M. Richard Maxson
Christians claim Muhammad was a false prophet was he? Muhammad was born and raised in Mecca, a trading town. Since there wasn't enough trading in his adopted farming town of Medina to feed his growing clan and since he didn't know how to farm, Muhammad took to plundering passing caravans, and proved quite adept at robbery and murder. He had married a dominate strong willed woman, Khadija, whom he was married to for twenty-one years. There are some, during this time, that believed Muhammad was suffering from a type of possession, what is now called schizophrenia. One night, he told his wife Khadija about hearing voices and she told him they must be of an angel and he must be a prophet. By encouraging and interpreting his hallucinations, she was the beginning of Islam.
With his new found enlightenment and emboldened by his successes, Muhammad then took to plundering towns and massacred the inhabitants of some to make others submit. He even massacred some of those who did submit. For example, when the Jews of Banu Qurayza surrendered to him in 627 AD after a 25 day siege, Muhammad had all of the approximately 900 bound male captives beheaded. He reveled the carnage and murder. Today, when Muslims kill and plunder, they are following the example and the words of Muhammad to "kill the infidels wherever you find them" Islam started and grew by the fear of Muhammad’s sword.
Why do Christians claim Muhammad was a false prophet? When Muhammad conquered the pagan Mecca, it worshipped 360 idols. The four most important among them were the moon god, "Sin", also known as "Hubal", also known as "Allah", and his three daughters: Al-Lat, Al-Uzza and Al-Manat.
Muhammad's attempt to impose monotheism by keeping just one god, Allah and ridding the other 359 other idols faced resistance from Meccans who held Allah's three daughters very dear.
Eager to be accepted as a prophet in his native Mecca, Muhammad initially conceded that Allah approved of Al-Lat, Al-Uzza and Al-Manat. But unable to reconcile three extra goddesses with his declared monotheism, Muhammad later reversed himself, confessing, "I have fabricated things against Allah and have imputed to him words which he has not spoken." (Al Tabari, The History of Al-Tabari, vol. 6, p.111) He felt that Satan had deceived him down this wrong path. Given Allah's true identity, the words of Allah and Satan would not be hard to confuse. Had Muhammad claimed to be a prophet of the God of the Bible, however, someone who fabricates "things against" God is a false prophet whom God said above, "shall die".
So is Allah the God of the Bible, or is Allah the moon god of ancient pagan Arabia? While "Allah" could refer to God literally, the Allah of Islam is the moon god of ancient pagan Arabia. The Arabic word for "god" is "ilah", while "al" is the Arabic for "the". Therefore, "Allah" combines "al" with "ilah" and removes the "i", to literally means, "the god". "Allah" was the personal name given to the moon god, the highest of the 360 pagan idols worshipped in Mecca, Muhammad's home town.
What evidence is there that Islam's "Allah" is the pagan moon god of ancient Mecca?
Consider what the pagan Arabians did to worship their moon god, Allah; they prayed while bowing towards K'abah, the "house of Allah" in Mecca that houses a meteorite - a stone from space - several times a day, visited it once a year, and walked around it several times during their visit.
To worship their Allah today:
• Muslims pray bowing towards the K'abah in Mecca five times a day.
• About two million Muslims visit Mecca every year and walk around the K'abah (the black cube, which is 40 feet tall, on the right).
• The Muslim "holy" month of Ramadan starts at the sighting of a new crescent moon.
• Perched atop mosques across the world is the crescent moon (above), the symbol of Allah whom Muhammad chose as the god of Islam.
When confronted with the details above, Muslim typically re-assert that "Allah" still means "al" + "ilah" - i.e., "the" + "god" - and is same as the God of the Bible, not the moon god of pagan Mecca. They even point out that Arabic Christian Bibles uses "Allah" to refer to God. The "Allah" in the current Arabic Christian Bibles is literally "the God" and does refer to the God of the Bible. Advise Muslims that if this is really the "Allah" they are worshipping, then they should stop bowing down toward a meteorite five times a day and the crescent moon should neither start their "holy" month of Ramadan nor top their mosques. If the Allah they are worshipping is the God of the Bible, then they should worship Him as the Bible instructs, not the Koran which are the writings of a barbarous, murdering, lunatic.
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