M. Richard Maxson
There was a time, before 2015, when Donald Trump was the toast of the elite. He was a guest at countless Hollywood parties rubbing elbows with the stars who considered him their friend. The same with politicians, especially the Democrats who, Trump was one until 2001, and they still loved being photographed with him as a friend. So, what happened?
A brief recall of that facts as we know them:
During the debates in February of 2016, Donald Trump came out and exposed the Deep State, the U.S. government, as liars in regards to Iraq. Assuming that Hillary Clinton would win, nothing was done about this leak until the race got close which spawned the infamous false statements of 51 intelligence officials. This marked the acceleration of the election interference by them across the board.
After the 2016 election, when Donald Trump won, the next 24 hours were spent with the elite and the state deciding how to stop him at all costs. Assassination WAS discussed at length but due to the residue of their JFK action it was decided that sabotage of the incoming administration and using massive and constant attacks on him from media and others would neutralize him and his peace policies.
The sabotage began after a meeting of traitors in the White House which included Mr. Obama, Mr. Biden, Hillary Clinton and others, to set hidden “trip-up bombs” within the government to thwart and delay his administration from changing the status quo. This was done in the period of early November right up to the inauguration in January of 2017.
Link: Will Trump Be Assassinated? The Regime's 'Vicious Hatred' For Trump
Constant anti Trump media spewing outright lies were and are being allowed to fly as truth destroying the minds of many Americans and dividing them and their families, perhaps forever.
LINK:Keith Olbermann sparks outrage by saying 'there's always the hope' Trump will be assassinated
Now the situation is different. Many Americans have had their eyes opened and those eyes are focused so pulling another faux election summery is out of the question.
Mr. Obama and his traitors still clandestinely control the government. They are once again planning another round of “trip-up bombs” just in case President Trump takes the electoral collage again.
Link: Leftists Falsely Suggest Biden Can Assassinate Trump
But they are starting to panic. If it appears they will lose power, maybe assassination will be plausible. It could be a lone gunman. A deranged anti-Trumper with unfortunate case of TDS. That will play with the media fully behind it to, you know, unfortunate but he saved our democracy.
Link: Jen Psaki says some Republicans are supporting Trump because ‘maybe he will die’
Link: Journalists caught on hot mic joking about Trump being assassinated: ‘Like JFK’
For those who maintain the validity of the mainstream narrative that the Obama Administration did not commit any crimes before, during or after the transition of the Trump administration into the White House, I would ask you this simple question: does the mainstream media ever say ‘you don’t have to trust us, look at the evidence yourself and draw your own conclusions’? The answer is no. They do not. By and large they try to assure you that THEY can be trusted, and you shouldn’t bother to do all that investigative work yourself. After all, their information comes from trusted ‘sources’ and well-connected ‘officials.’ You may have noticed that more and more you are not told who these people actually are. There is a reason. The mainstream media is the greatest tool the Deep State has used in the cover-up of high-level crimes.
Note: the CIA involvement in mainstream media is now well documented and incontestable.
UPDATE: This article was finished yesterday morning. Last night it came true...
President Trump Assassination attempt
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