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Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.

Friday, March 31, 2023

If You Want America To Be Great - You're a Terrorist


       M. Richard Maxson

      After decades of abandoning history and civics in the collectivist education system, much of America is in a media induced coma resulting from their relentless attack and attempted demonetization of President Trump, the man who has exposed the recipients of the DC money machine, also known as “the swamp”. He reinvigorated patriotism in a time of confusion and chaos. Make America great, again was his campaign slogan which started a movement pushing him into the White House. A movement that terrified those elite who have been milking the system in the shadows for decades. Those who were fundamentally changing America.

      Thus began the all out assault on all things associated with make America great. They continued their attack on the president anyway they could. Don’t let the Constitution or rule of law get in the way. Don’t like the law? Change it. Until then ignore it. They attempted to demonize even the wearing of a red cap as, of course, racist. They have gone so far as to label those who believe in a great America, TERRORISTS!! That from the lips of the regimes figurehead, Mr. Biden.

      After investigation any non-radicalized person can plainly see that MAGA is not evil and a threat to democracy. It is a set of principles grounded in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution of the United States. The underlying principles of MAGA including charity begins at home by focusing on the problems of America but not being a piggy bank and a police department for the rest of the world.

     The American public either not understanding, because of the constant propaganda, or not caring that the real danger is not MAGA but the totalitarian DNA that has affected the Democrats and Socialist elite in power. These are the one’s that are against making America a great country. They rather want no borders and a world government. THEY DO NOT WANT TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT. They want the Constitutional Republic to DIE.

      When we objectively look at an American first platform we see like adherence to the rule of law an equal application of to all strata of society, not that two tiered application for the politically connected elite, and put an end to the catch and release career criminals program that have made urban centers unlivable leading to mass exodus from many democrats cities and states.

      The tenants of MAGA are in the roots of conservationism is which means to conserve the Constitution are the Constitutional Republic governance structure and the enumerated powers that restrict the type of out of control governments and taxation's we see now. Once we cut through the lies and you can now see, in each topic listed, why the elite are pushing back on MAGA.

      MAGA stresses individual professional and political responsibility and accountability. It believes in the constitutional guarantees of individual liberty in which people choose courses of action. If you commit a crime expect to be punished. If you choose to take out a loan for worthless college degree expect to pay it back. If a politician or government bureaucrat makes policy with negative outcomes - own it and take responsibility not blame everyone else.

     MAGA also believes in individual liberty and freedom to the laws and regulations that inhibit the grayer and tied rights of individuals could be limited in scope. Most government rules to control our behavior and regulations located by the various self perpetuating government agencies. This is the shadow government. Un-elected official, many times UN-constituionally making laws and enforcing them. Latest survey of these type of bureaucrats showed that almost 60% were UN-quaififed for the job they were in. (See: recent confirmation hearings)

      MAGA focuses on enforcing voting laws not making it hard to vote and disenfranchising any group, but making it hard to cheat and ensuring the principles of being a citizen and identifying herself as a registered voter. And a MAGA supports one citizen one vote in the traditional of a constitutional Republic. And MAGA focuses on border security. This year alone two million illegals have walked uninhabited across the border. The army division is about 10,000 members and there are 120 inactive status. That means Biden has allowed over 200 army divisions of possible hostile forces to enter the U.S.. What reason could be there be for that use your head. Perhaps open borders make rich liberals and safe suburbs deal perch was but it is a National Security arrest anyone who can think beyond their liberal emotion state.

      MAGA supports parents at school boards wanting to take back control their kids' education for progressive teacher unions and school board to consider their children's the wards of the state remember Hillary Clinton says it takes a village to raise our children? That village is the cover. Yet these concerned parents consider domestic terrace by the government for wanting to control wanting to diminish the government's total control over their children and indoctrinating them with their own personal view of the world. They achieve this through the Department of Education which chooses the propaganda to be used. Don’t comply, no federal funds for your schools. Can we say blackmail? 

      Totalitarians use certain techniques that is seen in this country of projection transference, gaslighting and scapegoating to dehumanize their political targets and condition their weak-minded followers to accept any form of atrocity against their political enemy. The behavior projected by Democrats and the Socialists that control their party on MAGA are the exact actions that totalitarians have used as a divide and control. Mr. Biden labeling and MAGA racist and there’s one behind every tree, scapegoating, and bothering, intimidating incarcerating political opponents inciting violence in the streets with their militia ANTIFA and BLM destroying the economy and strengthening the coercive power of the state. Americans, like the Germans of the 1930s, sit and watch as the new brown shirts dish out the hate and lies every night on the national news(?)

