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Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Confession and Confusion of a Progressive

As Told To,

       George Sontag*

      Most of my life I identified as a Liberal. I was an ardent supporter of Bill Clinton, a critic of George W. Bush and later was absolutely enamored with Barack Obama. In fact, in early 2008, I felt that the Obama presidency might be historic so I went to see the man in person. I was not disappointed. Not only did I find him to be even more charismatic and articulate than I even thought he was, I was even more convinced that he was about to bring “Change We Can Believe In.” The moment was electric, as it felt like I was seeing into the soul of one of the greatest and most sincere leaders the world has ever known. I may have been willing to give him my left arm right then and there if he asked for it.

      Twelve years later, much has changed–and it is not the ‘change we can believe in’ that Obama was touting in 2004 but a change within me. As an intelligent person I subscribe to the notion that if our thinking is to continue to grow and evolve, we must always subject our own cherished beliefs to scrutiny, especially in the face of events that contradict them. While I found many of Obama’s early speeches to be inspiring and captivating, some of the policies coming out of his administration were a bit disturbing.

      During his second term I could see that his actions in the world appeared contradictory to his promise of peaceful collaboration, while his rhetoric, always measured, became more serious and less heartening. However, I went along with the popular theory that Obama was highly compromised, as all presidents are, and that he had to ‘play ball’ with the powerful forces behind American politics instead of really doing what he wanted if he was to avoid the fate of JFK.

      Today, I believe I have been fooled. I can’t say that I know for sure who Barack Obama is, or ever was. There is mounting evidence that seems to show that he has been part of criminal activity like massive illegal domestic surveillance, unjust violence abroad under the fog of war and terrorism, a reduction of protections for whistle-blowers, and huge cover-ups of the illegal activities of people connected to his administration.

      Anyone who paid any attention at all to what was going on during the Obama years would know that what happened in the summer of 2016 within Obama’s Justice Department was the climax of an eight-year crescendo of partisan corruption, intent on protecting Obama’s legacy From the earliest days of the Obama administration, the Obama/Holder/Lynch Justice Department protected political allies from justice. Obama blocked a corruption probe that implicated former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) for bribery. He also illegally fired an inspector general who was investigating an Obama friend and donor. Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder worked in concert to protect each other. Holder would stonewall congressional investigations into Obama administration corruption and Obama would assert executive privilege to keep damaging information away from the eyes of investigators, such as crucial documents in the Fast and Furious investigation.

      Was this American Constitutionalist right? Was he a Manchurian candidate of the Leftist elite from the start, or was he an idealistic community organizer who rose to great heights only to get the hammer of reality dropped on him when he was inaugurated? Did he succumb to threats, bribes, and other such enticements to become ideologically and morally aligned with dark forces? He currently portrays himself, as a good person and a great president whose administration, in his words, ‘didn’t have a scandal’?  Since his net worth has gone up by 163 times since he left the White House that alone bears investigation. Was he paid off as a puppet of the Leftist elite as we have stated for over 10 years and now reaps the windfall promised him? If the Democrats win in November  it will probably never be addressed but if they loose, much more will be revealed. 
Let’s see where the evidence leads
 * This is the 400th post in this edition of The American Constitutionalist

1 comment:

  1. Barack Hussein Obama wrote a couple of books before he ever became a presidential candidate. My husband and I read them, as we were had never heard of BHO before, and we were very curious. After reading BHO's books we were completely against his campaign and would tell everyone we spoke with why.

    It was astounding to us that the media continously covered for that sack of human excrement. We were floored watching so-called journalists falling all over themselves to help BHO whenever he screwed up in interviews.

    Barack Hussein Obama hates the United States and wants to destroy it. BHO articulates his true love in his books: Marxism and Islam. Our media is complicit in the destruction of this country. The media should've exposed BHO's books and their content to the light of day, instead they hid it all.

    Now the media is doing the same thing for Joe Biden, by defecting and covering anything that would make the average voter think twice about voting for Biden (e.g. Hunter Biden's dealings with the Ukraine and China). I fear that the fourth estate is completely rotten to the core, and our country is too hooked on distractions to do their own research before voting. Our Republic is circling the drain.
