Zeno Potas
I can’t understand why people haven’t figured it out yet? The ‘pandemic’ and the war in Ukraine are both nothing more than a cover-story for an economic collapse and an monetary system re-set. Do you think for a minute that the “Great Reset” is something that they just drew-up during the pandemic? It's something that would have been in the works for a decade at least. Don' think that Universal Basic Income is something that was just dreamt-up in the past year, nor is Modern Monetary Theory? No, these things have been in the works for decades now. Can’t you see that if this was a real pandemic there would have been far more important issues for the ‘authorities’ to concentrate on?
Don’t you ever ask yourself why all of these drastic societal changes are coming into play at this time? Are these society-restructuring schemes of paramount importance to you right now? I would think not, yet they immediately went to work getting you or-board with huge changes to your life.
Remember how in the very first day they started talking about the "New Normal’ on TV every day; not only in the news but on the TV ads. TV ads take lots of time to produce yet they were all ready to go, just sitting there waiting for the signal to air them. There were no drastic, permanent changes made to society after the 1918 influenza pandemic, so you can't say that they were basing their forecast on that.
Have you noticed that the stock markets went to an all time high? The housing markets continues to inflate into a huge bubble. Does this make sense in the middle of a pandemic? Have you noticed that the central banks have been printing money by the trillions over the past year? Does that sound like a prudent and valid response to a pandemic? The hyperinflation resulting from these trillions of new dollars are currently being hidden in the stock market bubble, the housing bubble, and even in things such as Bitcoin which surpassed $50,000 US at one time. Pandemics usually play-out in mass deaths and great sorrow; not massive investment speculation and enthusiastic home buying on the part of the general public
What really happened is that back in September of 2019 the economic system finally started imploding and that was their cue to start implementing all of the grandiose plans they have had in the works for decades. But they had a problem; how to cover for all of the economic destruction that would result from the collapse and the implementation of the new system without letting the masses realize that the economic woes are the result of actions taken by those in power. After all the people aren't going to readily accept a new monetary system from the same people whose actions and fraud caused the economic disaster in the first place. In fact, the people would likely decide to bring criminal actions against those responsible.
The brilliant answer that they came up with was to use a fake pandemic as a cover. The pandemic could be blamed for the closure of businesses and the economic crisis that would ensue. As long as people can be convinced to be afraid of the pandemic’ they will believe that the economic devastation was just an unavoidable consequence of a fully justified lock-down.
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