      What is frightening is the uniformity and vitriolic tone of these lies of fascist from all Democrats to demonize 71 million Americans who voted for President Trump, questioned the 2020 election going so far as to call for their elimination. Yes, death to all those who want to make America great. This is exactly the tactics Hitler, Lennon, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, and every dictator used to justify horrendous atrocities against those they labeled enemies of the state.

Friday, March 24, 2023

The Western World Has Been Had and It Continues Unabated


       Zeno Potas

      I can’t understand why people haven’t figured it out yet? The ‘pandemic’ and the war in Ukraine are both nothing more than a cover-story for an economic collapse and an monetary system re-set. Do you think for a minute that the “Great Reset” is something that they just drew-up during the pandemic? It's something that would have been in the works for a decade at least. Don' think that Universal Basic Income is something that was just dreamt-up in the past year, nor is Modern Monetary Theory? No, these things have been in the works for decades now. Can’t you see that if this was a real pandemic there would have been far more important issues for the ‘authorities’ to concentrate on?

      Don’t you ever ask yourself why all of these drastic societal changes are coming into play at this time? Are these society-restructuring schemes of paramount importance to you right now? I would think not, yet they immediately went to work getting you or-board with huge changes to your life.

      Remember how in the very first day they started talking about the "New Normal’ on TV every day; not only in the news but on the TV ads. TV ads take lots of time to produce yet they were all ready to go, just sitting there waiting for the signal to air them. There were no drastic, permanent changes made to society after the 1918 influenza pandemic, so you can't say that they were basing their forecast on that.

      Have you noticed that the stock markets went to an all time high? The housing markets continues to inflate into a huge bubble. Does this make sense in the middle of a pandemic? Have you noticed that the central banks have been printing money by the trillions over the past year? Does that sound like a prudent and valid response to a pandemic? The hyperinflation resulting from these trillions of new dollars are currently being hidden in the stock market bubble, the housing bubble, and even in things such as Bitcoin which surpassed $50,000 US at one time. Pandemics usually play-out in mass deaths and great sorrow; not massive investment speculation and enthusiastic home buying on the part of the general public

      What really happened is that back in September of 2019 the economic system finally started imploding and that was their cue to start implementing all of the grandiose plans they have had in the works for decades. But they had a problem; how to cover for all of the economic destruction that would result from the collapse and the implementation of the new system without letting the masses realize that the economic woes are the result of actions taken by those in power. After all the people aren't going to readily accept a new monetary system from the same people whose actions and fraud caused the economic disaster in the first place. In fact, the people would likely decide to bring criminal actions against those responsible.

      The brilliant answer that they came up with was to use a fake pandemic as a cover. The pandemic could be blamed for the closure of businesses and the economic crisis that would ensue. As long as people can be convinced to be afraid of the pandemic’ they will believe that the economic devastation was just an unavoidable consequence of a fully justified lock-down.

Sunday, March 12, 2023

America's Dangerous Corporate Media


       M. Richard Maxson

      There’s a reason why freedom of speech and of the

press are both in the First Amendment. Yet in the last ten years, no single institution has done more damage to our country than the media. Virtually everything the media told us over the past six years was wrong. The mainstream media clearly love to control and even construct a narrative that serves their best interests. The Trump Russian collusion and practically everything on President Trump since 2015. Covid, all of it, the origins and the fact that American taxpayers money was used to illegally contract the research and created this virus. The Hunter Biden laptop, a story that would have changed(?) the faux election and the list goes on and on. These lies thrust on the American people daily could not have been possible without the aide and abetment of the media.

         It is intentionally(?) separating Americans into their two camps—one camp getting their information from leftist, corporate media and the other camp scampering to get news from the ever shrinking conservative alternative media. Dividing America like nothing before.

      To see just how dangerous the media has become we just need to look an industry that is engulfed in leftist RightSpeak and one-sided reporting rivaling some of the world’s best state media organs. The media has acted as a mouthpiece for the administrative state and the Democratic Party. Look at any network’s national news and you will see multiple quotes from Democrats, none or very little from Republicans. When the Democrat Socialists controlled the House we had reports every day on what was happening, but now, even though the other party controls the House and are passing legislation, there is almost no mention, unless a D/S has a negative comment. A recent Gallup poll on the media found that only 37 percent of Americans believe news organizations generally get the facts straight, a statistic unchanged from last year. What was noteworthy was the major partisan gap in this view. The survey found that just 14 percent of Republicans think the media “get the facts straight” compared to 62 percent of Democrats. Do you wonder why?

