‘The atmosphere at the FBI has been toxic ever since Jim announced last July that he wouldn’t recommend an indictment against Hillary. ‘He’s been ignoring the many resignation letters of agents in the hope that he could find a way of remedying the situation,’ said the source.
About Us
Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.
Monday, October 31, 2016
Constituitonal Crisis
‘The atmosphere at the FBI has been toxic ever since Jim announced last July that he wouldn’t recommend an indictment against Hillary. ‘He’s been ignoring the many resignation letters of agents in the hope that he could find a way of remedying the situation,’ said the source.
Sunday, October 23, 2016
What Drives Vladamir Putin?
Phillip Todd
Most Russians look back on the 1990s and they see this as a time of humiliation and chaos, where the U.S. was able to — quote, unquote — “dictate to Russia” what it should do. Putin’s claim to fame, his appeal to his population is that he has brought Russia back from a humiliating political system and despite the West’s best efforts to portray Russia as the perennial villain on the global stage, it actually remains one of the last bastions of family-oriented values in a world that is being swept away by a tidal wave of godless liberalism. Russia really offers a different model to the world.
Putin has now claimed a turf for Russia, saying that Russia is sort of the leader of a new conservative international system. He blames the United States and the Europeans for having lost their way, that Russia is now the harbinger of traditional family values. He also appeals to the Christian world for that, and that in fact Russia is now the harbinger of true Christian values, and that it respects the absolute sovereignty of other countries. It doesn’t go around the world telling other countries how they should live or what kind of political system they should have. He, rightfully so, blames the United States and the Europeans for behaving like the Soviet Union and trying to impose their value system and their political system on other countries.
That is the problem or a very big part of it, that in the ’90s we really thought that
Russia wanted to become like the West, wanted to adopt our values, our political system. It became increasingly clear that it didn’t. With the death of its Marxist-Leninist ideology, Russia was moving back toward its religious and Orthodox roots. Secretly baptized at birth by his mother, Putin has embraced this. Increasingly, religious Russians look on America, with our Hollywood values and celebrations of homosexuality, as a sick society, a focus of cultural and moral evil in the world. They cite as proof the U.S. medias demand that our governments stand with "the persecuted rock band" of young women who desecrated with obscene acts the high altar of Moscow's most sacred cathedral. It is clear to them that the U.S. motivation was the defense of homosexuality and the destruction of religion and family. It is the direct opposite of Russian values.
* Philip Todd in the European columnist for The American Constituionalist.
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Media Beats the Elitists Drums of World War III
Oct 4, 2016
Russia has warned citizens that a nuclear war with the West could be imminent – sparked by clashes in the Middle East.Zvezda, a nationwide TV service run by the country’s Ministry of Defence, said last week, ‘Schizophrenics from America are sharpening nuclear weapons for Moscow.’ Officials said on Friday that underground shelters had been built which could house 12 milion people – enough for the entire population of Moscow.
Saturday, October 8, 2016
The Best is Gone and I'm Sorry - A Letter to my Daughter
- I’m sorry you have liberal friends that you believe.
- I’m sorry they have lied to you.
- I’m sorry you are growing up believing stuff that sounds good but simply isn’t true.
- I’m sorry your school was no better than the liberal indoctrination camps people like your self-righteous Democrats call public schools.
- I’m sorry you will probably miss the meaningful education of committing to defend our country and our Constitution with your life would provide for you.
- I’m sorry that more people like myself don’t confront the lies people like your friends and liberal teachers tell you.
- I'm sorry that you don't understand that Socialism has never succeeded throughout history and that it's pursuit has cause the deaths of millions of people in the last century.
- I’m sorry that you are nothing like the “one percent.”
- I’m sorry you don’t know that I’m talking about that percent who has the courage to swear that oath to defend freedom and opportunity for all Americans not just those you pretend to pity.
- I’m talking about that one percent standing guard around the world tonight protecting you from your liberal friends worst nightmares.
- I’m talking about the percent prepared to die to protect your right to say repulsive nonsense.
- I’m truly sorry that you don’t know the truth about your own country.
- I’m sorry that you don’t know the truth about the real history of slavery in the world.
- I’m sorry that you don’t know that Muslims brutally enslaved black Africans long before Europeans ever did.
- I’m sorry that you don’t understand that Muslims are still brutally enslaving black Africans and other people to this very day.
- I'm sorry you've been led to believe that Islam is a “real” religion.
- I'm sorry that you don't recognize it as a murderous cult that enslaves women and brutalizes humanity.
- I’m sorry people like your liberal friends find this truth so offensive.
- I’m sorry people like your liberal friends expect me to ignore reality and to keep my mouth shut.
- I'm sorry that one political party has been so completely corrupted and the other is destroying itself.
- I’m sorry that you and your liberal friends don’t realize just how screwed up the world you live in actually is – thanks in large part to the lies that liberals claim are true.
- I’m sorry I never had the opportunity to offer your liberal friends a reality check.
- I'm sorry that important news topics are hidden from you by a disgraceful controlled media.
- I'm sorry that you don't understand that the public is being used and it is masked by celebrity gossip and opinions that have no substance.
- I’m sorry you don’t even know what truth is.
- I am sorry that you want to feel guilty for being born in America.
- I’m sorry that you don’t understand the sacrifice brave Americans made for you and for the Americans you pretentiously pity.
- I'm sorry that you can't embrace your own heritage.
- I’m not sorry that you don’t know what it’s like to be a white boy with no money and no father like my I was when I was young.
- I’m not sorry that you don’t know what it’s like to have parents addicted to crack or heroin -- like many kids that I knew personally.
- I am sorry that people like President Obama and Hillary Clinton pretend dealing drugs in the ghetto is not a violent crime.
- I am sorry that our government lies right to our face and your liberal friends believe every word.
- I'm sorry that minority families in this country suffer every time the government passes a bill meant to “help” them just so they can continue to get their votes.
- I am sorry that liberals like your friends deny truth, especially when doing so makes life so much harder for people liberals pretend to care about.
- I'm sorry that there are many in our society want our Republic revoked in the name of “Progressive Change.”
- I'm sorry you will never know how the United States once had a Constitution that everyone stood by.
- I am very sorry that country no longer exists for you and your children.
Sunday, October 2, 2016
The Mainstream Media Admits Destroying It's Credibility
M. Richard Maxson
What happened to the watchdog media? Sadly, in this day of Obama, they have turned into the lapdog media. When Republicans are in office, liberal journalists become quite aggressive and love to launch investigations. When Democrats are in office, these same journalists help the politicians cover up their misdeeds. The identical press that blasted George W. Bush throughout his administration is totally uninterested in examining President Obama’s failed policies, broken promises and his weak leadership or the near criminal conduct of candidate Hillary Clinton. In the past, politicians could expect rough treatment from the media if they crossed the line. In today's America, if a journalist criticizes a Democrat, the tough media critic is ostracized and eventually removed from their positions.