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Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Neglected Truths

       M. Richard Maxson                         

 "The truth will not be denied. The truth always wins. To the extent that we align ourselves with it, we thrive. To the extent that we deny it, we suffer."- Unknown

      Does the truth matter? We live in an age of unprecedented challenges to the truth. It is under siege every minute of every day. All of us can point to examples: Politicians who manipulate the truth or withhold it, the re-evaluation and re-writing of history, or the meaning of our Constitution and our laws. Here are some random truth for your collective consciousness.

  • The biggest difference between the left and right today, when it comes to racial issues, is that liberals tend to take the side of those blacks who are doing the wrong things -- hoodlums the left depicts as martyrs, while the right defends those blacks more likely to be the victims of those hoodlums.
  • In Europe, “Democratic Socialism” has weakened many nations, leaving them open to an invasion by millions of Muslim immigrants.
  • Obama isn’t really a Socialist, but he is, like most of Democrats and Republicans, a corporatist, if not an economic fascist.    
  • Academia in general, and the elite northeastern schools in particular, have long been seen as a bastion for left-wing professors. The latest numbers show that 1 in 28 Ivy League professors are Leftists. “I am amazed at how high that number is,” - Harvard Dean Michael D. Smith 
  • In a world where the truth means so little, and headstrong preconceptions seem to be all that matter, what hope is there for rational words or rational behavior, much less mutual understanding across racial lines?
  • Most crime, except perhaps white-collar crime, is committed by people who vote Democratic. Therefore, it's not surprising that former Attorney General Eric Holder, President Barack Obama and their liberal Democratic partners want to end laws that prevent felons and ex-felons from voting. Felons and ex-felons are seen as an important part of their party's constituency.
  • When you’ve spent your whole life believing that everyone should be judged by the content of his character and the merit of his actions, not the color of his skin, it’s a little shocking to find out that almost no one seems to believe in this idea any more except for mostly white conservative Americans. 
  • Democrats used to consider themselves the champions of blue collar workers. But not any more. Democrats today have new hip friends, like crony Socialist billionaires posing as renewable energy moguls reaping billions in taxpayer corporate welfare, in return for the political contributions that keep today’s Democrat Calculated Deception machine going.
  • NATO: its very reason to exist terminated when the Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact military alliance ended in 1991; but, yet, it continues even today. The Pentagon’s decision to deploy F22 fighter aircraft to Europe for the first time in history and 20 new atomic warheads into Germany threatens now to bring about WW III. Experts have said that if people fear a nuclear war, they must go as far as possible from Europe, to countries such as New Zealand. The chances to survive are high there.
  • Have you ever noticed how Republicans in public tend to speak their own mind and as a result all seem to say something different? That doesn't happen to Democrats. When they go on TV they are the epitome of the disciplined message. They all say the same thing, even using the very same words.
  • Talking the talk of “free markets” but proposing policies that mostly amount to collaborations between well-placed private-sector interests and the State is the hallmark of “corporatism,” or “state capitalism,” or even economic fascism.
  • If you want to spend your life nursing grievances, you will never run out of grievances to nurse, regardless of what color your skin is. If some people cannot be rotten to you because of your race, they will find some other reason to be rotten to you. The question is whether you want to deal with such episodes at the time when they occur or whether you want to nurse your grievances for years, and look for opportunities for "payback" against other people for what somebody else did.
*This series was inspired by Thomas Sowell

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