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Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

How Democratic Socialism has Changed America


       George Sontag

        The rich and powerful, those who walk the corridors of power, are getting fat and happy under the Obama economic agenda.  The top 1%, the
millionaires and billionaires who the president loves to demagogue, although on the left they are his backers, earn a higher share of our national income than any time since 1928. It is the great lie, told by the Democrats, that has been perpetuated their media that the rich are the enemy, when if fact many of the Leftist rich are their partners. They push Socialism under the banner of "Progressive" yet it is not the kind that is most well known, no, it is a "corporate socialism" that creates massive wealth for the very few while leaving the rest of us to wonder - what happened? It is an indisputable fact that the current so-called Democratic party of the United States is the most anti-Constitutional party in our history as the following frightening(to patriots) statistics show:

  •  Fifty-six percent of those Democratic primary voters questioned said they felt positive about Socialism as a governing philosophy in this country, versus 29 percent who took a negative view. Sixty-nine percent of Sanders supporters see socialism in a positive light. Those supporting Hillary Clinton approve of Socialism - 52 percent to 32 percent. 63 percent of Democratic voters under the age of 30 rate it positively and African-Americans support Socialism by a ratio of 2 to 1.

  •  More unsettling to supporters of constitutional checks and balances is the finding that 43% of Democrats believe the president should have the right to ignore the courts. 

  •  Fifty-eight percent (58%) of Democrats think the president should take action alone if Congress does not approve his proposals.

      On controversial matters Democrats want to pick and choose when the law is followed depending on their current agenda. The disgraceful Department of (in)Justice is a glaring example of Fascism in our government. The law is to be enforced only when the dictator in the white house says so, but they also want a president who follows the law when they disapprove of any potentially disagreeable action he might take. They want it both ways to suit the moment.

      Contrary to our Founding Fathers decree, the Democrat Party declares that our rights are gifts from Government, not the creator. The Democrat Party’s changing composition makes it possible to be openly anti-God. It’s now made up of a very rich urban elite and the poor. The urban elite despises God. In the coming years, we will hear a lot about how progressive Europeans are leading the way in casting off the shackles of religion. Their ideology is just Socialism with a thin veneer of Jesus.

      Democrats, the left, Progressives have always been the party of permanent class status. Where would the Democrat’s be without the “exploited” worker? Where would they be without the “struggling” man? The Democrat left has exploited, plundered, and manipulated their way into power since they first justified laws that banned freed slaves from owning weapons for self-defense. They appeal to those who identify themselves as victims in the same way Socialists and Communists appealed to the oppressed masses of Europe and Russia. The truth is, their policies only promise the destruction of the powerful, not the empowerment of the oppressed. And thus, the “victims” will forever remain “victims” of urban violence, failing schools, deteriorating infrastructure and welfare dependency.

      The average citizen today is clueless as to what has happened in America. Our schools no longer teach our youth of our country's founding principals. They are slowly indoctrinated with anti-constituional propaganda that degrades our nation's past. We see our county's foundations being warped and molded into a new form of government that does not aspire to American tradition of selflessness when it comes to patriotism. It is quite the opposite. Democratic Socialists win because their narrative works on an emotional level -- us against them. Bad, selfish people -- known as Republicans or the right -- want to stop the good and the decent -- known as Democrats or the left -- from their right to health care, right to a job, right to a job with a "livable wage" and
the right to not only enjoy one's own lifestyle but to shut down freedom of expression by branding their critics as racists, sexists or homophobes. Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini would be proud.

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