- History demonstrates that no nation can long survive if it forgets why it exists.
- We must condemn violence and evil wherever it occurs. The racist philosophy of the alt-right is evil. The violence of the alt-right is evil. The Communist philosophy of Antifa is evil. So is the violence of Antifa. If we are to survive as a republic, we must stop providing cover to anarchists and Communists who seek to hide behind self-proclaimed righteousness and the media to participate in violence.
- Eighty percent of humanity lives on less than $10 a day. Meanwhile, 96% of the poor in America have televisions, 93% have microwaves and 81% have cell phones. Those who advocate for market capitalism and limited government must be able to explain that those who gain the most from this system are the poor.
- It’s not our job to bring in the billions of people on the planet who are desperately poor, in a war torn area or just have a horrible life. In fact, if we did do that, all we’d accomplish would be to turn ourselves into another one of those horrible countries.
- Our failure to inculcate American traditions, beliefs and history, even in the native born, not to mention immigrants, is rapidly destroying the country bequeathed to us by our forebears.
- When I was growing up, we were taught the stories of people whose inventions and scientific discoveries had expanded the lives of millions of other people. Today, students are being taught to admire those who complain, denounce, and demand.
- Having real freedom means you get to make real choices and when that happens, some of those choices will work out better than others.
- Already many people are complaining that the America they grew up in, and loved, is being changed into something they can barely recognize. Record numbers are renouncing their American citizenship.
- Today,
politics is the art of convincing the public that you can
make reality disappear if it votes for you. Reality is
unpleasant. That's why so few politicians seem willing
to face up to it.
- China began its experiment with capitalism in 1978 and within 25 years, more than 600 million people have been moved out of poverty. The same is happening in India today. So why are we pursuing Progressive Socialism?
- Our future looks decidedly Orwellian, with Big Brother government in charge and the Progressive's concept of American liberty a quaint notion from yesteryear.
- In the American creed, the rights of man far outweigh the importance of the will of men.
- When
you give the government unlimited power to create “equality,”
you also give it the power to tilt the playing field towards corrupt
businesses that have every incentive to try to take advantage of it.
- The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge
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