M. Richard Maxson
To our readers: I am finding that we here are continually having to bring to light the constant anti-Russian propaganda that has enveloped our media. This government has deludged the public with so much mis-information and out right lies that it may seem that we are a pro-Russian site. That we are not. We are pro-truth and are shocked and alarmed that this deliberate propaganda is being pushed daily in the media. As readers from around the world confirm - We are not alone.
R.W. Emerson II
I'm American. Please do not think that all Americans are stupid. //// Many of us are well aware of the way our country has been taken over by corporate fascists hell-bent on manufacturing a world war that will possibly destroy the human race. We know that the system uses fictitious "Threats" to justify its own aggression around the world. The current fictitious "Russia Threat" is no exception.
USAproRussia - Only ignorant citizens here hate Russia. The reason our establishment hates Russia so much are ..
A) They stand up to the global bankers and are an economic competitor and stand up to Western imperialism.
B) They are an economic competitor of Saudi Arabia and stand in the way of their imperialismC) The Neoleft can't stand their embrace of Christianity and standing up to the Neoleft's pet projects like the endless pushing of homosexuality.
D) Western politicians need a new "enemy" to use as a focal point for their lies etc.
These are the main reasons.
William Mount
We the American People are aware that the Eastern Ukrainian States have exercised their treaty obligations set forth in 1991 and have voted to rejoin Russia. We are calling on the world to arrest the Corporate Leaders of the United States Corporation for sending Americans to Eastern Ukraine to kill for their perverted corporate interests. - US Ambassador Mount
Jacqueline Brunder - I'm all for the Russians not interfering in Ukraine, if indeed they actually are, when the US stops interfering in the Ukraine, Scotland, England, France, Germany, Cyprus, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Canada, Mexico, Cuba, Puerto-Rico, the Marshal Islands, the Philippines, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and on and on and on and on. While the US exists none of the rest of us will ever be free.
Lisa Diane - I would LOVE to see a Pravda English news channel in the US!!! Then I could at least start watching news on TV again, instead of finding and reading REAL news online!
.Something that really annoys the NeoLeft establishment is how popular RT and Voice of Russia are becoming as alternative news sources. They are able to tell the truth about Washington that our media simply cannot say.
Its actually delightly fully funny. There is absolutely no need to tell lies or use propaganda to make Washington look bad. All that is needed is the TRUTH.Simply point out the truth about all of Americas illegal wars, drone killings. NSA spying, shredding of the Constitution, ridiculous homosexual agenda, anti-Christian policies, etc etc.
Larry Lund - Oh, please! You get more honesty sad to say from Pravda or RT then you do from the MSDNC, CNN or any of the alphabet news channels. Even fox isn't as great as it use to be years ago. Not with 13-15 liberals a day on FoxNews. As far as commies go, you may want to do a research on who Obama was counseled by growing up.
somanysmidgen - Russian's don't need any help recruiting anyone (spies) as long as New Yorkers continue to vote Communists into power.
d.carns - Russia is the only Humanitiarn in this situation. Ukraine do not want aid to East Ukraine as they are the facist coup in charge right now. USA and EU are supporting the illegal coup for political reason not Humanitiarn ones. When will the World realise who the real terrorists are. This people are freedon fighter trying to be independent. Just Like America was 200 years ago.??
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