      When the media is proven wrong over and over and over there is no apology. State propaganda requires no apology, they just pretend it never happened or change the subject. The hoax did what it was supposed to. The first headline or story put forth as “breaking news” becomes the truth. If a correction is issued, it’s in fine print off page one. The damage is done. Most people don’t research what they are told because. They blindly believe it, repeating it to friends, making jokes about it. So, when the truth comes out, they WON’T believe it. It is too ingrained. The vast majority of people seldom want to hear anything that challenge their beliefs so they won’t read it and they don’t share it with their friends. Change the subject is the most common occurrence when the programmed, under-informed are pushed. They will never say they were wrong. They were fooled. They will never admit truth. This was the doing of the corporate media.

      Our perceptions on events like these are highly controlled and influenced. Much of our thoughts are given to us instead of us putting on our critical thinking caps and examining for ourselves. We cannot continue to give our own minds away to this entity of deception. The more we understand how our world really functions, the more we can begin to see through the lies and manipulation being used to control us and keep us down. This isn’t about us versus them and having to fight back, it’s about KNOWLEDGE. When you become aware, you begin to see the world very differently, and ultimately, you make different choices. Mainstream media loves portraying the news in a negative light to play on our fears and deceive us, as it’s full of elitist agendas that sway political thought. It’s hard to tell what exactly is real today. This is why independent critical thinking is so important to find truth in a world of faulicy. 


Thursday, March 9, 2023

An Act of War - A Cover-Up - The Lies Continue


       George Sontag

      On September 26, 2022, the Nord Stream pipelines exploded. An investigation by two Scandinavian countries into what had happened was concluded and quickly classified. There would be no release to the press. The investigations were clear – in an act of war, the U.S. attacked Russian assets. The plan was two-fold. Stop Russia from selling it’s gas making Europe completely dependent on U.S. gas which is now being sold at three to four times the previous amount much to Europe's dismay.

      The problem for the U.S. was that were Europeans normalizing relations with Russia not only economically but in many areas. They were trying to come to common ground which did not include war. They had also begin to question the U.S. stance on Russia. The constant propaganda reeked of the old cold war. Europe wanted peace and the western elites wanted Russia. Reining them back in to the fold was the goal. With the destruction of the pipeline put the king(US) back in charge And have made European countries mere vassals of the U.S. Is this the way we treat our allies, our friends?

      As with all deep state operations they have to do a number of things. First, get around the law, if possible. Secrecy, from the citizens and from the Congress. So how did they do it? Easily, the plan to blow up Nord Stream 1 and 2 was suddenly downgraded from a covert operation requiring that Congress be informed to one that was deemed as a highly classified intelligence operation with U.S. military support. Under the law, our source explained, “There was no longer a legal requirement to report the operation to Congress. All they had to do now is just do it—but it still had to be secret. The Russians have superlative surveillance of the Baltic Sea.” This is a country by the people and for the people? Throughout “all of this scheming,” a source stated, “some working guys in the CIA and the State Department were saying, ‘Don’t do this. It’s stupid and will be a political nightmare if it comes out.’”

      Second, denial and cover-up. In the immediate aftermath of the pipeline bombing, the American media treated it like an unsolved mystery. Their short memories seem to have forgotten February 7, 2022 statement by Mr. Biden when he stated, “If Russia invades there will no longer be a Nord Steam2. We will bring an end to it.” No major American newspaper or media dug into the earlier threats to the pipelines made by Biden and Undersecretary of State Nuland.

      The deep state controlled media (See; Project Mockingbird) spewed the nonsense that Russia was the likely culprit, spurred on by calculated leaks from the White House—but without ever establishing a clear motive for such an act of self-sabotage, beyond simple retribution. A few months later, when it emerged that Russian authorities had been quietly getting estimates for the cost to repair the pipelines, the New York Times described the news as “complicating theories about who was behind” the attack. The lie exposed.

      When a lie is told it must be propped up with more lies. So they came up with another fantastic tale. After issuing repeated denials of any responsibility for undersea explosions that tore through the Nord Stream pipeline used to transport Russian gas to Europe, ever-anonymous "U.S. officials" now say that new intelligence suggests blame for the sabotage lies with an independent "pro-Ukrainian group," according to a report in The New York Times on Tuesday.

      According to this new intelligence, the "explosives were most likely planted with the help of experienced divers who did not appear to be working for military or intelligence services," officials who reviewed the intel told the Times. "But it is possible that the perpetrators received specialized government training in the past." REALLY? How about those CIA divers that were trained in Panama? “The best divers with deep diving qualifications are a tight community, and only the very best are recruited for the operation and told to be prepared to be summoned to the CIA in Washington,” the source said. The Deep State is alive and well and as long as they are, the lies never end in this country of states that were united.

  • This article is concerned with the lies continuing to spew from the American regime. Details of the mentioned special operation can be read in the link.