Zeno Potas
Progressivism was the
word used in the early twentieth century to denote Socialist ideas of
big government while stopping just short of Communism. The word
Progressivism is still used today in the West as a proxy for a
Socialist form of government. Many believe that the end result of a
Socialist state is, inevitably - Communism, the loss of all
individuality and freedoms. In this country it would be the end of
the Constitution.
could it happen - now?
The Art of War, written 2500 years ago, Sun Tzu said, "Fighting
on a battlefield is the most primitive way of making war. There is no
art higher than to destroy your enemy without a fight by subverting
anything of value in his country."
January 10, 1963, the House of Representative and later the Senate
began reviewing a document entitled "Communist Goals for Taking
Over America." It contained an agenda of 45 separate issues
that, in hindsight was quite shocking back then and equally shocking
today. As in the book The Naked Communist written by FBI agent
Cleon Skousen, it is a series of Communist goals for incapacitating
the US without firing a shot.
The list of 45
Communist goals contained in the book was read into the Congressional
Record (Appendix, pp. A34-A35) by U.S. Congressman Albert S. Herlong,
Jr. of Florida, on January 10, 1963
in part, are some key points listed in that document.
the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned,
out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between
nations on a worldwide basis.
down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and
obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
any Progressive movement to give centralized control over any part
of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental
health clinics, etc.
Now, I am not
saying that the U.S. is under some kind of Communist control, but
what I do find frightening, is of the issues listed, all of them have
come to pass. Remember this was in January 1963. The year in now 2017
and the number of these "goals" that have completely
engulfed our society should chill every Constitutionalist to their
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