Phillip Todd
Most Russians look back on the 1990s and they see this as a time of humiliation and chaos, where the U.S. was able to — quote, unquote — “dictate to Russia” what it should do. Putin’s claim to fame, his appeal to his population is that he has brought Russia back from a humiliating political system and despite the West’s best efforts to portray Russia as the perennial villain on the global stage, it actually remains one of the last bastions of family-oriented values in a world that is being swept away by a tidal wave of godless liberalism. Russia really offers a different model to the world.
Putin has now claimed a turf for Russia, saying that Russia is sort of the leader of a new conservative international system. He blames the United States and the Europeans for having lost their way, that Russia is now the harbinger of traditional family values. He also appeals to the Christian world for that, and that in fact Russia is now the harbinger of true Christian values, and that it respects the absolute sovereignty of other countries. It doesn’t go around the world telling other countries how they should live or what kind of political system they should have. He, rightfully so, blames the United States and the Europeans for behaving like the Soviet Union and trying to impose their value system and their political system on other countries.
That is the problem or a very big part of it, that in the ’90s we really thought that
Russia wanted to become like the West, wanted to adopt our values, our political system. It became increasingly clear that it didn’t. With the death of its Marxist-Leninist ideology, Russia was moving back toward its religious and Orthodox roots. Secretly baptized at birth by his mother, Putin has embraced this. Increasingly, religious Russians look on America, with our Hollywood values and celebrations of homosexuality, as a sick society, a focus of cultural and moral evil in the world. They cite as proof the U.S. medias demand that our governments stand with "the persecuted rock band" of young women who desecrated with obscene acts the high altar of Moscow's most sacred cathedral. It is clear to them that the U.S. motivation was the defense of homosexuality and the destruction of religion and family. It is the direct opposite of Russian values.
* Philip Todd in the European columnist for The American Constituionalist.
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