M. Richard Maxson
Liberal billionaire George Soros, who has built a business empire that dominates across the ocean in Europe while forging a political machine powered by nonprofit foundations that impacts American politics and policy, unlike anything ever seen in this country. The liberal billionaire gave at least $33 million in one year to groups, such as Black Lives Matter and the Black Youth Project, that emboldened activists. Black Youth Project is a Soros-funded group. They received at least $350,000 from Open Society Foundations which is Soros’s foundation.
Mr. Soros, along with the Communist and Socialist parties of the United States, are now funding the Chicago protest movement as these groups did in Baltimore, Ferguson, and any other opportunity that invites itself to protest and chaos. Their goal is the end of this experiment in a Constitutional Republic. and the establishment of a corporate/socialist/quasi-patriotic mild form of Fascist government where laws can be flexible to meet any agenda.
Washington Times: George Soros Funded Ferguson Protests
Billionaire George Soros Trying To Stack the Courts - Critics
George Soros Group Devoting $8 Million To Assist Obama’s Immigration Order
George Soros and the Ford Foundation have donated $196 million to support pro-net neutrality
George Soros and the Ford Foundation have donated $196 million to support pro-net neutrality the Media Research Center is reporting. Both groups support changing the net neutrality rules. In addition, some of the groups they have funded are also directly linked to the Obama administration, including some individuals who now have positions at the White House. Such groups include the Center for American Progress, the American Civil Liberties Union, and Media Matters for America — all three support net neutrality. "These left-wing groups not only impacted the public debate and funded top liberal think tanks," the report from the Media Research Center states, "they also have direct ties to the White House and regulatory agencies." In addition, "at least five individuals from these groups have ascended to key positions at the White House and FCC," the report adds.…..and in Chicago - Economic Terrorism? Revolutionary Communists Shut Down Chicago’s Black Friday
‘Black Lives Matter’ is a title used by the media as sort of an overall descriptor of the protesters. Yet there are actually multiple subset groups within that bigger categorization. One of them, the Soros funded ' Black Youth Project 100, claims that it organizes for the liberation of ALL Black people. In the wake yesterday's protests, they have presented a list of demands. It reads:- We
demand all local, state and federal budgets to defund the police (abolition of all police)and invest those dollars and resources in Black futures.
- We want reparations for chattel slavery, Jim Crow and mass incarceration.
- We want to end all profit from so-called “criminal justice” punishment – both public and private.
- We want a guaranteed income for all, living wages, a federal jobs program, and freedom from discrimination for all workers.
- We want the labor of Black transgender and crossgender women (unseen and seen, unpaid and paid) to be valued and supported, not criminalized and marginalized.
- We want investments in Black communities that promote economic sustainability and eliminate the displacement of our people.
This nation is not what it once was when over 50% of millennials think that Communist Socialism is better than capitalism. The little things that you wouldn't notice are happening all around us whether it be things like these:
- Amazon.com has now banned all Confederate battle flag items from being sold on its site, but the massive e-commerce site continues to allow the sale of dozens of apparel items featuring communist mass murderers such as Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin and Che Guevara.
- Apple regardless of the context, but continues to allow dozens of apps that involve the Soviet Union. One Apple app called “15 Soviet” promises in its description to inform users of “the history of one of the greatest states of the century – the USSR.”
- There are also public displays of communist leaders on private property around the country. Seattle is home to a 16-foot bronze statue of Lenin, the founder of the Soviet Union. In New York City, a large statue of Lenin looks out over the city from atop a luxury apartment complex.