About Us

Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Where Are We - Who Are We?


       M. Richard Maxson

      As the election of 2016 closed in we here at The American Constituionalist met to discuss whether or not to cease publishing this blog. Our focus was on the need for such a forum. Some were of the opinion that the United States and it's constitution were now in the dustbin of history and with coronation of Queen Hillary - Democratic Corporate Socialism would completely engulf this once proud nation. What our fellows did not know is that through the efforts of others and ourselves the story of the tallying of the votes by the Soros machine was heard. One by one, many states disconnected and counted their own votes for submission. The overwhelming surge from middle America at the polls could not be hidden or denied. They came out in huge numbers, perhaps not to vote for the Republican, but to vote for America, the Constitution, and against the Socialism of the Democratic party. We shall see where President-elect Trump takes us back to the Founder's ideals or somewhere else, but what became apparent to us is that our work is not done. We will continue to speak out against the lies and propaganda that is leading America, as we have known it, towards it's destruction.

      With over 200 articles on this incarnation of the blog, you, the readers, have a treasure trove of truth to explore without bias or propaganda. As this being the end of the year, we are bringing our readers up to date on the history, modest accomplishments, and consequences of publishing - The American Constitutionalist. 


      Before the public was aware, before the whistle-blowers, before Edward Snowden's massive trove of proof, we published our first piece on the massive eves-dropping and information intrusion on the American people. The AC immediately drew a response from the government. Our publisher's son had his security clearance revoked (They thought it was his blog) and all persons connected to The American Constituionalist were put on the U.S. government's “watch list” where we remain to this day. We found that the use of “key words” triggered the surveillance system to spy on whoever used them. Some of these “key words” are Liberty, Founders, Vote(r), Bilderburger, Propaganda, Soros, Ukraine, Islam, Bankers, and, believe it or not, Constitution just to name a few.


      After publishing a number of articles on a once a month basis (many of these were written by authors with similar viewpoints and they were credited for their work) this blog disappeared from the internet! We repeatedly inquired to our publishing agent as to what happened and where the blog had gone. We were met for months with silence. To this day we still have no answers for it's mysterious disappearance. Not to be deterred we started anew only to find out that our domain name had been frozen. We did not want to leave our readers, our work, unfinished – so now our domain name has the word “the” - twice in it (eg, thetheamericanconstituionalist@blogspot.com.) By doing this we have been buried in the nation's search engines making it very difficult for new inquiring minds to find us.


      If we are to bring America back to it's greatness we must return to the time tested wisdom of our Founding Fathers. To accomplish that we patriots MUST take back the Democratic party from the Communist Socialist element that now have it firmly in their grasp as they stated they would do in goal #15 in the declaration of 1963 (See: http://rense.com/general32/americ.htm ) There are still a few non-radicals within the party that want their organization back. They are in denial of the truth and as you can see by their demands they are really outside of what the party stands for today. Here is a list of goals from that small number of constitutional patriotic members of the Democratic party:

1. Elites Must Go. We will push aggressively for a constitutional amendment for term limits. We also support a lifetime ban on elected officials serving as lobbyists. You don’t drain a swamp just to let it fill back up again.

2. Fair Trade. NAFTA and the World Trade Organization must be renegotiated. For 20 years, we have shipped jobs abroad with the promise of cheap goods and better jobs in return. Economists acknowledge this arrangement has failed.

3. Economic Vitality. We support rebuilding America’s infrastructure to facilitate job growth and protect the health of our people. This is especially true in rural America and inner cities. Meanwhile, we must address the economic tsunami heading our way: Silicon Valley’s automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence.

4. Education. We staunchly support public education and recognize the tough position of today’s teachers. Still, there is room for reform. Charter schools are part of that solution.

5. Energy. The elites shipped us off to wars and conflicts or oil. No more. It’s time to rebuild our electrical grid and let the free market develop solar, wind and natural gas projects in its place; no Solyndras.

6. National Security. We embrace the goal of making countries democratic, but not by the barrel of a gun. Wars like Iraq and Libya must end. Next, our fight against terrorism should include a tough line against the radical Islamic ideology that pours from Saudi Arabia. Finally, we must build an aggressive capacity to address asymmetrical threats like cyber attacks.

7. Corporate America. Wells Fargo recently admitted to opening up two million fake accounts in our names. This isn’t an anomaly: big corporations often chase profits at the expense of the American worker. We will fight any efforts to roll back common sense rules to keep businesses honest.

8. Environment. The Iroquois tribe had it right – every decision should consider how it would impact seven generations in the future. Our posterity deserves the cleanest water and freshest air we can give them, even if that means we sacrifice today.

9. Social Issues. The government should get out of our bodies, our bedrooms, and our churches. So long as our choices don’t involve taxpayer money, it’s no one’s business but our own. Next, we reject identity politics and their corrosive effects on the nation. Finally, we embrace individual responsibility and accountability.

10. Social Safety Net. We understand that the government can be a force for good if it’s directed properly. Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are prime examples of that. We are amenable to reform but not if it undermines America’s basic protections for the most vulnerable.

      As we offer these principles to the America people, we also extend a hand to Mr. Trump. We are ready and eager to cooperate where it fits these values, but will stand firm if pushed too far. Still, we stand shoulder to shoulder with all Americans who – whether they voted for Trump or not – want to make America great again. "We are Democrats who want the same."

      If the party realizes these goals, then together we can reclaim our media and eduction system putting an end to the leftist Socialism that has our country in it's grip. This declaration is proof that there are decent patriots left in the party. They may only number less than 20% but that may be enough to reverse the march towards Socialism. It has to be.

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