M. Richard Maxson
are living in a world where mainstream media literally beams their
perception of events in the consciousness of people through
television programming. Our
mainstream media is a tool of social engineering and propaganda. This
discussion is not about whether or not the western mainstream media
ever gives us an accurate view of what’s happening in the world, it
does not. It is a discussion of Americans being misled into a
delusion of a world that simply is not accurate.
The U.S. has always been a very frightened society, maybe the safest country in the world, but very frightened, because it doesn’t take much to scare people, and propaganda does just that. Media manipulation does not just come by reporting things that aren't true, nor by failing to report things that are true, but by allowing false narratives to be created. Former Attorney General, William Barr, was spot on when he stated, “They’re basically a collection of liars. Most of the mainstream media,” Barr said. “They’re a collection of liars and they know exactly what they’re doing. The reality is that the U.S. is living in a fear state constantly perpetuated by the mainstream media, the government, and the elite.
We are always at war, a war on this, a war on that, a real war but look over here, pay no attention, a shiny object. Every evening, what horrible thing is happening now? You as you turn on any MSM network “news” to hear the BUM PA BUM BUM BUM. Their opening music is such that the next thirty minutes must not only be important, it could be deadly. The more drama that can be thrust into the news on a daily basis, the more viewers and therefore the more profit.
The irony is, propaganda and fake news are often one in the same. In some cases governments create events and stories that are completely fabricated. In other cases they will completely change the context or mislead in order to get the end result they want. We see things over and over and over, to a point where we can no longer rationalize the scale at which something is happening — like terrorism, for example. You would think with the amount it’s talked about and the level of security that exists, we were having terrorist attacks in North America every single day. But we’re not, not even close. But this is the job of an elite-controlled media — to make it feel as though we are constantly under threat.
Using propaganda gives countries control over their citizens and aligns them under one narrative, even if it’s not factual. Arguments in favor of propaganda include the idea that when it comes to life or death, getting the public on your side is important. But what happens when propaganda becomes the everyday tool for powerful interests to simply maintain their power? When it isn’t a question of life or death, but a question of powerful figures maintaining, and even growing, their power?
When you begin to open up to the idea that propaganda is a tool for powerful folks to get the public on their side about an idea, without telling them the truth, you start seeing the problem but how have they pulled it off?
Mainstream media is essentially owned by corporations and the government, because those are the very agents who fund them. It is a known fact that the Deep State, the C.I.A. and all other intelligence agencies, have agents in every publication in the country. Social media giants Facebook and Twitter have been found to have over half of their upper staffers with connections to to F.B.I. - C.I.A. - and Homeland Security carefully monitoring and censoring, excuse me, advising all of these corporations.
Since the majority of the public trusts the government and mass corporations, AKA the propaganda machines, most of the so-called “newsworthy” content comes from them. This allows users to create a sense of trust towards these sources, falsely deeming certain networks for their point of view that is not in line with the regime, less credible and creating belief systems that prevent viewers from critically thinking or thinking at all.
It seems undemocratic doesn’t it? The same ‘democracy” they accuse others of endangering they can ignore. If powerful people can withhold truth or sway public opinion with deception, does the voter truly have all the information necessary to make a valid judgment or to cast a meaningful vote? Of course not, The massive lies in the 2016 and 2020 elections are a stark reminder of this, but those in power believe the common person does not have the capacity to understand truth, and therefore propaganda becomes the means by which public opinion is shaped.
“Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.”
- Edward Bernays, in his book Propaganda
This suggests there isn’t a democracy in the United States. Not just because propaganda is shaping public opinion in a way that makes people’s votes uninformed, but also because there are groups of individuals who control politicians that the average voter is unaware of. The theory that citizens and their desires are represented through the democratic process is not supported by reality. It pains me to see how obvious this reality is, yet still see the intellectual elite of the United States, who write for publications like The Atlantic, New York Times, and Washington Post, continue to cry out that US democracy is under threat. What democracy? What world are these folks living in that they cannot see the reality of the system they live within?
The national mainstream media has dropped any pretense of professional objectivity. They are political actors, not journalists, highly partisan, who try to shape what they’re reporting to achieve a political purpose and support a political narrative that has nothing to do with the truth. It’s has been very destructive to our Republic; it’s very destructive to the Democratic system to have that, especially being so monolithic. It’s contributing to a lot of the intensity and partisanship dividing the populace into two camps. The one’s who are completely unaware of reality except the regime's reality of what is fed to them every day,and the one’s who have seen this evil for what it is, and those are the ones who are rightfully scared for the future of the States that were united.
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