. and
EU to finance at least a $20 billion step-up in aid to Ukraine so
that they can complete the job that he has personally invested very
heavily in - invading Russia.
Let us look at what has
been going on over the last few months.
Sends B-2 Stealth Bombers to Europe. “The
B-2 is the only aircraft that can carry large air-to-surface
standoff weapons in a stealth configuration.” In other words, the
primary advantage of the newer, “Stealth,” version of B-2, is
its first-strike capabilities.
Stryker combat vehicles arrived in Eastern Europe. They
have been deployed at the Russian border in
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland.
US armored vehicles in Latvia |
tanks arrive for military exercise in Estonia.
“For the Russians NATO is seen as a hostile military threat.”-RT
- U.S., Poland to
Conduct Patriot Missile Exercise.
The exercise will involve some 100 U.S. soldiers and 30 vehicles at
a location on Polish territory.
The Air Force
has deployed 12 A-10 Thunderbolt II to Germany These
aircraft will forward-deploy to locations in Eastern European NATO
The US sent 600
troops to Poland.
US deployed six American F-15 aircraft inside Lithuania.
US Military in Estonia |
US stated that it wanted to send more troops to Romania.
- U.S., Poland to
Conduct Patriot Missile Exercise.
The exercise will involve some 100 U.S. soldiers and 30 vehicles at
a location on Polish territory.
has scheduled massive war games late this spring and early this
summer in Ukraine, Poland, Bulgaria and Moldova. The coincidence
of these war games represents a clear intention on the part of NATO
to consolidate military forces inside Russia’s neighbors.
launches war games near Russian border. Despite
being quick to condemn Russian military manoeuvers, NATO is
conducting wide-scale war games in the Baltic states and creating a
“line of troops” across Eastern Europe. The US denies a double
standard, but records and transcripts suggest otherwise. In
February, 140 NATO vehicles and 1400 troops swept through Narva, a mere
300 meters from the Russian border.
To counter NATO
aggressiveness, Russia announced a massive surprise military drill
earlier this week, putting forces all over the country on high alert
and conducting
exercises in the Baltic Sea, Black Sea, the Arctic and the Far East.
The ongoing snap check of the military involves about 76,000 troops,
over 10,000 vehicles, 65 warships, 16 support vessels, 15 submarines,
200 warplanes and helicopters. In
a shocking level of hypocrisy, double standards, and doublespeak, State
Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Russia’s
aviation exercises are “provocative and only serve to escalate
The American
people have no clue what is going on nor do most of
those in Europe. This is a conspiracy and a well designed military plan to take down Moscow. They are
playing with fire. In some respects the ‘project’ is now
impossible to stop.
The question for the moment is how long will this attack on Russia go on
and what level of conflict will result? The
United States government is now preparing for a nuclear attack and
its response
a nuclear attack be launched against the U.S. and its interests. Will it go nuclear? The plan is being called Global Lightning.
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