Def. Doublespeak:
that deliberately disguises, distorts, reverses, or redefines
meaning to further an agenda.
Doublespeak is language which pretends to communicate but doesn't. It is
language which makes the bad seem good, the negative seem positive,
the unpleasant seem unattractive. It is language which avoids,
shifts or denies responsibility.
may take the form of euphemisms, unsupported generalizations, or
deliberate ambiguity. Contrast with plain
is language which conceals or prevents thought.
is a tool of Socialism and used religiously by the Left in this
country. It is most closely associated with political language. "Political
language . . . is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder
respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind." -George
Orwell, "Politics and the English Language,"-1946.
us delve into today's world of our controlled media's codewords as to
better understand exactly what they are trying to convey by stating
what they are not stating.
No liberals were hurt while throwing bricks through windows,
demanding “Death to the pigs” or getting together in large gangs
to waylay small, lone counter protesters from behind.
Trumps Hate”
Screaming obscenities, smashing windows and assaulting people to show
that you’re loving and they’re hateful.
News” –
News from non-liberal sources.
A wonderful thing when it comes to killing babies, but awful when
it’s applied to guns, schools, opting out of Social security or
having less government in your life.
Disagreeing with the abortion of female babies or being against
mentally ill men being allowed to use the bathroom with women.
Something that’s horrible and should never happen unless it
involves Planned Parenthood, PBS or NPR.
-- Cutting
into Democrat vote totals by taking any steps to prevent voter fraud.
When Republicans cooperate with Democrats to push the liberal agenda.
Not to be confused with “selling out” which happens when liberals
cooperate with Republicans to push their agenda
American Flag”
A symbol of oppression waved by ignorant citizens dumb enough to
think that this is a great place to live.
– An outdated, irrelevant document that should be ignored unless
you are claiming that some liberal agenda item is guaranteed by it
despite the fact that no one noticed it for 200 years.
People who want to cut spending, abide by the Constitution and get
the government off your back.
A group of liberals who agree on every single issue, but also must be
gay, black, female, Hispanic or transsexual.
Those who believe that people should be judged by the content of
their character, not the color of their skin and those who believe in
enforcing the immigration laws that are already on the books.
change denier”
Someone who actually judges global warming based on the available
scientific evidence instead of coming up with a socialistic agenda
first and then passing out grant money to any scientists who are
willing to attempt to justify it.
white male”
A white guy who votes Republican.
Islam” –
Words you’re not supposed to say because it may make people who are
trying to kill us in the name of their religion mad.
speak a different language within the United States. It is the
language of deceit – smoke and mirrors. A five second soundbite
taken out of context becomes truth within hours of it's publication.
Keeping America confused and at each others throats to distract
everyone from what is really happening allows their covert agenda to
move forward. It is an un-Constitutional, anti-American agenda
and the war for truth, we are losing.
word doublespeak
is a neologism based on the compounds Newspeak and Doublethink in
George Orwell's novel 1984 (1949)